Jake Raywood

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The curse of the THUNDER

Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. Ahhhhhmph. I’m a hippopotamus. I like

swimming, but I’m dangerous. If you get to close to me, I might just bite your feet.
Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. I’m a hippopotamus. I’m a hippopotamus. I’m
fat and dangerous If you don’t understand, I might just bite your hand. Hippopotamus.
Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus.

“Where are you going, mom? ” I asked
“Oh just for a meeting in Athens. I need to meet a man called Arthur for a deal that will make our
company much much bigger! ” My mom replied back
“Isn’t Raywood Industries already famous and big all over the world for technology? ”
“um..not like that jake, but I need my company to have a building in Antarctica! ”
“you know that this is not April first right?”
“yes of course”
“mom then you do whatever you like”
“yes, that’s my son!”
“I am 13 mom, stop calling me like that”
“When will you come back?”
“After a week maybe?”
“Good choice!”
“No video games or tv okay?”
“Skipper the robot will monitor you”
Damn it! I thought in my brain

“Ms.Susan, stop calling me “Skipper the robot” Skipper requested my mom.

A heads up on skipper:
Skipper is an android humanoid robot that was gifted to me by my mother on my 10 th birthday. You
must be thinking in your mind with sarcasm, “Yeah, a robot for your 10 th birthday. That’s good.”.
Anyways skipper proved to be useful. He was my only best friend(I had no live friends due to my
quick ager issues). He had many features to use and he knew how to hack anything. By the time he
learned to hack a computer, I gt fears for the skipper. What if he hacks the military and sends nukes
to nuke the world?! But I eventually turned off that feature with my science whiz brain. Skipper is
the same height s mine. I can use him for controlling my anger issues. Mom said to me that the main
reason she gave me skipper was to control my anger. And what to say, there is nothing more to
describe him.

Mom then got ready within a few minutes and wished me good luck and she drove away to the
airport for the night flight to Athens.
Now I can do anything I like “YES!!” I shouted in joy
“yes! I can now rest in peace!” skipper said with happiness.

Two days later..an afternoon

After playing games for an hour, I ate some ice cream. Then I turned on the tv to watch some
relaxing comedy-drama films. I turned on the tv to watch the news first for some juicy stories around
the world.

But what the news channel displayed wasn’t juicy stories.

Instead, my mother’s photo appeared on the screen. The news reporter read aloud on his laptop.

“Good afternoon people of London. We have a grieving thing to say to you. One of the most famous
businesswomen of ours, Susan Raywood of Raywood industries has been reported to be dead.
Yesterday, her private jet crashed and landed near Athens airport. She and her pilot who flew the jet
are reported to be deceased. The officials of the Raywood industries are paying off the damages
caused to the airport. She is survived bu her only son, Jake Raywood.”

“Is this genuine skipper?” I asked him

“Y.Yes it is”

“No no..”
My father died through a lighting strike and my mother now dies in a jet crash.
I am officially an orphan.

“Yard sale for what,” I asked
“You know you can sell your old things. You have a lot of old things”
“Yes yes. I need tables for it. Can I borrow the dining table?”
“Yes, you can. But start your sales business now”
“Yep. I will start it now.”

I went to my room upstairs and I began designing my poster for the yard sale.
When got up and when I sat on my desk,I saw the photo of my mom and dad together.
That reminded of the day my mother died.
I began to cry for about two minutes. Finnaly I put myself together and said to myself that,
“Boys should never cry.They are brave”
I thin I should introduce myself
My name is Raywood.Jake raywood. I am the noly son OF John and Susna raywood. After my mother
died,I was the sole heir to the industry. My relatives expect my aunts(They are extreme kind towards
me). My uncles. Both from my Father’s side and my mother’s side. Belive it or not,my dad’s business
parteners are eving keeping an eye on the company. My classmates texted me on my phone to know
about my mother’s death all night. When I woke up the next moring,I got this message in my phone:
I answered to everyone including my classmates and my relatives that I am fine. Some people came
to my house and asked me that should I come with them to live in the orphanage. “Of course not”. i
gave the answer. I explained skipper that I need to saty in my house only and I am not going
anywhere. Skipper came forward and explained them that I am not coming and he will take care of
me. And for a skipper kept responding to the answers while I slept for days. When I woke up,my
sleep routine was off courses. Finnally I was back to normal and attnedining schhol while skipper
took care of the house. So me and skipper and me are the only one in the house. And oh one more
I am now diagonised with mental disorder.
That doesn’t make me disabled from others. My mind works perfectly fine and I am able to solve
maths problems(the hardest of all) in my class.

