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ENGLISH write a biographical sketch about any

Indian author or poet and stick pictures.

read newspaper. follow a news. Write 2
different reports on the same topic

lesson 19 waste water management
assignment- Find out how waste water
and sewage is disposed in your houses or
apartment complex. (Details- Enrich
Activity Page no.231 in the textbook)
2. Lesson 9. Soil
Activity To differentiate between soils by
( Page no: 99 Activity 9.2)

make a model of the human digestive
system using modelling clay. Make
organs such as the liver, stomach,
pancreas and large
intestine with thermocol or clay. Rubber
tubes can be used make the oesophagus
and the small intestine. Use the human
digestive system as a reference

prepare a natural calendar.
1.choose the species ( Plant a seed of your
own choice )
2.Choose your recording on a particular
3. Record your observation.
3. Record your species in the same location
each week and prepare a natural calendar.
MORAL SCIENCE write down ten ways that how can you
improve yourself-confidence.
Draw or collect picture of ‘ Birdman of
India’, also write down about Dr. Salim
Ali. ( you can stick related pictures)

write a letter to your friend

FRENCH ecrivez une lettre a votre ami (e) et describing how you are
deicrivant comment vous passez vos spending your vacation?
vacances ? points to consider:
points a considerer : In this pandemic, what have
Dans cette pandemie, qu'avez-vous fait you done to be healthy or learn
pour etre en bonne sante ou apprendre something new or tried your
quelque chose de nouveau ou vous etre hand at cooking/art or any
essye a la cuisine/a l'art ou a toute autre other innovative activity)
activite innovante) prepare a ppt on the subject
preparez un ppt sur sujet "le systeme "the education system in france
educatif en france et au bahrein. and bahrain.
faites un tableu ( chart) sur "les villes & la make a table (chart) on "French
culture francaise" cities & culture"
collez les images et expliquez en 4-5 paste the images and explain in
points pour chaque ville en francais. 4-5 points for each city in

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