2013 KGSP Kyung Hee 1

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2013 경희대학교
일반대학원 입학안내
Graduate School , Kyung Hee University

공관추천 / 대학추천
International Students at KHU
(Degree Program)

Alg eria India Sweden

Ang o la I n d on e s i a Ta i w a n

Arg entina Iran Ta j i k i s t a n

Aus tralia Iraq Ta n za n i a

Az erb aijan I t a l y Th a i l a n d

B ang lad es h Japan Tu n i s i a

B elarus K a za k h s t a n Tu r k e y

B hutan K e n ya Tu r k m e n i s t a n

B raz il K yr gyzs t a n Uk r a i n e

B runei L a os Un i t e d S t a t e s

B ulg aria Macao Uzb e k i s t a n

C amb o d ia M a l a ys i a Vietnam

C amero o n Mexico Ye m e n

C anad a M on gi l i a Zimbabwe

C had M ya n m a r

C hina Nepal

C o lo mb ia Netherland

E cuad o r N i ge r i a

Egypt N or w a y

E l Salv ad o r Pakistan

E thio p ia Panama

f iji Pillippines

Finland P ol a n d

France R om a n i a

Germany Russia

Ghana Rwanda

Great B ritain Saudi Arabia

Guatemala S i n ga p ore

GuineaB is s au Spain

H o ng Ko ng Srilanka
Fields of Study (모집단위) 003
Seoul Campus (서울캠퍼스) Fidlds of Study(모집단위)

Field (학과명) Department/Divison (전공) M.S (석사) Ph.D (박사)

Korean Language & Literature (국어국문) ○ ○
English Language & Literature (영어영문) ○ ○
History (사학) ○ ○
Philosophy (철학) ○ ○
Law (법학) ○ ×
Political Science (정치) ○ ○
Public Administration (행정) ○ ○
Sociology (사회) ○ ○
Economics (경제) ○ ○
International Trade (무역) ○ ○
Humanities and Journalism and Communication (언론정보) ○ ○
Social Science Management (경영) ○ ○
(인문사회) Health Services Management (의료경영) ○ ○
Accounting (회계·세무) ○ ○
Management Consulting (경영컨설팅) ○ ○
Hotel Management (호텔경영) ○ ○
Tourism Science (관광) ○ ○
Convention & Exhibition Management (컨벤션전시경영) ○ ○
Culinary Science and Food Service Management (조리외식경영) ○ ○
Child & Family Studies (아동가족) ○ ○
Housing and Interior Design (주거환경) ○ ○
Clothing and Textiles (의상) ○ ○
Education (교육) ○ ○

Mathematics (수학) ○ ○
Physics (물리) ○ ○
Chemistry (화학) ○ ○
Natural and Biology (생물) ○ ○
Applied Geography (지리) ○ ○
Sciences Food and Nutrition (식품영양) ○ ○
(자연과학) Pharmacy (기초약학) ○ ○
Oriental Pharmaceutical Science (한약학) ○ ○
Nursing (간호) ○ ○
Life and Nanopharmaceutical Science (나노의약생명과학) ○ ○

Arts and Music (음악) ○ ○

Physical Fine Art (미술) ○ ×
Education Dance (무용) ○ ×
(예체능) Performing Arts (공연예술) × ○

Biomedical Science (기초의과학) ○ ○

Medicine (의학) ○ ○
Medicine Neuroscience (신경과학) ○ ○
(의학) Oriental Medical Science (기초한의과학) ○ ○
Clinical Oriental Medicine (임상한의학) ○ ○
Dentistry (치의학) ○ ○

Information Display (정보디스플레이학) ○ ○

East/West Medicine (동서의학) ○ ○
Medical Engineering (생체의과학) ○ ○
Oriental Medical Philosophy (한의철학) ○ ○
Oriental Medical History (한의역사학) ○ ○
Biological Sciences of Oriental Medicine (한의생명과학) ○ ○
Applied Korean Medicine (한방응용의학) ○ ○
Human Informatics of Oriental Medicine (한방인체정보의학) ○ ○
Medical Science of Meridian (경락의과학) ○ ○
Cancer Preventive Material Development (암예방소재개발학) ○ ○