I went down and showed the poster. “Not bad for a 15 year old kid” Skipper said.
“Whats bad?” I asked.
“Nothing,your drawings are mostly like 7 year olds”Skipper replied back
I didn’t say anything.
“Anyways, can you help me with leftig the didng tables and the other tables?” I asked.
“You don’t eeed to do that. I wil, do that.”Saying this, he stretched his hands so large that he could
lift the big table with his hands.Skipper then laid out wooden tables in or yard including oour dining
table. Then skipper stretched his ahnds whhc formed into a large basket.”Fill your old things in here
now”. I nodded and skpper and I went to my room and opened my closet. When I saw how much
things I had,I almost gasped. Last year,skipper forced me to do some cleaning to get rid of things I
don’t require. I thought that seemed like a good idea until I realized just how much stuff I’ve actually
got. I spent an hour going through my closet, whie skipper was in sleep mode. I thught to myself that
it was crazy that how much was toys,books and DIY objects were stocked up in there. It was not
even organized cause I was lazy to celan it up.When I saw things that were stored 8 years ago and
all,I dreamt that I was going back in time from the start of my kindergarten when dad bought a
huge ,load of toys for me. The more I grew,I got books and some toys for my age.
Then I saw something that caught my eye. I dug deeper and took out a book worthy of five hundred
pages long and a black ball. I immeaditly realized that the book was my guide for Greek mythst that I
used to read when I was eight. Dad bought this for me at my 8 birthday and I never stopped reading
it. On the other hand, I saw my favourite ball I ever had. My Magic 8 ball! I got that from my friend(a
human) for my 12th birthday. Still I don’t know how I lost it. I decided to keep those fro myself and
not for sale. After emptying out the closet and keeping things in skipper’s “hand basket”(I kept some
of my favourites to myself though),I began wto write the section names on big slips of paper and
placed it on each of the tables. Then I turned off the sleep mode in skipper and he woke up.
“Where were we?”
“Unload that please into the tables at the yard will you?and place the things which are in the correct
sections” I asked him. Skipper then nodded towards me and began doing his job. After ten minutes
he called me out.
“Good to go now dude!” I patted his back.
“ You forgot one thing” skipper looked at me
“what is it?” I asked
“Call her”
“oh yep”
I took out my phone and searched the name, “Angella bella”
Skipper smacked my head.
“OW! Why did you do that for?” I creid out.
“Its ava trace not angella bella.thats your cousin”
“Okay.wait why should I call her?”
“Nah,I am not helping you.i am gonna go sleep mode.”
“great timing”
“Proceed to call her now.”
I then dialed her number. Ava trace. Trr trr trr. After a count of thirty she took the phone.
“Hello?”Ava said.

Hi so you know it’s me Jake reboot

Yes I know you’re my only BFF

Yeah true fact so I need a favor

Of course but you owe me

Or you forgot

You know like when you are being attacked by the police I saved you with my long skill by beating
them that had and I brought some food and we went someone saying my name Jake hello you there
it’s me Eva but instead of responding he laughed when I heard her name my eyes open that was a
lucky time because he was about to slap me right in my face and I dodged her

Could move she said to me in sarcastic way by wrapping her hand

OK so you came here so first I will tell you what I gave you in return

Split out

For the first time you protected me from the bulls I gave you a fancy pen nude and that’s how we
met Newland yeah then when you let me take a sneak peek in your answers during a big surprise
test of all the way I took you for drink juice at a café and then took you to a fun park because I owed
you for everything that you have done for me new and when was that new day before yesterday I
returned back the favor you had done for me

I see… Anyways I will help you

OK so the help I need is just to watch this thing


Yeah for that you can pick anything

Ever looked back then 4th at the table she then took a look at the food section she took a pack of
gummy bears and looked at me new easiest thing new yeah just bought those things in the food
section before you came and that caused me total €100 I said

OK how much is this gummy bears packet

€20 per packet

.. Well then here she fished out the money from her bag which I got for her as a birthday present
and gave it to me

Put the money in that class jar I instructed like now what now we wait skipper said to her

But even after 10 minutes nobody came I had decorated yard sale so Macbeth that it will attract me
but nobody came here

Until Eva had an idea she decided to call her friends for buying something from the sale

And after 5 minutes a group of boys and girls from a school came for the sale OK so I don’t need to
watch the things can skipper do it new like this the moment I’ve been waiting for skipper said but
you have been waiting for every moment I said he ignored me and he began making everyone in line
he asked per person what he or she would buy and he will pick out the thing and return they will
give money number

The number one thing the girls like you are the beauty section I’ve already recently and it cost me
€400 most it had famous lipsticks nail Polish and whatnot

The number one thing the boys liked from the food section and the mystery objects let me strike
books contain of these small objects that I never played at all

But my friend Sean Drake like one thing in fact he decided to buy the whole section the section was
for the breeding buyers and that contains science kits dial rich the ones I didn’t pay my old ones gave
me 400 euros

