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of most importance are the sarai and gardens of Khasru, the

the functions of a justice of the peace. The aldermen are

of the United Provinces, situated on a mountain-ridge of

king's son, Kamran, by a gross outrage on the Saddozai family.

are apt to be regarded by German historians as devoid of

in association with its annual show of fat stock, and it

the intervals between them. Their number was usually five,

surrounding; a word implying a moving rather than a stationary

much exercised by the spread of Nihilist doctrines and the

of Alberta was found to be 185,412. It has grown from

the 13th degree of longitude with the 10th degree of north

necessities for a medium, there were more mundane uses to be

to ``Perseus'' and asserts that Chemmis was remark-. able

known commercially as ``concentrated alum'' or ``sulphate of

Besides the above a great many works under the title of Ana

philosophy in the university of Altorf, in Franconia, in 1672, on

a characteristic which, as Buhler notes (Indian Studies,

been in use for a comparatively few years, attempts might

ADAM'S BRIDGE, or RAMA'S BRIDGE, a chain of sandbanks

perhaps we may say, not altogether unfortunate necessity.

He was privately educated and for many years was engaged in

ramparts, and contains two circular, Vaulted chambers, used as

about L. 30 to the rent of the land. The ardour with which these

be present to reduce the ``solids not fat'' to the amount

to the returns obtained by the Local Government Board,

north by the Mohmands, on the west by the Shinwaris and on

Butchers have palmed off upon their customers imported

rebelling against his authority. After some trifling fighting

to. Agrippa left several children; by Pomponia, a daughter

through a conduit 5 m. long, which is connected with the

to 36 ft. in height, dominated at intervals by towers. Of

distinctly traced, together with the gowt or mill stream.

and the pelvis widens, it is usually driven out of this

1890 with Dr Bill, in 1891 became manager of the St James's

flint-knife, the spindle, the rope-twister, the bodkin, the

in material wealth, leading to luxury and worldliness. The

were demolished at the beginning of the 20th century, when

--the one in general scholarship, in lieu of which, however,

Berlin. His discussion of the effects of parallax in

killed), and the new town was almost entirely destroyed by

but in Arabic it means simply to separate or seclude (cf.

the subordination of the old fetishism to a cult of hemp, in

11. One of the most difficult questions for the teacher of

to their melting-points the pure metals are consistently

celebrated Amara-Xosha (Treasury of Amara), a vocabulary

speciosa, and of Cutleria muitifida and Aglaozonia

reasonable. The court may suspend the pronouncing of its

years. The alternate delay and acceleration of the eclipses

help in ``forming,'' and also why positive plates slowly

investigation. In all the valuable recent work on the

From the very first invention of balloons the problem has

flourished during the time of Cicero, but the dates of his

exception of the Zanzibar group, have, however, materially

those of the enemy, proceeding to actual condemnation.

universel (1874); L'Etat a Versailles et dans l'association

of A. ferox or A. Napellus. As garden plants the aconites

being reduced to the corresponding orthoamino compound, which

Morocco they denounced him as an enemy of the faith. A reaction

Sixty-six institutions had been organized under this act up to

to sleep in the dormitory. Close to the refectory, but outside

were interchangeable, Canaan being geographical and Amorite

An interesting account of Adamawa, its peoples and history, is

S.E. corner of the state. Pop.(1890) 8736; (1900) 9654, of

P. Dictyota dichotoma, a sorus of oogonia.

class. Such an attitude, however, seems to have been dictated

Tiber, gradually lost the voiced mutes. But another cause

1634, and died at Paris on the 8th of December 1706. Little

pressure or under modified pressure, may be therapeutically

been depopulated by a pestilence, Zeus changed the ants upon

of the statutes concerning wreck of the sea and the office

an elongated slit when relaxed (as in the lamprey); p,

Historia Inquisitionis (Amsterdam, 1692): other registers of

hue. Roses, geraniums, and the like, bloom throughout the

Anthophyllite . . (Mg,Fe)SiO3.

it delayed.---Such are the poet's constant themes, delivered

the town stood, while the western summit is separated from

The United States entered on the work of simplifying the forms

this peculiar feature of admiralty administration should

1777, with a strong expeditionary force, to occupy Albany

from London by rail. Pop. (1901) 7553. It has a station on the

Epitomie de vitis Romanorum pontificum, besides controversial

insulating forks or tubes, and the positive terminal of one

India. With his coins, found abundantly in the Kabul basin,

course, sparse, low, gnarled and distorted. The willows in

which it was defended, and new fortifications were erected.

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