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Variation in Body and Tooth Size with Island Area in Small

Mammals: A Study of Scottish and Faroese House Mice (Mus

Author(s): Adrian M. Lister & Charlotte Hall
Source: Annales Zoologici Fennici, 51():95-110. 2014.
Published By: Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board

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Ann. Zool. Fennici 51: 95–110 ISSN 0003-455X (print), ISSN 1797-2450 (online)
Helsinki 7 April 2014 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2014

Variation in body and tooth size with island area in small

mammals: a study of Scottish and Faroese house mice
(Mus musculus)

Adrian M. Lister1,* & Charlotte Hall2

Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK (*corresponding
author’s e-mail:
Sussex Downs Fertility Centre, BMI The Esperance Hospital, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21


Lister, A. M. & Hall, C. 2014: Variation in body and tooth size with island area in small mammals: a
study of Scottish and Faroese house mice (Mus musculus). — Ann. Zool. Fennici 51: 95–110.

House mice from 24 Scottish and Faroese islands show positive correlation of skel-
etal size with island area, conforming to a model of resource limitation in very small
islands. Molar size is not correlated with island size, suggesting greater genetic canali-
zation; smaller individuals have larger tooth to body size ratio. The size variation may
have a simple genetic basis or may be ecophenotypic. The offset between skeletal and
molar size has potential use in the fossil record as a marker for these rapid effects,
while longer-term evolutionary change reverts to approximate tooth–body size isom-
etry. Collation of related studies indicates frequently deterministic relationships of
small-mammal body size to island size. The parameters of the relationship (positive,
negative or parabolic) vary widely with case study according to biotic and abiotic fac-
tors. In the present study there was no relationship of mouse size to any variable (e.g.
presence of competitors) except island area.

Introduction isometry of tooth and body size across species

(Fortelius 1985).
Variation in body size is the most ubiquitous A fruitful arena in which to examine such
observation when comparing populations of a patterns is in island populations since, as is well
mammalian species, whether living or fossil. known, mammalian populations on islands are
While measurement of any element of the skel- IUHTXHQWO\ VXEMHFW WR VLJQLÀFDQW VL]H FKDQJH
eton or dentition can in theory be used as a proxy According to the ‘island rule’ of mammalian
for body size, they do not necessarily vary to the biogeography (Van Valen 1973), small mam-
same degree, i.e. isometrically. In particular, it mals on islands tend to gigantism, large mam-
that body-size variation is accompanied by a has been the subject of much debate. Some
lesser degree of tooth-size variation. This pattern authors (Lomolino 1985, 2005, Damuth 1993)
is common among breeds of common domestic show that, very generally, the larger the species’
animals, for example, in contrast to the general body size on the mainland, the greater its likely
96 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

to island area: the squirrels became bigger as

island size increased from 101–103 km2, but then
decreased again on islands from 104–10 km2.
Heaney suggested that food limitation on the
smallest islands was responsible for the ascend-
ing part of the curve, but that above a certain
the dominant selective force, pushing down body
size as a broad feeding niche became less tenable
(Fig. 1). These ideas can be fruitfully consid-
ered alongside those of Lomolino (1985), who
suggested that competition effects were most
important for smaller species, resource limitation
for larger ones. As predicted by Heaney (1978),
Fig. 1. Hypothetical relationship between island size it might be expected that the smaller the species,
and body size among populations of a small mammal the smaller the islands that would be needed to
species (based on Heaney 1978). In a given case, the show the domain of positive correlation of island
resource limitation effect may be dominant, producing
a positive relationship (solid line), or the competition/
size with body size (the ascending part of his
predation effect may be dominant, producing a nega- parabolic curve).
tive relationship (dashed line), or the two may intersect, Several studies of this nature have been
yielding a parabolic relationship; cf. Fig. 8. undertaken since Heaney’s (1978) work, but
very few that have looked at the relative size
changes across teeth and different parts of the
UHODWLYH GZDUÀQJ RQ DQ LVODQG DQG WKH VPDOOHU skeleton. In this study we have made use of large
its mainland body size, the greater its likely rela- samples of introduced house mouse from 24
tive gigantism on an island. Others (e.g. Raia & islands of Orkney and Shetland (UK) and Faroe
0HLUL   VWUHVV WKH PDQ\ H[FHSWLRQV DQG (Denmark). The islands cover a range of areas,
consider the ‘rule’ to be an artefact of taxon- distances from the mainland, habitats, and asso-
VSHFLÀF WUHQGV HJ DUWLRGDFW\OV ODUJHU PXULG ciated faunas. They therefore allow testing of
rodents smaller). Explanations for the trends various possible causal factors for observed size
usually invoke food limitation, and release from variation in the mice. In addition, the mice are
SUHGDWRU SUHVVXUH DQGRU LQWHUVSHFLÀF FRPSHWL- preserved largely as associated skeletons, allow-
WLRQ )RVWHU+HDQH\/RPROLQR ing us to compare the size response of different
McNab 2010). It is now generally recognised parts of the body, particularly teeth and the bony
that many patterns of body-size evolution have skeleton, and therefore to test for greater intra-
taken place on islands, and that the outcome in a VSHFLÀF FRQVHUYDWLVP RI GHQWDO VL]H VXJJHVWHG
given case will depend on the complex interplay in studies of other taxa. Finally, study of dental
of intrinsic and extrinsic biotic and abiotic fac- wear enables us to assign relative ontogenetic
tors (Lomolino et al. 2012). ages to individuals, and therefore to examine the
A natural extension of the mainland vs. island growth trajectories leading to any differences in
comparison is to ask whether, within a species, adult skeletal size.
there are observable trends in body size across
islands of differing characteristics, such as lati-
tude, distance from mainland, and area. Con- Material and methods
cerning area, a simplistic expectation might be
that the smaller the island, the more pronounced The Scottish and Faroe Island mice all fall within
WKH HIIHFW RI GZDUÀQJ RU JLJDQWLVP +RZHYHU the western European domesticus clade of house
in a study of 39 subspecies of the squirrel mice (Jones et al. 2011, Bonhomme & Searle
Callosciurus prevosti in southeast Asia, Heaney 2012). This is treated by most current authors
(1978) found a parabolic curve of body size as a subspecies of Mus musculus L. (Macholán
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 97