Thanks dude

What are you using this for the money

Will tell later anything a little pick up

I have 30 euros massage means something

Will pick up size Creek with cost book

OK then I got go for now tomorrow we shall meet sometime new like yeah but for now I gotta deal
for this

By the time I finished talking with Sean my neighbors came to my seat

They bought shirts off the size I recently bought the new ones and some jello and just bought and

After three hours of yard sale I had trillion of things in my closet everyone departed believe it or not I
had few seconds as a stationary toys mask left untouched but some kids bought few for 50€

Then the only remaining one was Eva what are you doing here nothing just packing up shall I help
you yeah maybe I gave you a different color objects in different colors I even did that job

What do you think I will not suit that

When I got into my home Eva go to


OK we’ll meet you tomorrow

When I went into my room after drinking juice I subscript blew my home typical thing of him no line
that what’s good more more love

No five more minutes

Let me do it by saying this I’m a skipper stand while I did it new land after finishing one actually I
cracked mine hence New London no skipper said he laid out a huge bunch of people in my table you
have 20 more assignments you like OK I take it back you do it

I then got in my bed with the big jar of money I made with me I then slept into comfort

Chapter 3 my alarm didn’t work as usual I woke up at 89

Or shoot nothing to worry I got your back skipper give me my bag and my sneakers and my jeans and
T shirt after I got dressed up I ate bacon an omelet and took my electronic bicycle which was
developed by my company to write for school I inserted the GPS through the way for this: raced to
high school and at 8:30 I reached great I muttered

I walked through the empty hallways everyone must have gotten the class I thought I ran to my class
where Mr Mac my computer teacher was trying to I was like show or come in Mr Margarita me as I
walk in I sat next to the seat or fever someone is very early today he said sarcastically you lent after
teasing me he went to fix the problem in the computer new like damn this new code computer he
said kids loved new Lancer medical look at the problem I may know a thing or two new like yeah of
course computer kid

I got up from my seat and went to the laptop I did something and something to cover the USB
insulated back row mode I wanted study files from the device which was good to do and the device
was good to go

There I exclaimed everyone clapped one by Ryan Ryan Tom I talked about my bullies right? Well he’s
a leader of the goalie going in the school and every time I’d reserves he punches in my face what I
expect the punch while I was walking with my foot during recess Ryan was following me after a few
seconds I followed Ryan topple my plane to my face

Everyone there laughed at me my anger boiled inside me I wiped up my face with my towel then the
strangest thing happened to me and he was about to hit me he dodged the head I was not usually
for me not at all his hand washed through the air ride and felt a headache I then saw in slo-mo I took
my glasses I shook my head my sloma thing was off he kept on punching me but I dodged off and
stopped do you think you can stop me punk like I ain’t a punk

I’m need rest

He was about to take me in my stomach when I dodged my back backwards meanwhile leverant was
stop idiot she said to line Ryan began to show boxing news by punching at me a huge crowd at from
there he formed his hand I doubt my darling my head left why I bought I thought even though you
had the blacks look in your face

After 20 punches left and right on my hand I took hold of his right hand I squeezed Ryan was
shouting and pin next time you build your hit someone unnecessarily you’ll see my dark side

Well you were showing in dark side dude one of the kids popped up in the crowd who like many kids
would some backed away from me new like Jake you’re a freak my classmates complimented on me
Many kids hold some back away from me it’s real guys I said by looking at them you landrise right
hand man Max ran to punch me my head then automatically gripped hold up Max and he choked
and choked until he was shouted at me stop it Jake noodle then let go of the new language caps
financial and choked what happened to Ryan and Max

Yeah you are about to die idioYes fine who any Oh yes you can hit me free feel

My nose great thing to do for sentence suspension for a week I belong my main line kinda blank I
went to my class suspension look at diminish I love what happened for the yellow card I see
politicians building I had a strange assault planners in the mountains and I said well October I don’t
know something right in the middle do you spark thunder.

We will all have our warrior posideon.

But When we sent they for battle he massacred them they died

I will keep on trying

Yes father keep on trying we have typed words to seats on the right no language don’t advisor father
God he won’t understand the middle God shouted and threw sparks at end quite Apollo new like we
shall choose on new videos now said the Godess Athena who wore a battlefield armor without
resting on her hand wise decision daughter God let’s warm my hand in begin but using the God
instructed every God formed a circle and there held their hands together the hands colored different
colors than the gods took turn by joining their hands the Thunder God zues whispered the virtues
suddenly the whole code pallesen burden blue and it had like a billion stars pure of heart Zeus said
to himself

Jake reboot the God said I fell back and I hit my head in the result of which I blacked out

