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Name: Varona, Christian Gaius R.

Section: ARC-202
Subject: AHISTOR1
Professor: Ar. Ruiza Anne Apil M. Dagli
Date: January 12, 2021

The facts and theories that surrounds the Stonehenge

Many historians and archeologists tried to solve the mystery behind the
Stonehenge. Questions and queries were raised in the field of architecture and
engineering, “How does it build and who built the Stonehenge?” But the main fact that
surrounds the Stonehenge is that it was built and there are people behind the
construction of the Stonehenge. Base on the history, there is archaeological evidence
that Stonehenge was used as a burial site, at least for part of its long history, but most
scholars believe it served other functions as well—either as a ceremonial site, a
religious pilgrimage destination, a final resting place for royalty or a memorial erected to
honor and perhaps spiritually connect with distant ancestors.

Stonehenge is one of the mysterious constructions in the history since it was built
way backed 5000 years ago where there was no heavy equipment, no crane, no tools to
carry the more than 40 tons and 24 ft high stones and were aligned and arranged
perfectly. According to the 12th-century writer Geoffrey of Monmouth, whose
tale of King Arthur and mythical account of English history were considered
factual well into the Middle Ages, Stonehenge is the handiwork of the wizard
Merlin. In the mid-fifth century, the story goes, hundreds of British nobles were
slaughtered by the Saxons and buried on Salisbury Plain. Hoping to erect a
memorial to his fallen subjects, King Aureoles Ambrosias sent an army to
Ireland to retrieve a stone circle known as the Giants’ Ring, which ancient
giants had built from magical African bluestones.

The soldiers successfully defeated the Irish but failed to move the
stones, so Merlin used his sorcery to spirit them across the sea and arrange
them above the mass grave. Legend has it that Ambrosias and his brother
Uther, King Arthur’s father, are buried there as well. While many believed
Monmouth’s account to be the true story of Stonehenge’s creation for
centuries, the monument’s construction predates Merlin —or, at least, the real-
life figures who are said to have inspired him —by several thousand years.
Other early hypotheses attributed its building to the Saxons, Danes, Rom ans,
Greeks or Egyptians. This was based on the documentary history.
The facts and theories that surrounds the Stonehenge

But If we will rely on the scriptures, called bible – The Word of God. If we will
encounter the text in Genesis 6:4, “There were giants in those days”. The detail how big
the giant was were not written, but if we will try to understand how the Stonehenge built.
Maybe or it could be the human before was not the same strength and power we have
now. They are powerful and strong. Remember Samson who pushed the two pillars
after he prayed then it was broken down and demolished, remember Joshua with his
people turned around seven times in wall of Canaan based on God’s instruction then
the wall was broken down and demolished, Remember Noah built an Ark and his
architect was God who gave him the plans and details. Those are people mentioned in
the bible which were powerful and strong with God. The idea how the Stonehenge built,
it was the people or the human being before had an enough strength to carry heavy
stones and materials. They built this may be for some religious purpose or gathering,
either as a ceremonial site, a religious pilgrimage destination, a final resting place for
royalty or a memorial erected to honor and perhaps spiritually connect with distant

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