et al. 2012), although its hybrid zone with mus- tile soils allowing for high agricultural activity.
culus is narrow, and the two groups retain their Situated to the north-east of Orkney, Shetland
integrity, so there are grounds for considering it LQFRUSRUDWHVDURXQGLVODQGVRIZKLFKRQO\
a good species, M. domesticus Rutty, 1772 (R. J. are inhabited. The Faroe Islands, colonised only
Berry pers. comm.). In any event, the taxonomic around 800 AD, are rugged and mountainous.
consistency of the samples utilised in this study Finally, two of the studied populations came from
DOORZV XV WR LJQRUH WD[RQVSHFLÀF GLIIHUHQFHV islands in the Firth of Forth off the east coast of
VSHFLÀFDOO\WKHVOLJKWO\OLJKWHUPDOHERG\ZHLJKW Scotland, only 4 and 8 km from the mainland.
in musculus than in domesticus from the same Areas were measured from a map using squared
geographical areas (Ganem 2012). paper. Taken together, the islands selected in this
The Orkney, Shetland and Faroe archipelagos study vary in size from 0.3–900 km2.
are situated (at their closest points) approxi- The mice were collected by R. J. Berry in the
mately 13 km, 170 km and 375 km from the Scot- V DQG V SULQFLSDOO\ E\ KDQG EXW DOVR
tish mainland, respectively (Table 1 and Fig. 2). by the use of traps baited with maize and peanut
Orkney consists of about 75 islands and islets, EXWWHU7KH VNHOHWRQV KDG SUHYLRXVO\ EHHQ GHÁH-
RI ZKLFK  DUH LQKDELWHG E\ SHRSOH 7KH\ DUH shed using papain. From the total collection of
generally low-lying and treeless, but have fer- DURXQGLQGLYLGXDOVLVODQGVDQGVDPSOHVIRU

Table 1. Data on the 24 sampled islands and their rodents. n = number of Mus musculus in age group 4. M1 =
rodent species: A = Apodemus sylvaticus, M = Microtus arvalis, N = Rattus norvegicus, R = Rattus rattus.


mainland (km2) population 1961 length length width of rodent
(km) (mm) (mm) (mm) species
indiv. indiv. km–2

 0DLQODQG      “ “ “ $01
 <HOO      “ “ “ $
 )HWODU      “ “ “ $
 8QVW      “ “ “ 1
 :KDOVD\      “ “ “ 5
 )RXOD      “ “ “ ²
 3DSD6WRXU      “ “ “ ²
 )DLU,VOH      “ “ “ $
 0DLQODQG      “ “ “ $15
 3DSD:HVWUD\      “ “ “ $1
 15RQDOGVD\      “ “ “ $
N Faray 1 370 1.5 5 3.33 11.75 12.50 1.20 –
 6DQGD\      “ “ “ $01
 +R\      “ “ “ $1
 :HVWUD\      “ “ “ 05
 6WURQVD\      “ “ “ $1
Egilsay 1 55 6.5 54 8.31 11.88 12.13 1.10 N
 65RQDOGVD\      “ “ “ 01
Firth of Forth
 ,VOHRI0D\      “ “00“ ²
 ,QFKNHLWK      “ “ “ ²
 1ROVR\      “ “ “ ²
 +HVWXU      “ “ “ 1
 0\NLQHV      “ “ “ ²
 6DQGR\      “ “ “ ²
98 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

Fig. 2. A map showing the

islands sampled in this

the present study were selected on the basis of molar, and length of femur. In this way, the cra-
available sample sizes, including the preservation nium, dentition and postcranial skeleton were all
of required dental and skeletal elements. Sample represented. Molar width was measured using
sizes (generally determined by the number of digital hand-held calipers, but femur and man-
skulls in the collection containing at least M1 and dible lengths were determined using a small
M2 for ageing) ranged from 10 to 30. measuring board with squared paper on the base,
Three measurements were taken on each the end-points being viewed with a travelling
VNHOHWRQOHQJWKRIPDQGLEOHZLGWKRIÀUVWXSSHU microscope (Festing 1973). The positions and
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 99

