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SEM - I Course Paper Code

Paper- I - Workshop Technology BTAEN-101
Paper-II - Aviation Legislation Part-I BTAEN-102
Paper-III - Engineering Drawing BTAEN-103
Paper-IV - Basic Aerodynamics BTAEN-104
Paper-V - Human Factor BTAEN-105

Paper-I - Electrical Fundamentals BTAEN-201
Paper-II - Aviation Legislation Part-II BTAEN-202
Paper-III - Aircraft Materials BTAEN-203
Paper-IV - Computer Fundamentals BTAEN-204
Paper-V - Aircraft & Components BTAEN-205

Paper – I - Propulsion BTAEN-301
Paper – II - Basic Aircraft Instruments BTAEN-302
Paper – III - Electronics Fundamentals & Digital Technique BTAEN-303
Paper-IV - Aircraft Hardware BTAEN-304

Paper – I - Aircraft Electrical System – I BTAEN-401
Paper – II - Aircraft Instrument System – I BTAEN-402
Paper – III - Aircraft Radio Communication/Navigation – I BTAEN-403

Paper – I - Aircraft Electrical System – II BTAEN-501
Paper – II - Aircraft Instrument System – II BTAEN-502
Paper – III - Aircraft Radio Communication/Navigation – II BTAEN-503

Paper – I - Principle of Management BTAEN-601
Paper – II - Applied Mathematics BTAEN-602
Paper – III - Physics BTAEN-603
Paper- IV - Chemistry BTAEN-604
Paper-V - English BTAEN-605
Paper-VI - Social Ethics BTAEN-606
Paper – I - Production Planning & Control BTAEN-701
Paper – II - Management of System BTAEN-702
Paper – III - Control Theory & Practice BTAEN-703
Paper - IV - Strength of Material BTAEN-704

Paper – I - Air Navigation BTAEN-801
Paper – II - Aircraft General Systems BTAEN-802
Paper – III - Engineering Thermodynamics BTAEN-803
Paper - IV - Maintenance of Radio & Communication Systems BTAEN-804



Workshop Technology (BTAEN-101)

Safety Precautions-Aircraft and Workshop: Aspects of safe working practices including

precautions to take when working with electricity, gasses especially oxygen, oils and chemicals.
Also, instruction in the remedial action to be taken in the event of a fire or another accident with
one or more of these hazards including knowledge on Extinguishing agents.

Workshop Practices: Care of tools, control of tools, use of workshop materials; Dimensions,
allowances and tolerances, standards of workmanship; Calibration of tools and equipment,
calibration standards.

Tools: Common hand tool types; Common power tool types; Operation and use of precision
measuring tools; Lubrication equipment and methods; Operation, function and use of electrical
general test equipment.

Avionic General Test Equipment: Operation, function and use of avionic general test

Fits and Clearances: Drill sizes for bolt holes, classes of fits; Common system of fits and
clearances; Schedule of fits and clearances for aircraft and engines; Limits for bow, twist and
wear; Standard methods for checking shafts, bearings and other parts.

Bearings: Purpose of bearings, loads, material, construction; Types of bearings and their

Springs: Types of springs, materials, characteristics and applications.

Transmissions: Gear types and their application; Gear ratios, reduction and multiplication gear
systems, driven and driving gears, idler gears, mesh patterns; Belts and pulleys, chains and

Material handling and Sheet Metal: Marking out and calculation for bend allowance; Sheet
metal working, including bending and forming; Inspection of sheet metal work.

Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Bonding: Soldering methods, inspection of soldered joints.
Welding and brazing methods, Inspection of welded joints and brazed joints. Bonding methods
and inspection of bonded joints.

Aviation Legislation Part-I (BTAEN-102)
The A/C Act. 1934: Introduction: Detailed Discussion of section –1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6, 7, 8,
8A, 8B, 8C, 9, 9A, 9C, 10, 11, 11A, 11B, 12, 14A.

The A/C Rules 1937: Rule 1 – Short title and extent. Rule 3 – Definition and

The A/C Rules, 1937 & CAR Section – 2 AAC: Nationality and registration marking of
aircraft Rule – 2, 5, 14, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 37S Series – F Part – I

The A/C Rules 1937 & CAR section-2 AAC: Approval of organizations. Rule – 133B,
133C, 154, 155, 155 A. Series-E Part – I to IX & CAR 21, CAR 145, 2 of 2001 –
Accountable managers, 4 of 1998 Approval of foreign repair organization.

The A/C rules 1937: Rule 8 – carriage of arms, explosives & Dangerous goods, Rule 10
– Mails, Rule 11 – Aerodromes, Rule 12 – Prohibited Areas, Rule 13 – Photographs at
aero plane and from a/c in flight, Rule 13 A – Carriage of photographic apparatus in a/c,
Rule 18 – Invention of flights in contravention of the rules, Rule 20 – Set and rule not
applicable to gliders & kites, Rule 26 – Dropping of articles & decent by parachute, Rule
29 B – Prohibition on use of portable electronic devices, Rule 38 A – Carriage of
operating crew.

ON BOARD A/C: Rule – 7, 7B, Series B Part- I, II, Series X Part VII.

5 of 2001 – Engineering Statistics Report.
60 Series – D Part – I to VI, Series – A Part – IV Oversight Program of 2000 – Airworthiness
Surveillance, 2 of 1995 – Extension to the approved lives of component and inspection

The A/C Rules 1937 CAR Section –2 AAC: TYPE – CERTIFICATE Rule: 49, 49A, 49B 49C,
49D, 62, Series – F Part – II, XI, X, Series – X Part – IX, 7 of 1998 – Guidelines for procuring
Parts manufactured by PMA Holders.

The A/C Rules 1937 & CAR Section -2: CERTIFICATION OF AIRWORTHINESS Rule: 15,
50,50A, 55, 62 (Sub rule D) Series F Part – III, V.


AIRCRAFT, Series – F Part – VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XVII, 4 of 2000 – Maintenance of ageing A/C,
BALOON: Series F Part – XII, XIII, XIV, XV

The A/C Rules 1937 & CAR Section – 2: FLIGHT MANUAL, Rule – 51, Series – F Part5 XVI


The A/C Rules 1937: GENERAL: Rule 156 – Inspection, Rule 157 – fraudulent of documents,
Rule 158 – Foreign Military Aircraft, Rule 158 A – Aircraft Registered in or belonging to Foreign
state, Rule 159 – Obstruction of Authorized person, Rule 160 – General power to exempt, Rule
161 – Penalties.

