Rigidity Predictor

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Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

ISSN: 1537-4416 (Print) 1537-4424 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hcap20

Rigidity and Sensory Sensitivity: Independent

Contributions to Selective Eating in Children,
Adolescents, and Young Adults

Hana F. Zickgraf, Emily Richard, Nancy L. Zucker & Gregory L. Wallace

To cite this article: Hana F. Zickgraf, Emily Richard, Nancy L. Zucker & Gregory L. Wallace
(2020): Rigidity and Sensory Sensitivity: Independent Contributions to Selective Eating in
Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2020.1738236

Published online: 19 Mar 2020.

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Rigidity and Sensory Sensitivity: Independent Contributions to Selective Eating

in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Hana F. Zickgraf , Emily Richardb, Nancy L. Zucker c
, and Gregory L. Wallace b

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago; bDepartment of Speech,
Language and Hearing Sciences, The George Washington University; cDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University

Objective: Selective or “picky” eating (SE) refers to rejection of a wide range of familiar and
unfamiliar foods based on aversions to their sensory properties. When severe, SE can cause
symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), including weight loss, nutritional
deficiencies, and/or psychosocial impairment. SE is highly prevalent in autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) compared to both typical development and other developmental disorders. A possible
explanation for the high prevalence of SE in ASD is the effect of core ASD symptoms, repetitive/
restrictive behaviors (e.g., rigidity), and sensory sensitivity on feeding behaviors. These traits are
found not only in ASD but also in other clinical groups and the general population, albeit often at
subclinical levels. Identifying mechanisms of SE across various populations is critical to inform
intervention approaches.
Methods: In 263 unselected children ages 5–17, 534 unselected college students ages 18–22, 179
children with anxiety/obsessive spectrum disorders ages 5–17, and 185 children with ASD ages
4–17, we explored the unique contributions of sensory (i.e., oral texture and olfactory) sensitivities
and rigidity as predictors of self/parent-reported SE.
Results: In each sample, rigidity and oral texture sensitivity, controlling for olfactory sensitivity,
age, and gender, emerged as significant, independent predictors of SE.
Conclusions: This is the first study to highlight the importance of cognitive/behavioral rigidity to
SE, and one of the first to illustrate the domain-specificity of the relationship between sensory
sensitivity and SE.

Introduction also vary in the food variety present in their diet,

sometimes based on aversions to sensory properties
Food neophobia, or rejection of novel foods or their
or presentation/preparation of foods, a term referred
ingredients, is part of typical development, peaking
to as picky or selective eating.
during the toddler years and gradually decreasing
Problematically, the meaning of picky or selective
across later childhood (e.g., Birch et al., 1996;
eating is variably defined across studies and historically,
Carruth et al., 2004). Food neophobia is a highly different authors and studies have used different sever-
conserved behavior that is evident in every omnivor- ity thresholds or levels to group participants on picky
ous species and is protective against the accidental eating behavior (Taylor et al., 2015). This has contrib-
ingestion of toxins (Ventura & Worobey, 2013). The uted to confusion about how to differentiate feeding
developmental window during which humans express problems from developmentally typical neophobic eat-
heightened food neophobia coincides with toddlers’ ing in young children and/or from benign individual
increasing physical independence and ability to self- differences in food preference and dietary variety in
feed. During development, as children are exposed to children, adolescents, and adults (e.g., Eddy et al.,
a variety of foods and become familiar with the foods 2019). However, it appears clear that: (1) a subset of
in their environment, the expression of food neopho- children demonstrate greater selective and neophobic
bia declines (e.g., Pliner & Loewen, 1997). Yet, food eating than their same-aged peers, usually beginning
neophobia is also an individual difference, with some before age five and in some cases persisting throughout
children demonstrating more pervasive avoidance that, development into adulthood, and (2) selective/picky
at the extreme, may impair functioning. In addition to eating is associated with psychosocial impairment and
their initial willingness to taste a novel food, children reduced dietary variety/quality in some cases or

CONTACT Hana F. Zickgraf zickgraf@uchicago.edu 5941 S. Maryland Ave, MC 3077, Chicago, IL 60637
© 2020 Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

