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Heat Transfer: Principles and applications

Course code: CHN-201

B.Tech II Year (CHE/PSE)(117+27=144)
(Semester: Autumn 2021-22)

Dr. Taraknath Das

(Assistant Professor)
Lecture-3 : (M/W/Thu) (10-11AM and 11:05 to 12 PM)
Tutorial: Tuesday (4 -5 PM)
Lab: Tuesday (2-4 PM)

Department of Chemical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Date: 05/08/2020 (Thursday), 11:05 AM to 12:00 PM
Steady state Conduction in one dimension

1. Steady state conduction of heat through a single Wall (1 layer, and composite wall (3 layers)

2. Steady state heat conduction through a variable area

❑ cylindrical geometries (single cylinder and composite cylinders (3 layers) and
❑ spherical geometries (single sphere and composite spheres (3 layers)
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
❑ Conduction of heat means transport of heat energy in a medium from a region at a higher temperature to a
region at a lower temperature without any macroscopic motion in medium

❑ The difference in temperature between the regions causes the flow of heat and is called the temperature
driving force.

❑ The heat conduction is also called diffusion of heat

❑ The mechanism of heat conduction in a medium depends upon the state of the medium (i.e whether it is solid,
liquid, or gas)

❑ In case of solid molecular motion restricted to molecular vibration. Heat transferred from one molecules to
another neighbouring molecule through molecular vibrations

❑ The basic law of heat conduction: Fourier’s Law

❑ The law states that if two plane parallel surfaces each having an area A are separated by a distance l and are
maintained at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively (T1 > T2), the rate of heat conduction Q at steady state
through the wall is given by
Steady state Conduction in one dimension

Q Fourier’s Law
Q= k A
1-D Fourier’s law:
Heat flow
Q= - kA
T1 x dx
T1 T2
The differential form of Fourier’s law
0 L x is expressed as
a) Wall b) Temperature profile of the wall x dx

Vector quantity qx = heat flux (w/m2)

❑ Where k is the thermal conductivity of the solid and is assumed to be constant

throughout the wall
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Steady state and unsteady state:
❖ Heat transfer problems are often classified as being steady (steady-state) or transient (unsteady state).

❖ The steady state implies no change with time at any point within the medium, while transient implies variation with

Time = 2 PM Time = 5 PM
Steady state Conduction in one dimension (1-D)
Heat generation:
❑ Heat is generated in the heating coils of an electric heater

❑ Electric energy being converted into heat, Q = I 2 R, where I is the current and R is the
electric resistance of the wire (Electric energy, E = P.t) Joule, power, P = I2.R (watt)

Heat transfer:1-D (x), 2-D (x,y), and 3-D (x,y,z direction): G = total rate of heat generation of volume V, W
g =rate of heat generation per unit volume, W/m3

G =g.V

1-D heat conduction through a volume of

element in a large plane wall
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Steady state conduction of heat through a composite solid (three layers):

❑ For a single-layered plane wall, the rate of heat conduction Q, can be calculated directly from the above equation

❑ If the surface area, A, the wall thickness l, the thermal conductivity k, and the temperature difference are known

For multi-layered composite wall:

❖ Consider a composite wall consisting three layers of materials 1, 2, and 3 having

❖ thickness l1, l2, and l3.

❖ thermal conductivity k1, k2, k3 respectively.

❖ The boundary temperatures of the different layers are T1, T’, T’’, and T2.