Engineering Drawing (BTAEN 103)

Engineering Drawings, Diagrams and Standards: Drawing types and diagrams, their
symbols, dimensions, tolerances and projections; Identifying title block information;
Microfilm, microfiche and computerized presentations; Specification 100 of the Air
Transport Association (ATA) of America;

Aeronautical and other applicable standards including, ISO, An, MS, NAS and MIL;
Wiring diagrams and schematic diagrams.
Basic Aerodynamics (BTAEN 104)

Aerodynamics: Airflow around a body; Boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow, free
stream, flow, relative airflow, up wash and downwash, vortices, stagnation; The terms:
camber, chord, mean aerodynamic chord, profile (parasite) drag, induced drag, centre
of pressure, angle of attack, wash in and wash out, fineness ratio, wing shape and
aspect ratio; Thrust, Weight, Aerodynamic Resultant; Generation of Lift and Drag: Angle
of Attack, Lift coefficient, Drag coefficient, polar curve, stall; Aerofoil contamination
including ice, snow, frost.

Theory of Flight: Relationship between lift, weight, thrust and drag; Glide ratio; Steady
state flights, performance; Theory of the turn; Influence of load factor: stall, flight
envelope and structural limitations; Lift augmentation.

Flight Stability and Dynamics: Longitudinal, lateral and directional stability (active and

Theory of Flight:

1. Aero plane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls: Operation and effect of: roll
control: ailerons and spoilers; pitch control: elevators, stipulators, Variable incidence
stabilizers and canards; Yaw control, rudder limiters; Control using elevons,
ruddervators; Height lift devices; slots, slats, flaps; Drag inducing devices: spoilers, lift
dumpers, speed brakes; Operation and effect of trim tabs, servo tabs, control surface

2. High Speed Flight: Speed of sound, subsonic flight, transonic flight, supersonic
flight, Mach number, critical Mach number.

3. Rotary Wing Aerodynamics: Terminology; Operation and effect of cyclic, collective

and anti-torque controls.

Structures — General Concepts:

1. Fundamentals of structural systems.

2. Zonal and station identification systems; Electrical bonding; Lightning strike protection
Human Factor (BTAEN 105)

General: The need to take human factors into account; Incidents attributable to human
factors/human error. Murphy’s Law.

Human Performance and Limitations: Vision; Hearing; Information Processing;

Attention and perception; Memory; Claustrophobia and physical access.

Social Psychology: Responsibility: individual and group; Motivation and de-motivation;

Peer pressure; ‘Culture’ issues; Team working; Management, supervision and

Factors Affecting Performance: Fitness/health; Stress: domestic and work related;

Time pressure and deadlines; Workload: overload and underload; Sleep and fatigue,
shiftwork; Alcohol, medication, drug abuse.

Physical Environment: Noise and fumes; Illumination; Climate and temperature;

Motion and vibration; Working environment.

Tasks: Physical work; Repetitive tasks; Visual inspection; Complex systems.

Communication: Within and between teams; Work logging and recording; Keeping up
to date, currency; Dissemination of information.

Human Error: Error models and theories; Types of error in maintenance tasks;
Implications of errors (i.e. accidents); Avoiding and managing errors.

Hazards in the Workplace: Recognizing and avoiding hazards; Dealing with



Electrical Fundamentals (BTAEN-201)

Electron Theory
Structure and distribution of electrical charges within: atoms, molecules, ions,
compounds; Molecular structure of conductors, semiconductors and insulators.
Static Electricity and Conduction
Static electricity and distribution of electrostatic charges; Electrostatic laws of attraction
and repulsion; Units of charge, Coulomb’s Law; Conduction of electricity in solids,
liquids, gases and a vacuum.

Electrical Terminology
The following terms, their units and factors affecting them; potential difference,
electromotive force, voltage, current, resistance, conductance, charge, conventional
current flow, electron flow.

Generation of Electricity
Production of electricity by the following methods: light, heat, friction, pressure, chemical
action, magnetism and motion.

DC Sources of Electricity
Construction and basic chemical action of: primary cells, secondary cells, lead acid
cells, nickel cadmium cells, other alkaline cells; Cells connected in series and parallel;
Internal resistance and its effect on a battery;
 Construction, materials and operation of thermocouples;
 Operation of photo-cells.

DC Circuits
Ohms Law, Kirchoff’s Voltage and Current Laws;
Calculations using the above laws to find resistance, voltage and current;
Significance of the internal resistance of a supply.

Resistance and affecting factors; Specific resistance; Resistor colour code, values and
tolerances, preferred values, wattage ratings; Resistors in series and parallel;
Calculation of total resistance using series, parallel and series parallel combinations;
Operation and use of potentiometers and rheostats; Operation of Wheatstone Bridge.

 Positive and negative temperature coefficient conductance;
 Fixed resistors, stability, tolerance and limitations, methods of construction;
 Variable resistors, thermisters, voltage dependent resistors;
 Construction of potentiometers and rheostats;
 Construction of Wheatstone Bridge.
Power, work and energy (kinetic and potential); Dissipation of power by a resistor,;
Power formula; Calculations involving power, work and energy.

Operation and function of a capacitor; Factors affecting capacitance area of plates,
distance between plates, Number of plates, dielectric and dielectric constant, working
voltage, voltage rating; Capacitor types, construction and function; Capacitor colour
coding; Calculations of capacitance and voltage in series and parallel circuits;
Exponential charge and discharge of a capacitor, time constants; Testing of capacitors.

DC Motor/Generator
Basic motor and generator theory; Construction and purpose of components in DC
generator; Operation of, and factors affecting output and direction of current flow in DC
generators; Operation of, and factors affecting output power, torque, speed and
direction of rotation of DC motors; Series wound, shunt wound and compound motors;
Starter Generator construction.

AC Theory
Sinusoidal waveform: phase, period, frequency, cycle; Instantaneous, average, root
mean square, peak, peak to peak current values and calculations of these values, in
relation to voltage, current and power; Triangular/Square waves; Single/3phse

Resistive (R), Capacitive (C) and Inductive (L)

Phase relationship of voltage and current in L, C and R circuits, parallel, series and
series parallel; Power dissipation in L, C and R circuits; Impedance, phase angle, power
factor and current calculations; True power, apparent power and reactive power

Transformer construction principles and operation; Transformer losses and methods for
overcoming them; Transformer action under load and no-load conditions; Power
transfer, efficiency, polarity markings; Primary and Secondary current, voltage, turns
ratio, power, efficiency; Auto transformers.