contexts (e.g., Cardona Cano et al., 2015; Mascola et al., The role of emotional reactions, most commonly
2010; Wildes, et al., 2012; N. Zucker et al., 2015). anxiety, in driving food avoidance has been emphasized
Although definitions are variable, up to 30% of children in the early literature on subclinical SE in typically
and adults are identified as selective or picky eaters developing children (e.g., Taylor et al., 2015). In con-
using a deliberately broad criterion (e.g., agreement trast, within the ASD and, more recently, in the eating
on a true/false or dichotomized likert-type scale; Ellis disorder literature, SE is usually considered to be driven
et al., 2017; Taylor et al., 2015; Zickgraf et al., 2016). by sensory experiences, in isolation or in association
Picky or selective eating is more prevalent in vulnerable with emotional reactions. For example, in their dimen-
populations. For example, across studies, 60–70% of sional model of ARFID eating restrictions, Thomas and
school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder colleagues refer to the presentation of ARFID charac-
(ASD) are described as “picky eaters” by their parents terized by SE as “sensory sensitivity” and suggest that
(e.g., Kral et al., 2013; Marí-Bauset et al., 2014). This this is the key mechanism implicated in the eating
rate far exceeds the prevalence among not only indivi- restriction (Thomas et al., 2017). This terminology has
duals from the general population but also other atypi- since been adopted in several clinical phenomenology
cally developing groups (Beighley et al., 2013). studies of ARFID (e.g., Dumont et al., 2019; Reilly et al.,
Prior to the 2013 introduction of Avoidant Restrictive 2019). Similarly, prior studies have linked sensory sen-
Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) to the Diagnostic and sitivities to SE not only in children with ASD (e.g.,
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition Chistol et al., 2018; Dovey et al., 2019; Kral et al.,
(DSM-5; APA, 2013), infants and children up to age 6 2013; Nadon et al., 2011) but also in typically develop-
with severely limited dietary variety due to rejection of ing children (e.g., Nederkoorn et al., 2019; Steinsbekk
familiar and unfamiliar foods (e.g., selective or picky et al., 2017). In two cross-sectional studies of children,
eating) could be diagnosed with Feeding Disorder of sensory sensitivity has been shown to fully mediate the
Infancy and Early Childhood (FDIEC). FDIEC in infants relationship between anxiety and SE (Farrow &
and toddlers, and severe selective or picky eating in Coulthard, 2012; Zickgraf & Elkins, 2018). However,
children with ASD and other developmental disabilities the amount of variance in SE predicted by sensory
have historically been treated by feeding disorder specia- sensitivity is relatively small, indicating that other,
lists using escape extinction and reinforcement-based unmeasured predictors are present (e.g., Zickgraf &
procedures to shape acceptance of a wider range of Elkins, 2018).
foods (e.g., Lukens & Silverman, 2014). In the feeding Cognitive components, such as cognitive flexibility,
disorder literature, the term “selective eating” is more the ability to switch between mental tasks or states,
commonly used than “picky eating.” ARFID was intro- may play a role in the development or maintenance of
duced to DSM-5 in response to clinical need, and the SE. This neuropsychological function is believed to
recognition that nutritional and psychosocial impair- underlie and/or contribute to psychopathological symp-
ment due to severe selective or picky eating (among toms of cognitive and behavioral rigidity, including repe-
other eating restrictions that can cause ARFID) can titive behaviors, restricted interests, obsessions and
develop across the lifespan and onset is not limited to compulsions, perfectionism, and difficulty coping with
children under six or those with developmental disabil- novelty, change, or unexpected events (e.g., Kashdan &
ities (APA, 2013). Typically developing school-aged chil- Rotterberg, 2010; Schultz & Searleman, 2002). Cognitive/
dren, adolescents, and adults with severe selective or behavioral rigidity is a shared phenotypic trait across
picky eating often present for treatment at eating dis- ASD and anorexia nervosa, although it has yet to be
order focused centers (e.g., Nicely et al., 2014; Zickgraf, explored in populations with ARFID or subclinical
Lane-Loney, et al., 2019). In the eating disorder litera- symptoms like SE (e.g., Westwood, Eisler, et al., 2016,
ture, severe SE that can lead to ARFID has variously Westwood, Stahl, et al., 2016; Zucker & Losh, 2008;
been referred to as “selective/neophobic eating” and Zucker et al., 2007). Case studies of ARFID characterized
“sensory sensitivity.” Given the relatively large evidence by SE and research on nonclinical child and adult selec-
base suggesting that subclinical selective or picky eating tive eaters document rigidity around how food is pre-
exists on a continuum with the severe manifestation pared or presented (e.g., eating only certain brands of
potentially causing feeding and eating disorder symp- a preferred food, difficulty eating preferred foods in
toms, we will use “selective eating” (SE) in this manu- unfamiliar restaurant settings) and difficulty transition-
script to refer to the full severity range of this eating ing between meals and other activities, in addition to
restriction (e.g., Ellis et al., 2017; Wildes et al., 2012; aversive responses to the sensory properties of food
Zickgraf et al., 2016; Zickgraf & Schepps, 2016; (Bryant-Waugh, 2013; Chiarello, et al., 2018; Kauer
N. Zucker et al., 2015). et al., 2015; Mascola et al., 2010; Zickgraf, Murray,