A second later I woke up in a palace I was not familiar with it was like a palace I saw in my dream I
saw 12 Thrones in new chitgar and golden statues of human standing before the throne’s must
because I thought I recognized them from each objects holding in their hands on the middle one was
bearded man holding a Thunderbolt And next was holding a Trident then then then a spear then and
now on the hand then a staff then a lyre Dinner bone marrow then a Peacock feather she had a
crown on her head then was one who was holding a bowl of grapes then I love shape heart was
being held by a beautiful goddess I then thought who these people were then something hit my
head they are T the Olympians this p palce is—

Mount Olympus theme reply of man from the back I looked back and saw a man who looked like he
was in his 20s he was wearing AT shirt and jeans you must expect your blessing from legs as use
anytime now he said who won times completely dumb floated that is sky rumbled it tore open and
the strike of Thunder Came up on me and he did my chest too much likes at me then at 10 then a 20
then 30 then a 50 then it finally stopped the main thing which is making my mind burst is

How do I survive the lightning strike?

You are the chosen one graveyard

What is happening here

I asked you like chapter 6 The thing is the man said the killing gods are real

I’m getting a panic attack now I list the man snapped and I was normal snapped again hologram of
gigantic gods goddess popped up in the floor I tried to snap to remove the hologram but the man
looked at me and said idiot stop thatI’m gonna give you a quick listen about the Greek myth

That was the void at the beginning of them never scales the first primordial then from chaos came
mother earth gaia. Then came then lowest oarrt of earth.tartaus then eros who brought life. He was
the life bringer. Chaos created other substances of air sucha as nyx the night,erobos of
darkness,aether the bright and general the day.therse were the primordial gods including chronos
the primordial lord of time.

Then came a new chapter for creation the Titans

These twelve are Titans? I asked

Yes so the Titans are the 12 channel of the primordial beings you ranus of sky and mother earth
there were six male Titans— Ocenaus--
“I know them. Then Uranus imprisoned the species of gaia. The hundered handed ones and the elder
cyclopes with one eye. to whom Uranus felt ugly. Then gaia had enough of that and created a
weapon of iron blade of three feet long. The first weapon ever made. Scythe. Then she called upon
the titans to see who would kill their daddy. Nobody took the task of killing the sky god. And the
reqrd of killing the god was that you can beomce the ruler of the whole wide unverse. Then the
most youngest of the male titan answered her call. Kronos.kronos then found his dad walking in the
grounds. He took this as his chance and leaped on him and with the hlp of his brothers,he cut his
father. The end. ”

“you must have leant abt the titanomachy?’’ flair asked me.
‘’so now lets get tringing!’’
He closed his eyes and made a portal towars somwehere
The training ground was a barren circle built like colosseum. I saw myself in an armor of full
blue. And In my hand was a sword fully coverd with gold. I gated around scouting for any
sign of anyone coming to attack me , the only thing I could see were endless rows of eager
people waiting to see me decimated .
“” " THUD " I heard something behind me fall followed by another . I turned to see the source
of the noice when I was slapped across the face by a metal arm across the stadium . In
result I got two things. First, I crashed into the wall almost making a nice hard crack. I got
up,with my bak achng. Next, my sword went flying from my hand. That means I haveto fight
single handled. 2 massive silver and grey robots towered over me , one with a pulse ray
pointing towards and another with a metal axe that glowed purple . The ray powered up , my
reflexes were quick so I was able to make a daring escape . I ran to the place where I had
lost my sword , unfortunately their speed was no match for me. I kept on getting kicked by
the robots in my back when I ran in circles. UNwavered by the concussions and broken
bones , I tried getting up but one of the bots grabbed me and lifted me up . “YOU WILL NOW
DIE!!” He said in a static voice , I closed my eys and thught in my mind to be this a dream.

He started crushing on me ,that’s when I felt the air exhale from my lungs and my ribs
tearing into my organs . My eyes flashed , as I saw an Old man with a black beard and blue
and gold robes. He had a deep blue eyes that pierced into my very soul then I retunred back
to my sense. . A strange tingling sensation tickled my back , sparks flew from my eyes . The
cloud darkened and the a silent , depressing wind grazed my hair . I smiled , ;’’Not bad. " My
whole body became a being of pure lighting , I could sense my own aura , I saw his pathetic
robot eyes widen as a bolt of lighting struck the two bots , overriding their core and firing
their circuits. The two robots’s 30 feet head began to fall on me when I was still thinking what
to do. Out of blue,I made an X gesture.
Suddenly,a blue shield formedaround me. ‘’WOAH’’ I looked at it. One part of the head fell at
me but the shield blocked out.

Suddenly flair came to me and knocked at the shield. I removed the X gesture and the shiedl
vanished. Flair snapped and e and him were back at my house.
“So you have little bit mastered your power,eh?”
yes so whats next?

I am gonna leve you here,and let you on your own.

wait. I have-
flair disspaered. “great”. I muttered. I then locked my doors of my house shut,then I wnet to my

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