JIS G 3114 - 1988 - (Hot Roll-Atmospheric Corrosion Resisting Steel-For Welded Structure) - SMA

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referred to as the "plates end sections", to be used for bridges, ‘and other structures. 2, su Beope ais G ania Hot-Rolled Atmospheric Corrosion Resisting Steels for Welded Structure ‘This Japanese Industeial Standard epocifies the hot-rolled atmospheric corrosion resisting steels particularly imparted a high weldabllity, hereinefter Remarks 1 2 bullaing ‘The term "atmospheric corrosion resistance" means the protective chavactorintic Impervious to corrosion when Cxposed to the atmosphere. ‘The units and numerical values given in { } fn this Standard are based on the Internstianal System of Unita (SI) and are appended for infornative referenc Further, the traditional units accompanied by numericel values in this Standard shall be converted to the S1 units, ‘aid numerical values on Jan, 1, 1981+ Grade and Designation ‘The plates and sections shall be classified into the following 4 grades, ‘and their designations as given in Table 1-1 or Table 1-2. ‘Table 1-1 ~c au Designation of Grades (Applicable tl the end of 1980) Tpit tele a ana Fea, s ‘eslstinss proper parma, 99 «nu Table 1-2. Designation of Grades (Applicable on and after Jan. 1, 1991) oer] Biri apovee St soit seal fSTSSB inte Nena: he letter sytol "OY daotes int he plates 3. Chemical Composition The stool plates and sections shall be tested in scoordance with 9.1, and ‘the resulting ladle analysis values shall conform to Table 2-1 or Table 2-2. 508 —o sue ‘Table 2-1. Chemical Composition (Applicabie ti tho end of 1980) a Sh.) 88.) sa | Ps ‘Table 2-2. Chemleal Composition (Applicable on and after Jan. 1,199) aie, —390— Gam Carbon Equivalent or Weld Cracking Parameter of Material Me carbon equivalent or wold crecking parameter of material for steel ~e au ‘Table 2-2, Yield Point or Proof Stress fand Elongation (Applicable on and after Jan. 1, 1991) Tonstte Strength, ‘having undergone thermal procesting shall be as follows: Ta i ae |] Tieton The carbon equivalent of the stes plates having undergone thermal iyciies wiomee me] pst | ae processing shall be as specified in Appendix 1 by agreement between, Live Teel ow a) om te ‘the parties concerned, sndee_[ita "| Om (2) Instond of carbon equivalent, the weld crtcking paramator of materi Bae ; = nay be epplied by agreement between the parties concerned. “In this BAG | as m.| sats.) as ate.| sont [ove ‘case, the wold cracking paraneter of material shall be an specified in Bae Oren @ Appendix. 2. Sa ae-p—— Ue te anda 5. Mechanlot Property BABE | as owe Po 5.1. Yield Point or Proof Stress, Tenalle Strength, and Hlongation The BAS ow steel plates and sections shall be tasted in accordance with tT and the ‘usw tow el Fesulting yield polnt or proof stress, tensile strength and elongation shall dexats,| aon. | an as.| me Powe te conform to Table 3-1 or Table 3-2. sua soe over 0 Table 1. Yield Point or Proo! Stress, Tensile Strength, ‘and Elongation (Applicable ti the ond of 1990) Paina [aeae, ec retention [incite =] We ae Beko wom] RAS | aes mats, | m wim | cous PER OE to | Tal | ge [Come he, =| | My | ceain | aetn | acne. | urn | Em He Mn | Min | Me | Pa [OE Mesntt The sttlons haste aptecdapon'by Ee partice snesenegs 600 1 ane streneth apy oy tthe lel plate, end tows for Be SeeiotetahtaTapeed' spony the partae concer In this case, the value of Charpy absorption energy shall be taken from the average of the three test pieces ‘Table 4-1. Charpy Absorption Bnorgy (Applicable tl the end of 1990) mein | Hie | Sete Saar 0 | asa _| SMA a8 | rte Theealues higher tn thowe (the above" FS sgesd upon by tn 601 G sus Table #2. Charpy Absorption Energy (Applicable on and after Jan. 1, 1961) awatomcion | Baer | SUPE” [er pee Shapes, Dimensions, Mass and Tolerances ‘The shapes, dimensions, meas and thelr tolerances of the steel plates ‘nd sections shall be aa specified in the following: 48 G si92 41s G 3193 ‘The tolerances on the length of the steel plates and the width of eut edged plates shall, unless otherwise eapecialy specified, follow tolerance A specified fnuis @ 3193. Appearance ‘The appearance of the steel plates and sections shall be es specified of JIS @'3102 of 7. of JIS @ 199. ho repairing by welding shall be previously agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer. Heat Treatwent end Symbols 8.1 Heat Treatment The steel plates and sections may undergo heat treat- nents uc Jing, quenching and tempering, thermal processing control, ‘oF some other suitable heat treatments in order to ansure the required quality xcept that thera) processing contol shall be subject to agroument between ‘the purchaser and the manufacturer 8.2 Symbols for Host Tzestment In case norméliting, quenching and tempering oF thermal processing control has been performed on the steel plates and