3 Intelligent RMPS Allocation For Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

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Received June 12, 2020, accepted June 18, 2020, date of publication June 25, 2020, date of current

version July 7, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3005081

Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids

Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation
MAÍRA RIBAS MONTEIRO 1,3 , (Graduate Student Member, IEEE),
1 Institute of Electrical Systems and Energy, Federal University of Itajubá, Itajubá 37500-903, Brazil
2 Department of Automation, Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Volta Redonda 27215-350, Brazil
3 School of Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC V1V1V8, Canada
Corresponding author: Juliana Ribas Monteiro (ribasjuliana@hotmail.com)
This work was supported in part by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Educational Personnel (CAPES), in part by the
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), in part by the Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation
(FAPEMIG), and in part by the National Institute of Electric Energy (INERGE).

ABSTRACT New opportunities enabled by renewable mobile power stations (RMPSs), in association with
microgrids (MGs) ability to operate islanded to the main grid, present a likely solution to ensure power system
novel reliability requirements in face of the increasing number of severe disruptive events. In this perspective,
this paper proposes a novel intelligent RMPS allocation method to support MGs during scheduled islanded
operation. In this mode, the isolated operation of a MG is beforehand planned to mitigate the effects caused by
possible predictable contingencies, e.g. weather-related events, as well as programmed maintenance. For this,
first a novel energy management strategy (EMS) based on dynamic programming specifically designed for
MG scheduled islanded operation is proposed. Next, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) method modified
to ensure a continuous search space in the face of discrete load shedding policies is developed to determine
the adequate allocation of RMPS. The proposed method is simulated considering different scenarios for a MG
system considering local distributed generation capacity, electric vehicles penetration, load shedding based
on priority groups, as well as technical and operational limits. The obtained results showcase the proposed
approach ability to meaningfully improve MG service capacity during scheduled islanded operation.

INDEX TERMS Microgrids, renewable mobile power stations, scheduled islanding, energy management

NOMENCLATURES MER Mobile emergency resource

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS MESS Mobile energy storage system
ABO Average best objective MG Microgrid
ANEEL Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency MMG Multi-microgrid
BEST Battery-based energy storage transportation MPS Mobily power station
BI Backward induction OPF Optimal power flow
DER Distributed energy resource PCC Point of common coupling
DG Distributed generation PRER Portable renewable energy resource
DP Dynamic programming PSO Particle swarm optimization
EM Energy management RES Renewable energy resource
EMS Energy management strategy RMPS Renewable mobile power station
EV Electric vehicle TESS Transportable energy storage system
HEGS Hybrid energy generating station V2G Vehicle-to-grid
ISO Independent System Operator
MBESS Mobile battery energy storage system INDICES AND SETS
c Superscript of cases I-IV
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ij ∈ N Index of system nodes
approving it for publication was Canbing Li. k, k1 k2 ∈ K PSO particles

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
117946 VOLUME 8, 2020
J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

`, `† ∈ LV Index for load priority rank vk Adaptation velocities for each

m∈M Index of MG particle k
N Set of natural numbers x State variable
NDG (NEV ) NG (NL ) k , Yp Local optimal particle

Set of DGs (EVs) (DERs) (loads)
l ∈ Nm (NRMPS ) Set of candidate (allocated) ˆ , Ŷp Global optimal particle
nodes of RMPS ( k) Allocation of additional local
υ Set of transmission lines resources (RMPS)
( 0) ( S) PSO current (initial) (final) iter- ρi Number of commissioned
†   RMPS units at node i
8h`i `

Set of all candidate solutions for ϕ h`i ϕS
ϕβ Operational status of a
load priority group ` respective load priority group
β Index of candidate solution l (higher ranked load priority
position groups l† ) (candidate solution
|·| Cardinality of a set of a respective load priority
Plane PL-LV1, . . . , PL -LV’N’ group l)
1PG 1PG Available (surplus) generation
Bi Battery storage capacity at node i
ζ PSO stopped criteria
c1 c2 Velocity acceleration coefficients
K Incidence matrix
j j
1 2 Velocity random sequences FUNCTIONS
s PSO search space interval
F Fh`i Fβ

hDGi Optimization function of MGs service
SG,i  Rated power DG capacity (a generic load priority group
Tisl Tprog MG disconnect (reconnection) time with rank `) (candidate solution β and a
Inertia weight generic load priority group with rank `)
Y Admittance matrix f Function of MGs service capacity
α, β, γ Coefficients of the wind turbine g, h Operational and technical constraints
λ Velocity parameter L Optimization function of MGs losses
ωi ωir ωici
Current (rated) (cut-in) wind velocity at function
node i max (·) Maximization function
t, 1t Time step min (·) Minimization function
1T isl MG disconnect time duration sat (·) Saturation function
ζiter Pre-determined number of iterations W Wind turbine model
ζtol Stagnation tolerance (·), (·) Lower and upper limits


Ii Iij Node (branch) current
   New power systems requirements imposed by increasing con-
hRMPSi Active power generation avail-
sumption, large penetration of renewable energy resources


 able (DG) (RMPS) (EV) (main
PG PG (RESs) and the growing impact and occurance of natural
grid) (MG) (RES)


 disasters [1], [2], are driving the pursue of microgrids (MGs)
PG PG development. These system regions provide an interesting
Pm Local generation in node i at solution due to their ability to operate isolated from the
MG m main grid, significantly improving power system reliabil-
hRMPSi,ωi ity and consequently its service capacity [1]–[5]. For this
PG,i Turbine power without wind
sake, the association of local energy resources and ade-
velocity limits

 quate energy management strategies (EMSs) are needed to
PL PL Load for respective load prior- ensure the system demand/generation balance during isolated
ity group ` (MG) operation.
Ploss Active losses for respective In the literature, several works have been proposed to
load priority group ` improve MG operation performance during islanded mode. In
QG,i Reactive power generation of [6] a distributed optimal power flow (OPF) strategy seeks to
DG minimize MG losses during islanded operation. The problem
SOC Energy level of MGs resilience is addressed in [7] using an EMS designed
Vi , Vj Nodal voltages to maximize the time of energy supply during MG isolated