Operation, application and uses of the following filters: low pass, high pass, band pass,
band stop.
AC Generators
Rotation of loop in a magnetic field and waveform produced; Operation and construction
of revolving armature and revolving field type AC generators; Single phase, two phase
and three phase alternators; Three phase star and delta connections advantages and
uses; Calculation of line and phase voltages and currents; Calculation of power in a
three phase system; Permanent Magnet Generators.

AC Motors
Construction, principles of operation and characteristics of: AC synchronous and
induction motors both single and polyphase; Methods of speed control and direction of
rotation; Methods of producing a rotating field: capacitor, inductor, shaded or split pole.

Aviation Legislation Part-II (BTAEN-202)

The A/C Rules 1937 & CAR Section – 2 & AAC

The A/C Rules vol. I and II
Civil Aviation Requirement Vol. II (Series L to X)

The A/C Rules 1937 & CAR Section – 2 & AAC

CAR 21, CAR M, CAR 147, CAR 66

Aircraft Material (BTAEN-203)

Aircraft Materials — Ferrous

a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common alloy steels used in aircraft;
Heat treatment and application of alloys steels;
b) Testing of ferrous materials for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact resistance.

Aircraft Materials — Non-Ferrous

a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common non Ferrous materials used
in aircraft heat treatment and application of non Ferrous materials .
b) Testing of non ferrous materials for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact resistance
Aircraft Materials — Composite and Non-Metallic
a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common composite and non-metallic
materials, other than wood, used in aircraft; Sealants and bonding agents.
b) The detection of defects in composite material. Repair of composite and non-metallic

a) Chemical fundamentals; Formation by, galvanic action process, microbiological,
b) Types of corrosion and their identification; Causes of corrosion; Material types,
susceptibility to corrosion.

Composite and non-metallic

 Bonding practices;
 Environmental conditions
 Inspection methods

Computer Fundamentals (BTAEN-204)

Basic Computer Structure

a) Computer terminology (including bit, byte, software, hardware, CPU, IC and various
memory devices such as RAM, ROM, PROM); Computer technology (as applied in
aircraft systems).
b) Computer related terminology; Operation, layout and interface of the major
components in a micro computer including their associated bus systems;
Information contained in single and multi address instruction words; Memory
associated terms; Operation, advantages and disadvantages of the various data
storage systems.

Functions performed and overall operation of a microprocessor; Basic operation of each
of the following microprocessor elements: control and processing unit, clock, register,
arithmetic logic unit.

Software Management Control

Awareness of restrictions, airworthiness requirements and possible catastrophic effects
of unapproved changes to software programs.
Aircraft & Components (BTAEN-205)

Airframe Structures — General Concepts

 Airworthiness requirements for structural strength;
 Structural classification, primary, secondary and tertiary;
 Fail safe, safe life, damage tolerance concepts;
 Zonal and station identification systems;
 Stress, strain, bending, compression, shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress, fatigue;
 Drains and ventilation provisions;
 System installation provisions;
 Lightning strike protection provision.
 Aircraft bonding

Flight Controls (ATA 27)

 Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder;
 Trim tabs;
 High lift devices;
 System operation: manual;
 Gust locks;
 Balancing and rigging;
 Stall warning system.


Propulsion (BTAEN-301)

Turbine Engines

a) Constructional arrangement and Operation of Turbojet, Turbo fan, Turbo shaft

and Turbo Propeller Engines.

b) Electronic Engine Control and Fuel Metering systems (FADEC).

Engine Indicating Systems

Exhaust Gas Temperature \ Inter stage Turbine temperature systems, Engine Speed,
Engine thrust Indication, Engine pressure Ratio, Engine Turbine Discharge Pressure or
Jet Pipe Pressure Systems, Oil Pressure and Temperature, Fuel Pressure,
Temperature and flow, Manifold Pressure, Engine Torque, Propeller speed.
Basic Aircraft Instruments (BTAEN-302)

Electronic Instrument Systems

Typical systems arrangements and cockpit layout of electronic instrument systems.

a) Understanding of the following Terms:- Open and Close Loop systems,
feedback, follow up, Analogue Transducers, Principle of Operation and Use of
following Synchro System components \ Features:- Resolvers, Differential,
control and torque, transformers, Inductances and Capacitance Transmitters.
b) Understanding of the following Terms:- Servo mechanism, Null, Damping, Dead
band, Construction operation and use of the following Synchro system
components : Resolvers, Differential, control and torque, E & I Transformer,
Inductance Transmitters, Capacitance Transmitters, Synchronous Transmitters,
Servo Mechanism Defects, Reversal of Synchro leads, Hunting.

Electronics Fundamentals & Digital Technique (BTAEN-303)

a) Transistor symbols; Component description and orientation; Transistor characteristics
and properties.
b) Construction and operation of PNP and NPN transistors; Base, collector and emitter
configuration; Testing of transistors. Basic appreciation of other transistor types and
their uses. Application of transistors: classes of amplifier (A, B, C); Simple circuits
including: bias, decoupling, feedback and stabilization; Multistage circuit principles:
cascades, push-pull, oscillators, multivibrators, flip-flop circuits.

Integrated Circuits
a) Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits/operational amplifiers.
b) Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits; Introduction to operation
and function of an operational amplifier used as: integrator, differentiator,
differentiator, voltage follower, comparator; Operation and amplifier stages
connecting methods: resistive capacitive, inductive (transformer), inductive resistive
(IR), direct; Advantages and disadvantages of positive and negative feedback.
Printed Circuit Boards
Description and use of printed circuit boards.

Numbering Systems
Numbering systems: binary, octal and hexadecimal; Demonstration of conversation
between the decimal and binary, octal and hexadecimal systems and vice versa.

Data Conversion
Analogue Data, Digital Data; Operation and application of analogue to digital, and digital
to analog converters, inputs and outputs, limitations of various types.

Data Buses
Operation of data buses in aircraft systems, including knowledge of ARINC and other

Logic Circuits
a) Identification of common logic gate symbols, tables and equivalent circuits;
Applications used for aircraft systems, schematic diagrams.
b) Interpretation of logic diagrams

Integrated Circuits
Operation and use of encoders and decoders;
Function of encoder types;
Uses of medium, large and very large scale integration

Operation, application and identification in logic diagrams of multiplexers and de-

Fiber Optics
Advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic data transmission over electrical wire
Fiber optic data bus;
Fiber optic related terms;
Couplers, control terminals, remote terminals;
Application of fiber optics in aircraft systems
Electronic Displays
Principles of operation of common types of displays used in modern aircraft, including
cathode ray tubes, light emitting diodes and Liquid Crystal Display.