et al., 2019). Treatments for ARFID in both neurotypical differing in age and diagnosis, the relationships
and ASD populations emphasize cognitive interventions between specific domains of sensory sensitivity and
including enhancing flexibility and promoting disconfir- SE, and for the first time, the relationship between
mation learning, rather than sensory habituation alone, cognitive rigidity and SE. We hypothesize that smell
although as noted above, the dominant treatment mod- and oral texture sensitivity will be uniquely related to
ality for severe SE in very young children and children SE, as these are the sensory modalities most involved in
with developmental delays does not emphasize cognitive choosing and experiencing foods, and that cognitive
change, likely due to the often limited verbal and/or rigidity will be a significant, independent predictor of
cognitive capacities of this population (e.g., Chiarello the severity of SE across samples.
et al., 2018; Dumont et al., 2019; Kuschner et al., 2017; The second broad aim is to explore group differences
Lukens & Silverman, 2014; Thomas & Eddy, 2018; in the degree of SE and the standardized effect sizes for
N. L. Zucker et al., 2018). sensory sensitivity and cognitive rigidity between general
A possible explanation for the very high prevalence samples of young adults and children/adolescents.
of SE in people with ASD is the impact of core ASD Zickgraf and Elkins (2018) highlighted differences in
symptoms, including not only sensory sensitivities but the strength of the relationship between sensory sensi-
also restrictive/repetitive behaviors, particularly insis- tivity and SE between children ages 7–17 and young
tence on sameness. Taking a dimensional, transdiag- adult college students, as well as sample differences in
nostic perspective, these traits are found not only in the degree of SE reported. A comparison between young
ASD but also in other clinical groups and in the adults and a representative, rather than clinical, sample
general population, albeit often at subclinical levels. of children will help to clarify whether the difference in
The current study seeks to challenge the current focus degree of SE and strength of the sensory sensitivity/SE
on sensory sensitivity as the primary driver of SE and relationship observed by Zickgraf and Elkins (2018) was
resulting ARFID in the eating disorder literature by due to age-related developmental differences or to the
exploring cognitive/behavioral rigidity as an addi- anxiety/OC-spectrum diagnoses in the child sample
tional predictor of SE in typically developing children, (note that the child and adolescent samples in the cur-
children with anxiety and OC-spectrum disorders, rent study are the same as those whose data were used in
and young adults, as well as children with ASD. Zickgraf & Elkins, 2018). We hypothesize that while
Identifying contributors to SE across various popula- children/adolescents and young adults will differ in
tions and developmental stages is critical to inform degree of SE, the predictors of SE will remain consistent
the intervention approach and choice. Because ARFID across all four samples.
is a lifespan diagnosis, it is necessary to explore
whether the same candidate contributors predict SE
severity across age groups. Identifying transdiagnos-
tic, neuropsychological correlates of SE is a necessary This study is a secondary analysis of data from four
first step to understanding the key mechanisms samples, each recruited separately for studies with their
involved in the etiology and maintenance of disor- own specific aims. HFZ collected data from the anxiety/
dered eating symptoms. These contributors can then OC-spectrum, representative, and college student sam-
guide the development of interventions that target the ples. GLW collected data from the ASD sample.
underlying mechanisms of expressed behavioral and Different measures of sensory sensitivity, cognitive
cognitive symptoms (e.g., Sanislow et al., 2010). rigidity, and selective eating were used in the samples
By examining two potential predictors of SE in chil- recruited by HFZ and GLW. Details for each of these
dren and young adults who are beyond the develop- samples and their respective measures are provided
mental window where SE is expressed, we sought to below.
identify factors that contribute to the maintenance of
SE into age groups where it is less normative and
potentially more likely to contribute to a subclinical
impairment or even ARFID. This is the first study to Anxiety/OC-Spectrum Clinic Sample
date to explore the independent contributions of sen- Parents of children ages 5–17 were recruited at
sory sensitivity and cognitive/behavioral rigidity to SE a university-based tertiary anxiety/OCD clinic to parti-
in samples with typical development, OCD/anxiety, cipate in a study on the temperamental correlates of
or ASD. selective eating. The main eligibility criterion was hav-
The current study has two broad aims. The first is to ing a primary diagnosis of an anxiety disorder (general-
explore, in a conceptual replication across four samples ized anxiety, specific phobia, separation anxiety,