❖ The area for heat conduction is A

❖ The rate of heat flow at steady state through the individual layers are equal (Q = Q1 = Q2 = Q3)
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Steady state conduction of heat through a composite solid:
❑ If the thermal conductivities of the layers are independent of temperature, the temperature distribution in each
layer must be linear

❑ The rate of heat flow through the walls as given by Fourier’s Law are as follows:



Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Steady state conduction of heat through a composite solid:
Adding equation (1),(2), and (3), we have


❑ The thermal resistances in series are additive as in the case of electrical resistances in series
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Steady state conduction of heat through a composite solid:
In Equation (4) , (T1-T2) is the overall temperature driving force that causes a rate of heat transfer Q

The above equation can be express

From equation (1), (2), (3), and (4), we may write The thermal resistance RT of the composite wall is
given by

The thermal resistance in series are additive

Thanks for your attention

Heat Transfer: Principles and applications

Course code: CHN-201

B.Tech II Year (CHE/PSE)(117+27=144)
(Semester: Autumn 2021-22)

Dr. Taraknath Das

(Assistant Professor)
Lecture-4 : (M/W/Thu) (10-11AM)
Tutorial: Thursday (3-4 PM)
Lab: Tuesday (2-4PM)

Department of Chemical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Date: 07/08/2020 (Saturday), 10:00 AM to 10:55 AM
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Steady state heat conduction through a variable area: The Cylinder (single layer) :

❑ In case a plane wall, the area for the heat flow is constant.

❑ There are solids of other geometries in which the area for heat flow is variable

Example: cylindrical and spherical geometries

❑ In both cases the area depends upon the radius or the radial position

The Cylinder :
Steady state Conduction in one dimension
The Cylinder :

Consider a hollo cylinder of

ri = inside radius
ro = out side radius
L = length
Ti = inside curved surface temperature
To= outside curved surface temperature

❑ Heat flow occurs in the radial direction

❑ The area for heat flow varies from 2πriL (inside) to 2πroL (outside)

❑ Make a heat balance over

❑ a thin cylindrical shell of inside radius, r and
❑ thickness, Δr
Steady state Conduction in one dimension

❖ Rate of heat input to the thin shell at the radial position (r) = (Area) (Flux) =

Radial heat flux

❑ Rate of heat output to the thin shell at the radial position (r + Δr) = (Area) (Flux) =

At steady state:

❖ There can not be any accumulation of heat in the element

❖ So, the heat input must be equal to the rate of heat output

Steady state Conduction in one dimension

Taking limit Δr 0 and invoking the definition of the derivative of a function, we may write

or (1) Then,

Integrating, we get Integrating

again we (2)
The radial heat flux is expressed as

Here, C2 is an integration constant

Steady state Conduction in one dimension

The values of C1 and C2 can be determined by using boundary conditions

The known temperatures at the boundaries ri and ro of the solid

Substituting for C1 and C2 in equation (2), we get


Substituting in equation (2), we get

Equation (3) gives the temperature distribution in
the cylinder.

The rate of heat flow can be obtained from equation (2)

The rate of heat flow is

The above two equations can be solved for C1 and C2,

Steady state Conduction in one dimension
Compare equation (4) with the rate and resistance equation

We may rewrite equation (4) as

(6) Q= k A

The distance through which conduction occurs is the thickness of the wall of the cylinder i.e. (ro – ri)

If we compare equation (6) with Fourier’s law, the rate of heat conduction is found to be the same as that through a

plane wall of thickness (ro-ri) and area

Steady state Conduction in one dimension
❑ Now, we consider heat conduction through a composite cylindrical wall consisting of three layers denoted by 1, 2, and 3

❑ Having thermal conductivities k1, k2, and k3, and having inner radii ri, r’, r”, respectively

❑ The outer radius of the composite cylinder is ro

❑ The temperatures at these radial positions are Ti, T’, T”, and To respectively

A cross-section of the assembly is

Steady state Conduction in one dimension
The rates of heat flow through the individual layers are (at steady state)

or (7)

Adding above equations and rearranging, we get


❑ The total thermal resistance of the composite cylinder given by the denominator of equation (8) is the sum of the thermal
resistances of the individual layers
❑ The over all temperature driving force is Ti-To
❑ The rate of heat conduction can be calculated if the cylinder dimensions, thermal conductivities of the layers, and driving
forces are known
❑ The Q can be calculated

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