║ 2013 외국인 장학생 모집요강 ║

004 Fields of Study (모집단위)
Fidlds of Study(모집단위) Global Campus (국제캠퍼스)
Application Procedure
(전형방법) Field (학과명) Department/Divison (전공) M.S (석사) Ph.D (박사)
East-Asian Language and Literature (동양어문) ○ ○
Humanities and
European Language and Literature (유럽어문) ○ ○
Social Science
International Korean Language and Culture (국제한국언어문화) ○ ○
Anglo-American Language and Culture (영미어문화) ○ ○

Physics (물리) ○ ○
Chemistry (화학) ○ ○
Astronomy & Space Science (우주과학) ○ ○
Space Research (우주탐사) ○ ○
Natural and Oriental Medicinal Materials and Processing (한방재료가공) ○ ○
Applied Horticultural Biotechnology (원예생명공학) ○ ○
Sciences Plant and Environmental New Resources (식물·환경 신소재공학) ○ ○
(자연과학) Landscape Architecture (환경조경) ○ ○
Biotechnology (생명공학원) ○ ○
Food Science and Biotehcnology (식품공학) ○ ○
Plant Molecular System Biotechnology (식물분자시스템바이오텍) ○ ○
Environment Science and Engineering (환경응용과학) ○ ○

Mechanical Engineering (기계공학) ○ ○

Chemical Engineering (화학공학) ○ ○
Advanced Material Engineering for Informations and Electronics ○ ○
Electronics and Radio Engineering (전자·전파공학) ○ ○
Civil Engineering (토목공학) ○ ○
Architectural Engineering (건축공학) ○ ○
Nuclear Engineering (원자력공학) ○ ○
Computer Engineering (컴퓨터공학) ○ ○
Industrial & Management Systems Engineering (산업경영공학) ○ ○
Biomedical Engineering (생체의공학) ○ ○

hysical Education (체육)

P ○ ○
Ceramic Arts (도예) ○ ×
Post Modern Music (포스트모던음악) ○ ×
Film & Theatre (연극영화) ○ ×
Arts and
Digital Art & Design (디지털 콘텐츠) ○ ○
Applied Arts (응용예술) × ○
Industrial Design (산업디자인) ○ ×
Visual Information Design (시각정보디자인) ○ ×
Formative Design (조형디자인) × ○
Textiles & Fashion Design (텍스타일·패션디자인) ○ ×
Architecture (건축) ○ ○

Application Procedure (전형방법)

An overall evaluation of submitted documents and an interview.

서류심사(학업성취도, 학업계획서, 추천서 등), 면접 및 실기 결과를 종합적으로 평가하여 선발함
Some departments will hold an additional Interview or performance test.
학과에 따라 별도의 구술시험 및 실기 시행(단, 예체능계의 경우 실기 시험을 시행할 수 있음)

║ Kyung Hee University ║

Admissions Schedule (전형일정) 005
Admissions Schedule
Process (구분) Date and deadlines (일정) Before Submitting
Application Submission (Kyung Hee Univ.) 2013. Feb. 1(Fri) ~ Mar. 29(Fri)
(지원자 유의사항)
대학추천 장학생 지원 및 서류제출 (경희대학교) 2013. 2. 1(금) ~ 3. 29(금)

Screening and Recommendation (Kyung Hee Univ. → NIIED) 2013. Apr. 1(Mon) ~ Apr. 12(Fri)
심사 및 후보자 추천 (경희대학교→국립국제교육원) 2013. 4. 1(월) ~ 4. 12(금)

Final Notification of Admission (NIIED) 2013. Jun. 17(Mon)

최종 합격자 발표 (국립국제교육원) 2013. 6. 17(월)

Issuance of visa and notification of schedule (before entrance) 2013. Jun. 18(Tue) ~ Jul. 31(Wed)
장학생 비자발급 및 입국일정 통보 (입국 전) 2013. 6. 18(화) ~ 7. 31(수)

Entrance to Korea 2013. Aug. 26(Mon) ~ Aug. 28(Wed)

