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Lesson 1: CONTEMPLATE. Let us think about how gender is portrayed in your community.

down as many words or phrases used to (a) identity and (b) describe the following genders. 


 Masculine  Feminine  Attracted to people

 Has adams apple  Soft with the same sex
 Deep voice  Emotional  Portraying the
 Do the heavy tasks  Fragile movement of
 Authoritative  Sensitive opposite sex
 Broader shoulder  Beautiful  Creative
 Short hairstyles  Prim and proper  Talented
 Strong  Flexible
 Brave  Brave
 Handsome  Beautiful
 Handsome

What are your thoughts?

My thoughts about this 3 gender, the man, woman and homosexual is that the society has its own
gender identification on what is a male, female and homosexual. Society has set a standard on our
minds on how this gender should act or should be played out and I guess that we should let this gender
act out the way they want to be, let’s stop this gender stereotyping thing. Every person has its own
capabilities. We should treat anyone equally. We should not set our minds on what the society want us
to do. We should do what we can do and be what we want to be.

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