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FORE School of Management, New Delhi

Course Outline
Programme: FMG-30, IMG-15, FM-04 & BDA-02

Name of the Course: Advertising and Brand Management Credit: 3

Term: 4 Academic Year: 2022-2023
Faculty: Prof. Ayushi Sharma; Prof. Varsha Khattri; Prof. Pramod Chandra
Email ID:;;


Brands are key intangible asset that firms possess. Research has found profitability to be directly
linked with a firm’s ability to differentiate its products and to build strong brands. Given the
proliferation in products and brands the job of a marketer gets more and more challenging. For an
emerging market like India wherein global brands have made the market so much more
competitive, brands become one of the key sources of a Sustainable Competitive Advantage. This
course endeavors to better prepare business management participants with thorough
understandings of advertising management - theories and practices- and brand management –
theories and practices.


1. Deepen participant’s understanding of the theories and practices related to strategic and
tactical marketing communication decisions.
2. Orientation of the brand management system and various promotional mix elements, how
they all integrate towards achievement of the brands/ organization’s marketing objectives.
3. Enable brand-related decisions and develop marketing communication campaigns.

Text book

Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications by Kruti Shah. Publisher McGraw Hill
Education (India) Pvt Ltd., 2014. (Going forward referred as KS)

Reference books

The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and sustaining brand equity long term (4th
Edition) by JN Kapferer (Going forward referred as Kapferer)

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications (Sixth Edition) by Kenneth

E. Clow & Donald Baack, Pearson, New Delhi (2013) (Going forward referred as Clow &

Advertising & Promotion - An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Seventh

Edition) by George E Belch, Michael A Belch and Keyoor Purani, The McGraw-Hill, New Delhi

Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy, Carlton Publishing Group, London.

Advertising Management (Fifth Edition) by Rajeev Batra, David A. Aaker & John G. Myers,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi (Going forward referred as Batra)

Integrated Marketing Communications: Putting It Together & Making It Work by Don E. Schultz,
Stanley Tannenbaum & Robert E Lauterborn, NTC Business.


There will be 20 sessions of 90 minutes each, consisting of conceptual discussion, cases, group
and individual exercises. Guideline for group exercises and case analysis have been provided
below. Sessions will be interactive and all participants are expected come prepared and reflect on
the cases and readings in the classroom session

In order to maximize the derived value from the course, the course is designed to encourage student
engagement and learning. Firstly, group assignments allow the students a chance to implement the
learnings gathered in class discussion, juxtapose it against real organizational practices and
develop brand strategies and promotional plans. Further, the case studies will require thorough
preparation and detailed analysis both at individual level as well as group. Students are expected
to read the suggested pre-reads and articles mentioned in the session plan. All this will allow the
students to be better engaged and maximize their learning experience despite the mode of delivery.


Class Participation : 10%

Group Assignments : 15%
Projects : 15%
Mid Term : 20%
Final Exam : 40%

Case Analysis

Case analysis is a group task. All groups for all cases covered in the course will prepare a Group
Analysis Presentation. Presentations must be submitted by the groups before the session. Few
groups will be randomly called for presenting their analysis in the class. The analysis must be
structured on these lines:
•Defining the key issue(s)
•Decision problem identification
•Generating alternatives
•Developing decision criteria
•Analyzing and evaluating alternatives on the basis of decision criteria
•Selecting the preferred alternative
•Developing an action/implementation plan

Assignments: Details to be shared in the first session

General Guidelines:
1. All participants are expected to meaningfully participate in each and every session and
demonstrate that they have thoroughly read all of the assigned material.
2. All the additional reading material can be downloaded from the library resources.
3. There will be zero tolerance to the use of mobile phones during the session. Here use
includes even looking at the phone.
4. All sessions will begin promptly and late entrants will not be allowed.
5. Class participation is critical for effective learning. Class participation will be graded on
the basis of constructive discussion points brought forward by the participant during the
lecture. The instructor may also cold call on participants.
6. Any form of plagiarism will lead to a score of zero in that component, whether individual
or to the whole group (to know more about Plagiarism please read ).
7. If any form of feedback is desired, participants are free to discuss with the instructor
personally. Evaluation components may or may not have a structured feedback mechanism.
This should not deter participant from seeking feedback, if he/she so desires.
8. All deadlines have already been mentioned. No extensions will be allowed.

