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What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that accepts input, processes data,

stores data, and produces output as an information.
What is hardware? Refers to the electronic and mechanical parts of the computer. The term
hardware refers not only to the internal parts of the computer but also to its external parts, which
are called peripheral devices.
What is a peripheral device? A peripheral device is hardware that can be added to a computer
system to expand what a computer can do.
What is software? Software is a computer program that tells the computer how to perform
Ex. Word processing software, antivirus software, apps, or web applications.
Digital Convergence – is the trend to blend several technologies that have distinct functions
into a single product.
Ex. Fax, printer, scanner, and telephone
Today many devices, such as mobile phones, portable media players, cameras, and GPSs,
include features that overleap each other. These devices are evolving into a single device.

Basic Parts of a Desktop Personal Computer

System Unit- the system unit is the case that holds the power supply, storage devices, and
circuit boards. It houses the main circuit board called the motherboard (MOBA), which contains
the processor (CPU).
Display device- most computers have a display device called monitor.
Storage devices- a storage device is used to store data on a computer or to share data among
computers. The primary storage device is the hard drive also called hard disk drive (HDD). The
hard drive is usually mounted inside the system unit.
Other storage devices can be used with a personal computer. A USB flash drive plugs directly
into a USB port on the computer system unit. CD and DVD drives are also a storage device.
Sound System- ex. Speakers
Web cam
Memory vs Computer Storage- memory temporarily holds computer data waiting to be
processed, stored, or output. Storage holds computer data on a permanent basis when it is not
immediately needed for processing.
While you are working on a document, it is in memory, it is not in storage until you save it for the
first time. After you save the document as a computer file, it is stored on the hard drive or some
storage medium, such as flash drive. It is also still in memory until you close the document, exit
the program, or turn off the computer.
What are computer files? A computer file, or file, is a named collection of data that exists on a
storage medium such as hard drive or flash drive.
Every file has a filename, which provide meaningful information about file contents.
The filename has two parts: the filename and the file extension.
Example of a file name for a photo Bridge.jpg. The name that you give the file is to the left of the
period. The file extension is the period and two or more characters to the right of the period.
Ex. For word processing (UnitA.doc or UnitA.docx)
You will know what file you are trying to open base on the file extension.

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