selective mutism, social anxiety), obsessive-compulsive were missing for 13 children (4.9%). Parent respondents
disorder, tic disorder, or trichotillomania/excoriation reported educational attainment ranging from less than
disorder. Children and parents were approached in high school (2.3%), high school education (25.9%) some
the clinic waiting room. Parents provided written college (22.8%), two-year college degree (13.7%), four-
informed consent, and children provided verbal and year college degree (21.7%), master’s degree (11.8%),
written assent. Parents were paid 5 USD as an incentive and doctoral degrees (1.5%).
for participation and completed paper-and-pencil sur-
veys. A total of 224 families were approached, and 203 Undergraduate Sample
(90.6%) consented. Of these, 21 did not return their Five hundred and thirty-four undergraduates enrolled
completed surveys, resulting in a completion rate of in psychology courses at the University of Pennsylvania
81.3%. Three participants with missing data on one or were recruited during the fall 2016 semester to partici-
more study variables were excluded from the analyses, pate in research for course credit. Twenty-four partici-
resulting in a final sample size of 179. A majority of pants (4.5%) with missing data on study variables were
survey respondents (77.0%) were mothers. Data on excluded. Participants were 71.0% female and 29.0%
parents’ educational attainment were available from male, and had a mean age of 19.94 (2.27) years; 97.3%
a subset of participants (69.5%) who completed demo- were ages 18–22. These participants were initially
graphic data collection during the clinic’s intake proce- recruited for a study of parent/child resemblance in
dure; more than 75% of mothers and fathers had eating behaviors (Elkins & Zickgraf); their data were
a four-year college degree or higher education. also used in a study exploring the mediating role of
Children were 58.1% male, 41.3% cisgender female, sensory sensitivity in the selective eating/anxiety rela-
and 0.6% transgender female with a mean age of tionship (Zickgraf & Elkins, 2018). Data on parental
11.85 (3.48) years. Data from a subset of this sample education were not available from this sample of parti-
were used in a previous study exploring the mediation cipants; however, biological parents of 109 participants
of the anxiety/selective eating relationship by sensory (20.4% of the sample) participated in the study of
over-responsivity (Zickgraf & Ellis, 2018). parent/child resemblance in eating behaviors, and
these parents reported high educational attainment
Representative Sample (88% with a four-year degree or higher education)
Parents of children ages 5–17 years living in the United and family income (72% with household income
States were recruited online from a commercial survey greater than 100,000 USD per year; Elkins & Zickgraf,
participant panel service (Qualtrics INC) recruited to be 2018). This is consistent with the demographics of the
nationally representative on geographical region, educa- University of Pennsylvania undergraduates (Chetty
tion attainment, and race/ethnicity. The surveys were et al., 2017).
completed online in a single sitting. A total of 2688
panel workers were screened, of whom 2088 (56.6%) Children with ASD Sample
were ineligible because they did not have children One hundred and eighty-five parents of 4- to 17-year-
between ages 5–17, 456 (28.5%) did not consent to parti- old children with ASD (134 male, 72%), recruited
cipate in research, 470 (29.4%) consented but did not through advertisements in a community ASD clinic
complete the survey, and 169 (6.3%) failed embedded newsletter, completed anonymous, one-time online
attention checks or finished the survey in under 5 min. questionnaires about their children’s eating habits and
Of the final 505, 242 were randomized to respond to a set were paid 10 USD as an incentive to participate in this
of survey instruments that did not include the SensOR or study. Inclusion criteria were not only a community-
AQ. The present sample includes 263 parents, 191 based diagnosis of ASD but also an elevated score on
(72.6%) of whom were mothers. Parents were asked to the Autism Quotient-10 (Allison et al., 2012), a brief
report how many eligible children they had (e.g., ages ASD screening tool. Additionally, children currently on
5–17). A random number generator was used to choose a special diet (e.g., a gluten-free diet) or who had lost
an integer between 1 and the number reported (inclusive); five or more pounds in the month prior to screening
parents were instructed to answer the survey questions were excluded from participation. Two hundred and
about the child whose place in the birth order of eligible twenty-four parents reported that their child had
children corresponded to the generated number. Parents a diagnosis of ASD, but 27 did not pass AQ-10 screen-
were asked to enter the selected child’s name, initials, or ing criteria and 12 children were on a special diet and/
a nickname, which was then piped into the text of all or had lost five or more pounds in the last month and
questions. The children were 47.5% male and 47.5% were therefore excluded from study participation. The
female; due to an error in the survey, data on child gender final sample of children had a mean age of 8.65 (3.04)

years. In this sample, 65% of respondents indicated that internal consistency in this sample (smell sensitivity:
maternal education was a four-year college degree or α = .90; oral texture sensitivity: α = .91). There was
higher education attainment. no measure of non-oral texture sensitivity in the ASD

Selective Eating
Sensory Sensitivity In the non-ASD samples, selective eating was measured
In the non-ASD samples, sensory sensitivity to oral using the three-item picky eating (PE) subscale of the
texture, non-oral texture, and smell was assessed using nine-item ARFID screen (NIAS; Zickgraf & Ellis, 2018).
items from the SensOR (SensOR; Schoen et al., 2008). The NIAS-PE scale is a self-report measure of selective
The SensOR has seven domains, assessing discomfort or picky eating, validated in adults, that has been mod-
or distress in response to taste, texture (including oral ified for parent-report about children (Zickgraf &
and non-oral texture), smell, audition, vision, kines- Elkins, 2018). The three items (e.g., “My child is
thetic/body positioning, and movement. In the present a picky eater,” “My child dislikes most of the foods
study, we used the full smell scale (5 items, including that other kids his/her age eat,” and “My child refuses
“scented soaps” and “air fresheners”), and split the to eat everything but a short list of preferred foods”) are
texture scale into oral (86 items, e.g., “brushing teeth,” scored on a 0–5 Likert-type scale and summed for
“lumpy food,” “crumbs on face/mouth”) and non-oral a score ranging from 0 to 15. In the undergraduate
textures (29 items, e.g., “getting a haircut,” “seams in sample, the self-report version showed good internal
clothing,” “fuzzy textures”). Because the SensOR items consistency: α = .85, and the parent-report version
are dichotomous, alpha was computed based on poly- showed good internal consistency in the clinical
choric matrices. In the undergraduate sample, oral tex- (α = .94) and representative (α = .91) samples. See
ture α =.77, non-oral texture α = .94, smell α = .88. In Table 1 for item means and ranges from the three
the clinical sample, oral texture α = .78, non-oral tex- non-ASD samples.
ture α = .96, smell α = .91. In the representative sample, In the ASD sample, picky eating was assessed using
oral texture α = .82, non-oral texture α = .94, two items (“My child enjoys a wide variety of foods”
smell α = .92. and “My child decides that s/he doesn’t like a food,
In the ASD sample, smell and oral texture sensitiv- even without tasting it”) from the Food Fussiness scale
ities and their impacts were assessed using 10 total of the Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire
items (5 items each) adapted from the Eating Habits (CEBQ; Wardle et al., 2001). The frequency of occur-
Survey (Wildes et al., 2012). Example items include: “Is rence of behaviors was rated on a 5-point Likert-type
your child sensitive to the smells of food?” and “Does scale ranging from “Never” to “Always.” Although the
sensitivity to food textures keep your child from eating child NIAS and CEBQ have not been validated against
a variety of foods?” These scales demonstrated excellent each other, the adult versions of the SE subscales of the