Session Plan-

Session No. Session Theme Additional Readings/Cases Learning Outcome/


1 Introduction to the How Would the Marketing Mix Change Course orientation
concept of Brand at Different Stages of the Product Life
Management, Cycle? - Reference - KS
Advertising & IMC Chapter 1 , Kapferer
marketing-mix-change-different-stages- Chapter 1

2 The big Idea Book Chapter - Advertising Research How to conceptualize

Batra - Chapter called How Advtg Works Big Idea, Learnings
, some research results, Chapter 5 (pg from Advertising
151-169); Research

Case - Benetton History Reference - KS

Chapter 6, 7

3 The Agency: Leave a Paper Trail when selecting an Ad Understanding critical

Selecting/Using/Pitchin agency by Stan Beals- PA Times (2002) entities involved in
g– Advertising

Reference - KS
Chapter 5

4 Brand Tools - Identity & Uggla, H. (2015). Positioning in the Mind How Brand Identity
Positioning – Versus Brand Extension: The Revision of and Positioning
Facilitation of Brand Ries and Trout. IUP Journal of Brand Facilitation of Brand
Planning Management, 12(1). Planning
Case - Harley’s Corner: Positioning Reference -
dilemma in the pet food market – Ivey Kapferer Chapter 7

5 Brand Tools – Brand A Few Words About Jack Trout and Deep understanding
Positioning, Personality Positioning of Brand Positioning,
and Experience Personality and
By Al Ries,- Experience
positioning/articleshow/59076862.cms Reference -
Kapferer Chapter 5
Case - Scorpio Developing Brand
Identity Case (IIMA)

6 Luxury Brand Emile, R., & Craig-Lees, M. (2011). A Learnings about

Advertising luxury perspective on brands: Luxury Brand
Characteristics, value, and the eye of the Management
beholder. ACR North American
Advances. Reference -
Kapferer Chapter 5
Case - Devil wears Prada

7 Assignment 1

8 Advertising Goal & Case – Vardaan Deep understanding

Brief of conceptualizing an
Advertising Brief

Reference - KS
Chapter 8 & 18

9 Brand Equity Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, Deep understanding

measuring, and managing customer-based of Brand Equity
brand equity. the Journal of Marketing, 1- Models and
22; Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand measurement
equity across products and markets.
California Management Review, 38(3), Reference -
103. Kapferer Chapter 1 ,
Kotler Chapter 10

10 Creative Execution in Critical creative

Print and Broad cast execution tactics
Reference - KS
Chapter 8,9 & 10
11 & 12 Media Planning Information Required by Media Planners Visiting Faculty
by P G Arul; Arul, P. G. (2014). Media
Buying Practices of Integrated Ad-
Agencies to Deliver Advertisement
Through TV Channels. Amity Global
Business Review, 9.

13 Assignment 2

14 Digital Media and "Users of the world unite !" Business Introduction to digital
Marketing Horizon (2010); "What marketers media and role of
misunderstand about online reviews" digital analytics
Harvard Business Review (2014);
"Mobilize the people to shape your
brand" Marketing Week (2010)

15 'Managing a Multi Brand Portfolio' How do firms organize

chapter from the book by J. N. Kapferer and structure brands,
brand portfolio
Case- The Marriott-Starwood Merger:
Reference -
Navigating Brand Portfolio Strategy
Kapferer Chapter 12
and Brand Architecture (Harvard
Brand Architecture and
Brand Extension
16 Direct Marketing, PR,
Balmer, J. M. (2012). Corporate brand Corporate
management imperatives: Custodianship, Communication
credibility, and calibration. California
Management Review, 54(3), 6-33 ;
Daugherty, E. (2003). Strategic planning
in public relations: A matrix that ensures Reference - KS
Other Promotion tactical soundness. Public Relations Chapter 11, 12 & 13
Assignment 3 Quarterly, 48(1), 21.
17 Other Promotion Raghubir, P., Inman, J. J., & Grande, H. Detailed
(2004). The three faces of consumer understanding of
promotions. California Management Sales Promotion
Review, (46), 23-42.
Reference - KS
Case- Pepsi Mera Number Kab Aayega Chapter 11, 12 & 13

18 Brand Rejuvenation, Case- Café Coffee Day: Brand Managing brands over
Repositioning transformation through life time
repositioning(Ivey Case)
19 Assignment 4 Group

20 Assignment 4 Group
Presentation & Wrap up

For official use: -

As Benchmarked with course content in previous year, the contents of this course: (Please mark
the right option below)
(a) Is totally new
(b) Has not changed at all
(c) Has undergone less than/equal to 20% change
(d) Has undergone more than 20% change

Course Faculty- Prof. Ayushi Sharma, Prof. Varsha Khattri & Prof. Pramod Chandra

Area Chair- Prof. Varsha Khattri

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