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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Mantuyop, Siaton, Negros Oriental


I. Basic Information

Project Title A Comparative Study Between the Effectiveness of Seaweed

Materials and Potato Starch as Bio-Plastic.

In this study, two types of Bio-Plastic is expected to be

produced; one from Seaweed Materials and the other entirely
Tangible Project Outputs from Potato Starch.

1. Allana Sheantel E. Chua

Grade 12 Schrodinger

2. Jay Ann P. Macabinguil

Grade 12 Schrodinger

3. Deneille Jhan B. Pescuela

Grade 12 Schrodinger

To get the best possible results, this study is predicted to last no

less than a month. The project would commence with the
collecting and preparation of all materials needed ensuring that
their quality is highly considered. The production of both types
of Bio-Plastic would then come forth the week after. Next, all
necessary data from extensive researching and observations shall
Project Duration be collated ; coming from the produced types of Bio-plastic for
an ideal comparison. Then, the research materials shall be
prepared wholly supported with sufficient research studies and
sources. Ultimately, the entire project should end with an
accomplished research paper along with two types of Bio-Plastic

II. Technical Description

The popularity of plastic escalated greatly after the first

synthetic plastic was invented in 1907 by Chemist Leo
Baekeland. Its advantageous uses have proven to help the lives of
many for several years, however, overtime the negative influence
it exudes in the environment and the community can no longer be
overlooked. In the Philippines, plastic pollution is considered to
be one of the most significant issues of the 21st Century. Plastic
is a non-decomposing material that is used in packaging most of
the goods in stores and homes globally. Additionally, as a
consequence of the absence of proper disposal facilities and the
rise of single-use plastics in the country most of the plastic
wastes are discarded in bodies of water causing the surge of
water pollution. As a result of this, several marine animals are
decreasing in number and landfills are becoming inaccessible.
The production of Bio-Plastic aims to address plastic
pollution and its deleterious effect on our ecosystems.
Furthermore, in this study the comparison of two natural
materials in creating Bio-plastic is to be discussed: Seaweed Bio-
Plastic- The Philippines is abundant in Seaweed and is one of the
Rational / Introduction top producers of marine plants in the world making it an ideal
natural material in creating Bio-Plastic. Potato Starch Bio-
Plastic – a starchy material is the primary ingredient used by
several esteemed chemists today to create Bio-Plastic; potato
starch is established as one of the best materials in making an all-
natural plastic safe for human use and the environment.
Consequently, through a comparison of the two Bio-
Plastics in terms of workability, heat and water resistance,
strength, flexibility, and aesthetic attributes future consumers
may be able to identify what satisfies their liking for a specific
use. In addition to that, the country’s current economic state may
be influenced by the mass production of Bio-Plastic in the sense
that the main ingredients needed can be produced naturally
through agriculture. Groups of labourers can benefit with this as
they can turn Seaweed and Potato farming into their livelihood.
This study apart from helping mitigate plastic pollution also
establishes a comparison between two Bio-Plastics with their
efficacy , potency , and comprehensive result that can be used to
improve future studies related to this concept. This study is
presumably a great use of innovation and statistics that is vital in
preserving what is left green in the country and the world.

The alarming rate of plastic use and production is reflecting
captiously to the global community. In actuality, plastic pollution
goes beyond the initial litter that is considered garbage. Due to
the lack of resources to provide better trash disposal methods
plastic wastes contribute toxicity into air, land, and water leading
to the demise of several living organisms. Bio-Plastic is a
substitute to commercial plastic that is made from materials that
are eco-friendly. Furthermore, the use of Bio-Plastics can help
retain a greener, healthier environment and preserve ecosystems.
This project is a comparative study that focuses on identifying
the effectiveness of Seaweed and Potato Starch in making Bio-
Plastic in terms of workability, strength, heat and water
resistance, flexibility, and appearance. In light with this, the
Statement of the Problem following questions are aimed to be answered in this study:

1. What is the workability level of Seaweed Bio-Plastic

compared to Potato Starch Bio-Plastic?

