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Spotlight West Africa and it is well adapted to biotic are autogamous crops. In such crops,
Pearl Millet Genome: and abiotic stresses. Moreover, some
wild pearl millet strains can survive in
purifying selection may contribute to the
elimination of TE (Figure 1B). Experimen-
Lessons from a extreme environments (up to the limit of tal validations are needed to confirm

Tough Crop the Sahara desert) and, therefore, repre-

sent an interesting resource for allele min-
those hypotheses among diploid plant
ing. Thus, pearl millet is an interesting
Marilyne Debieu,1,2
biological model to understand the adap- By combining transcriptome data and
Ghislain Kanfany,2,3 and tation of cereals to dry, hot climates. bioinformatics analyses, Varshney et al.
Laurent Laplaze1,2,4,* [2] predicted that the pearl millet genome
As part of an international effort tocontains 38 579 genes. Interestingly,
Pearl millet is an important cereal comparison of gene families with other
increase genetic gain in pearl millet,
for food security in the arid regions cereal genomes revealed a strong enrich-
Varshney et al. [2] sequenced and ana-
of Africa and India. The recently lyzed the genome of a reference geno-ment in gene families involved in cutin,
published genome of this tough suberin, and wax biosynthesis. The cuti-
type. The good-quality genome sequence
cereal crop has shed new light cle is known to be important in protecting
of the reference line revealed interesting
on its history and adaptation to plants from excessive water loss [5] and
features. First, the 1.79-GB pearl millet
dry, hot climates and paves the genome is characterized by a high GC constitutes a barrier to pathogen infec-
content (47.9%). Increased GC contenttion. Below ground, drought can enhance
way for much-needed genomic-
root suberization, especially in the endo-
has been associated with desiccation tol-
based breeding efforts.
dermis [6]. In this layer, the Casparian
erance in monocots [3], suggesting that
strip and suberin lamellae may prevent
this genome characteristic contributes to
The world’s human population is water loss and desiccation of inner tis-
the adaption of pearl millet to dry environ-
expected to reach 9.1 billion by 2050. ments. Moreover, 80% of the genome sues. The ABC transporter gene families
Given that most models predict that cli- were also significantly expanded in pearl
comprises repetitive elements, a propor-
mate change will have a negative impact millet (Figure 1A). ABC transporters are
tion similar to that in the maize (Zea mays)
on agricultural yields, particularly in Africa involved in the transport of a range of
genome (>85%) but higher than in other
[1], new breeding strategies and adaptive secondary metabolites, including some
cereals, such as sorghum (61%), foxtail
agronomical practices are needed to face cuticle components. ABC transporters
millet (46%), or rice (42%). Transpos-
the future increase in food demand result- able [29_TD$IF]elements (TEs) can induce are also involved in pathogen response,
ing from this expanding population. mutations and have been proposed to phytate accumulation in seeds, root exu-
confer a higher adaptive potential to their dation, and transport of the phytohor-
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) is the host. In maize, TEs contribute to the acti- mones auxin and abscisic acid (ABA)
sixth cereal in terms of world production vation of genes in response to abiotic [7]. The latter might be relevant for the
and has a central role in food security in [30_TD$IF]stresses [4]. TE insertions can generate
adaptation of pearl millet to arid climates
arid areas of sub-Saharan Africa and India because it has been shown that ABA
genetic and epigenetic variation favored
with limited agronomic potential where exudation from roots contributes to
by natural and artificial selection and,
other crops would fail. In these areas, it thus, contribute to adaptation and enhanced drought tolerance in rice [8].
is the staple crop for an estimated 90 Thus, expansion of the cutin, suberin,
domestication. From an evolutionary per-
million small farmers because it repre- and wax biosynthesis and ABC transport-
spective, the mating system may have an
sents a cheap source of essential micro- ers families could reflect an increase in,
important role in governing TE evolution,
nutrients (such as iron and zinc) and and refinement of (via sub- [31_TD$IF]28or neofunc-
as predicted by theoretical models. The
proteins, as well as an important source genomes of the highly allogamous crops
tionalization of duplicated genes), physio-
of fodder for cattle and other animals. pearl millet and maize are TE rich. In such
logical roles associated with them and
Nevertheless, pearl millet yields are low species, outcrossing and recombination
might have contributed to pearl millet
and it is considered to be an orphan crop may compensate for deleterious muta- adaptation to drought and heat stress.
because it lags well behind other cereals tions resulting from TE insertions and
Clearly, more work is needed to test these
in terms of associated research and allow the spread of repetitive elements
exciting hypotheses.
genetic improvement. throughout the species, increasing the
genomic TE content. By contrast, species Varshney et al. [2] also resequenced 994
Pearl millet is a C4 crop that was domes- such as foxtail millet and rice, whose pearl millet lines, including 31 wild acces-
ticated approximately 4500 years ago in genomes comprise less than 50% TE, sions. This provides new information on

Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 1

TRPLSC 1600 No. of Pages 3

pearl millet diversity and domestication.