Electrostatic Sensitive Devices

Special handling of components sensitive to electrostatic discharges;
Awareness of risks and possible damage, component and personnel anti-static
protection devices

Electromagnetic Environment
Influence of the following phenomena on maintenance practices fro electronic system;
EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI – Electromagnetic Interference
HIRF – High Intensity Radiated Field
Lightning/lightning protection

Typical Electronic/Digital Aircraft Systems:

ACARS – ARINC Communication and Addressing and Reporting System
ECAM – Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
EFIS – Electronic Flight Instrument System
EICAS – Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System
FBW – Fly by Wire
FMS – Flight Management System
GPS – Global Positioning System
IRS – Inertial Reference System
TCAS – Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System

Note: Different manufacturers may use different terminology for similar systems.

Aircraft Hardware (BTAEN-304)

Fasteners & Screw threads

Screw nomenclature; Thread forms, dimensions and tolerances for standard threads
used in aircraft; Measuring screw threads.
Bolts, studs and screws
Bolt types: specification, identification and marking of aircraft bolts, international
standards; Nut: self locking, anchor, standard types;
Machine screws: aircraft specifications; Studs: types and uses, insertion and removal;
Self tapping screws, dowels.

Locking devices
Tab and spring washers, locking plates, split pins, pal-nuts, wire locking. Quick release
fasteners, keys, circlips, cotter pins

Aircraft rivets
Types of solid and blind rivets: specifications and identification, heat treatment.

Pipes and Unions

a) Identification of, and types of rigid and flexible apipes and their connectors used in
b) Standard unions for aircraft hydraulic, fuel, oil, pneumatic and air system pipes.

Control Cables
Types of cables;
End fittings, turnbuckles and compensation devices;
Pulleys and cable system components;
Bowden cables;
Aircraft flexible control systems.

Electrical Cables and Connectors & Electrical Cables and Connectors

Cable types, construction and characteristics; High tension and co-axial cables;
Crimping; Connector types, pins, plugs, sockets, insulators, current and voltage rating,
coupling, identification codes. Continuity, insulation and bonding techniques and testing;
Use of crimp tools: hand and hydraulic operated; Testing of crimp joints; Connector pin
removal and insertion; Co-axial cables: testing and installation precautions; Wiring
protection techniques: Cable looming and loom support, cable clamps, protective
sleeving techniques including heat shrink wrapping, shielding.

 Riveted joints, rivet spacing and pitch;
 Tools used for riveting and dimpling;
 Inspection of riveted joints.
Pipes and Hoses
 Bending and belling/flaring aircraft pipes;
 Inspection and testing of aircraft pipes and hoses;
 Installation and clamping of pipes.


Aircraft Electrical System-I (BTAEN-401)

Electrical Power (ATA 24) (Generation)

Batteries Installation and Operation; DC Power Generation; Voltage regulation.

Aircraft Instrument System-I (BTAEN-402)

Instrument Systems (ATA 31)

Classification; Atmosphere; Terminology; Pressure measuring devices and systems;
Pitot static systems; Altimeters; Vertical speed indicators; Airspeed indicators; Mach
meters; Altitude reporting/ alerting systems; Air data computers; Instrument pneumatic
systems; Direct reading pressure and temperature gauges; Temperature indicating
systems; Fuel quantity indicating systems; Gyroscopic principles; Artificial horizons; Slip
indicators; Directional gyros; Ground Proximity Warning Systems; Compass systems;
Flight Data Recording Systems; Electronic Flight instrument Systems; Instrument
warning systems including master warning systems. Vibration measurement and

On board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45)

Central maintenance computers; Data loading system; Electronic library system;
Printing; Structure monitoring (damage tolerance monitoring).

Aircraft Radio Communication/Navigation-I (BTAEN-403)

Communication (ATA 23)

Fundamental of radio wave propagation, antennas, transmission lines, communication,
receiver and transmitter;
 Working principles of following systems:
— Emergency Locator Transmitters
— Flight Management Systems
— Global Positioning System (GPS)
— Global Navigation
— Satellite Systems (GNSS)
— Inertial Navigation System
— Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)

Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)

Electronic emergency equipment requirements; Cabin entertainment equipment.


Aircraft Electrical System-II (BTAEN-501)

Electrical Power (Distribution)

 Power distribution;
 Inverters, transformers, rectifiers;
 Circuit protection;
 External/Ground power.

Lights (ATA 33)

External: navigation, landing, taxing, ice; Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo; Emergency.

Aircraft Instrument System-II (BTAEN-502)

Autoflight (ATA 22)

Fundamental of automatic flight control including working principles and current
terminology; Command signal processing; Modes of operation: roll, pitch and yaw
channels; Yaw dampers; Stability Augmentation System in helicopters; Automatic trim
control; Autopilot navigation aids interface; Autothrottle systems; Automatic Landing
System: principles and categories, modes of operation, approach, glideslope, land, go-
around, system monitors and failure conditions.
Flight Controls (ATA 27)
a) Primary Control; aileron, elevator, rubber, spoiler; Trim Control; Active load control;
High lift device; Lift dump, speed brakes; System operation: manual, hydraulic,
pneumatic; Artificial feel, Yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, gust locks; Stall
protection system.
b) System operation: electrical, fly by wire.

Aircraft Radio Communication/Navigation-II (BTAEN-503)

Navigation (ATA 34)

— Very High Frequency (VHF) communication;
— High Frequency (HF) communication;
— Audio;
— Cockpit Voice Recoder;
— Very High Frequency omni directional range (VOR);
— Automatic Direction Finding (ADF);
— Instrument Landing System (ILS);
— Microwave Landing System (MLS);
— Flight Director systems;
— Distance Measuring Equipment (DME);
— Doppler navigation;
— Area navigation, RNAV systems;
— Weather avoidance radar;
— Radio altimeter;
— Air Traffic Control transponder, secondary surveillance radar;
— ARINC communication and reporting;


Principle of Management (BTAEN-601)

 Management Concepts
 Management Thoughts
 Planning, Decision Making
 Organization, Delegation of Authority
 Nature and Purpose of Staffing
 Staffing-Selection Process & Techniques
 Directing/Direction

Principles of Management by K. Anbuvelan

Applied Mathematics (BTAEN-602)

Module 1 Determinants
Module 1.1 Properties of the Determinant
Module 1.2 Determinants of Matrices of Higher Order
Module 1.3 Applications of Determinants and Matrices

Module 2 Differential Equations

Module 2.1 Basic Concepts
Module 2.2 Order of a differential equation
Module 2.3 Degree of a differential equation
Module 2.4 Linear Differential Equations
Module 2.5 Separable Differential Equations
Module 2.6 Linear Second Order Equations
Module 2.7 Real, Distinct Roots
Module 2.8 Complex Roots
Module 2.9 Systems of Differential Equations

