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Organisational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour determines stability and growth. McDonald's is the world's largest fast-
food chain and US restaurant company. This firm sells pizza, ice cream, quick food, cold drinks,
soft drinks, hard beverages, and lunch items. It appeared in the 1940s, around the turn of the
century. Richard and Maurice McDonald started it in San Bernardino, California. Originally
based in Oak Brook, Illinois, the authority plans to relocate to Chicago by 2018. McDonald's is
the world's largest marketing firm, with over 36,000 locations in over 100 countries. Hamburgers
are the company's most famous product, although they also provide cheeseburgers and breakfast
dishes. The firm presently owns all of the land where its restaurants are located, worth between
$16 and $18 billion.
Task 1
P1: Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and
team behaviour and performance
Individual and team performance is directly influenced by the organization's culture, politics, and
power. During the course of doing business, an organisation becomes civilised. This
civilization's goals, plans, and strategies incorporate norms and values. All of these are shaped by
customers' views. There are various patterns of employee and authority behaviour towards
consumers. Cultures, traditions, architecture, attitudes, manners, and customs of civilization.
These are the longest-lived achievements.
Power, position, task, and person are four forms of organisational culture. Every aspect of an
organisation has benefits and drawbacks. Power is a fundamental element of organisational
culture that contributes to the company's stability. This enables managers to influence personnel
in numerous directions. Having authority allows bosses to use and express their ideas in decision
making, which goes beyond what employees expect from the firm. Power also refers to the
decision-makers and directors of the firm, as well as the governing body. But power application
is not always advantageous. Unusual cases of power abuse occurred, such as bossing employees
about in offices.
The involvement of workers and other elements in relevant sectors is a crucial part of
organisational culture. Groupings of organisational culture are as follows. These are power, task,
role, and person cultures. Employees' behaviour, enthusiasm and authenticity are all influenced
by these four cultures. Employee perks, dress rules, working hours, offices, setup, employee
privileges, wages, customer services, customer happiness, and even a single piece of the
organization's civilisation of benevolence might indicate organisational culture.
Employees that want to develop their ideas to improve the company's market position may be
hindered by the company's role culture. For example, public services and municipal governments
have modified their role-playing technique. McDonald's invites employees from all levels of the
industry to voice their opinions.
Politics is the greatest power to change an organization's status. Politics and its objectives affect
global and local business. Politics encompasses all aspects of a person. Politics influences all
McDonald's actions, locally or globally. Power and politics are intertwined. These two elements
ensure the appropriate growth of the firm by utilising its resources properly. Organizational
power and politics encompass people, money, authority, and time. There are five forms of
power: expert, reward, coercive, legitimate, and referent. Culture, politics, and power in a firm
are entirely dependent on the spontaneous involvement of all employees. It ensures market
ranking building.

M1: Critically analyse how the culture, politics and power of an organisation can influence
individual and team behaviour and performance

I work for a modern global corporation. During my time at McDonald's, I learned a lot. This is
the world's largest fast-food chain. Large segment meals and beverages are provided globally.
The appropriate utilisation of labour by workers is critical to the company's industrial growth.
The stronger relations between employers and workers determine the company's growth.
Policymaking, opinion-forming, strategy planning, dispute resolution, and innovation are all part
of relations. Management of administrations and comprehensive equivalency of the company's
performances are all part of organisational structures. Culture, politics, and powers are the most
important industrial influences on individual and team performance.
McDonald's overall success and growth is dependent on excellent customer service and
employee behaviour. Managers are responsible for employee management, employee relations,
policy formulation, union representation, and administrative duties. The organization's culture,
politics, and power all impact these obligations. Finance, taxation, and social services are all
affected by politics. Customer habits, etiquette, beliefs, values, attitudes, and other fashionable
traditions in religious or cultural traditions. Power is the ability of a person or organisation to
influence others. A person in authority in his firm must be able to govern administrative values
such as money, promotions, and assets. At the same time, politics is seen as a way to manage
incentives and other human resources.

P2: Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organizational context
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory
In this idea, upper-level employees serially promote lower-level employees. According to
Maslow (2017), this system is used in organisations to describe how motivational tools move
from table to table and person to individual. Maslow highlighted that members in an organisation
are motivated to meet certain demands and exert dominance over others. Legislative authority is
the lowest degree of an office in Maslow's hierarchical need theory. As the world's most famous
and largest commercial organisation, they used deficient hierarchy theory to encourage their
workers and therefore their customers to market their products.

