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Applications of Tangent Lines and Normals

The tangent to a curve f(x) at a particular point (x0, y0) is a straight line that just touches the
curve at a particular point. The equation of the tangent can be written as y− y 0=m(x−x 0)
where m is the gradient.

From our study of differential calculus so far, we know that the gradient of a function f(x) is the
derivative of the function or f ' (x). So, the equation of the tangent at the point (x0, y0) can be
written as y− y 0=f ' (x 0)(x−x 0 ) since the gradient at point (x0, y0) would be f ' ( x 0).

For instance, in the picture below, we see that the line y = 2x – 5 is tangent to the curve
1 2
f ( x )= x −3 at the point (2, -1).

Verify that the line y = 2x – 5 is the equation of the tangent line to f(x) at the point (2, -1).

The normal line is a line that is perpendicular to the tangent line at the point (x0, y0). As such, it
can be written as y− y 0= (x− x0 ) since the gradient of a perpendicular is the negative
f ' (x 0 )
reciprocal of the tangent’s gradient. Again, this can be seen in the picture below.

Verify that the line y = -0.5x is the equation of the normal to f(x) at the point (2, -1).
Applications of Tangents - Newton’s First Law

a) State Newton’s first law of motion.

Suppose a car is speeding down a road that can be modelled as f ( x )=3 x 3 +2 x 2−2 x−3 . The road
is slick and since the car is going too fast, it skids off the road when x = 0.3.

b) Explain how Newton’s first law and tangent lines apply to this situation.

c) Determine the path of the car once it skids off the road.

Applications of Tangents - Mirages

Mirages occur when light passes through air with differing temperatures. Instead of light
travelling in a straight line, the light may follow a non-linear path. Our brain still thinks that the
light is travelling in a straight line (since that’s what light normally does) so we see a mirage.

Suppose you are in the desert and you see a palm tree 50m away (as shown in the picture below).
On a hot day, you will be able to see both the palm tree as well as its inverted image due to the
light following a non-linear path and our brain’s interpretation of the situation.

Diagram not to scale.

a) Assuming the light travels on a quadratic path, determine an equation for the actual path of
light (the blue line).
b) Determine the height of the image (mirage) palm tree.
Applications of Normals – Centripetal Motion

Revisiting our car from earlier, it is travelling down the same road which is modelled by
modelled as f ( x )=3 x 3 +2 x 2−2 x−3 . As it travels along the bend, the car experiences a
centripetal force which is directed towards the center of the bend.

Find the equation of the line that the centripetal force would act when:
i) x = -0.725
ii) x = 0.300

Applications of Normals – Bicycle Spokes

A bicycle wheel (without the tire) can be modelled with the equation x2 + y2 = r2 when we
assume that the center of the wheel is the origin and r is the radius of the wheel. The bicycle
spokes are straight lines that connect the wheel’s frame and the center of the wheel.

a) Assuming the wheel has a radius of 0.35m, determine the equation that will model the bicycle
spokes at:
i) x = 0.150m and y > 0
ii) x = -0.200m and y < 0

b) What are the limitations of this model?

Applications of Tangents and Normals – Your Turn

Create a real-life example that utilizes either the tangent or the normal to the curve.
Provide a full solution to your problem.

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