장학생 입국 2013. 8. 26(월) ~ 8. 28(수)

KGSP students Orientation (NIIED) 2013. Aug. 29(Thu) ~ Aug. 31(Sat)

장학생 오리엔테이션 (국립국제교육원) 2013. 8. 29(목) ~ 8. 31(토)

Korean Language program 2013. Sep. 2(Mon) ~

한국어연수 (어학연수기관) 2013. 9. 2(월) ~

Before Submitting Documents (지원자 유의사항)

Selection for successful candidates will be done strictly by the NIIED Selection Committee. Therefore,
appropriate documents should be submitted by the deadline.
- Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution.
- Documents should be presented in their original form.
- Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants.
- Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and
scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea.
-  In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection
Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. The confirmation of collation should be
indicated in the photocopied documents.
-  Applicants who are expected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate/graduate institutions by
August 31st, 2013, should submit the certificate(or letter) of expected graduation issued by said institutions
when they apply; the official certificate of graduation should be received by NIIED by August 31st, 2013.
-  Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a
comprehensive medical exam when it's orientation. In accordance with the requirements of the Korea
Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates who are judged to be physically unfit for this
program will not be accepted.

║ 2013 외국인 장학생 모집요강 ║

- Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available.
006 - Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available.

Before Submitting Applicants must submit all the documents by the checklist order. (Checklist for the application documents
Documents should be on the front page, followed by the required documents, stapled and attached.)
(지원자 유의사항)
Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not permitted in any cases. In
Eligibility (지원자격)
regards to changing majors, it would be permitted only under the mutual agreement of the departments
concerned only within the same university, with the scholarship period unchanged. (2 years of Master’s, or 3
years of doctoral, in total). However, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted.

NIIED 심사는 장학생선정위원회(100% 외부인)에서 엄격히 실시되므로 서류제출 요건을 필히 준수

- 반드시 1개 기관(공관 또는 대학)을 통해서 지원해야 하며, 이중지원의 경우 심사대상에서 제외
- 지원 시 추천기관에 제출한 서류 및 기록물 일체는 반환하지않음
- 제출 서류의 기재내용이 사실과 다른 경우 불합격 처리함
- 구비서류가 미비 된 경우에는 후보자 최종심사에서 제외함
- 사본은 추천기관(공관 또는 대학) 또는 공증사무소의 원본 대조를 받아야 함
- 졸업예정자는 졸업예정증명서를 제출하며 2013. 8. 31일까지 공식 졸업증명서를 제출해야 함
- 자가건강체크리스트에 본인의 질병여부를 정확히 기재하여야 하며, 합격자는 오리엔테이션 때 종합건강검진을 받아야 함.
(입국 후에는 본인부담으로 귀국 조치 )
- 발표 논문실적은 논문 인쇄본 제출 (1 ~ 2부)
- 수상실적은 표창장 복사 (추천기관에서 원본대조 확인)
지원자는 입학대학이 확정된 후 어떠한 경우에도 대학을 변경할 수 없으며, 동일대학 내에서 학과변경은 학과의 상호 동의하에 가능하나,
이전 학과 자퇴 및 신 입학은 불가하며, 학과 변경 후에도 장학기간은 불변함
(학과 변경 이전기간과 합쳐 석사 2년, 박사 3년만 지원함)

Eligibility (지원자격)
The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships.
-  Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of
-  Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) when he/she
apply for this program, and when it's orientation, an Official Medical Examination will be done by NIIED. A
serious illness (For example, HIV, Drug, etc) will be the main cause of disqualification from the scholarship.
-  NOT Eligible : those who are pregnant
Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2013 (born after Sep. 1st, 1973)
Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1st, 2013.
-  (Important) Applicants who have ever enrolled in a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to
the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has previously enrolled in an undergraduate program, a
master’s program, a doctoral program or an exchange program in Korea cannot apply for this program.
However, a KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of August 31st,
2013 can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he/she holds at least TOPIK Level 4
and obtain another recommendation within the allotment from the Korean Embassy of his/her respective
country of origin (re-application is limited to one instance).
-  Applicants who apply for the Master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is
equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree.
-  Applicants who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is
equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree.
-  Applicants who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or diploma by August 31st, 2013
must submit a certificate of degree or diploma expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or
diploma to NIIED by August 31st , 2013.

