Lecture 3 - The Impacts of Engineering and Ethics

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The National Engineering University

College of Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering

ENGG 401
Introduction to
Engr. Rejie C. Magnaye, Engr. Airra Mhae G. Ilagan
September 2022

Module 1

Engineering Impacts
❖ Engineering gives shape to our world
❖ Engineers design, create, or modify nearly everything
we touch, wear, eat, see, and hear in our daily lives.
❖ Their innovations and inventions fuel economic
growth, fortify national security, improve healthcare,
and safeguard the environment.
❖ Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers
create the world that never was." -Theodore Von Theodore Von Karman
Karman, aerospace engineer
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 3
Engineering Impacts
Positive Impacts Negative Impacts
Civil engineers have created beautiful structures People have created chemical weapons in
and roads that help countries become safe and chemical engineering. These chemical weapons
strong. have caused massive destruction.
Genetic engineers produce more food by Genetic engineering (cloning) is unnatural and
developing ways to enlarge fruits, vegetables, and causes many problems in the clones, and create
other crops. birth defects.
Genetic engineering will help us to understand Experiments in genetic engineering can be
things like mutations in genetics, DNA, and the extremely dangerous, life-threatening, mutating,
human genome. and have horrifying consequences. Also, the
healthiness of genetically modified (GM) foods is
the subject of much debate.

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Engineering Impacts
Positive Impacts Negative Impacts
Machines that transport can make our lives much Several of the advancements made by
simpler, such as the automobile and airplane. engineering such as the automobiles have
detrimental effects on the environment, as they
cause pollution.
CFC’s as coolants: Chosen for their excellent heat CFC caused destruction of the ozone layer
Indoor water circulation and public sewage Caused extensive pollution of water
systems: Solved a huge problem, improved resources (underground water, lakes, rivers
sanitary conditions immensely, elevated people’s even tap water)
standard of living significantly
Automobiles: Solved the transportation problem, High fatalities from accidents, pollution, green
allowed faster movement of people and goods house effect (Global warming)

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Engineering Impacts
Aswan High Dam, Egypt

Eliminated flooding of villages, ensured a

reliable water supply, provided a source of clean

Adversely affected farm lands by

depriving it from nutrients carried by flood water,
affected fish population, caused the displacement
of a large population which virtually eliminated one
of the oldest cultures/communities in the region

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Engineering Impacts
Wind Farms, Eastern Europe

Electrical generators that harness the

wind power using giant turbines: Provided a
source of clean energy

Caused a noticeable increase in

temperature in Europe due to interference with
natural heat transfer by wind

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Module 1

Six Pillars of Character
In 1992, Michael Josephson brought together a group of educators to create the Six Pillars
of Character—core ethical values for youth to learn and adapt.

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Six Pillars of Character
quality of dependability and includes honesty
integrity, loyalty, and promise-keeping.

treating others (superiors, subordinates,
clients, contractors) in a manner to enhance
their dignity.

comprises accountability, pursuit of
excellence and self-restraint.

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Six Pillars of Character
Justice and Fairness
be objective and impartial, do what is right,
pursuit of excellence

when ethical decisions are made, the impact
to all concerned should be minimized

Civic Virtue (accepting appointments, give

time and money to social causes) and
obligation to community which extends
beyond self interest.
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 11
❖ Ethics is not just Black and White, but predominately grey from the deciders
point of view.
❖ Ethics is not a matter of majority vote but of private conscience.
❖ Loyalty causes ethical confusion
⮚ Client, employer, self, family, public - Who comes first?
⮚ Protect Public Health or keep your job - Nerve Agent
⮚ Disposal Engineer in Utah (Whistle Blower Laws)
⮚ Loyalty to friend or to self?
⮚ To take a job transfer or not - Family before employer?

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Engineering Ethics

Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this

profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty
and integrity. Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all
people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty,
impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the
public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of
professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical

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Engineering Ethics
Fundamental Canons

Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:

⮚ Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
⮚ Perform services only in areas of their competence.
⮚ Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
⮚ Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
⮚ Avoid deceptive acts.
⮚ Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to
enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

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PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 1. The chemical engineer shall be guided in all his relations by the highest
standards of honor and integrity and shall act with fairness and impartiality to all.
Section 2. The chemical engineer shall uphold at all times the dignity of the chemical
engineering profession and shall protect it from misrepresentation.
Section 3. The chemical engineer shall avoid being associated with any enterprise which is
of questionable character or is contrary to law or public welfare.
Section 4.
The chemical engineer shall express a professional opinion only when he is adequately
informed of the facts related thereto and the purposes for which the opinion is asked.
Section 5. The chemical engineer shall not issue statements, criticism or arguments on
matters of public concern which are inspired or paid for by private interests, unless he
indicates in whose behalf he is making the statement.