Herzberg’s Motivation Theory

The Herzberg motivational theory discusses consumer satisfaction and discontent based
variables. This approach defines satisfaction as consumer and client motivation. The elements
that induce discontent are called hygiene factors. So that the clients are fully happy, McDonald's
authority implements the idea to assure appropriate administration of customer service concerns.
Self-realization is the best approach for employees to encourage themselves. This quality is built
up day by day through the company's exceptional performance and training programmes.
McGregor Theory X and Theory Y
McGregor Theories X and Y are created to analyse the employees' intents. McGregor created
two theories, Theory X and Theory Y, to analyse variables that hinder learning motivation.
Theory X assumes that the ordinary individual dislikes labour and avoids it. Just for safety and
profit. According to Theory Y, work may be as fun as play, and most individuals can be
responsible for it because creativity is prevalent. The first topic of this theory utilised in
McDonald's to ensure improved client and stakeholder behaviour.
Equity theory
John Stacey Adam developed this idea of motivation, stating that salary and benefits alone do not
motivate. This idea addresses the various variables that affect the organization's growth. This
notion suggests that dishonest workers should broaden their horizons to become more respected
employees. All stakeholders in a firm need to be motivated by the company's satisfaction levels.
In every area of life, equality manages the proper coexistence of many cultures and ideas. These
theories are emerging for the development of motivating abilities in employee interactions and
performance. McDonald's authority uses these ideas to analyse marketing statistics and consumer
evaluations to inspire them.
M2: Critically evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective
application of behavioural motivational theories, concepts, and models.
Effective apps only attract stakeholders and consumers in business areas linked to the
organization's strategies. Applicable cultures, customs, politics, powers applied to business
sectors and employee performance in office responsibilities are combined in this motivational
theoretical framework. The behavioural motivational theory is created to inspire employees to
achieve the company's goals. All stakeholders, including the governing body, directors,
members, and most crucially, consumers, must be encouraged to buy. It might be a religious
speech or any other type of motivational speech. Various scientific and philosophical
motivational ideas can clearly benefit an organization's growth. As a company, we consistently
plan unique learning experiences for our employees.

D1: Critically evaluate the relationship between culture, politics, power, and motivation
that enables teams and organisations to succeed providing justified recommendations.
McDonald's and other representatives of marketing companies like Sainsbury's, Tesco, etc. Their
attempts were adopted to assess the organization's cultures, politics, and power. The culture of an
organisation or community includes numerous beliefs about positions, power, task, and personal
power. The organization's culture, power, and politics drive employees and stakeholders in
various ways. These types of elements affecting the organization's growth help employees to
flourish as individuals and teams, giving recommendations for the company's adjustments and
future planning. Workers or trade unions in the organisations may cause unanticipated problems
and hardships for McDonald's managers. Politics and power often intertwined and spawned each
other. POLITICS CREATE POWER, WHICH IS US Government concerns, income collection,
and political power support an organization's healthy growth. Several ideas and
recommendations for implementing organisational growth. These suggestions are completely
validated and adopted by the company's top management.

P3: Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team

Creating a successful team involves various methods and ideas. The factors that create a
successful team directly affect the company's growth. These elements include quantity, quality,
complexity, conflict resolution, and communication skills, which help an individual team achieve
an organization's goals. Ineffective teams are caused by a variety of causes. A team is made up of
two or more persons working towards a common objective. The formation of a team relies
heavily on the spontaneous engagement of its members. Working in a team has numerous
advantages. It helps the group members express themselves in various decision-making
activities. It allows workers to contribute to attaining corporate goals and ranking on the
worldwide market. Teamwork ensures the achievement of the specified goals and the task
quantity. It reduces work complexity. Complex tasks might be difficult for an individual but
trying as a body makes it simpler. One of the major benefits of office group work is
brainstorming ideas by one or more team members. Team members can form personal ties that
benefit the workplace and the individual.

Skills for building an effective team

Many variables influence the development of team abilities. This includes respect for team
mentors and learning events, as well as involvement and listening. The firm organises learning
events to improve employees' inner abilities and discover latent talent in workers and
policymakers. The learner engages in the cultural training and skill development programme.
The firm might begin any campaign to rank in the worldwide marketplace.

M3: Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of
dynamic cooperation
Tuckman defined a four-phase system for team management. Norming, Performing and
Storming All of this helps the team member achieve the group's goals. Every team member
strives to fulfil the company's and management's goals. The firm uses many ideas to achieve its
aims. Employees' public-responsible actions clearly have stages or phases. Person to person,
team norms vary, yet team success is obtained. To analyse the company's development,
Tuckman's theory assesses man's values, norms, cultural patterns, and traditions.