Comparison of the cultivated and wild
accessions established that pearl millet
domestication occurred in central West
Africa (East Mali and Niger), as suggested
by previous studies [9]. Comparison of
diversity loss between cultivated and wild
plants also revealed genomic regions that
might have been instrumental in the
developmental changes associated with
domestication. For instance, the genomic
region containing the PINOID gene in
pearl millet showed a tenfold reduction
in diversity, suggesting that it has been
actively selected. Interestingly, a maize
ortholog of PINOID (bif2) involved in
changes in inflorescence development
was probably the target of selection dur-
ing maize domestication [10]. This analy-
sis also provided essential resources for
genetic investigations (simple sequence
repeats, single nucleotide polymor-
phisms, indels, etc.) such as genome-
wide association studies, which identified
1054 significant associations for 15 agro-
morphological traits [2]. These data were
also used for accurate prediction of grain
yield in crosses (genomic selection) and to
identify potential parents to create high-
yield hybrids.

This new wealth of genomic resources in

pearl millet opens many avenues for
future research. First, it will facilitate gene
discovery in one of the toughest cereal
crops. This will require the development
of functional genomic tools, such as gene
editing or tilling populations. Most impor-
tantly, these results pave the way for a
new era of genomic-based breeding in
pearl millet. Its genetic diversity is large
and could be used to create varieties
combining high yield, improved nutritional
qualities, and resilience to abiotic and
Figure 1. Pearl Millet Features Likely Associated with Drought and Heat Adaptation Revealed by
biotic stresses, which will require a large
the Analysis of the Reference Genome Sequence of this Tough Crop. (A) (i) Transverse section of
pearl millet leave. Wax and cutin of cuticle are shown in brown and the ABC transporters in blue; m, mesophyll; phenotyping effort to fully characterize
ue, upper epidermis; le, lower epidermis; st, stoma; v, vessels (including phloem and xylem); cw, cell wall; pm, and exploit the available diversity (includ-
plasma membrane. (ii) Transverse section of a mature pearl millet crown root. Suberized endodermis and ing wild pearl millets). Together, these
sclerenchyma are shown in red. Cellular location of Casparian strip and suberin lamellae as well as ABC
approaches could be used to adapt agri-
transporters (in blue) are shown; rh, root hair; e, epidermis; c, cortex; s, stele; mx, metaxylem vessel; px,
peripheric xylem vessel. (B) Illustration of genomic features of five diploid cereals differing in matting system and cultural crops and practices to future
transposable element (TE) content. According to theoretical models, outcrossing and recombination may allow climates in arid and semiarid regions of
TEs to spread throughout the species and increase the genomic TE content. Africa, and to increase food security as

2 Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

TRPLSC 1600 No. of Pages 3

Laboratoire Mixte International Adaptation des Plantes et 3. Šmarda, P. et al. (2014) Ecological and evolutionary sig-
well as economic development in some of nificance of genomic GC content diversity in monocots.
Microorganismes Associés aux Stress Environnementaux
the poorest areas of the world. (LAPSE), Centre de Recherche de Bel Air, BP 1386, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 111, E4096–E5002

Dakar, Senegal 4. Makarevitch, I. et al. (2015) Transposable elements con-

3 tribute to activation of maize genes in response to abiotic
Acknowledgments Centre d’Etudes Régional pour l’Amélioration de
stress. PLoS Genet. 11, e1004915
l’Adaptation à la Sècheresse (CERAAS), Institut
We thank Daniel Moukouanga for providing us with 5. Seo, P.J. et al. (2011) The MYB96 transcription factor
Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles, BP 3320, Route de
the image of a transversal section of a pearl millet root regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis under drought con-
Khombole, Thiès, Senegal
ditions in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23, 1138–1152
used to draw Figure 1. We also thank Alexandre Laboratoire Commun de Microbiologie IRD/ISRA/UCAD,
6. Henry, A. (2012) Root attributes affecting water uptake in
Grondin, Yves Vigouroux, Soazig Guyomarc’h, Ndjido Centre de Recherche de Bel Air, BP 1386, Dakar, Senegal
rice under drought. J. Exp. Bot. 63, 695–709
Kane, and Vincent Vadez for their critical comments 7. Kang, J. et al. (2011) Plant ABC transporters. Arabidopsis
*Correspondence: (L. Laplaze).
on our manuscript. M.D. is supported by the New- Book 9, e0153
Pearl grant funded in the frame of the CERES initiative 8. Shi, L. et al. (2014) Reduced ABA accumulation in the root

system is caused by ABA exudation in upland rice (Oryza
by Agropolis Fondation (N AF 1301-015 to LL, as sativa L. var. Gaoshan1) and this enhanced drought adap-
part of the ‘Investissement d’Avenir’ ANR-l0-LABX- 1. Challinor, A.J. et al. (2014) A meta-analysis of crop yield tation. Plant Cell Physiol. 56, 951–964
0001-0l) and by Fondazione Cariplo (N FC 2013- under climate change and adaptation. Nat. Clim. Chang. 4, 9. Oumar, I. et al. (2008) Phylogeny and origin of pearl millet
287–291 (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br) as revealed by microsat-
0891). ellite loci. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117, 489–497
2. Varshney, K. et al. Pearl millet genome sequence provides
a resource to improve agronomic traits in arid environ- 10. Xu, G. et al. (2017) Complex genetic architecture underlies
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, UMR ments. Nat. Biotechnol. (in press) maize tassel domestication. New Phytol. 214, 852–864
Diversité Adaptation et Développement des Plantes
(DIADE), 911 Avenue Agropolis, 34394 Montpellier cedex
5, France

Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 3

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