Table 1. Demographic characteristics (age, gender) and scores on measures of rigidity, sensory processing, and picky eating.
Anxiety/OC Spectrum Clinic Sample Representative Sample Undergraduate Sample ASD Sample
N 179 263 510 185
Age 11.85 (3.48) 10.62 (3.96) 19.93 (2.27) 8.65 (3.04)
Gender ratio (M:F) 1.39 1.0 0.41 2.63
SensOR oral texture (0–1) .09 (.15) .18 (.23) .17 (.15) –
SensOR non-oral texture .10 (.11) .12 (.17) .28 (.25) –
SensOR smell .12 (.25) .07 (.18) .08 (.20) –
AQ attention switching 2.18 (2.00) 1.85 (1.94) 4.87 (2.07) –
NIAS-PE 6.16 (4.92) 7.52 (4.62) 4.42 (3.70) –
Smell sensitivity – – – 2.88 (1.20)
Oral texture sensitivity – – – 2.76 (1.24)
Flexibility Scale-Revised Total Score – – – 44.86 (8.65)
CEBQ picky eating (1–5) – – – 3.13 (1.06)
Data are represented as mean (standard deviation).

two measures are strongly correlated: r = .69 (Zickgraf total score was used because it showed the strongest corre-
& Ellis, 2018). See Table 1 for item means and ranges lation with the Behavior Rating of Executive Functioning
from the ASD sample. Shift scale (Gioia et al., 2000) a gold-standard self-/parent-
report measure of cognitive flexibility and rigidity.

In the non-ASD samples, rigidity was measured using the
Data Analysis
attention-switch subscale of the adult self-report and
child/parent-report versions of the 50-item Autism Analyses were conducted separately in each sample. To
Quotient (AQ; Auyeung et al., 2008; Woodbury-Smith explore specific aim 1, zero-order correlations among the
et al., 2005). The AQ is a screening instrument designed predictors and dependent variables (NIAS-PE in the non-
to identify possible cases of ASD in undiagnosed popula- ASD samples and CEBQ-SE in the ASD sample) were
tions and to measure phenotypic ASD traits in individuals computed (Table 2), and ordinary least squares regression
who do not meet diagnostic criteria for ASD. The atten- analyses controlling for gender and age were used to
tion switching subscale assesses both cognitive and beha- explore the unique contributions of cognitive/behavioral
vioral rigidity. Sample items include “I enjoy doing things rigidity and oral texture/smell sensitivity (Table 3). We
spontaneously” and “I find it easy to do more than one did not control for parental education because these data
thing at once.” Items are scored on a 1–4 Agree/Disagree were missing for large subsets of participants from two of
scale, and dichotomized, such that strongly agree and the four samples. In the three non-ASD samples,
agree = 1 and strongly disagree and disagree = 0. a variable assessing non-oral texture sensitivity was also
Because the items are binary, polychoric alpha was used included.
to assess internal consistency. The attention switching To compare magnitude of effect sizes for predictors
subscale showed adequate consistency in the undergrad- across the four samples, standard errors of the standar-
uate (.64) and anxiety/OC-spectrum (.65) sample, and dized regression coefficients were used to test for sig-
good internal consistency in the representative sample nificance of group differences in the magnitude of
(α = .84). The alpha coefficients in the present samples significant predictors; although we did not use formal
are consistent with the prior literature and suggest better guidelines to assess the magnitude of standardized
internal consistency than has been reported in other large betas, they are interpreted in units of standard devia-
undergraduate samples (Hurst et al., 2007). tion increases in the dependent variable, SE, for a 1-SD
Within the ASD sample, the Flexibility Scale-Revised increase in the predictor variables. Non-significant pre-
(Strang et al., 2017) was used to assess various forms of dictors were not included in the standardized models.
inflexibility. The Flexibility Scale-Revised is a valid and Differences in the magnitude of standardized coeffi-
reliable (Cronbach’s α = .75-.91) 27-item parent-report cients that were greater than ±2 SE were considered
questionnaire that assesses multiple aspects of behavioral significant. This procedure was used to address specific
flexibility for children (i.e., Routines/Rituals, Transitions/ aim 2, whether the two non-clinical samples differed in
Change, Special Interests, Social Flexibility, and the overall magnitude of predictors of SE (see
Generativity) and importantly, does not include any con- Figure 1). To address age-related differences in the
tent related to food choice or eating behaviors. For the level of SE, independent-samples t-tests were used to
current study, the total score was used as the primary global compare mean score on the NIAS-PE between the
flexibility-related correlate of interest in SE behaviors. The unselected child sample and young adult sample, and