Module 3.1 Basic Integration
Module 3.2 Solving Indefinite Integration
Module 3.3 Integrals are Summations
Module 3.4 Area Under The Curve
Module 3.5 Integration as an Inverse Process of Differentiation
Module 3.6 Definite Integrals
Module 3.7 Properties of Indefinite Integration
Module 3.8 Examples of Indefinite Integration
Module 3.9 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Module 3.10 Table of Indefinite Integrals
Module 3.11 The Total Change Theorem
Module 3.12 The Substitution Rule
Module 3.13 Integrals of Symmetric Functions
Module 3.14 Integration By Parts
Module 3.15 Trigonometric Integrals
Module 3.16 Trigonometric Substitution
Module 3.17 Integration of Rational Functions By Partial Fractions
Module 3.18 Comparison between Differentiation and integration
Module 4 Permutation & Combination
Module 4.1 Permutation
Module 4.2 Circular Permutations
Module 4.3 Permutations when all the objects are distinct
Module 4.4 Circular permutations
Module 4.5 Restricted – Permutations

Module 5 Trigonometry
Module 5.1 Angles
Module 5.2 Radian measure
Module 5.3 Relation between radian and real numbers
Module 5.4 Relation between degree and radian
Module 5.5 Notational Convention
Module 5.6 Trignomteric Functions
Module 5.7 The Six Trigonometric Functions
Module 5.8 Trigonometric equations

Physics (BTAEN-603)
Module 1 Bonding in solids

Module 1A Introduction
Module 1B Cohesive energy
Module 1C Calculation of cohesive energy of io
nic solids
Module 1d Cohesive energy of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) crystal
Solved problems
Information for quiz

Module 2 Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Module 2A Derivation of de Broglie Equation for matter wave

Module 2C Davisson and Germer’s Experiment
Module 2D G.P Thomson’s Experiment
Module 2E Schroedinger Wave Equation (Time Independent)
Module 2F Physical Significance of Wave Function
Module 2G Particle in a Potential box
Solved problems
Information for quiz

Module 3 Magnetic Properties

Module 3A Introduction
Module 3B Origin of magnetic moment
Module 3C Magnetic moment due to electro spin & Bohr magnetron
Module 3D Classification of magnetic materials
Module 3E Dia-magnetism
Module 3F Para-magnetism
Module 3G Magnetic domains
Module 3H Ferro-magnetism
Module 3I Domain theory of Ferro – magnetism
Module 3J Hysteresis curve
Module 3K Ferri – magnetism – Ferrites & their applications
Module 3L Anti ferro – magnetism
Module 3M Requirement of magnetic materials for different purposes
Solved problems
Information for quiz

Module 4 Semiconductors

Module 4A Introduction
Module 4B Intrinsic Semiconductors
Module 4C Extrinsic Semiconductors
Module 4D Minority carrier life time
Module 4E Drift and Diffusion
Module 4F Einstein relation
Module 4G Equation of continuity
Module 4H Hall effect
Module 4I P-N junction
Module 4J Width of depletion layer of the P-N junction
Module 4K Volt-ampere characteristics
Module 4L Zener diode
Module 4M Varactor (varicap) diode
Module 4N Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Module 4O Solar cells
Solved problems
Information for quiz

Module 5 Lasers

Module 5A Introduction
Module 5B Einstein coefficients
Module 5C Pumping and population inversion
Module 5D Ruby laser
Module 5E He-Ne laser
Module 5F Semiconductor laser
Module 5G Applications of laser
Solved problems
Information for quiz
Module 6 Fibre optics

Module 6A Introduction
Module 6B Principle of optical fibre
Module 6C Numerical aperture
Module 6D Step-index fibre-transmission of signal
Module 6E Graded index fibre – transmission of signal
Module 6F Optical fibres in communication and sensing application
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Chemistry (BTAEN-604)


Module 1A Atomic Structure –Introduction

Module 1B Sub-Atomic Particles
Module 1C Discovery of Electron
Module 1D Discovery of Protons and Neutrons
Module 1E Atomic Models
Module 1F Wave Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation
Module 1G Electronic Energy Levels: Atomic Spectra
Module 1H Chemical Bonding


Module 2A Arrhenius Theory

Module 2B Bronstedt-Lowry Theory
Module 2C Lewis Acids and Bases
Module 2D Reactions of Acids and Bases with Water
Module 2E Equilibrium Equations
Module 2F Strengths of Acids and Bases (The pH and pOH Scales)
Module 2G pH Concept
Module 2H Weak acids and Weak Bases


Module 3A Laws of Thermodynamics

Module 3B Rates of Reaction and the Rate Law for a Reaction
Module 3C Different Ways of Expressing the Rate of Reaction
Module 3D Order of Molecularity
Module 3E Reaction Rates
Module 3F Rate Laws
Module 3G Integrated forms of Rate Laws
Module 3H Simple Second Order Rate Equations
Module 3I Reaction Mechanisms
Module 3J Chain Reactions

Module 4A Introduction
Module 4B Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Module 4C Structural Isomerism
Module 4D Naming of Alkanes
Module 4E The Importance of Functional Groups


Module 5A Faradays Laws

Module 5B Redox Reactions
Module 5C Electrochemical Cells
Module 5D Industrial Electrochemistry:


Module 6A Boyle’s Law

Module 6B Charles’ Law
Module 6C Graham’s Law of Gaseous Diffusion


Module 7A The Atmosphere

Module 7B The Hydrosphere
Module 7C The Geosphere
Module 7D The Biosphere
Module 7E The Flora and Fauna
Module 7F Natural Resources Consumption
Module 7G Atmospheric Chemistry
Module 7H Air Pollution
Module 7I Aquatic Chemistry and Water pollution
Module 7J Soil Chemistry
English (BTAEN-605)

MODULE 1 Communication

Module 1A Importance of Communication

Module 1B Communication Basic Forms
Module 1C The Process of Communication
Module 1D Barriers to Communication:
Module 1E Dealing with Communication Barriers

MODULE 2 Nonverbal Communication

Module 2A Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication

Module 2B Components of Nonverbal Communication

MODULE 3 Listening

Module 3A Importance of Listening

Module 3B Barriers to Effective Listening
Module 3C Approaches to Listening
Module 3D Better Listener
Module 3E What Speakers Can Do to Ensure Better Listening

MODULE 4 Interviewing

Module 4A Planning the Interview

Module 4B Conducting the Interview
Module 4C Ethics of Interviewing

MODULE 5 Letter Writing

Module 5A Understanding the Audience

Module 5B Organizing Your Message
Module 5C Business Letters

MODULE 6 Oral Presentation

Module 6A Introduction
Module 6B Preparing to Give an Oral Presentation
Module 6C Making the Presentation
Module 6D Summary

Social Ethics (BTAEN-606)


Production Planning & Control (BTAEN-701)

Scope of Production Management : Elements of production-the production cycleNecessity for

planning and control-analysis of production planning and control functions. Production planning
control as the nerve system of the production unit.