points of measurement are shown in Fig. 3: man-

dible length excluded the symphysis, while the
femur measurement is diaphysis length, exclud-
ing the proximal and distal epiphyses which
were often lost. Where the distal epiphysis was
still attached to the diaphysis, it was gently sepa-
rated to allow measurement. Mean intra-speci-
10 times, were: mandible length 0.157; femur
phism appears not to be a confounding factor:
Davis (1983), studying the same samples, most
ences in male and female dimensions. In the Fig. 3. Measurements taken. (a) mandible length, (b)
femur length, and (c) molar width. The position of the
present analysis, therefore, samples were com-
measuring device is shown in a and b. In b the distal
pared without regard to sexual composition. epiphysis has been removed. Not to scale.
To correct animal size for age variation, it was
necessary to obtain at least a relative estimate of
individual age. This was undertaken by scoring
wear stage on the three molars of the upper jaw, Statistical procedures were carried out in
XVLQJ WKH VFDOH GHYHORSHG E\ /LGLFNHU   STATISTICA ver. 10. A regression analysis was
A typical life-span for free-living house mice is performed to test associations between Mus
approximately 14–18 months, and the eight wear dimensions and metric attributes of islands. The
VWDJHVGHÀQHGE\/LGLFNHUUDQJHIURPVWDJH OLW- presence or absence of other rodent species,
tle-worn teeth, aged 0–1 month) to stage 8 (teeth however, is a non-parametric variable, hence
almost worn out, aged 14 months or more). The Spearman’s rank correlation analysis was per-
estimation of wear stage depends on the degree of formed to test the relationship between these and
expansion and fusion of dentine ‘lakes’ when the other variables. Because of the mixture of vari-
teeth are viewed occlusally (Fig. 3c). However, able types, multiple regression analysis was not
we were unable to age unstained teeth because of possible, so we performed Spearman’s rank cor-
WKHGLIÀFXOW\RIYLVXDOLVLQJWKHERXQGDU\EHWZHHQ relation on regression residuals. Growth curves
dentine and enamel. This problem was solved ZHUHÀWWHGXVLQJWKHYRQ%HUWDODQII\IXQFWLRQDV
by staining the teeth using hot, strong tea, which in Sukumar et al. (1988), Derocher and Stirling
darkens the more porous dentine preferentially (1998), and others. The parameters were deter-
to the enamel (S. Davis pers. comm.). Following mined in STATISTICA using a non-linear least-
trials, the best results were obtained by soaking squares method by an iterative procedure.
dipping the teeth for 10 seconds, and allowing to
dry. The absolute ages must, however, be treated Results
diet, with laboratory mice showing dental stages The pattern of skeletal growth through life was
a few months behind those of free-living animals ÀUVW H[DPLQHG 0HDQ IHPXU OHQJWK ZDV SORW-
DWWKHVDPHDEVROXWHDJHV /LGLFNHU'DYLV ted against dental wear stage for six islands
1983). Like ours, Lidicker’s results were based with the largest sample sizes over all age cat-
on free-living mice. Nonetheless, to avoid any egories (Fig. 4), and von Bertalanffy equations
danger of extrapolating the absolute age of wear ÀWWHG 7DEOH 7KHVHVKRZFRQWLQXRXVJURZWK
stages from one population to another, we quote slowing with age in most samples. Nolsoy and
our results in terms of wear stages rather than 6DQGR\ JDYH SRRUHU ÀWV WKDQ WKH RWKHU VLWHV
absolute ages. partly due to the absence of data in the youngest
100 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

16 13.8

Femur length (mm)

Mean femur length (mm)

12 12.0
10 10–1 100 101 102 103
Island area (km2)
Fig. 5. Mean femur length plotted against island area
for Scottish and Faroese Mus musculus of age group
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dental wear class length = 0.5013log(island area) + 12.006).
Fair Isle Nolsoy Sandoy
Egilsay Whalsay Whalsay
N Ronaldsay Sandoy Egilsay
Fig. 4. Mean femur length (mm) plotted against dental ÀUVW QHFHVVDU\ WR H[FOXGH WKH SRVVLELOLW\ WKDW
wear stage (an index of age) for mice from six islands. size differences, even within a single age class,
*URZWK FXUYHV ZHUH ÀWWHG XVLQJ WKH YRQ %HUWDODQII\ might be an artefact of differential tooth wear. If
function (see text and Table 2).
dietary variation occurs among the island popu-
lations, mice subsisting on a coarser diet would
and oldest age classes, partly because the curve wear their teeth more rapidly, so that at an equiv-
GRHV QRW ÁDWWHQ RII VR FOHDUO\ D KLJK UDWH RI alent dental wear (e.g. stage 4), two populations
growth appearing to continue longer. However, could be of different ontogenetic ages and differ
as far as our sample sizes allow, size differences in body size for this reason alone. Dietary dif-
between islands appear to be due both to lower ferences and dental wear rates are unknown for
birth size (e.g. Egilsay), and to more prolonged the study populations. However, the body-size
growth (e.g. Sandoy) (Fig. 4). differential among the islands is seen throughout
To further explore size differences among life, including the youngest age classes (Fig. 4),
islands, it was essential to remove the variable suggesting that this effect is not important. If the
of individual age, so subsequent analyses were differences were an artefact of differential tooth
restricted to age group 4, as this provided the wear, size would be expected to be very similar
largest combined sample sizes. However, it is among populations at birth, the curves diverging
gradually thereafter as tooth wear increases.
Table 2.3DUDPHWHUVRIWKHYRQ%HUWDODQII\IXQFWLRQIRU Across the 24 islands, mean femur length at
mean femur length versus dental wear stage among six wear stage 4 was correlated with island area (r
LVODQG SRSXODWLRQV RI KRXVH PLFH 7KH ÀWWHG HTXDWLRQ   p < 0.025). Similarly, mean mandible
is F = F⬁{1 – exp[–k(A – A0)]} where F = mean femur
length, F⬁ = asymptotic femur length, k = a constant, A
length was positively correlated with island area
= age (dental wear stage), A0 = age at which F = 0 (an (r = 0.408, p < 0.05). These data indicate that,
DUWLÀFLDOFRQVWUXFW  among the island mice, there is a positive rela-
tionship between body size and island area. The
Island F⬁ k A0 Explained correlations were stronger when femur and man-
variation (%)
dible lengths were regressed against log(island
Fair Isle 13.368 0.700 –0.410 98.3 area): r  p < 0.001), and r = 0.710 (p <
N Ronaldsay 13.309 0.677 –0.587 99.6 0.001); respectively (see)LJVDQG 
Egilsay 13.538 0.584 –0.086 99.4 An idea of the magnitude of the effect is
Nolsoy 16.238 0.225 –3.403 84.3 given by the percentage differences between
Sandoy 17.194 0.234 –2.431 96.8
Whalsay 13.714 0.456 –1.364 93.9
the sample with the largest mean femur length
(Hoy), and one of the smallest (Isle of May) (cf.
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 101

12.6 1.22
12.4 1.20
Mandible length (mm)

12.2 1.16

Molar width (mm)

12.0 1.14
11.6 1.08
11.4 1.06
11.0 1.00
10.8 0.98
10–1 100 101 102 103 10–1 100 101 102 103
Island area (km2) Island area (km2)

