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Initial Professional Assessment and

Critical reflections are meant to help you perform higher-order learning outcomes such as
analysis and evaluation on the cognitive domain, and commitment and reflection on the
affective domain. While your writing may be subjective, you will be assessed primarily on
the quality and substance of your reflection and your correct application of the theories as
you analyze your experiences.

For this particular activity, you are to reflect on your ideal self, actual self, and the
corresponding development gaps (Goleman et al., 2002). You will also determine the
specific action plans for you to assess these development gaps.

Descriptive Section
In this section, you have to describe the following:
1. What are your core values as an aspiring professional accountant? What is your
mission statement as an aspiring professional accountant? Explain your mission
statement including its components. How is your mission statement relevant to you
being an aspiring professional accountant, an AMVian, and a Thomasian?

2. Assess your current state of competence (actual self) in the following terms based
on the module activities deployed:
a. As an aspiring professional accountant (Use Form 3):
i. How will you assess the level of your technical skills? Support your
ii. How will you assess the level of your professional competence?
Support your assessment.
iii. How will you assess the level of your professional, values, ethics, and
attitude? Support your assessment.
iv. How prepared are you in taking the CMA Exam ? Assess per exam
subject. Support your assessment.

b. As an AMVian*
i. How will you assess your ability to perform the Program Intended
Learning Outcomes [individually per PILO, from 1 to 9]?

c. As a Thomasian*
i. How will you assess your servant leadership? [from 1 to 10]
ii. How will you assess your effective communication and collaboration?
[from 1 to 10]
iii. How will you assess your analytical and creative thinking? [from 1 to
iv. How will you assess your lifelong learning skills? [from 1 to 10]

*please refer here for the PILOs, KSAs, and the Thomasian SEAL

Sample Guide Table

Rating Support Specific Areas /
Opportunities (Gap)

APA - Technical 6 Based on my course grades and Taxation rules and

Competence feedback from peers. issues

APA - Professional

APA - Professional
Values Ethics and

APA - CMA 6 Based on my course grades and GAAP

Preparations feedback from peers.


TH - Servant

TH - Effective
Communicator and

TH - Analytical and
Creative Thinker

TH - Lifelong-

Please support all your assessment with:

1. Concrete personal experiences; and
2. Feedback from colleagues as appropriate

Analytical Section
1. Identify the 8 to 10 significant development opportunities (gaps) in the following
areas that you should work on:
a. As an aspiring professional accountant
i. Technical Skills (Form 3)
ii. Professional Competence (Form 3)
iii. PVEA (Form 3)
iv. CMA Exam Preparation

b. As an aspiring graduate of the college

i. PILOs

c. As a Thomasian
i. Servant Leadership
ii. Effective communication and collaboration
iii. Analytical and creative thinking
iv. Lifelong learning skills

2. Explain and substantiate your reasons in determining the gaps above.

3. How would these gaps affect your ability to fulfill your personal mission?

Sample Guide Table

Development Related Domain Reason for Significance
Significance Assessment Guide
You may use this function in assessing the significance of the development opportunities
Significance = Urgency x Severity

Rating Severity Urgency

4 Rated 1 to 3 based on the Is already affecting my courses and my personal

assessment scale and professional development

3 Rated 4 to 5 based on the Will affect my courses and my personal and

assessment scale professional development next academic year

2 Rated 6 to 8 based on the Will affect my first year as a professional

assessment scale accountant (after passing the CMA exam)

1 Rated 9 to 10 based on the Will affect my second year (onwards) as a

assessment scale professional accountant.

Reflexive Section
1. Identify the significant steps and actions that you need to perform in order to
address the gaps identified above.
2. What specific aspects of your internship will help you close the gap? For gaps that
will not be addressed by your internship experience, how will you intend to address
3. What kind of support do you need from your faculty coaches in closing these gaps?
4. Summarize your key action plan using the table below:
Development Related Domains Specific Action Plan(s) Timeline
Opportunities (Gap) [During Internship or After]

Confidence in verbal TH - Effective Communicator SAP1: Complete a During internship.

communication. and Collaborator communication module in
AMV P4 - Present financial and
other reports, results, analyses, SAP 2: Present during During internship.
and recommended decisions engagement meetings; obtain
with the use of communication feedback from supervisor.
and information technology
Knowledge and APA - Technical SAP 3: Prepare key audit and During internship
appreciation of tax laws accounting procedures
and issues APA -CMA related to tax; obtain
feedback from supervisor

SAP 4: Revisit the related tax During internship

provisions and issues After internship [summer break as a
preparation for the integrated review]

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