Table 2. Correlations between selective eating and predictor variables (age, gender, rigidity, and sensory
Anxiety/OC Spectrum Clinic Sample Representative Sample Undergraduate Sample ASD Sample
Age −.08 −.10 −.04 −.03
Gender −.03 .003 −.04 .08
Rigidity .25*** .24*** .23*** .32***
Oral texture .45*** .33*** .27*** .19**
Smell .12 .15* .04 .10
Non-oral texture .33*** .20** .16*** –
***p <.001, **p <.01, *p <.05
In the anxiety/OC spectrum clinic sample, representative sample, and undergraduate sample, rigidity was measured using the AQ
attention switching scale, oral texture, smell, and non-oral texture sensitivity were measured using the respective SensOR subscales,
and selective eating was measured using the NIAS-PE. In the ASD sample, rigidity was measured using the Flexibility Scale-Revised
Total Score, and oral texture and smell sensitivity were measured using the respective subscales of the Eating Habits Survey.
Table 3. Selective eating regressed onto age, gender, rigidity, and sensory processing.
Anxiety/OC Spectrum Clinic Sample Representative Sample Undergraduate Sample ASD Sample
F(6,172) = 8.95, R2 =.21 F(6,243) = 8.01, R2 =.14 F(6,502) = 10.27, R2 =.10 F(5,179) = 6.02, R2 =.15
B (β) CI (B) t(1) p B (β) CI (B) t(1) p B (β) CI (B) t(1) p B (β) CI (B) t(1) p
Intercept 5.07 [2.39, 7.75] 3.74 <.001 5.58 [2.49, 8.08] 5.67 <.001 3.36 [0.49, 6.22] 2.30 .02 1.24 [0.17, 2.30] 2.29 .02
Age −0.12 (−.08) [−0.31, 0.07] −1.22 .23 −0.08 (−0.07) [−0.22, 0.06] −1.19 .24 −0.06 (−0.04) [−0.21, 0.07] −0.93 .30 0.03 (0.09) [−0.02, 0.08] 1.21 .23
Gender −0.06 (−.01) [−1.36, 1.23] −0.10 .92 −0.16 (−0.02) [−1.22, 0.90] −029 .77 −0.24 (−0.03) [−0.86, 0.50] −0.93 .59 0.19 (0.08) [−0.14, 0.52] 1.12 .26
Rigidity 0.51 (0.20) [0.16, 0.86] 2.87 .005 0.49 (.21) [0.22, 0.77] 3.53 <.001 0.34 (0.19) [0.18, 0.49] 4.31 <.001 0.04 (0.32) [0.02, 0.06] 4.54 <.001
Oral texture 14.07 (0.38) [8.09, 20.05] 4.64 <.001 5.29 (0.25) [2.49, 8.07] 3.27 <.001 3.91 (0.26) [2.30, 5.51] 4.79 <.001 0.22 (0.26) [0.04, 0.40] 2.46 .02
Smell 1.21 (.06) [−1.44, 3.85] 0.90 .37 0.52 (.04) [−1.03, 2.08] 0.66 .51 0.46 (0.02) [−1.23, 2.15] 0.53 .60 −0.12 (−0.14) [−0.31, 0.06] 1.32 .19
Non-oral texture 1.25 (0.02) [−6.16, 8.65] 0.33 .74 1.04 (0.10) [−0.28, 2.37] 1.55 .12 −1.3 (0.05) [−4.19, 1.59] −0.88 .38 –
In three non-ASD samples, sensory scores range = 0–1, rigidity scores range = 0–10; in ASD sample, sensory scores range = 1–5, rigidity scores range = 0–81.
Standardized betas used in Figure 1 were from trimmed models including only rigidity and oral texture sensitivity as predictors of SE.
In all samples, male = 1, female = 0.

Rigidity: Standardized regression

coefficients ±2*SE
Anxiety/OCD Representative Undergraduate ASD

Oral texture: Standardized

regression coefficients ±2*SE






Anxiety/OCD Representative Undergraduate ASD
-0.1 Spectrum

Figure 1. Statistical comparison of the magnitude of standardized beta coefficients from trimmed models, including only the two
significant independent variables shown in Table 3.