Fig. 6. Mean mandible length plotted against island Fig. 7.0HDQZLGWKRIÀUVWXSSHUPRODUSORWWHGDJDLQVW

area for Scottish and Faroese Mus musculus of age island area for Scottish and Faroese Mus musculus of
dible length = 0.1389log(island area) + 11.3541). (Molar width = 0.0005log(island area) + 1.0665).

samples of mice from many of the islands stud-

Table 1). For mean femur and mandible lengths ied here. Analysis of their data for 14 islands
in age category 4, these two populations differed LQGLFDWHV QR VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW FRUUHODWLRQV
by 12.5% and 12.1%, respectively. Taking femur of either size measure with island area (data not
length as a rough estimator of body size, and shown). Nor are head-and-body length or body
applying a simple cube law, the Hoy and Isle of weight correlated with our data on femur or man-
May mice differ by around 33% in body weight. dible length, where data from the same islands
Interestingly, and in contrast to skeletal were available (11 islands). It is not considered,
dimensions, molar size showed no correlation KRZHYHU WKDW WKHVH ÀQGLQJV XQGHUPLQH WKH FRU-
with island area or log(island area) (Fig. 7 and relation of island area with femur and mandible
Table 3). lengths found in the present study. The live ani-
Berry and Jakobson (1975) tabulated live mals measured by Berry and Jakobson (1975)
body weights and head-and-body lengths for were trapped in various seasons of the year,

Table 3. Correlations between house mouse dimensions and environmental variables for 24 islands of Scotland
ÀFLHQW(PEROGHQHGYDOXHVDUHVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQLÀFDQW p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, two-tailed test). ‘Apo-
demus + MicrotusҋLVWKHSUHVHQFHRIHLWKHUMicrotus, or Apodemus, or both. ‘RattusҋLVWKHSUHVHQFHRIHLWKHUR.
are the residuals from a regression analysis of island area on Mus IHPXUOHQJWKҊ/RJ UHVLGXDOV ҋDUHWKHUHVLGXDOV
from a regression analysis of log(island area) on Mus femur length.

Femur Mandible Molar Island Residuals* Log(residuals)*

length length width area

Island area (r ) 0.456* 0.408* –0.278 – – –

Log(island area) (r ) 0.756*** 0.710*** 0.008 – – –
Island distance (r ) –0.067 0.073 0.080 –0.09 0.040 0.086
Human population (r ) 0.368 0.264 –0.205 0.917*** 0.056 0.150
Human density (r ) 0.122 –0.113 –0.136 0.150 0.060 0.011
Apodemus (rS) 0.417* 0.079 0.043 0.470* 0.147 –0.061
Microtus (rS) 0.454* 0.251 0.065 0.404* 0.145 0
Apodemus + Microtus (rS) 0.511* 0.187 0.157 0.560** 0.301 0.036
Rattus (rS) 0.169 0.247 0.121 0.397* –0.012 –0.241
No. of rodent species (rS) 0.362 0.190 0.079 0.609** 0.100 –0.201

* see text.
102 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

and included animals of all age classes. Skeletal view of the frequently commensal nature of the
dimensions are likely to be much less prone to island house mouse populations. Human popula-
seasonal variation than body weight, and the WLRQÀJXUHVZHUHWDNHQIURPWKH8.FHQVXV
skeletons selected in the present study are from a DQG IURP  GDWD JLYHQ E\ :HVW   IRU
single adult age-class to avoid ontogenetic bias. the Faroe Islands, the closest available years to
We also looked for correlations between the collection dates of the mouse samples. We
mouse size and the presence or absence of pos- regressed mouse dimensions separately against
sible competitor species. The terrestrial mammal total human population of each island, and popu-
faunas of Shetland, Orkney and the Faroe Islands lation density per square kilometre (Table 1). No
are limited (Harris & Yalden 2008, Berry 2009), correlations were detected (Table 3).
but four species (which, like the house mouse, are
considered possible competitors: the wood mouse Discussion
Apodemus sylvaticus the Orkney vole Microtus
arvalis orcadensis, the brown rat Rattus rattus Explanations for the observed trend
and the Norwegian rat Rattus norvegicus. The
latter two species are also potential predators of Since the ‘island rule’ predicts that small mam-
the mice. The occurrence of these species on the mals increase in size on islands relative to their
study islands is shown in Table 1. The smaller- PDLQODQG FRQVSHFLÀFV D VLPSOLVWLF H[SHFWD-
sized Mus populations tend to be on islands lack- tion might be that as island size decreases, so
ing the other species, and Spearman’s rank cor- might this effect be enhanced. This prediction
UHODWLRQFRHIÀFLHQW rS) indicated a weak, positive is not borne out by our data for the Scottish and
association between mean size of house mouse Faroese mice.
(indicated by femur length) and the presence of However, the observed changes could corre-
the smaller rodent species, whether treated sepa- spond to the ascending limb of Heaney’s (1978)
rately or combined (Table 3). For the presence of more sophisticated parabolic curve for the rela-
rats (either species), Spearman’s rank correlation tionship of body size to island area (Fig. 1).
FRHIÀFLHQWLVQRQVLJQLÀFDQW7RWHVWZKHWKHUWKH According to Heaney’s model, at small island
presence of Apodemus or Microtus has an effect areas, body size is positively correlated with
on Mus VL]HLQGHSHQGHQWRILVODQGDUHDZHÀUVW area, as a result of food limitation being the
evaluated Spearman rank correlations between dominant selective force even for small mam-
the presence of either species and island area, and mals. In the squirrels studied by Heaney, the
found that the presence of each species (and also FXUYHÁDWWHQHGDQGWKHQWXUQHGGRZQZDUG QHJD-
the presence of rats) is positively correlated with tive correlation of body size to island area)
island area, i.e. larger islands are more likely to at island areas of approximately 104 km2 and
contain potential competitor species. Since the above. House mice are considerably smaller in
presence or absence of these species could not be body mass than Callosciurus prevosti studied by
entered into a multiple regression analysis along Heaney, but the Scottish islands studied here also
with island area due to non-normal distribu- have a much smaller upper size limit than his
tion, we calculated Spearman’ rank correlations southeast Asian ones — the largest is less than
between rodent presence/absence and the regres- 1000 km2 in area. It is therefore not unexpected
sion residuals of Mus size versus island area and that they should all fall within the region of posi-
log(island area). No correlation between any pair tive correlation with mouse size.
of variables was found.
We further regressed all house mouse dimen-
sions separately against distance of the island Resource limitation
from the Scottish mainland, and found that none
is correlated with this variable (Table 3). In a theoretical study, Case (1978) showed that,
:H ÀQDOO\ WHVWHG IRU DVVRFLDWLRQ EHWZHHQ in general, reduction in the mean amount of
mouse size and human population density, in available food should lead to evolutionary reduc-
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 103

