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• Introductio n
• Definition
• A pplicat ions of Al
• Advantages and Disadvantages
• G rowt h and Fut ure of A l
• Co nclus ion
• Bibliograp hy

o Intelligence : "The capac ity to lear n and s olve problems."

A rtificial Intelligence : A rtificial Intelligence (Al) is the s imulat ion

of human intelligence by machines .
1) The ability to solve problems.
2) The ability to act rationally.
3) The ability to act Iike humans.

o The central principles of A l include :

1) Reasoning, knowledge, planning, lear ning and communication.
2) Perception and the ability to move and manipulate objec ts.
3) It is the science and engineer ing of making
intelligent mac hines , es pecially intellige nt computer

• Computers with the ability to mimic or duplicate the functions of

the human brain.

• Artificial Intellige nce is the intelligence of machines and t

he branch of computer science which aims to create it.

• "The branch of computer science that is concerned with the

automation of intelligent behaviour" (Luger and Stubblefield.
1 993).
Histo ry of A l

The time
when it
started. John
coined term
'Artificial Computers
Intelligence became
'. faster
& affordable 2000
The year
Ap plication of A l in Medicine

,. A medical cl inic can use A l

systems to organize bed
schedules, make a
staff rotation and provide medical

,A l has also application in fields of cardiology

(CRG), neurology (MRI), embryology (sonogr aphy),
complex operations of internal organs, etc

;;.. It also has an application in Image guided

surge ry and image analys is and enhancement.
Application s of Alin Music

; . . Sc ientists are trying to make the

computer emulate the act ivities
of the s killful mus ic ian.

>- Composition, performance, music

theory, sound processing are
of the major areas on which
research in mus ic and Al are
focu s ing on.
Eg : chucks, smartmusic, etc.
Ap plication of A l in Telecom munications

,. Many telecommuni cations

companies make use of heuristic
searc h in the manage ment of the ir

For example BT Group has

deployed heuristic search in a
schedul ing application that
provides the wor k
s chedules of 20000 engineers.
Robotics and Al

,.. A ROBOT is a mechanical or virtual

artific ial agent, us ually an electro
mec hanical machine t hat is
by a computer program or e lectronic

,.. Robots can be autonomous or

semi-autonomou s.

>- A robot may convey a sense of

intelligence or thoughts of its
Appli cation of Alin Gaming

,. In the earlier days gaming technol

ogy was not broadened.

, Phys icist Wil ly Higinbotham created

the the fir st video game in 195 8.

,. It was called "Tennis For Tow" and

was osc illoscope.

}.- But, now A l technology has become vast

and standard has also been increased.

, For Eg : Sudok u, Fear, Fallout, etc

Ap plication s of Alin Banking :

,_ Organize operations, inve st in stock s, and

manage properties.

In Augu st 2 001 , robots beat humans in a

simulate d financial trading competitio n.

,. Some other applicatio ns include loan investigation,

ATM design, safe and fastbanking, etc.
So me Other Ap plications :

• Credit granting
• Infor mation management and retrieval
• Al and ex pert systems embedded in products
• Plant layout
• Help des k and assistance
• Employee performance evaluation
• S hipping
• Marketing
• War ehouse optimization
• In s pace wor kstation maintainance
• Sate IIite controls
• Networ k deve lopments
• Nuc learmanagement
Artificial Intelligence :
Disadvant age s:
Ac vant age s :
• Increased costs
• More powerful and
more useful computers .
Diffic ulty with s oftwar e
• New and improved interfaces . development- s low and expens •ive

• Solving new problem s .

• Better handling Few ex perienced

of information. programmers

• Relieves infor mation

ove rload . Few practicalproductshave
reached the market as yet.
• Co nve rsion of info
rmation into knowledge .
FutureofA l
• Looking at the features and its wide applicatio n we may definitely stick
to artificial intelligence. Se eing at the development of A l is it that the
future world is becoming artificial.

• Biological intelligence is fixed, because it is an old, mature paradigm

but the new paradigm of non-biological computation and intelligence is
growing ex ponentially .

• The memory capacity of the human brain is probably of the orde r often
thous and million binary digits. But most of this is probably used in
remember ing vis ual impres s ions, and othe r compar atively wastef ul

• Hence we can say that as natural intellige nce is limited and volatile
too wor ld may now depe nd upon computers for s mooth wor king.
Humanoid Robot and Al
Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong based
company Hanson Robotics .

Soph ia was activate d on A pril 19,2 01 5 .

She made her first public appearanc e at South by Sout hwest Fest ival
in mid-Marc h 2 016 in United States.

• In Octobe r 2 01 7 Sop hia became a Saudi A rabian c itiz en, the fir st
robot to rec eive c
itiz e nship in any co untry.
The Ex plos ive Growth of A l

Si nce A l is applicable in almost all fields, they become t he

needs of our life. It is thereason behind t he ex plos ive growth
of Al .

The growth can be divided into twoparts based on the

application area and whatpurpose they serve, they are as fol lows :

D Growth in positive sense (useful to society)

D Growth in negative sense (harmful to society)
Conclus ion :

• Til l now we have disc uss ed in brief about Artific ial Intelligenc e.

• We have disc ussed some of its principles , its applications, its

achievement s etc .

The ultimate goal of institutions and scientist s wor king on Al is to

solve majori ty of the problems or to achieve the task s which we
humans directly can't accomplish.

It is for s ure that development in this field of computer

science will change the complete scenario of the wor ld. Now
it is the
respons ibility of c reamy layer of engineers to develop this field.
Bibliograp hy :

o http:/ / projects /

humanoid robot i c s -grou p /

o http:/ / www. I

o http:/ / wo /

o http:/ / www.mrmi / mrmind3

o http:/ / www / Pathfinder / html/

s how.html

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