║ Kyung Hee University ║

Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91
on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution. If an applicant
does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program.
Eligibility (지원자격)
-  If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages,
attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required.
Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference.
Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference.
Applicants who obtained at least TOPIK level 3 can apply for the field of humanities and social science (at least
TOPIK level 5 for the department of Journalism and Communication)

지원자 및 부모가 모두 외국국적을 가진 외국인

- 한국국적을 가진 이중 국적자는 지원불가
한국에서의 장기간 유학이 가능할 정도로 심신이 건강한 자
- 지원 시 자가건강체크리스트(Personal Medical Assessment)를 제출하고, 오리엔테이션 때 NIIED에서 실시하는 공식건강검진을 받아야 함.
장기간 해외수학에 지장이 있는 심각한 질병 발견 시 합격이 취소될 수 있음
- 임신을 한 자는 지원할 수 없음
2013년 9월 1일 기준 만 40세 미만인 자 (1973년 9월 1일 이후 출생자)
2013년 9월 1일 기준 학사학위 또는 석사학위를 취득한 자 혹은 취득예정자
- 석사과정 지원자 : 학사학위를 취득한 자 또는 이와 동등이상의 학력이 있다고 인정되는 자
- 박사과정 지원자 : 석사학위를 취득한 자 또는 이와 동등 이상의 학력이 있다고 인정되는 자
- 한국 내 대학 또는 대학원에 재학 중이거나 졸업한 자는 지원 불가. 단, 기존 정부초청 장학생으로서 TOPIK 4급 이상을 취득하고 자국의 한국
대사관의 재 추천을 받은 자는 재 지원 가능(1회 한정)
- 졸업예정자는 지원 시 졸업예정증명서를 제출하고, 8월31일까지 공식 졸업증명서를 제출해야 함
최종학교 전(全)학년 성적 평균 평점(GPA)이 100점 만점으로 환산할 경우 80%이상인 자 또는 이와 동등이상의 성적이 있다고 인정되는 자
(※GPA 백분율 환산표 참조)
- 성적을 GPA 백분율로 환산하기 어려운 경우 출신대학의 성적에 대한 공식적인 설명자료가 필요함
한국어능력성적(TOPIK) 또는 영어능력성적(TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS) 취득자는 선발전형에서 우선선발하며, 해당자에 한해 제출
이공계 지원자는 동등자격 또는 심사결과 성적이 동점일 시 우선선발
인문사회계열은 TOPIK 3급 이상 소지자만 지원가능(단, 언론정보학과는 TOPIK 5급이상 소지자)

║ 2013 외국인 장학생 모집요강 ║

008 Eligibility (제출서류)
Eligibility (제출서류)
No Documents (제출서류)
Campus Life
1 Personal Data (지원서)
2 Self Introduction (자기소개서)

3 Study Plan (학업계획서)

4 Letter of Recommendation written by a professor of the uniiversity from which you graduated (추천서)

5 Pledge (서약서)

6 Letter of Informed Consent Document (학적조회동의서)

7 Personal Medical Assessment (자가 건강 체크리스트)

8 Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution (학사학위(예정)증명서)

9 Transcripts & student records from undergraduate institution (학사과정성적증명서)

10 Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution (석사학위(예정)증명서)

11 Transcripts & student records from graduate institution (석사과정성적증명서)

12 Copy of passport (여권사본)

13 Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if available. (한국어능력증명서(TOPIK), 해당자만 제출)

Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy) directly sent from ETS/IELTS, if available (영어능력증명서(TOEFL,
IELTS), 해당자만 제출)

15 Published papers, if available (발표논문, 해당자만 1~2편)

16 Awards, if available (수상실적, 해당자만 1~2개)

Certificate of citizenship of the Applicant and His/Her Parents : birth certificate, passport, etc. (*only for overseas
Korean immigrants) (본인 및 부모국적증명서, 재외동포에 한함)

Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptees)

(입양인 사실확인서, 해외 한국 입양인에 한함)

Other documents that Dean of Graduate school approved its necessity

(기타 대학원장이 요구하는 서류)

※ Every documents must accompanied with translated and notarized in Korean or English, if it is in another language.
모든 서류는 영어나 한국어 이외의 언어로 되어 있는 경우 반드시 공증번역본을 제출하여야 함
Application forms are downloadable from our website (http://gskh.khu.ac.kr)
지원양식은 대학원 홈페이지(http://gskh.khu.ac.kr)에서 다운로드 가능함

Campus Life (생활안내)

Systems to support international students (외국인 학생 지원 제도)

- Orientation for new students (외국인 신입생 오리엔테이션 실시)
- Guide and support program to help study (외국인 학생 학습지원 프로그램)
- Peer Advisor system (외국인 학생 Peer Advisor제 운영)
- Korean cultural experience program and practice (외국인 학생 문화체험 프로그램)

║ Kyung Hee University ║

Korean Language Course (한국어연수) 009
All scholars, unless exempted, must take one year of Korean language course in the designated language Korean Language Course
institution. (한국어연수)

Exemption from the Korean language course requirement : Korean proficiency at TOPIK Level 5 or 6 (with Dormitory (기숙사)

-  Scholars who have surpassed TOPIK Level 5 and want to start their degree course without the Korean
language course should obtain permission from NIIED in advance.
-  Scholars who have surpassed TOPIK Level 6 must start their degree course without the Korean language
-  Scholars who are exempted from taking the Korean language course may take their degree course starting
from September 1st, 2013.
Only the scholars who will have passed at least Level 3 of TOPIK (the Test of Proficiency in Korean) after one year
of Korean language course are permitted to start their master´s or doctoral program.
Scholars who do not pass at least TOPIK Level 3 after one year of Korean language course should complete an
additional six-month coursework in the Korean language.
Language Institution : the NIIED has designated seven language institutions for the Korean language course.

1년간 한국어 연수과정 후, 학위과정 진학(TOPIK 3급 이상을 취득한 자만 허가)

한국어연수과정 면제 : TOPIK 5급 또는 6급
-  TOPIK 5급 취득자 중 NIIED의 허가를 받은 자는 한국어연수를 면제하며, TOPIK 6급 취득자는 한국어연수 없이 의무적으로 학위과정에 진
학해야 함.
1년 한국어연수 후 TOPIK 3급 미 취득자는 추가연수를 6개월 간 실시하며, 추가연수 후에도 TOPIK 3급 미 취득 시 장학생 자격이 상실됨.
연수기관 : NIIED에서 지정한 우수 한국어연수기관 (7개) 중 1곳에 배정

Dormitory (기숙사)
Fields Contents

^(Seoul) Sewha hall http://sewhahall.khu.ac.kr/

Double (830,000 KRW per 1 Semester)
 edroom(23.8㎡) - 216 room, study room, Housing Office, laundry room, convenient
store, Fitness Club, Table tennis facility
^(서울)세화원 http://sewhahall.khu.ac.kr/
- 2인 1실(1학기 830,000원)
- 침실(7.2평) -216실 432명 수용, 면학실, 세미나실, 행정실, 기타부속시설 (휴게실, 세탁실, 매점, 헬스장, 탁
Dormitory 구장 등)
(기숙사) ^(Global) Woo jung won http://www.woojungwon.net/
Bedroom - 777 room, Housing Office, laundry room
Double : 1,540,000 KRW per 1 Semester / 3,369,000 KRW per 1 Year
Triple : 1,164,000 KRW per 1 Semester / 2,593,000 KRW per 1 Year
^(국제)우정원 http://www.woojungwon.net/
- 777실, 1918명 수용
- 2인 1실 : 1학기 1,540,000원 / 1년제 3,369,000원
- 3인 1실 : 1학기 1,164,000원 / 1년제 2,593,000원

※ Dormitory will operate separately during language program (한국어 연수 기간 동안에는 별도 기숙사 운영)