sections, the symbol for the respective heat treatment shall be {ttached to the end of the designation for grade in nocordance with Table 5. ‘When normalizing ise been carried out on the steel plates and sections other than SMA 68 Wor SMA’S8 P (other than SMA S70 W or SMA 570 P from Jan. 1, 1901), the symbols shall be affixed only by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 602: —o au Further, the addition of symbols in case of a suitable heat treatment ‘as doranded by the occasion shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and ‘the manufacturer. ‘Table 8. Symbols for Heat Treatment Tha ese Sel of ae trata ‘Gey 0 tearing a ¥. Teste 8.1 Chemical Anslyate Pl ‘and the genorels for chomlcal analysis end method of sampling shall be-as specified in 8. of JIS G 0003. 9,1,2 Analysis Method The analysis method shall be in accordance with Tallowing Standen one of ihe ds! Hgoun msGi2 usGi2s Is G ime UisGius sG 26 HsGi27 Is G ins SG las Us Gi2 ISG 1234s G 127 go? Ms G 237 HIS G i282 1s G 123 is 61256 its G i287 8.2 Mechanics! Test 9.2.1 Generals for Test Generel matters of the mechanical test shall be as epecitied inf, af SISG0003.. However, thowethod of sampling test specimens shalt folow Clase A, and the number of test pleces and sampling position shall be as follows: (1) Number of Test Pieces for Tensile Test (a) In the Case of Stool Plate Take ono test pioce for tensile test tach lot of the steel plates grouped together under the fame Seat and the dimensional condition that the maximum hlekress is not more than twice the molmum thicknes 4 lot exceeding 50 t, however take two test pleces From (b) Im-the Case of Steel section Take one test plece for tensile ‘Yast Trom ench Tot of the steel sections grouped togother under the sate heat, sectional shape and the dimensional condition that the largest thickness is not more than twice the smallest thickn From sot excooding 50 t, however, take two test ploces. (©) Number of Test Pieces from Hest-trested Stool Plstes and ‘Secllans ‘The number of tort pieces to bo taxen from the hest- ‘heated stec! plates end sections shall follow either (a) or (b) fon the basis of each lot of the same heat, sectional shape and heat tpeatment conditions. —603- -e au @ Number of Test Pisces for Impact Test Take one test specinen ‘out of the plates and section of the maximum thickness from each Tot of the souieattrexted plates and sections of the same neat und sectional shape, from each lot of the heat-treated ones of the sane heat, sectional shape and heat treating conditions, and the from the test specimen take three test pieces in the rolling dlection (8) Sampling Position of Tost Pisces for Tensile Teste @ @ In the Case of the Plate The contre of a test plece shall be in the midalo half of the wicth from « side edge and, in the case of No. 4 fest piece, shall additionally be in'the middie half of the thickness trom the surface, If te impossible, however, to gecure either of the two positions mentioned above, select a ‘sampling position az near to the positions as possible. In the Case of Sections Follow the Figure. In onso it ts to conform to Figuro, however, coose a position 25 lose to it as possible. In the case of -roction steel, fom twnleh ¢ test ploce a2 shown in Figure cannot be taken, apply the sampling Inethod for I-section steel~ Pertsining to the other sections, the sampling shall be sugreed upon by the purchaser and ihe manufacturer, (4) Sampling Position of Test Ploce for Impact Test @ wo In the Case of Plates The contre of a test ploce shall be in ‘the idale half of the thickness from the urface and st the ‘seme time in the middle half of the width from a side edge. However, if it is Inpossible to secure the position mentioned lbove, select « sampling. positian as near to the place as possible. In the Case of Soctions The contre of a test piece shall be “in the mfddle Half of the thickness from the surface (refer to the Figure). However, if it {s Impossible to secure the pot ‘on, select sampling ‘position as near to the place as possible. In the case of H-section stool from which a tost pleco exnnot be taken as shown in Figure, apply the sampling method for F section steel, Pertaining to the other sections, the sampling shall be ‘greed upon by the purchaser and tho manufecturer. 60 “6 ae Fig. Positions fer Taking Test Pieces from Sections qual te Angle Unequal Leg Angle 1b Section a Lae pun ne ean Sosy a ay — — Ses] au 9.2.2 Test Pisce Te as follows: 1 pleses for tensile test and impect test shall be (2) No. LA, No. 4 oF No, 5 test plece specified in JIS 2 2201, (2) Xo. 4 test piece specified in JIS 2 2202. In this case, the notch shall be made in the dizection of the through thickness. 