The company's various duties clearly enable the team member to gain their learning perspectives
and ideas and aims. The team's dynamic collaboration is updated by their technological,
scientific, critical thinking, conflict resolution, etc. expertise. To assist the dynamic growth of the
governing body's team members. All efforts are properly organised and successful to the
management and team performances. Storming is another phrase used to describe the demand for
jobs. This requirement is for the company's benefit.

P4: Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational

context and a given business situation.
Concepts and philosophies
McDonald's is now the world's largest marketing firm. I have worked at the company's
management desk for numerous years (McDonald Annual Report, 2017). Several philosophers
and scientists examine and appraise the circumstances of the desired business firm. The
company's efforts and the philosophers' suggestions are highly valuable and useful in their
strategic planning. Path-Goal Theory is one of the philosophical ideas on leadership and

These philosophical ideas have several uses. The following are four main forms of goal-path
theories rolling on the company's behavioural structures:

Among all the philosophers' ideas, the goal-path theory is the best answer for behavioural issues
in an organisation (Mullins, 2016). McDonald's business firm ensures their philosophy to apply
scientific measures. This helps leaders to be highly directive, critical, and resolve conflicts

Supportive Leadership: Proper engagement of leaders in estimated issue solution. Organizational

leadership enables management to make accurate planning and policy decisions with the
company's backing.
Participative Leadership- In general, leaders are decision-makers for the firm, not participants of
events and performers. Participating leadership indicates that the leader is present at the
company's operations. It enables all employees to contribute equally to the company's growth.

Leaders should remember that they are achievement-oriented leaders. Achieving-oriented

leadership helps leaders achieve team goals. Leaders are heavily reliant on different elements in
increasing the company's position.

McDonald's practical attributes theories assist build empathy, integrity, assertiveness, liability,
and decision-making abilities. According to Torrington et al. (2015), a good leader has many
behavioural styles for different situations. Every advancement is accomplished by devoted

Attitudes & Behaviours Related to the Task

These behaviours emphasise work performance above interpersonal elements of leadership.

Direction setting, situational flexibility, planned execution risk, performance standards, feedback
and coaching, follower power, and questioning ability are all emphasised.

Interpersonal Relationship Attitudes and Behaviour

 Meeting requirements at a higher level
 Affecting the alignment of individuals
 Inspiring and promoting exposure
 Advancing beliefs and values
M4: Explore and evaluate how concepts and philosophies of OB inform and influence
behaviour in both a positive and negative way.

In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge works only for his or her personal benefit.
Autocratic leaders don't consult their supporters while they're making choices. This type of
authoritarian rule is appropriate for leaders who need rapid decision-making. People may get
disillusioned with leaders who are autocratic.

leaders of Democratic parties give attention to the views of workers' unions and also prioritise
their employees' views when making effective decisions. As a result of the leader, the employees
are inspired to do better. Managing many viewpoints or ideas, on the other hand, presents various
challenges for leaders.

Laissez-faire leadership: The leaders allow their subordinates to make decisions. When
employees are driven by their own interests or have prior job experience, this management style
is suitable. Leaders have an impact on their followers because they inspire them. Leaders, on the
other hand, may become preoccupied and complacent, resulting in leadership failure.

D2: Critically analyse and evaluate the relevance of team development theories in the
context of organisational behaviour concepts and philosophies that influence behaviour in
the workplace.
This model's value helps team members understand their coworkers. Additionally, it aids
employees in assessing how they will respond to a variety of challenges as the project
progresses. It's possible to make a team-building that's too sequential or linear using this
methodology. There must be a consideration for the fact that some teams may "loop" on their
growth even if it is an excellent instrument. For example, not every team progresses smoothly
through Tuckman's phases. Despite the drawbacks, any well-conceived theory may help
employees comprehend the administration of the corporate organisation.
The stability and growth of a company are determined by organisational behaviour. Founded in
the United States in 1940, McDonald's is the country's most well-known restaurant chain. Pizza,
ice cream, quick food, cold beverages, soft drinks, hard drinks, and lunch items are just a few of
the many products offered by this firm. It first appeared in the early 1940s, at the dawn of the
nineteenth century. To summarise, it is critical to examine and assess organisational behaviour
from the perspective of the employee.

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