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(A Central University, Government of India)
East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai-600 I 19.


Dccember 2012 Examinations
Y. Eneineering Mechanics -I
Old Sub Code: UG/ME/BS/T/I15 Q P Code: T05lll05

I)ate:04.01.12 Max Marks: 100

Time : 3 Hrs

PART- A (3 Xl0=30 ntarks)

Compulsory Questions

a) A fbrce having magnitude 1000 KN is acting along the line starting from the point
A (0, -5, l) and passes through the point B (2, 0, 7). Express the force in Vector
form. (3 Marks)

b) State Triangle and Parallel law of Forces? (3 Nlarks)

c) What is Centre of Gravity and Centre of mass? (3 Marks)

d) What is the principle of virtual work? (3 Marks)

e) What is mechanical advantage oia lvlachine'l (3 Marks)

t) F'ind the M. I. oia rectangular area about the X-X axis passing through the
centroid and parallel to the width. (3 Marks)

(3 Marks)
g) Explain D'Alemberts principle.

h) Find the normal and transverse components ofacceleration ofa body moving
(3 Marks)
curvilinear motion?
.' A flywheel is making 180 r.p.m. and after 20 seconds it is running at 120 r.p.m.
How many revolutions will it make and what time will elapse
before it stops? (3 Marks)
j) Explain the Centrifugal and Centripetal force ofa body in a circular
motion. (3 Marks)

PART B (5 X 14 = 70 Marks)
Answer Any Five of the following

Find the forces in all the members of the truss shown in Fig. | . (I4 Marks)


J. In a lifting machine, an effort of 400 N raised a load of l0 KN. If efficiency of the

rnachine is 0.5, what is the velocity ratio? lf on this machine, an effort of 740 N raised a
ioad of 20 KN, what is now the efficiency? What will be the effort required to raise a
ioad of 50 KN? (14 Marks)

Determine the centroid ofthe plane area bounded by the curves =|
.r = 0 and / =0 as shown in the figure 3. (14 Marks)

Fig. 4
.). A TEE section is shown in the figure 4. Locare
the centroid G from AB and
calculate the moment of inertia of the area
Iyy and corresponding radius of
(14 Marks)


A I]
L5 cm

: x _c+_

I 50 cm


6. A projectire is fired such t*,at it crli, lto*., of lo m

at a distance of 48 m from
the point ofprojection. lt strikes the horizontal ptane
through the foot ofthe tower
at a di.stance of 36 m beyond the tower. Find the least
initial velocity ol the
projectile if the point ofprojection is as the same level
as the fbot of thetower.
(14 Marks)

7. A train, running by Diesel engine having weight

500 KN starts from rest up an
inclined plane of I in 15 with a unifoim aiceleration. li
anains a maximum
velocity of 60 km/hr in a distance of 1000 m. Now the
source of power of the
engine ofthe train is forcefully stopped. If the tractive resistance
is I5 N/KN find
the maximum power developed by the engine ofltrain.
(14 Marks)

A motor car has wheels of g00 mm diameter. lt speeds up from 2g km/hr

km/hr such that .its angular acceleration in radis2 f, - gf"", iv
A - 0.06t where time t is given in seconds. Find the necessary
time raken by
the motor car to speed up. Also calculate the number olturns
it will make in that
********* (14 Mark)

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