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Steven A. Leibo, East & Southeast Asia. The World Today Series 2015-2016, 47th Editions.,
MD, Stryker-Post Publications, 2015, ISBN: n/a
Daljit Singh, Southeast Asian Affairs 2015, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2015, ISBN:
9789814620581 Kishore Mahbubani and Jeffery Sng, The ASEAN Miracle. A Catalyst For
Peace, NUS Press, 2017, ISBN: n/a
Acharya, A, The Making of Southeast Asia: International Relations of a Region, First edition,
Cornell University Press, 2013, ISBN: n/a
Acharya, A., The quest for identity: International relations of Southeast Asia, Oxford University
Press Pte Ltd., 2000, ISBN: n/a
Arndt, H.W. & Hill, Hal (ed.), Southeast Asia’s economic crisis: Origins, lessons and the way
forward, ISEAS Publications, 1999, ISBN: n/a

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