2. Which Bio-Plastic is a better Heat and Water Resistant?

3. What is the stronger Bio-Plastic?

4. How does the flexibility of Seaweed Bio-Plastic differ

from Potato Starch Bio-Plastic?

5. Which Bio-Plastic has a greater visual appeal?

The following are the research objectives this study

intends to achieve:


 To test the Effectiveness of Seaweed and Potato Starch

in making Bio-Plastic.

Objectives  To critically compare two types of Bio-Plastic.

 To determine the level of workability, heat and water

resistance, flexibility, strength, and visual appearance of
Seaweed and Potato Starch Bio-Plastic.

 To establish final implications with regards to the

characteristics of the Bio-Plastics.

Pollution is a universal crisis humanity is currently facing,
however, it is not given sufficient attention. The current stature
of the level of pollution worldwide cannot be solved in a whim.
The majority of this pollution is made up of plastic waste which
are non-perishable materials, thus, causing it to build up in the
surface of the planet. Also, the severity of plastic pollution grows
higher by the day as many continuously splurge into single-use
plastics contributing to the global crisis.
A way to help lighten the gravity of plastic pollution is
creating alternative products from renewable materials that can
be both useful and environment friendly. The establishment of
Bio-Plastic is a leap towards the goal of diminishing pollution
brought by plastics as they are sustainable and would leave a
Importance of the Study smaller carbon footprint. Furthermore, despite the negative
effects plastics brought they still proved their use to support
human needs and activities which will also be mirrored and
achieved by Bio-Plastics. To go further, the production of Bio-
Plastics from Seaweed and Potato Starch is another way of
making use of natural resources to help control the
overproduction if these goods. Above anything else, plastic
pollution greatly affects the main resources the global
community conforms to for survival, the land, water, and air.
Through this study, Bio-Plastic, its characteristics, material, and
overall composition will be tackled to bring light to those who
remain ignorant from the harmful effects brought by plastic

This research study solely focuses on the Effectiveness of

Seaweed and Potato Starch as Bio-Plastic with the intent of
comparing both Bio-Plastics in five parameters namely:
workability, heat and water resistance, flexibility, strength, and
visual appearance.

Scope and Delimitation of Moreover, this study would establish a single result per
the Study parameter. This study will only make use of Brown Seaweed
found in the shores of Bonawon, Siaton , Negros Oriental and a
store brought Potato Starch. In addition, the whole researching
process is conducted with limited resources and a strict

This section contains the whole procedure in making the
Bio-Plastics in this experimental research study and the
materials used to make this possible.

Materials for Seaweed Bio-Plastic:

Brown Seaweed Pot

Water Mortar and Pestle
Corn starch Measuring cup
Glycerine Baking Sheet

Procedure :

First, gather all the materials needed. Set the Brown

Seaweed aside and let it sun dry for three days. Next, pulverize
the Brown Seaweed using a mortar and pestle. Then, heat up
200 ml of water before adding 500g of the pulverized Seaweed.
Stir gradually while adding the corn starch mixed in water next
and the glycerine. After that, take the pot off the heat when the
Methodology mixture formed into a gel malleable enough to spread in a
baking sheet. Lastly, let the plastic dry until it is ready to peel
off the sheet.

Materials for Potato Starch Bio-Plastic:

Potato Starch Pot

Water Measuring cup
Glycerine Baking Sheet

Procedure :

First, gather all the materials needed. Next, open the Potato
Starch pack and use 500 g of it. Then, heat up 200 ml of water
before adding the Potato Starch. Stir gradually while adding the
glycerine. After that, take the pot off the heat when the mixture
formed into a gel malleable enough to spread in a baking sheet.
Lastly, let the plastic dry until it is ready to peel off the sheet.

After the entire process, a side by side comparison using the

five parameters commences.


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