tion in body size, and this could account for est cause of death, rather than starvation per se,
size reduction on islands. McNab (2010) has although food shortage is likely to cause periodic
championed resource availability as the chief problems. In fact, these two factors are linked, in
determinant of mammalian body size on islands that death from the cold implies a physiological
and elsewhere. If resource limitation is the chief inability to maintain a positive energy balance.
cause of body size variation among the mouse It is therefore likely that even on inhabited
populations, we need to examine in more detail islands where commensalism is a major element
the feeding niche of the mice. Despite the fact RIKRXVHPRXVHHFRORJ\WKHUHLVDVXIÀFLHQWHOH-
that the house mouse is commensal with humans ment of wild living, both in the long-term history
on most of these islands, we found no correlation of mainly commensal populations, and in popu-
of mouse size with either human population size lations living away from human habitation, for
(beyond the effect of island area) or density on UHVRXUFHOLPLWDWLRQWRLQÁXHQFHPRXVHVL]HLQWKH
the islands. island as a whole. In addition, although human
Although the commensal populations may density is not correlated with island size, it may
be living in a relatively protected, high-nutri- nonetheless be the case that commensal mice on
ent habitat for much of the year, this does small islands with low human population, are
not exclude episodes of natural selection during more likely to suffer resource limitation than
which resource limitation may shape the body those on larger, more heavily populated islands.
size distribution of the mice. First, studies of Resource limitation therefore seems a plausible
stomach contents and droppings make clear that explanation for the observed reduction of mouse
even in commensal populations, agricultural size on smaller islands.
grain or other products is by no means the
sole food of the house mouse. Various arthro-
pods appear to be the preferred food, although ,QWHUVSHFLÀFFRPSHWLWLRQDQGSUHGDWLRQ
wild and crop plants are important, especially
Ward 1981, Berry & Bronson 1992, and studies cal expectation that the body size of species on
reported therein). islands should be inversely related to the inten-
Second, the corn ricks in which most of our VLW\ RI LQWHUVSHFLÀF FRPSHWLWLRQ ,Q +HDQH\·V
mice were captured do not give a fully reliable (1978) proposed domain of negative correla-
winter environment for the mice — they may WLRQ RI LQWUDVSHFLÀF ERG\ VL]H ZLWK LVODQG DUHD
be threshed at any time of year, forcing out the predicted among larger islands, he postulated
mice, or may not even be built in a particular LQWHUVSHFLÀFFRPSHWLWLRQDQGRUSUHGDWLRQDVWKH
year (Berry & Jakobson 1975). Finally, even on major forces reducing body size in small mam-
inhabited islands, many mice are not commensal mals as biotic diversity increased (Fig. 1). For
(e.g. observations on Fair Isle: Berry & Tricker competition, this is based on the idea that a gen-
  VR VHOHFWLRQ XQGHU ¶ZLOG· FRQGLWLRQV ZLOO eralist species should reduce in size when sym-
affect the overall island gene pool. patric with more specialist competitors; small
Mortality in the island mouse populations mammals tend to be larger on islands where the
is high, especially during the winter months. absence of competitors allows them to occupy a
Among wild-living mice on the island of broader feeding niche. Several empirical studies
Skokholm (Wales), for example, 40% of adults have found an inverse correlation between small
die during each two-month period in the summer, mammal body size on islands, and the presence
and an average of 55% every two months in the or diversity of competitors (Lawlor 1982, Yom-
winter (Berry & Jakobson 1975). These authors Tov et al. 1999, Lomolino et al. 2012). However,
conclude: ‘this implies that individuals must the response of individual species may differ.
live close to their physiological limit at all times $QJHUEM|UQ   IRXQG WKDW WKH ERG\ VL]H
of year’. In a bad winter, up to 90% of the total of Apodemus sylvaticus on European islands is
SRSXODWLRQ FDQ GLH %HUU\   %HUU\   lower if competitor rodent species are present,
indicates that exposure to cold is the common- suggesting competitive displacement, but the
104 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

