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What I have learned and Realized

As I scroll on my social media accounts, seeing people

commenting how Covid-19 change their lives, and by
reading online news published by different outlets, I found
out that there is a major disparities that every individual in
the field of education experienced before and during
Online News and Comments pandemic. Mostly, students and teachers said that before
pandemic, going to school, learning lessons inside the
classroom and teaching students are just few challenging
experiences that they’ve encounter. But now with the
pandemic, it made more teaching and learning difficult,
and also hinder students to go to school. Relating the said
situations in critical race theory or CRT, it reflects the idea
of interest convergence, a tenets of racism, due to the fact
that preventative measures are being inhibited causing
the traditional face-to-face classes turned into online

Hearing and watching the news about the Filipinos

challenging experience amidst pandemic in radio and
television respectively, opened my eyes to what
disparities they life have before and after the Covid-19
Radio and Television pandemic. Many people said that before pandemic their
only problem is going to work. But now with our difficult
situation causing lots of businesses stop operating that
made lessen the opportunities for the Filipino people.
Moreover, causing them lost their jobs. Reflecting this to
critical race theory, I have realized that, racism exist in this
situation due to the fact that people lose their jobs
because they’re discriminated with their skills.

With this category, I only asked my parents since my

brother is just 5 years old. So, my parents told me that
one of the greatest challenge they have experience before
pandemic is that to think where to get money to feed and
support our family’s needs. While during pandemic, it
Parents and siblings enhance the level of difficulty of that challenging
experience because it added more problems, such as
being paranoid about the virus. Basing from the critical
race theory, with them being paranoid with their
surroundings made them a racist as they judge other
people due to their what if’s. Like what if this person is a
carrier of the virus so on and so forth.

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