between the anxiety clinic sample and the unselected undergraduate samples (rs = .09, .11, and .21). In the
child sample. The magnitude of group differences was ASD sample, oral texture sensitivity was not signifi-
assessed using Cohen’s d effect sizes, with effect sizes of cantly correlated with rigidity measured on the
.20 considered small, .50 medium, and .80 large Flexibility scale (r = .12). Smell sensitivity was not
(Cohen, 1992). significantly correlated with rigidity in any sample (rs
in the three non-ASD samples were −.06, .05, and .05;
in the ASD sample, r = – .11).
Across the four samples, VIF was <2.0 for each
In all four samples, rigidity and oral texture sensitivity predictor, supporting the assumption of non-
showed significant zero-order correlations with selec- multicollinearity. Across all four samples, both flexibil-
tive eating (Table 2). In the three non-ASD samples ity and oral texture sensitivity emerged as significant,
non-oral texture sensitivity was also correlated with independent predictors of SE. Sensitivity to smell and
selective eating, although more modestly than oral non-oral texture was not independently associated with
texture sensitivity in each sample. The two primary SE in the three samples in which it was explored.
predictor variables showed modest intercorrelations. Overall model R2 and standardized beta coefficients for
In all three non-ASD samples, AQ set shifting was the predictors were examined across the four samples to
correlated with non-oral texture sensitivity (rs = .33, explore the relative magnitude of relationships between
.17, and .24 in the anxiety/OC spectrum clinic, repre- sensory sensitivity/cognitive flexibility and SE. There were
sentative, and undergraduate samples, respectively), sample differences in the amount of overall SE variance
whereas oral texture sensitivity was only significantly explained by the predictors, with R2 of .21 in the anxiety
correlated with AQ set shifting (p < .01) in the clinic sample, .15 in the ASD sample, .14 in the

representative child/adolescent sample, and .10 in the predictor of SE despite the wide age ranges in the
undergraduate sample. three child samples. We had no hypotheses regarding
Differences in the effect sizes of the two significant SE gender as a predictor of SE; there is little published
predictors, oral sensory sensitivity and cognitive rigidity, evidence for gender differences in levels of SE, and the
and SE were explored by comparing standardized betas available evidence is somewhat mixed (Taylor et al.,
and overall R2. We hypothesized that there would be no 2015).
significant difference between the strength of predictors This study highlights the potential domain-specificity
between the two non-clinical samples. Other compari- of the sensory sensitivity/SE relationship. The current
sons were exploratory. Although there were some differ- results suggest that oral texture sensitivity is a more
ences in apparent magnitude of effects in the untrimmed specific predictor of SE across populations than smell
models (Table 3; e.g., a standardized coefficient of 0.38 sensitivity despite both sensory modalities being
for oral texture sensitivity in the anxiety/OC-spectrum involved in the experience of eating and in sensory
clinic sample vs. standardized coefficients of .25, .26, and exploration of new foods. Across samples, oral texture
.26 in the representative, undergraduate, and ASD sam- sensitivity was a consistent predictor, with no significant
ples, respectively), all effect sizes for both predictors were differences in effect size magnitude. Of note, although
within ±2 SE of one another (see Figure 1). the measures of sensory sensitivity to smell and oral
To explore age-related developmental differences in texture differed across samples, with a measure of gen-
the level of SE, an independent-samples t-test was used eral sensory aversion used in the three neurotypical
to compare the mean NIAS-PE score between the samples (e.g., participants indicated whether or not
young adult sample and the non-clinical child/adoles- they/their child found various sensory experiences
cent sample. The difference in means (7.52 vs. 4.87, unpleasant) and a measure of sensory-driven food avoid-
standard deviations 4.62 vs. 2.07) was significant with ance used in the ASD sample. These converging findings
a moderate-large effect size: t(722) = 10.99, Cohen’s suggest that oral texture aversions/distress and oral tex-
d = 0.74, p < .001. The non-clinical child/adolescent ture driven food avoidance appear to share the same
sample also had a significantly higher level of PE than relationship with SE.
the anxiety clinic sample, although the difference was Future studies should address the interplay of these
associated with a small effect size: t(443) = 3.04, two mechanisms in the development of SE behaviors. It
Cohen’s d = 0.29, p < .001 may be the case that neither sensory over-responsivity
nor rigidity alone is sufficient for the development of
SE. Instead, both might be necessary to set the stage for
Discussion the development of these eating challenges. Alternately,
We found convergence across several (clinical and either sensory sensitivity or rigidity alone, perhaps
non-clinical) populations using different measures above a certain severity threshold or in the context of
and different reporters (e.g., self- vs. parent-report) other variables not explored in this study (e.g., early
in a study exploring two candidate transdiagnostic childhood exposure to food variety, parental feeding
mechanisms as independent contributors to symptoms practices), might be sufficient to cause SE.
of SE. Whereas the role of sensory sensitivities in SE Longitudinal studies are needed to identify the tem-
has been relatively well studied (e.g., Nadon et al., poral sequence and causal pathways to these relation-
2011; Zickgraf & Elkins, 2018), and explicitly linked ships and whether these pathways are modulated or
to the presentation of ARFID characterized by severe diverge across typical and atypical development (e.g.,
SE (e.g., Thomas et al., 2017; Zickgraf et al., 2016), in ASD). Nevertheless, if this supposition is true, treat-
this is the first study to identify the importance of ments for SE and the related ARFID presentation
cognitive/behavioral rigidity as a predictor of SE in should target both mechanisms.
neurotypical children and young adults, children with Interventions targeting sensory sensitivity should
anxiety/OC-spectrum disorders, and children with involve repeated, gradual exposure to novel or non-
ASD. Across populations (ASD diagnoses, anxiety/ preferred foods. Research comparing the rate of habi-
OC spectrum diagnoses) and age groups (children tuation to fear vs. disgust in anxiety disorders suggests
and adolescents 5–17, young adults 18–22) the that disgust is slower to habituate compared to fear.
strength of the relationships between oral texture sen- Children’s neophobic reactions to novel foods involve
sitivity and rigidity and SE did not significantly differ: facial expressions of disgust, and sometimes gagging
standardized effect sizes for both oral texture sensitiv- and vomiting, and rarely appear to involve fear or
ity and rigidity were within ±2 standard errors of each anxiety (Ventura & Worobey, 2013; Zickgraf, Murray,
other. Within each sample, age was a non-significant et al., 2019). It is likely, therefore, that much of the