competitor species themselves become larger. islands. However, Berry (1981) and Berry and
White and Searle (2007) found that common Bronson (1992) indicated that house mice are
shrews (Sorex araneus) were greatly reduced in rarely taken by avian predators on the islands
body size on the one Scottish island where the XQGHUVWXG\VRWKLVLVXQOLNHO\WREHDVLJQLÀFDQW
smaller pygmy shrew (S. minutus) was absent. selective force. None of islands sampled in this
Among the Scottish house mice there appears study support wild mammalian carnivores. The
to be no correlation between residuals of body impact of domestic cats, or of rats, is uncer-
size and the presence of competitor species when tain. Cristaldi and Amori (1988) indicated that
the effect of island area on rodent diversity is UDWV DUH VLJQLÀFDQW SUHGDWRUV RI VPDOOHU PDP-
removed. This suggests that either competition mals on Mediterranean islands, and attributed
between the other species and M. musculus is the exclusion of Mus musculus from the island
minimal, or else perhaps that the rodents have of Filicudi to the presence of rats. Rats (mainly
not been on the islands long enough for com- Rattus norvegicus) occur on some of the study
petitive displacement to have taken place. Not islands (Table 3), and the mouse population of
only feeding-niche separation may drive such Bordoy (Faroe) became extinct between 1915
displacement, but also selection for success in and 1920 after rats colonised the island (Berry
agonistic interactions. It has been found that suc- et al. 1978). It is therefore theoretically possible
cessful reproduction in house mice is disrupted that on islands where rats and mice co-exist, rat
by the presence of competitor rodents (Lidicker predation could impose a selective force on the
 %HUU\  7ULFNHU   /DUJH ERG\ VL]H body size of the mice. However, no correlation
could be selected for in such circumstances. with mouse size is evident (Table 3). For house
Smirin and Smirin (1999) showed that house mouse in particular, Smirin and Smirin (1999)
mice (M. musculus) are extremely aggressive made the interesting observation that nomadic
towards wood mice (A. sylvaticus), and that individuals of house mice (the most likely to be
larger individuals are the most successful in predated) contribute little to reproduction, so
agonistic encounters. Since A. sylvaticus is the body-size selection resulting from predation may
main competitor to M. musculus on the Scottish be limited.
islands, this could drive size increase in the latter
species, though it is already larger on islands
where A. sylvaticus is most likely to be present, Climate
because of the common causality of island area.
Concerning predation, it is generally consid- The possibility that the body size variation in
ered that for small mammals, smaller body size the mice is thermoregulatory in origin should be
is advantageous as it enhances crypsis and the considered. This would predict that mice living
ability to escape into small hiding-places. Anger- in colder habitats would have larger body size,
EM|UQ  IRXQGWKDWWKHERG\VL]HRIA. syl- reducing heat loss because of smaller surface
vaticus on European islands was reduced in the area to volume ratio. However, there has been
presence of predators. On the other hand, Lomo- much dispute about the validity or otherwise of
lino (1985) challenged the general assumption ‘Bergmann’s Rule’ (positive correlation of size
that small mammals avoid predation by being to latitude) and the proposed thermoregulatory
small, or that they increase in size in response explanation for it where it exists (Geist 1987,
WR SUHGDWRU UHOHDVH$PRUL DQG 0DVVHWWL   Lister 1992, McNab 2010). Berry and Jakobson
reviewing body size of various Mediterranean  IRXQGDQ¶DSSUR[LPDWHÀWWR%HUJPDQQ·V
island small mammal species, found no relation- Rule’ among four widely-separated wild-living
ship to the presence or absence of ground or populations of house mouse [N Faray, May,
avian predators. Skokholm (Wales) and Macquarie (Australian
)RU WKH 6FRWWLVK PLFH ZH KDYH LQVXIÀFLHQW sub-Antarctic)], while tropical populations are
data reliably to determine the magnitude or generally of smaller body size than temper-
selective impact of predation. Birds of prey are ate and high latitude ones (Berry & Jackson
the most likely predators of small mammals on 1979). However, there was no correlation with
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 105

climate among commensal populations (Berry selection has been shown to rapidly modify the
& Jakobson 1975). White and Searle (2007) island gene pool, especially under conditions
found an effect of latitude, in a ‘Bergmannian’ of extreme physiological stress (particularly by
direction, on body size of common shrews on cold) (Berry et al. 1987). On Skokholm (Wales),
Scottish islands, as did Yom-Tov et al. (1999) the genetic constitution of the mice was shown
Renault and Michaux (2007) found an anti-Berg- period of just a few months. Therefore, the rela-
mannian trend among mainland European wood tively short period of evolutionary time (perhaps
mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) — smaller individu- only a few tens of years in most cases) since the
als to the north. Laboratory experiments have mice colonised the islands is no bar to adap-
demonstrated selection for increased body size WLYHJHQHWLFPRGLÀFDWLRQHVSHFLDOO\LQUHODWLYHO\
over several generations of cold-reared mice, simple, multigenic characters like body size, for
apparently because of its correlation to fecundity which house mouse populations contain a great
(Barnett & Dickson 1989). There is also the pos- GHDO RI YDULDQFH &URZFURIW  5RZH  
sibility that body form may be directly affected The Skokholm mice were about 25% heavier
for example, showed that body weight and tail erations of isolation, and this increase could have
enced by temperature during ontogeny. body size in Mus musculus has been shown to be
Climatological data for all of the sampled strongly heritable (Roberts 1981).
islands were not available in the current study, Even so, a non-genetic, ecophenotypic com-
and in any case, as pointed out by Berry and ponent is also plausible as a contributing or
Jakobson (1975), local climatological data do major factor for the body size variation among
not necessarily give a good idea of the tem- some or all of the populations. Resource limita-
peratures experienced by mice in their micro- WLRQFDQFDXVHGHYHORSPHQWDOGZDUÀQJDQGWKH
habitats. Nonetheless, it seems unlikely that tem- mean body size of house mice has been shown to
SHUDWXUHYDULDWLRQDPRQJWKHLVODQGVLVVXIÀFLHQW be rapidly adjustable ecophenotypically as well
in size. In data given by Berry and Jakobson The correlation of mandible and femur
(1975), the mean temperature of the coldest length with island size in our mouse populations
month at stations on each of the four main island contrasts with the lack of correlation in molar
groups in the present study differed by less width. Molar size, in other words, is more stable
WKDQƒ&7RUVKDYQ )DURH ƒ&%DOWDVRXQG among these populations than skeletal size. It is
6KHWODQG ƒ&.LUNZDOO 2UNQH\ ƒ&DQG a common observation in many mammalian spe-
,VOHRI0D\ )LUWKRI)RUWK ƒ&,QHDFKFDVH cies that tooth size varies less among populations
also, the annual duration of mean temperature than postcranial size, so that ‘dwarfed’ popula-
EHORZƒ&ZDVVLPLODUDWWKUHHWRIRXUPRQWKV tions tend to have a higher ratio of tooth size to
Nor is there any reason to suppose that the larger postcranial size (Gould 1975, Fortelius 1985).
islands within each group (with the larger mice) Between-species variation, on the other hand,
are generally colder than the smaller ones, as tends to revert to isometry between tooth and
would be required by this model. ERG\VL]H /LVWHU 
variation in tooth size is the tighter genetic and
Genotypic/ecophenotypic basis developmental control of teeth as compared with
that of the bony skeleton. Although teeth may
A genetic basis for adaptive body-size differ- WDNHDVLJQLÀFDQWOHQJWKRIWLPHWRFRPSOHWHWKHLU
ences among the island mice is quite plausible. formation, their size (especially their length and
Although founder effect has played an impor- ZLGWK  LV À[HG UHODWLYHO\ HDUO\ LQ WKHLU GHYHO-
tant role in determining the genetic composi- opment, whereas bony skeletal elements grow
tion of the island populations, strong natural over a longer period, and are therefore more
106 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