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PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 6. The chemical engineer shall not indulge in self-laudatory advertisement nor make
exaggerated, untrue, or misleading statements in media or any public forum.
Section 7. The chemical engineer shall be mindful of the safety and convenience of the
public at all times and shall make every effort to remedy or bring to the attention of his
client or employer any dangerous defect in equipment or structures or dangerous
conditions of operation which come to his knowledge.
Section 8. The chemical engineer shall consider it his professional obligation to protect the
interest of his client, employer or any person of responsibility and he shall act accordingly
as long as it does not conflict with law, public policy, and welfare.

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PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 9. The chemical engineer shall make known to his client or employer all his other
professional obligations, financial interests, or other considerations which might restrict or
interfere with his meeting the legitimate expectations of his client or employer before undertaking
an engagement.
Section 10. The chemical engineer shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise form
more than one client or employer who is in the same line of business or has conflicting interest
with the others, without the consent of all parties; he shall not accept compensation directly or
indirectly from parties dealing with his client or employer except with the consent of his client or
Section 11. The chemical engineer shall present clearly the consequences or risk that will
arise if his professional judgment or work, for which he is responsible, is overruled.
Section 12. The chemical engineer shall not hesitate to engage, or advise his client or employer to
engage the services of other experts or specialists on problems on which his information or
experience is inadequate.
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PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 13. The chemical engineer shall regard as the property of his client or employer any plan,
design, or other record which results from the use of information which is not common
knowledge or public property, but which information is obtained from his client or employer.
Section 14. The chemical engineer shall exchange general information and experience with his
fellow chemical engineers, contribute to the work of engineering societies and schools, and
cooperate in such other endeavors as will enhance the effectiveness of the chemical engineering
Section 15. The chemical engineer shall encourage and provide opportunity for the professional
development or advancement of chemical engineers in his employ.
Section 16. The chemical engineer shall recognize the view that inadequate compensation for
professional services tend towards inferior and unreliable work and shall not accept
compensation beneath the generally accepted level of professional fee.

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PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 17. The chemical engineer shall not compete with another engineer unfairly, such as
reducing his usual professional charges for work after having been informed of the charges
asked by others.
Section 18. The chemical engineer shall not injure or attempt to injure falsely or maliciously,
directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, competence, capability, prospects, or practice of
another professional.
Section 19. The chemical engineer shall endeavor at all times to give credit to those to
whom credit is properly due.
Section 20.The chemical engineer shall not review the work of another chemical engineer for the
same client or employer without the prior knowledge and consent of such engineer when the
client or employer relation of such chemical engineer has already been terminated, prior notice is

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PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 21. The chemical engineer shall report any infraction of any rules of professional
conduct to the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PICHE) for proper appraisal
and shall be ready to testify, if necessary.
Section 22. This Code shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in
the Official Gazette.

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❖ The impact of the Chemical Engineering
profession relies on how the professional do
one’s work and the motivation.
❖ Ethics serve as a guide in order to attain the
common goal of the practice of the Chemical
Engineering profession.
❖ It is a matter of attaining the positive impacts
over the negative impacts in order to benefit
the greater good.

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Chemical Accidents
Chernobyl (1986)

⮚ Result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
⮚ The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into
the environment, with the deposition of radioactive materials in many parts of Europe.
⮚ Two Chernobyl plant workers died due to the explosion on the night of the accident, and a further
28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation syndrome.
⮚ The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation has concluded that,
apart from some 5000 thyroid cancers (resulting in 15 fatalities), "there is no evidence of a major
public health impact attributable to radiation exposure 20 years after the accident."
⮚ Some 350,000 people were evacuated as a result of the accident, but resettlement of areas from
which people were relocated is ongoing.

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Chemical Accidents
Chernobyl (1986)

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Chemical Accidents
Texas City Refinery explosion
(March 2005)

⮚ A hydrocarbon vapor cloud was ignited and

violently exploded at the ISOM isomerization
process unit at BP's Texas City refinery in Texas
City, Texas
⮚ Killed 15 workers, injuring 180 others and severely
damaging the refinery.
⮚ $1.6 Billion spent to settle 1000 claims

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Chemical Accidents
The Prudhoe Bay oil spill
(March 2, 2006)
⮚ a pipeline owned by BP Exploration, Alaska (BPXA)
in western Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
⮚ Initial estimates of the five-day leak said that up to
267,000 US gallons (6,400 bbl) were spilled over
1.9 acres (7,700 m2), making it the largest oil spill
on Alaska's north slope to date.
⮚ Neglected multiple cries from employees
⮚ Guilty to negligent discharge of oil
⮚ Fined US$20 million

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Chemical Accidents
JG Summit naphtha plant violates
environmental laws – Environment
Management Bureau

⮚ Odor violation.
⮚ Fine of P50,000 ($1,080) per violation if due to
negligence, but the company would not be fined if
the violation was due to “factors beyond their
⮚ “When the smoke is black, then there is wrong in the
operation because anything black is unburnt. The
combustion process is incomplete and this may
have long-term harmful effect to the people”

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Engr. Rejie C. Magnaye, Engr. Airra Mhae G. Ilagan

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