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Football vocabulary

What words can we use to describe this world sport? Where do we start?
What we know is that:

Football entertains.

Football unites.

Football divides.

Football is a legendary sport that is famous worldwide.

Football is a crowdrouser

Football is an equaliser

Football is a great experience

Football is resilience.

Football is our universal language

How much football vocabulary do you know from this list? You can
download the worksheet at the bottom of the picture and do the wordsearch.
Check the definitions of the words you do not know in a dictionary.

The quiz below will help you memorise the new football vocabulary:

1. What is the other name for a “fan”?

 A substitute
 A referee
 A striker
 A supporter
2. Who is a midfileder?
 His main role is to score goals.
 He is a player in the central part of the field.
 He is a player substitute.
 He chooses players on the field.

3. In football, the “lineup” is…

 A group of players with specific roles to play on the field.
 A line that is drawn on the pitch.
 A line that a coach draws on a bench.
 The white line surrounding a football pitch

4. Playoffs are…
 Games that are boring.
 Games that have been cancelled.
 Matches that are only played in international tournaments.
 A series of games or matches between teams in order to decide a

5. What do we call a player who replaces another player on the field?

 A defender
 A striker
 A substitute
 A goalkeeper

6. What is the small object that the referee uses during a match?
 A stick
 A whistle
 A baton
 A book of rules
7. What does a coach do?
 He arbitrates a match.
 He chooses players and gives them intsructions on how to play a match.
 He only shouts at players.
 He competes with the referee.

8. What is the word that we use when a player goes to play for another club?
 A season
 A market
 A sale
 A transfer

9. What does a referee do in a match?

 He makes sure that football rules are followed.
 He just gives red cards.
 He scores goals.
 He whistles.

10. What is the standard attire for a football player on the field?

 A jersey, a skirt and a pair of boots
 A jersey, a pair of trousers and a pair of boots
 A jersey, a pair of shorts and a pair of boots
 A jersey, a dress and a pair of boots
Can you recognise some of the words in the picture below? Do you know
all of them? Check in a dictionary to find the definitions of the words you
do not understand.

Here are our 20 favourite football expressions:

 To do one’s best
 To be a game-changer
 To let a game flow
 A memorable match
 A match that lives long in memory
 Stoppage time
 A feverish atmosphere
 To play a game in the right spirit
 A glittering career
 To score a header
 To produce magic moments
 To have football intelligence
 To finish on a high note
 To perform to one’s potential
 To produce great performance
 To break the deadlock
 To win by the skin of their teeth
 To clinch a victory

What are your favourite football expressions? 

Now look at the picture below and learn the Adjectives that you can use
to describe a football match. Try to make sentences with the new words.

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