learning that takes place in any given exposure session using data originally collected for other purposes by
is likely to involve the use of coping skills or violation different study authors; this is why the measures used
of expectancies regarding the intensity of the sensory differed between the ASD sample and the other three
aversion, or the patient’s hedonic reaction and ability to samples. Future studies by our group will be designed
cope with it. to replicate and extend the current findings using con-
If rigidity is a maintaining factor in SE, sensory sistent measures across all samples. Although we feel
habituation alone is unlikely to be sufficient to substan- that the use of multiple measures of the constructs of
tially expand an individual’s diet because the ability to interest across samples was a strength, there is a need
generalize sensory learning and habituation from one for more published validity data supporting the ability
food to other, seemingly similar foods, is likely of existing measures, including the differing measures
impaired in highly rigid individuals (e.g., Kashdan & of SE, rigidity, and sensory sensitivity used in the pre-
Rotterberg, 2010). The typical development of food sent study, to tap the same construct in the same way
preferences, like other areas of cognitive development, across samples differing in age, clinical status, and
involves the assimilation and accommodation of food- other variables (Tyrell et al., 2019).
related schemas, with, for example, young children who Demographic information beyond child age, gender/
were experimentally exposed to the flavor of carrots in sex, and race/ethnicity was not available. Including
utero or during breastfeeding more readily accepting, indicators of socioeconomic status such as parental
and showing faster habituation to, pureed carrot baby education (which was not included in analyses because
food despite its different appearance and texture it was only available for subsets of participants from
(Mennella et al., 2001). two of the four samples) and income, and information
Cognitive rigidity is associated with behavioral about family composition (e.g., number of parents,
inflexibility, including repetitive and compulsive beha- number of siblings) in the models might have explained
vior. Rigidity in SE could, therefore, manifest itself in remaining variance in SE. For example, children from
the tendency to choose a repetitive diet, rigid food lower-SES backgrounds have been found to demon-
rules, and black and white expectations about the sen- strate higher levels of SE compared to peers (e.g.,
sory/hedonic or affective experience of trying a new or Dovey, et al., 2008), although it is unclear how SES
non-preferred food. A broader “insistence on same- interacts with neurobehavioral predictors like sensory
ness” is a characteristic feature of ASD with detrimental sensitivity and cognitive rigidity. ASD diagnosis in the
impacts upon daily functioning and long-term out- ASD sample was based on parent-report of an existing
comes. Emerging evidence supports the effectiveness clinician provided diagnosis and meeting AQ-10
of intervention programs that target cognitive inflex- screening criteria, but was not confirmed by
ibility, including Unstuck and On Target (Kenworthy a diagnostician; we also did not collect information
et al., 2014) that uses cognitive-behavioral approaches on intellectual or verbal functioning in this (or any)
with verbal children. While this school-based program sample. In addition, we did not have data on self- or
does not address food-related flexibility, a recently parent-reported ASD diagnoses in the two general/non-
developed intervention model, the Building Up Food clinical samples.
Flexibility and Exposure Treatment (BUFFET; A related limitation was that we did not have
Kuschner et al., 2017), utilizes similar cognitive- a measure of non-oral texture sensitivity in the ASD
behavioral principles to address specifically the eating- sample. Based on the current results, it is not possible
related rigidity and other associated challenges in chil- to rule out overall texture sensitivity, a contributor to
dren with ASD. The current results suggest that similar SE in children with ASD. However, it seems unlikely
techniques emphasizing flexibility might be used to that non-oral texture sensitivity would have an inde-
address SE in typically developing individuals as well. pendent impact on SE after accounting for the correla-
tion between oral and non-oral texture sensitivity.
Relatedly, although oral texture sensitivity emerged as
the main predictor of SE in all samples, it is very likely
This study had several strengths, including replication that taste sensitivity would also have emerged as an
across four samples, the use of multiple reporters (par- important predictor. Future research should explore
ent report and self-report) and multiple measures of the the relative role of taste and texture sensitivity in pre-
same constructs (e.g., different measures of SE, rigidity, dicting SE. It was not possible to explore taste sensitiv-
and sensory sensitivity in the ASD vs. neurotypical ity in the current study because existing measures of
samples), yet there are also several relevant limitations sensory sensitivity conflate taste sensitivity with food
to consider. The current study is a secondary analysis, rejection (e.g., on the sensOR, taste sensitivity is

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