Factors affecting planning, forecasting information necessary for pre-planning. Sources of

information. Methods of forecasting, aircraft components requiring overhaul, repair,
modifications, premature, failures, Project planning. Estimates of plant, machinery,
buildings, manpower, materials, spare parts, time and cost estimates.

Materials, Machines and Processes : Production engineering knowledge necessary for

planning, machine tools and processes. Materials including aircraft materials and their
processing, Spare parts required for overhaul and maintenance. Ground handling
equipment. Testing of components and aircraft after overhaul. Standards for acceptance
after overhaul.

Equipment and Tools : Pre-planning required for provision of special tools, jigs, fixtures
and test equipment required for overhaul and maintenance. Types and description of
major test equipment.

Production Planning : Production planning function of routing estimating and

scheduling-LOB-CPM and PERT. Queing theory, sequencing in jobs, shop scheduling.
Assembly line balancing. Charts and graphs.

Production Control : Production control functions of dispatching, progressing and evaluation.

Activities of progressing. Shop procedures. Maintenance of critical data
statistics of evaluation control charts.

Design of PPC Systems : PPC as a management information. System design parameters.

Charting information for systems charts.

ORGANISING FOR PPC : Centralized and decentralized systems. Organizing PPC around
information flow-concepts and practices in Indian Airlines and Air India, practices in other countries.

Text Books and Reference Books :

1. Frankling S Moore, Production Control, McGraw Hill.
2. E H MacNiec, Production Forecasting Planning and Control John Wiley.
3. Landy Thomas, Production Planning and Control M,McGraw Hill.
4. Carson Gordon, Production Hand Book B Ronald Press Company.
5. Mages John F., Production Planning and Inventory Control, McGraw Hill.
6. Churchman, Operations Research, Ackoff and Arnoff.
7. Hoffman and Wadsworth, Production Management and Manufacturing Systems.
8. K C Batra, Production Management

Management of System (BTAEN-702)

Systems Approach to Management : Systems concept; Types and characteristics of

manufacturing and service systems; overall conceptualization of business systems, model building;
Planning, analysis and control of engineering systems; Communication for planning and control.

Organisational Concepts : Management hierarchy for different types of industry: Organisation

principles, structures, tools for coordination and planning
Human Resource Development : Management function for human resource planningpeople, profit
and productivity. Staffing, recruitment policy, training and development programmes, motivation,
incentive and promotion policies, collective decision-making, trade unions and collective bargaining.

Projectology : Project formulation and implementation strategies. Monitoring and control of projects.
Project evaluation - benefit - cost analysis.

Management Information System: Significance of information as a corporate resource.

Identification, collection, storage and retrieval of information. Frequency of reporting and updating.
Introduction to Decision Support Systems.

Planning and Control of Production Systems : Product design and development, product life
cycle; Demand analysis and forecasting - Time series analysis, simple exponential smoothing
models, input - output analysis. Resource requirement planning. Basic models for shop loading,
sequencing and scheduling. Materials requirement planning. Management functions for planning
maintenance, maintenance strategies.

Managerial Economics : Concepts of managerial economics; Production and cost analysis;

Managerial uses of production and demand functions. Determinants of price - pricing under different
objectives. Role, objective and goals of financial management.

1. E S Buffa, Modern Production/Operation management, ES., Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
2. Gupta A K, Management of Systems, Macmillan Book CO., New Delhi
3. Chary S N, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi

Reference Books:
1. S C Keshu & KK Ganapathy, Aircraft Production Technology and Management, Interline
2. Palmer, Maintenance, Planning and Scheduling Manual, McGraw Hill
3. Wright, Management of Organisation, McGraw Hill

Control Theory & Practice (BTAEN-703)

Introduction to Laplace transform, Fourier transforms, Definition of feedback terms,

symbols to represent feedback control variables, characteristics of basic feedback loop.
Introduction to dynamics of stable and unstable vehicles. Definition of Aerodynamic
coefficients, force and moment equations, definition of relaxed static stability , CCV
concept in modern flight control system.

Models of Components and Systems : Its variables and equations, modeling of passive
electrical components and systems, static and dynamic variables, modeling of DC motors
and servo systems, transducer, sensors and actuators, transport delay.
Frequency response analysis :
a) Open loop and closed loop poles and zeros
b) Nyquist diagram
c) Nyquist stability criterion
d) Stability margins,illustration of phase margin and gain margins

The BODE magnitude plot: Studies on BODE phase plot, stability marginson the BODE
plot, Time delay effects.

The root focus method : the locus equations, properties and sketching rules, loci for

Time Response : Steady state error, transient response to a input, performance


System design : (a) Signal conversion and processing: Digital signals and coding, data
conversions and quatization sample and hold devices, digital to analog conversion, analog
to digital conversion, the sampling theorem, reconstruction of sampled signals. (b)
Compensation networks, system effects of offset and noise. (c) Servo components:
Synchros, Sensors, actuators, computers (d) Electronic design aspects: rating, time delays,
reasonable values, etc. proportional controller, proportional integral controller,
proportional integral differential controller (PID)

The Z-Transform : (a) Definition of Z Transform (b) Evaluation of Z Transform

(c) Mappling between s-plane and the z-plane (d) the inverse Z transform (e) Theorems of
Z transform.

The State Variable Technique : (a) State equations and state transition equations of
continuous data system (b) State transition equations of digital systems (c) Relation
between state equation and transfer function (d) Characteristic equation, eigen values and
eigen vectors (e) Diagonalisation of A matrix (f) Methods of computing the state transition
of A matrix.
Stability of digital control system, time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis.

1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India
2. Robert C Nelson, Flight Stability and Automatic Control, McGrawHill, New York
3. B Etkin, Dynamicsof Aircraft, McGraw Hill, New York
Reference Books:
1. Duglas B Miron, Design of Feed Back Systems, Harcourt Brace Jovanovic
Publications, NY
2. Benjamin C Kuo, Digital Control Systems
3. Mc Ruer, Ashkenaus and Graham, Aircraft Dynamics and Controls, Prinston Univ.
Press, NJ
Strength of Material (BTAEN-704)

Introduction : Concept of Stress, axial loading normal stress, shearing stress, bearing
stress, stress on an oblique plane under axial loading.

