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Delroy Stander


This essay includes the definition of what a teenager is as well as the definition of what
an unhealthy relationship is. The essay also briefly provides 10 strategies to deal with
and handle unhealthy relationships. A teenager is someone who is in their teen years,
between 13 and 19. A teenager is person who is generally in their adolescences (Anon;
2018; 2022). An unhealthy relationship is when partners manipulate each other, there is
possessiveness and partners try to control and dictate each other’s lives. Bad behavior
and violation becomes normal within the relationship. Partners endure many forms of
abuse in an unhealthy relationship. Basically unhealthy behaviors and actions are
normalized within unhealthy relationships due to lack of respect, trust, morals and
values (Staff; 2021).

When one feels like they could be in an unhealthy relationship they first have to
understand what an unhealthy relationship is. Look for the red flags of an unhealthy
relationship. Lack of respect, lack of trust, manipulative and possessive behavior and
abuse are a few signs of an unhealthy relationship. It’s very important for us to identify
the unhealthy behaviors.

We have to understand and acknowledge that it never our fault for being treated badly
in a relationship, we cannot take ownership for or partners unhealthy behaviors and
actions. We shouldn’t blame ourselves for enduring such behaviors and it’s our partners
fault for behaving the way that they do. This is important because it takes the burden
way from the victims and makes the victims understand that they deserve better.

Understand that abuse and unhealthy behavior should be exposed. Exposure so

unhealthy behavior will raise awareness and you partner might open there eyes to what
they are doing and could change their behavior. Effective communication in the
relationship is vital and speaking about the behavior with a mediator can offer a safe
space to resolve the matter.
List pros and cons. Once you have written down all the pros and cons about the
relationship then we can decide from the list whether the relationship is fruitful and
worthy of investment or if it’s not worth the suffering and pain as well as to see whether
the relationship can be salvaged or abandoned.

If a partner does not stick to their promised and goes back to their unhealthy behaviors,
leave the relationship. Give them a 3 strike system to see if they are going to change
and if not, don’t entertain their lies and false promises. It’s better to leave the
relationship than to try and fix something or someone that’s not willing or able to
improve themselves.

Talk to a therapist. Getting counselling and professional help not only as the victim but
as the perpetrator helps to deal with certain triggers or traumas from the past.
Understanding where the root of the problem comes from and working on it from a
profession level is very helpful and in most case is very successful.

Do not think with your emotions. Emotions can cloud your decisions. You can do things
that you never knew that you could do. Don’t act of your emotions because you can
escalate the situation and cause massive trauma and damage to each other. Find ways
to calm down, walk out of the room when arguing and avoid conflict. Do not endure
violence and unhealthy behavior just because you love someone. Think with your brain
and make decisions on a neutral mindset.

Report abuse and violence. Domestic violence and gender based violence shouldn’t be
tolerated at all. Anyone that violates you should be arrested or should at least be
punished by law.

Build a strong moral compass. Know what you stand for, know what you believe in and
what your values are and make sure that your good morals guide you throughout your
decision making. It will promote healthy behavior and you would know what is
unacceptable from your partner as well as from yourself.

Take some time away from the relationship if you not going to break up. Having time
apart can help with emotional trauma and give you time to think clearly and also allow
things to cool off within the relationship.
Reference list

ANON. June 2018. <

redirectedFrom=teenager#eid >. Accessed: 10 May 2022.

Staff, H. 2021. ‘What Constitutes an Unhealthy Relationship?’. HealthyPlace.
unhealthy-relationship . Accessed: 10 May 2022.

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