VXVFHSWLEOH WR LQÁXHQFH E\ HQYLURQPHQWDO IDF- also, mandible size appeared to be correlated
tors. Although there are simple allelic changes with body length whereas molar size is not. The
NQRZQ WR LQÁXHQFH PRODU VL]H LQ KRXVH PLFH authors conclude that the possibility of change
*UQHEHUJ PRODUVL]HLQIUHHOLYLQJSRS- during growth may make mandible shape more
ulations appears in general to be more strongly prone to change in response to environmental
canalized (Waddington 1942) than skeletal size. factors than molar shape. Like us, they suppose
It has therefore been suggested (Lister 1995) that response time for molars should be slower
that body size change with lesser or no tooth size than for mandibles, which could vary rapidly due
change can be used with caution as a marker for to various environmental factors.
ecophenotypic, as opposed to genetic, change This conclusion appears to be in opposition
in fossil samples. The variation in skeletal size, to that of Pergams and Ashley (2001), who sug-
but not molar size, among our house mouse gested that the very magnitude and rapidity of
populations is consistent with this idea, which size change in introduced island rodent popula-
could be experimentally tested by examining the tions indicated a genetic rather than an ecophe-
effect of different feeding regimes on tooth and notypic basis. Rapidity of change, however,
body size. It may be more realistic, however, should favour an ecophenotypic explanation, or
to suggest that in cases without direct informa- at least does not distinguish between it and very
tion of this kind (e.g. the fossil record), body rapid genetic change. Concerning magnitude
size change without dental size change could of the effect, the observed or likely degree of
imply either an ecophenotypic effect, or selec- SKHQRW\SLF ÁH[LELOLW\ DPRQJ LQGLYLGXDOV RI WKH
tion on simple gene frequencies; in any case a parent species can provide a yardstick: extremes
rapid effect. But the adaptive re-equilibration of of size beyond the norm are indeed likely to have
skeletal and dental proportion implies a longer- a genetic underpinning (as suggested for extreme
term, more entrenched genetic and developmen- GZDUÀQJRIODUJHPDPPDOVSHFLHV/LVWHU 
tal adjustment. This would explain why an offset Changes more complex than size, if not
between dental and skeletal size is commonly merely the allometric consequences of size
found between populations (or domestic breeds) change, also point to a genetic basis (Lister
of a species, while between species they are iso- 1992). Thus Renault and Michaux (2007) noted
Similar patterns have been encountered in mus sylvaticus on Sicily. The Sicilian wood
other studies of island rodents. Yom-Tov et al. mice belong to a distinct mitochondrial subclade
(1999) found that in Rattus exulans from various which diverged from the mainland Italian line-
3DFLÀF LVODQGV see below), skull length is cor- age at least 800 kyr ago. The species studied
related to body size, but tooth measurements are by Pergams and Ashley (2001) (Rattus rattus
not. A latitudinal gradient, seen in skull length, and Peromyscus maniculatus from the California
is also not seen in molar dimensions. In a study Channel Islands) also showed cranial changes in
of wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), Renault the island populations that did not appear to be
and Michaux (2007) found that across main- allometric in origin, indicating a genetic basis.
land Europe (where mice have been established
molars provide very congruent patterns of size Comparison with other studies
variation. On islands, however, a ‘mosaic’ pat-
tern is frequently encountered. For example, on The above discussion suggests that resource lim-
Ibiza, where body and mandible size were most itation on the smaller islands is responsible for
greatly enlarged, molar size remained unaltered; the positive correlation of house mouse body
mice colonised the island only 5000 years ago. size to island area observed in this study. This
Renault and Michaux (2007) also related mor- corresponds to the ascending (resource limited)
phology to mtDNA clade membership and found limb of Heaney’s parabolic model (Figs. 1 and
a stronger genetic effect on molar shape than on 8a), and suggests that the descending (competi-
mandible shape. Within populations of the mice, tion/predation-limited) limb, observed by him in
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 107

southeast Asian tricoloured squirrels, is not real-

ized in all cases.
Heaney’s (1978) model, together with the
results of Lomolino (1985), also predicts that the
smaller the mammalian species, the smaller the
islands needed to show the domain of positive
correlation resulting from food limitation. In an
attempt to test this prediction, available datasets
for island area and small-mammal body size
were collated (see Fig. 8). Several of the studies
are on species of similar body size: Peromy-
scus maniculatus on islands of western Canada
(Melton 1982); Apodemus sylvaticus on islands
of the Mediterranean (Sara & Casimento 1995,
Mus musculus in Scotland and Faroe (present
study). Each of these species in life is of similar
size, typically 7–10 cm in head and body length
(excluding tail). The fourth species, Callosciurus
prevosti from southeast Asia (Heaney 1978) is
considerably larger at ca. 25 cm head and body
length. In addition, there are studies on common
shrew (Sorex araneus) of the Scottish islands
(White & Searle 2007), and Rattus exulans in
WKH3DFLÀF <RP7RYet al. 1999), which are dis-
cussed but not shown in Fig. 8 because raw data
are not available. Further examples of trends
in relation to island size are given by Lawlor
(1982) and Lomolino (2005: table 3).
Heaney’s Callosciurus study produced the
island sizes of around 104 km2 (Fig. 8a). For
Mediterranean A. sylvaticus, the largest single
data set is that of Renault and Michaux (2007)