║ 2013 외국인 장학생 모집요강 ║

010 Scholarship (장학금)
Scholarship (장학금) Period
Contacts for Admission -  Master′s (01. 09. 2013 ~ 31. 08. 2016) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master′s
Counselling and Submission -  Doctoral (01. 09. 2013 ~ 31. 08. 2017) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral
Address (대학원 입학 상담
* The scholarship period of degree course cannot be extended beyond the designated duration.
연락처 및 서류 제출처)
Relocation Special
Monthly Research Departure Language Dissertation Medical
Course Airfare (Settlement) Tuitions Funding(TOPIK
Allowance Allowance Allowance Training Fee Printing Costs Insurance
Allowance Level 5 or 6)*
210,000 won
500,000 ~
and social
Round-trip 800,000 won,
Graduate 900,000 won sciences) 200,000 won 100,000 won Full coverage 20,000 won 100,000 won
economy class Full coverage depending on
School (monthly) 240,000 won (once) (once) (quarter) (monthly) (once)
ticket the actual costs
(natural and

upon arrival, beginning of beginning of

Date of beginning of when returning beginning of after finishing the beginning of
when returning every semester upon arrival every semester -
Payment every month home finally every quarter dissertation every month
home finally (twice per year) (twice per year)

※ Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean language (TOPIK Level 5 or 6) commence from the degree program.

-  석사 (3년) : 2013. 9. 1 ~ 2016. 8. 31 (한국어연수 1년 + 학위과정 2년)
-  박사 (4년) : 2013. 9. 1 ~ 2017. 8. 31 (한국어연수 1년 + 학위과정 3년)
※ 학위과정 장학기간은 연장 불가함.

정 착 귀 국 어 학 등록금 논 문 의 료 한국어 우수자*

과 정 항공료 생활비 연구비
지원금 준비금 연수비 지 원 인쇄비 보험료 지원

입학금 면제, 50~80만원이내
양국국제공항간 90만원 21만원 20만원 10만원 60만원 2만원 10만원
대학원 등록금 100% 실비
일반석 항공권 (월) 자연·공학 (1회) (1회) (분기) (월) (월)
지원 (1회)

최초입국 및 학기초 학기초

지급시기 매월초 최초 입국시 최종 귀국시 분기초 논문 완성시 - 매월초
최종귀국시 (연2회) (연2회)

※ 한국어 우수자는 한국어능력시험 5급 이상을 취득한 자를 대상으로 학위과정생에 한함

Contacts for Admission Counselling and Submission Address

(대학원 입학 상담 연락처 및 서류 제출처)

Task (업무명) Department (부서명)

• Seoul Campus Graduate School Office (서울캠퍼스 대학원행정실)
Son, Jihye 손지혜 ┃ Lee, Dongseok 이동석
Tel: +82-2-961-0121~4 Fax: +82-2-967-6937
Screening and
장학생 후보 선발
• Global Campus Graduate School Office (국제캠퍼스 대학원행정실)
및 관리 Han, Jeongseob 한정섭
Tel: +82-31-201-2135~6 :+82-31-204-8118

Graduate School Website(대학원 홈페이지) : http://gskh.khu.ac.kr

Seoul Campus Graduate School Office (서울캠퍼스 대학원 행정실)
Office of Graduate School, Room 312, Main building, Kyung Hee University
26 Kyunghee-daero, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul 130-701, Korea
130-701 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교 대학원 행정실 본관 3층 (312호)
Tel: +82-2-961-0121~4 / E-Mail: admissions_s@khu.ac.kr
Global Campus Graduate School Office (국제캠퍼스 대학원 행정실)
Office of Graduate School, Room 108, College of Arts & Design, Kyung Hee University
1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-Gu, Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do 446-701, Korea
446-701 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732 경희대학교 대학원 행정실 (예술디자인대학관 108호)
Tel: +82-31-201-2135~2136 / E-Mail: khwb6000@khu.ac.kr

║ Kyung Hee University ║

Graduate School
Kyung Hee University



경희대학교 일반대학원
Graduate School, Kyung Hee University

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