Deformation : Concept of strain, normal strain under axial loading, stress-strain

diagrams, Hooke's law, modules of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, thermal stresses, bulk
modulus, modulus of rigidity, shearing strain, stress-strain relationship.

Transformation of Stress and Strain : Principal stresses, maximum shearing stress,

Mohr's circle for plane stresses. Stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels, measurement of
strain Rosette.

Pure Bending : Deformation in a transverse cross-section, derivation of formula for

bending stresses. Bending stresses in composite sections.

Shearing Force and Bending Moment : Diagram for simply supported Beam, Cantilevers,
with concentrated, uniformly distributed and variable loads. Castigliano's theorems, unit
load method.

Deflection of Beams : Deflection in simply supported beams and cantilevers with

concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads and combination of these. Macaulay's
method, moment area method.

Springs : Design of Helical (closed coiled) springs and leaf springs.

Columns : Euler formula for pin-ended columns and its extension to columns with other
end conditions. Rankine Gordon formula.

Torsion : Deformation in a circular shaft, angle of twist, stresses due to torsion, derivation
of torsion formula, torsion in composite shafts.
Loads on Airplane Components: Steady and unsteady load.

TextBooks :
1. S Ramamrutham, Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.
2. E P Papov, Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. U C Jindal, Strength of Materials, Umesh Publications

Reference Books :
1. S Timoshenko, Strength of Materials, D Van Standard Co. Inc.
2. G H Ryder, Strength of Materials, B I Publications, Mumbai
Air Navigation (BTAEN-801)

The Problems of Air Navigation : The Aircraft, Aids of Navigation VOR, ADF, ILS,
MLS,GCA, DME, TACAN. Doppler and basics of inertial navigation inertial reference
system, Their limitations and uses. Weather, Air Traffic Control, Communications, GPS,
TACAS, ATC Interrogation Radar.
The Earth: Its Form & Features : Principle Physical Features of the Earth, Latitude,
Sidereal Time. The Seasons, Climate, Duration of daylight,

Chart Projection for Air Navigation : The Round Earth on a Flat Chart. Properties
obtainable in Projection. Distance on Sphere. Direction on a Sphere. The Lambert
Projection. The Mcrcator Projection, The Gnomonic Projection. The Stereographic
Projection. Projections for Weather Charts. Calculation on Rhumb Line Tracks and
Magnetism : Review of the Elementary laws of magnetism. Terrestrial magnetism,
Horizontal and vertical components of earth's magnetic field and their variation with
latitude. Isogonic and agonic lines. Isoclinic lines. Aircraft Magnetism; Resolution into
P,Q and R components, coefficients and deviation associated with them, compass course

Instruments : Units of measurement of distances and height. The function of

navigational Instruments. The Speed Indicator. The Rate of Climb indicator. The
Altimeter. The magnetic Compass. The Turn and Bank indicator. The Directional Gyro.
The Artificial Horizon. Radio, Radar Altimeter. Machmeter. Fluxgate Compass ADI, HSI
and RMI.

Chart Reading : Distinctive Properties of Charts. The importance of chart reading.

Topographic Information. Aeronautical Data. Legend and written Notes. The practice of
Chart Reading.

Dead Reckoning : The place of Pilotage. Advantage of Dead Reckoning. Basic Problems
in Dead Reckoning.
Special Problems & Dead Reckoning: Climb and Descent. Off-course corrections. Double
Drift. Radius of Action. Cruise Control. Alternate Airport Problem. Interception.
Tracking Equal time point, point of safe return.

Air Navigation Computers : Function and Usefulness. The Slide Rule Side. The Wind
Triangle Side.

Radio Navigation: Principles of radio transmission and reception; properties of

electromagnetic waves; classification of frequency bands, elementary knowledge of Radar.
An elementary knowledge of principles of the following radio and radar aids and systems:

Airborne D/F : The manual loop and automatic radio compass including methods of

Ground D/F : M.F., H.F. and V.H.F. Systems.

Radio/Radar track guides approach and landing aids and systems including V.O.R.,
N.D.B., I.L.S. and M.L.S.

Plotting Radio Bearings on Mercator Charts and Lambert Chart. Relating Bearings.

Celestial Navigation : Elements of Astronomy; the universe; Solar system, movements of

earth, moon and planets, earth's orbit; Kepler laws, declination, altitude, azimuth etc.
Practical Value. Accuracy. Simplicity. Basic principles. The Line of position. Celestial
Coordinates. Determining the Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) Determining the Local Hour
Angle (LHA). A Line of position from Polaris. A Line of Position from an Unidentified Star.
Radio Time Signals. Identification of Stars. Star Names. Brightness of Star. The planets.
Motion of the Stars and Planets. The Practice of Celestial Navigation. Astro-Navigation

The Practice of Navigation : Details of Navigation. Preparation of Charts for use in

Flight Pilotage. Contact Instrument Flying. Future Air Navigation system(FANS), Cruise
controls, Flight planning using charts and tables, Extended Range Operations, Aircraft
Pressure Pattern Flying.

TextBooksand Reference Books:

1. The Air Pilot's Manual, Flying Training Vol.3, Airlife Publishing
2. J E Hitercock, Navigation for Pilots, Airlife Publishing 1997
3. R B Underdown, Ground Studies for Pilots, Vol.3, Blackwell
4. Trevor Thom, Air Navigation, Airlife Publishing
5. A E Bramson and N H Birch, Radio Navigation for Pilots, Airlife Publishing 1984

Aircraft General Systems (BTAEN-802)

General Maintenance Practices : Jacking, levelling, and mooring, refuelling and

defuelling of aircraft, safety precautions. Hydraulic and fluid systems, precautions against
contamination. Identification colour coding, symbols and other markings to identify the
fluid systems.

Hydraulic system : Advantages and disadvantages: types of circuits: flow through pipes:
pumps and motors: static performance: actuators: seals and backup rings: reservoirs:
accumulators: contamination control filters: tubings and hose pipes: indicating and
warning systems: emergency and redundant systems valves: flow dividers and integraters:
cooling systems.
Servo-Control System : Stability and response: electro-hydraulic servo systems: position
and force feedback: frequency response: principles of automatic control

Pnuematic Systems : Airconditioning and pressurisation systems: deicing systems: heat

loads: plumbing: coldair units: compact heat exchangers: valves: filters: air bottles:
capsules and bellows: indication and warnings.
Oxygen Systems: Gaseous and liquid oxygen systems: breathing masks: oxygen
regulators: oxygen bottles: liquid to gas converters: emergency systems: pressure suits:
indication and warnings.

