Mouth &oropharynx

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1. First assemble all the equipment which are:

 Clean gloves
 2x2 gauze pad
 Penlight
 Tongue depressor
2. Good day ma’am I’m Krysstal Geronga, your student for today. And you are? Please state your
complete name and bday. So ma’am I will asses your mouth and oropharynx, so this necessary
in order to find out if there is any abnormality on your mouth, behind your oral cavity or the
part of your troat it also give us initial information about the condition of your oral cavity. So for
your cooperation I need you po to follow my instructions and answer some of my questions,
okay po?
3. Now I will perform hand hygiene
4. So now I will close thee curtain po for your privacy po
5. Ma’am I need you po to answer some of my questions
 How many times do you brush your teeth is it every time after your meal?
 Do you use flows of mouth wash?
 When was your last visit to dentist?
 Did you notice any lesions in your mouth and oropharynx or oral sore?
 Are you having any dentures?
 Do you take medication that are medicated to you?
 Do you smoke and actively drink alcohol?
6. Okay please seat comfortable po.



7. So first po I’m going to assess or inspect your outer lips for symmetry of contour, color and
 Please purse your lips as if you are going to whistle.
 Okay the color of the lips is pink, the texture is soft and ability to purse lips, so
that is normal


8. Next I will inspect and palpate your inner and buccal mucosa for color, moisture, texture and the
presence of lesions po.
 So I will apply gloves po to reduce the risk on transmitting microorganisms to the
 Please relax your mouth ma’am, (for better visualization, pull the lips outward away
from teeth)
 Grasp the lip each side between the thumb and index finger.
 Palpate any lesions for size, tenderness and consistency
 Inspect the front teeth and gums.
 Okay the color is uniform pink, and the texture is smooth and it also moist and
there is no presence of lesions po.


9. Now we will move po to the inspection of your teeth and gums po.
 Please open you mouth po. So I will use tongue depressor po to retract your cheek.
(view the surface of buccal mucosa from top to bottom and back to front. A penlight will
help illuminate the surface. Repeat the procedure on the other side.)
 Please open your mouth again (using penlight to assist visualization, move a finger
along the inside cheek) Another finger may be moved outside the chick)
 32 adult teeth, smooth white and shiny tooth, pink gums, moist firm texture
gums and that is normal.
10. Now I will inspect the teeth and gums while examining the inner lips and buccal mucosa.
 Examine the back teeth. For proper molars use the index fingers of both hands to
retract the cheek.
 Inspect the gums around the molar. I will observe for bleeding, color, edema and
 Assess the texture of the gums by gently pressing the gum tissue using tongue
11. Inspect the dentures
 So if you have any dentures po kindly remove it po.
12. Inspect the surface of the tongue for position, color, and texture.
 Can you please protrude your tongue po?

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