Writingtask 2

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One of the most heated (nóng bỏng) issues of the last century has been

whether motivating (động viên) children to take exercise is the

responsibility of their family or school. Many arguments have been made
for and against this topic. In this essay, i will discuss both views and state
my own opinion.
On the one hand, the notion(khái niệm) of parents who should be the one
to motivate their children to take more exercises seems to have many
reasons. Firstly, parents can understand the personality and habit of their
children more than anyone else. They would know what to do to make kids
follow what they said. In addition, it is also because of living under one roof
(mái nhà), parents can have more chances to convince(=persuade: thuyết
phục) and teach their children the importance of doing exercises, the
benefits that they can gain from that. Therefore, the kids may change their
mind and start taking exercises.
In contrast, those who agree with encouraging children to take more
exercises should be the responsibility of school also have some convincing
reasons. Recently, teachers have impact a lot on their students, so
students usually listen to their teachers’ instruction(hướng dẫn).
Furthermore, kids will be more motivated when they have their friends to do
exercises with them at school, then the exercises will seem to be less
boring and becomes playful(vui tươi) to them.
In conclusion, while there are convincing arguements on both side of views,
I am more agree with school should be the one to have responsibility of
boosting (thúc đẩy) their students to do more exercises. Cause when
growing up the children will start to spend more time at school and listen to
their teachers, so it would be easier for school to change the student’ mind
and encourage them.

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