Landing Gear Systems : Types of landing gears and their design principles: shock
absorbing devices: retracting mechanisms: wheels and brakes: antiskid system: steering
systems: indications and dwarnings.

Fuel Systems : Types of fuels: their properties and testing: colour codes: fuel
requirements: pumps: fuel transfer systems: fuel tanks: plumbing: valves: indications and

Lubrication Systems : Types of lubrication systems: lubricants: cleaning agents;

Auxiliary Power Unit - Construction and operational features.

Fire Protection Systems : Types of systems: Flame proofing: Fire walls: Fire detection
systems: Fire extinguishing systems.

Seat Safety Systems : Ejection seats: Survival packs: Parachutes: Pilot's personal
equipment: life rafts: Doors, Windows and Emergency exits, Seat belts.

System Testing : Ground handling equipment.

1. J V Casamassa and RD Bent, Jet Aircraft Power Systems, McGraw Hill.
2. E H J Pallet, Automatic Flight Control, BSP Profession Books.1993
3. Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedures (CAP 459), Himalayan Books25

Reference Books
1. W Thomson, Thrust for Flight, Sir Issac Pitman.1992
2. Michacl J. Kroes Thomas W.Wild, Aircraft Power Plants, McGraw Hill
3. Michacl J. Kroes, William A Watkins and Frank Delp, Aircraft Maintenanceand Repair,
McGraw Hill 1993
4. Airframe and Power Plant, Mechanics General Hand Book (EA-AC 65-9A), Himalayan
Engineering Thermodynamics (BTAEN-803)

Fundamental Concepts and Definitions : Scope and limitations of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamic system, state, property, change of state, thermodynamic equilibrium,
path process, cycle density, pressure and their molecular interpretation - dimension and
units - Zeroth law of thermodynamics and concept of temperature, temperature scales,
work and heat definition and units of work and heat, work of frictionless process, PV
diagram, indicator diagram.

First law of Thermodynamics : Statement of the first law. Energy. Internal energy and
its microscopicinterpretation, enthalpy, applications of first law.
Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE). The steady - state, steady -flow process. The JouleThomson
coefficient and the throttling process. Uniform state, Uniform flow process,
SFEE and its applications.

Second Law of Thermodynamics : Limitations of the first law, heat engines, reversed
heat engines and their performance, Kevlin-Planck's and Clausius statements of the
second law reversibility-reversible and irreversible processes: Carnot cycle thermodynamic
temperature scale: Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

Entropy : The property, entropy, principle of increase of entropy, calculation of entropy

changes, T-S and h-s diagrams. Microscopic interpretation of entropy-Helmholtz (A) and
Gibbs (G) functions.

Physical properties : Pure substance definition-internal energy and enthalpy of a pure

substance, specific heats, equilibrium of phases, phase diagrams, phase changes, critical
state, PVT surface, tabulated properties and process calculations. Maxwell relations.

Ideal and Real Gases : Definition-internal energy and enthalpy, specific heats and their
calculation from simple kinetic theory, gas tables, Van dcr Waal's equation of state,
principle of corresponding states, compressibility factor.

Vapour Power Cycles : Carnot cycle using steam, Rankine cycle, reheat cycle, binary
vapour cycles.

Air Standard Power Cycles : Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, dual cycle, gas turbine
cycles, inter cooling, reheating and regeneration, gas turbine jet propulsion, deviation from
ideal cycles.

TextBooks :
1. C O Van Wylen; Classical Thermodynamics Wiley 2001
2. J B Jones and C A Hawkins, Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
New York
3. P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGrawHill Book Co. 1981
Reference Books :
1. R A Sonntag and C O Van Wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Wiley, New York
2. D B Spalding and E H Cole, Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Ed., Arnold, London. 1973
3. John F Les and Francis W Sears, Thermodynamics: An Introductory Text for
Engineering Students, Addison, Wesley Reading

Maintenance of Radio & Communication Systems (BTAEN-804)

Basics of the application and identification of electrical cables used in Aircraft radio
installation, crimping and soldering techniques, bonding continuity and insulation tests.
Composition, performance (stability and tolerance) and limitations of the fixed resistors
and varistors (carbon composition, carbon film, wire wound and metallic film).
AC and DC measuring instruments.
Electrical power distribution systems, the operation and construction of static inverters,
rotary inverters and transformer rectifier units.
Basics of interference caused by electrical and ignition system to radio apparatus,
methods of minimizing or suppressing such interference, bonding and screening.
Construction and Identification of various types of antennas; the voltage and current
distribution along antenna of various length; characteristics of ground planes.
Very high frequency (VHF) and high frequency (HF) airborne communications; frequency
bands allocation; the methods of propagation and the ranges expected, both day and
night; calculation of approximate range of communication (line of sight) with given data.
The performance levels expected and specifications of typical airborne HF and VHF
communication systems; the principle of operation, installation practices and procedures,
functioning of the operating controls and indications and maintenance of typical HF and
VHF communication transceivers.
Theory of operation, performance level and specifications of an Audio Integration System.
Working principles and testing of Lead Acid and Nickel Cadmium and Silver Zinc batteries
Principles, Characteristics and operation of the undermentioned systems:
‡ Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) Systems,
‡ Very High Frequency (VHF) Omn, Directional Range System.
‡ Instrument Landing Systems,
‡ Weather Radar Systems.
‡ Microwave Devices.
‡ Air Traffic Control (ATC) Transponder System.
‡ Omega Navigation System.
‡ Radio Altimeter Systems
‡ Cockpit Voice Recorder.
‡ Distance Measuring Equipment
‡ Doppler Navigation System.
‡ Microwave Landing System
‡ Emergency Locator Transmitters.
‡ Computers
‡ Simulators.
‡ Flight Control Systems.
Basics of state-of-the-art communication and navigation systems.
Principles of Satellite Communications and its application to aircraft.

1. RF Hansforde, Heywood and Company London: Radio Aids to Civil Aviation.
2. George Kannedy: Electronic Communication System, McGraw Hill
3. Brian Kendal: Manual of Avionics, Blackwell

Reference Books:
1. Dennis Reddy and John Cooler: Electronic Communication, Prentice Hall of India, New
2. J. Powell: Aircraft Radio Systems, Himalayan Books
3. Keith W. Bose: Aviation Electronics, Jeppesen

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