Fig. 8 [on the right]. %RG\ VL]H LQ SXEOLVKHG VWXG-

ies of different rodent species across various island
groups. (A 6TXLUUHOVCallosciurus prevosti, in SE Asia
(TXDGUDWLF ÀW REWDLQHG E\ Heaney 1978); (B–C) wood
mice, Apodemus sylvaticus, in the Mediterranean (B:
Renault & Michaux 2007; C: Sara & Casimento 1995);
(D) deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus in western
Canada (Melton 1982); (E) house mice, Mus musculus,
in Scotland and Faroe (this study, WKH OHDVWVTXDUHV
regression of Fig. 5 is shown). In B–D hypothetical
ies of Sala and Casimento (1995) and Renault and
Michaux (2007) are not entirely independent as the
two largest islands (Sicily and Sardinia) are in common
between the studies (of 7 and 12 islands respectively).
The two papers do not use commensurate variables
that would allow the studies to be pooled.
108 Lister & Hall ‡ ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51

(Fig. 8b), not tested statistically but suggestive 3DFLÀF VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW IRU WKH 6RORPRQ
around 102 km2. Sara and Casimento’s (1995) Zealand and Hawaii. The range of island sizes
data set of the same species (Fig. 8c) shows a for the Solomons and Hawaii extended down
negative slope but with outliers of very small WRNP2 and 4 km2 respectively, but for New
size on two of the smallest islands, around Zealand down to 0.1 km2, effectively excluding
101 km2$QJHUEM|UQ  DOVRUHJUHVVHGA. syl- the possibility of a missing ‘ascending limb’ of
vaticus size against island area for a (different) positive correlation, despite a larger body size
group of Mediterranean islands, but although than A. sylvaticus and P. maniculatus.
a line of negative slope was obtained, the rela- The Scottish and Faroese M. musculus, con-
WLRQVKLS ZDV QRW VLJQLÀFDQW SUREDEO\ EHFDXVH versely, are shifted in the opposite direction
sample size of islands was small (7), and the (Fig. 8e). Despite being of similar body size
range of island sizes restricted (ca. 102–104 km2). to A. sylvaticus and P. maniculatus, they show
Taken together, however, these three studies are a domain of positive correlation extending to
strongly suggestive of a parabolic relationship in much larger island sizes, up to the limit of the
Mediterranean A. sylvaticusZLWKDQLQÁH[LRQDW study at 900 km2. Two possible explanations, not
island sizes of around 101–102 km2. mutually exclusive, are as follows. First, in these
The P. maniculatus study (Fig. 8d) reveals exposed northern islands, biotically depauperate
a negative correlation of body size with island compared with those of the other case studies,
area, but there is an outlier of small size at small resource limitation remains a potent selective
island area. This is too limited for statistical force up to larger island sizes, shifting the curve
interpretation, but could hint at the beginnings rightward in Fig. 8e.
of the ascending (resource limited) limb of the Second, competition may have varying
Indeed, Melton (1982) described the P. manicu- showed that for A. sylvaticus, competition is a
latus trend as a negative correlation, but with the particularly potent size-depressing factor, appar-
very small mice of the smallest island (Table ently outweighing resource availability in sev-
Island, 1.9 km2) regarded as anomalous and eral European island groups. This effect may
resulting from ‘food scarcity’. therefore have pushed down body size of Apode-
7KHVWXG\RI:KLWHDQG6HDUOH ÀJ  mus, Peromyscus and Callosciurus in the studies
on Scottish Sorex araneus shows negative cor- cited here (Fig. 8a–d). Conversely, competition
relation of body size with island size over an DSSHDUV QRW WR KDYH LQÁXHQFHGWKH ERG\ ZHLJKW
LVODQGVL]HUDQJHRIDURXQG²NP2, but with of M. musculus, or else took the form of ago-
an outlier of very small body size on an island of nistic interaction which tended to preserve large
4.5 km2 (Shuna), although the authors suggest size.
this may be due to competitive release due to the
absence of the smaller S. minutus, rather than
food limitation. Conclusion
If the parabolic curve proves common to
these examples, the domain of positive correla- The positive correlation of mouse size with
tion would appear to be shifted toward smaller island size, found in this study, is unusual among
island sizes the smaller the mammal species: examples of island small mammals. Inverse cor-
from S. araneus, to A. sylvaticus and P. manicu- relations are common (Lomolino 2012), with a
latus, to C. prevosti, corresponding to the predic- parabolic relationship occasionally seen. Thus,
tion of the resource-limitation model. although small mammal species “show no con-
However, this pattern is sharply contradicted sistent tendency to either dwarf or grow larger
by that of Rattus exulans (ca. 12–15 cm head on islands” (Raia et al 2010), it is striking that
DQG ERG\ OHQJWK  LQ WKH 3DFLÀF<RP7RY et al. so many of these studies do show a relationship
(1999) found an inverse relationship of body to of some kind: within a species and island group,
island size in each of three island groups in the size variation is rarely if ever stochastic, and
ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 51 ‡ Mouse size on islands 109

usually varies deterministically with island area. %HUU\5- 7ULFNHU%-.&RPSHWLWLRQDQGH[WLQF-

tion: the mice of Foula, with notes on those of Fair Isle
In contrast, clear relationships to island area are and St Kilda. — J. Zool. Lond.²
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ing) of large mammals (Lomolino et al. 2012). by house mice: an experiment. — J. Zool. Lond. 198:
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