605 Gs 9.2.3 Tost Mothod Test method for tensile test and impact test shall conform to the Tollowing: @) ais 2220 (2) Charpy lmpact test method specified in JIS % 2242 9.2.4 Tonalle Test in Case Test Pisce of Specified Dimension Is Not Avallabie When o-Test pieve of apecitied dimensions cannot be takelt, the Sxocution and resulting values of the tensile test shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturers 10. Inspection 10.1. Inspection (2) Generals of inspection hall be as specified in JIS @ 0309, (2) Chemical composition shall conform to the requirements of 3. (2) Carbon equivalent and weld cructing parameter of material shall conform to the regulromente of 4. (4) Mechanical propertios shall conform to the requirements of 5. (8) Shapes, dimensions and mess shall conform to the requirements of 6. vance shell conform to the requirements of 7. (8) Appes 10.2 Relnepection (2) ‘The steel plate and section having failed in the tonsile test fe still cllgibie for e retest specified in 4 of SIS G 090% for final ‘acceptance. (2) The retest for the impact test shall be as follows: (a) When the mean of the measured values of the 3 test ploves in ‘the Impact test fails to attain but still secures not lees than 35 & of tho specified value in Table 4-1 or Table 4-2, take adcitional test pieces for a retest from the vicinity of the original sampling places When the mean of the measured values of altogether 6 fest pieces turns out not loss than the specified values in Table 41 or Table €2, all the plates or sections of the same heat, profile and heat treatment conditions shall be deemed acceptable. incase the original sean of thw values of the ? test pleces falls short of 85 4 of the specified value, or the mean of the values ‘of the 6 test pleces as a result of & retest falla to attain the specified value, the plates or sections shall be rejected and further the other plates or sections of the same thickness not singled out for a specinen shal be put to e test for each plate fr section to be individually judged. When even one plate oF 4 section of the largest thickness fails, the following procedure Shall be taken. —606— o (©) Conauet the 6 3116 ame test on the remaining plates or sections of the game heat, profile and heat treatment conditions that are hhext largest in Thickness, and if the specified values in Table 1 or Table 4-2 ave satiafled, all the remainders of the plates or sections of the etme heat, profile and heat ‘trostment conditions shall be judged acceptable. ‘The plates and sections having failed in the mechanical test are clgible to a retest for final acceptance after undergoing heat {rentment or reheat trectnent 1. Marking ‘The plates and sections having passed the Inspection shell be legibly marked with the following itena on each ploce or on each bundle by suitable However, they may be partislly omitted purchaser and manufacturer. « ® o o Designation of grade (including the symbol for heat treatment) Heat number or ingpection number Dimensions Number of pieces in @ single bundle or its mass (in the case of the plate) Manufactures's name or its abbreviation ‘The teot report shall be as specified in 8. of 315 G 0308. Where the provision in Romar of Tablo 2-1 or Table 2-2 is applied, ‘the content of alloying elements added shell be noted in the test report. —607— oan Appendix 1 Carbon Equivalent of Stool Plato Subjected to ‘Thermal-process Control 1. Scope ‘This Appendix 1 specifies the carbon equivalent of steel plate subjected to thermal-process control. 2, Carbon Equivalent of Stee} Plate Subjected to Thermal-process Control 2.1. Formule for Carbon Equivalent Carbon equivalent is eslculsted from tne fouswing forauls by making Use of the inde shalyeis values given in 81 of the text. Carbon equivalent 00-0442. 2.2 Carbon Equivalent Carbon equivalent shall be es specified in Appendix Tablo 1-1 oF Appendix Table 1-2. Appendix Table 1-1. Carbon Equivalent (Applicable Unt the ead of 1980) unit: & ass Soman. | one, | ono mn Appendix Table 1-2, Carbon Equivalent Applicable on and after Jan. 1, 1881) ase, Ras, [eam Powe | oom soe —¢ a Appendix 2. Weld Cracking Parameter of Steel Plate Subjected to Fhermal-process Control 1, Scope ‘This Appendix 2 specifics the weld cracking parameter of steal plate subjected to thermal-process control. 2, Weld Cracking Parameter of Steel Plate Subjected to Thermal-process rontral 2.1 Formula for Weld Cracking Parameter of Material Weld cracking parameter for miterial fy calculated from the ig formule by waking tite of the ladle analysis values given in 9.1 of the text. Molec of migeal CONCH EHS + BG SFB iy 488 2.2, Weld Creoking Parameter of Material The wold cracking parameter of iutetlal aall be 45 specified tr Appendix Teble 2-1 or Appendix Table oa Appencix Table 2-1. Weld Cracking Parameter of material (Applicable till the end of 1990) 8 I erlgsatlon of orate mae | ar ‘Appendix Table 2-2, Weld Cracking Parameter of Material (Applicable on and after Jan 1, 1991) oie s Wee, [ ame | omen | cteae, 600—

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