VOLUME 8, 2020 117947

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

operation, i.e. autonomy capacity. For this, a neuro-fuzzy in [24], whereas the economically optimal location during
forecasting tool provides data to support the decisions of the normal operating condition is additionally tackled in [25].
fuzzy control that determines the unit’s respective operational Resilience applications are depicted in [26]–[28] addressing
schedules. Similarly, in [8] a robust EMS is developed based MPS commissioning logistics, including the influence of
on fuzzy prediction interval models to determine the avail- transportation and repair crews. In [29] a two-stage stochastic
able energy from local generators. Following, a flexible time recovery framework using MERs reduces the consumers’
frame for distributed energy resources (DERs) dispatch is outage time duration, while the total cost of the system is min-
proposed using OPF solutions based on economic dispatch imized using transportable energy storage systems (TESSs)
[9]. In [10] a new EMS is developed to optimize MGs power [30]. Also, MPS applications for isolated system regions
and energy regulation considering DERs operating in syn- with difficult access are proposed in [31] for improving the
chronous mode. Natural disasters are tackled in [11] using a operational performance of remote military structures. Fur-
proactive approach for the improvement of MG preparation to ther, MESSs are used for service restoration due to extreme
mitigate chain contingencies. Communication non-idealities weather events and cyber-attacks [32].
are considered in the EMS design problem depicted in [12], in This work proposes a novel EMS including an intelligent
which a consensus algorithm is used to solve energy manage- allocation of RMPS for improving MG service capacity dur-
ment (EM) problem with data losses. Further, EMS focused ing scheduled islanded operation. First, the proposed EMS
on hybrid RES generation based systems, and transactive takes advantage of a MG known expected isolated operating
energy frameworks are tackled in [13], [14]. An optimal period to develop a new dedicated EM problem capable of
scheduling mode based on chance-constrained programming ensuring high priority loads supplying, while simultaneously
is proposed to assist isolated MGs with battery storage [15]. enabling the improvement of MG’s overall service capacity.
Even though the literature has provided meaningful works Next, based on the proposed EMS solution, an intelligent allo-
for improving MGs operation during islanded mode. There is cation approach of RMPS is presented. For this sake, a new
a gap for works focused on improving MGs service capacity particle swarm optimization (PSO) strategy considering a
during planned/scheduled islanding scenarios, as the current two-layered objective function is developed. This perspective
literature is mainly focused on the autonomy enhancement is necessary to ensure a continuous search space in the face
of MGs [6]–[15]. In this perspective, this work seeks to of the discrete changes in the MG service capacity presented
amend this research gap capitalizing on the novel opportu- by load shedding policies based on priority groups. The paper
nities enabled by renewable mobile power stations (RMPSs) main contributions are following depicted:
to improve MGs service capacity during scheduled islanded • Enhancement of MG service capacity during scheduled
operations. islanding through RMPS support: RMPS capacity to
Mobily power stations (MPSs) provide movable generating be commissioned at different system locations provide
units that can be commissioned to support several power the necessary local resources flexibility to meaning-
systems requirements [16]–[32]. An integrated battery-based fully improve MGs service capacity during scheduled
energy storage transportation (BEST) provides benefits to the islanded operation.
transmission congestion and operation costs [16], while it can • Dynamic programming (DP) based EMS for MG oper-
aid in managing the large-scale integration of wind genera- ation during scheduled islanding: Scheduled isolated
tion, reducing the curtailment of this resource and the system operation allows for the EMS problem design in a finite
operation cost [17]. In [18] importation costs are minimized time. This perspective allows for the application of DP
by the adequate allocation and dispatch of a mobile energy technics, representing the EMS problem of MG through
storage system (MESS). The profit of the distribution com- simpler nested sub-problems solvable using backward
pany is maximized using MESS to support different services, induction (BI) principle.
including energy arbitration, voltage regulation and mini- • Intelligent allocation of RMPSs based on PSO ded-
mization of energy losses [19]. In [20] portable renewable icated to supporting MGs scheduled islanded opera-
energy resource (PRER) is considered as demand response in tion: The allocation of RMPSs based on PSO allows
multi-objective and stochastic programming for EM in MGs. for the maximization of the benefit provided by these
Energy reserves for critical loads supplying and secondary resources to support islanded MG service capacity. For
frequency regulation of isolated MG are respectively tackled this, a two-layered PSO strategy is presented to avoid
in [21], [22], using a multi-generation portfolio including local stagnations due to discrete load shedding policies,
mobile hybrid energy generating station (HEGS) and truck- where the first layer ensures the MG service capac-
mounted mobile emergency resources (MERs). The use of ity maximization, and the second layer guarantees a
a mobile battery energy storage system (MBESS), based on continuous search space towards the optimal solution
experimental operation data and multi-state reliability model identification.
for distributed RES generation and demand, increases the This work organization is following depicted. Section II
system reliability during a failure in islanded MGs [23]. Pre- describes the analyzed MG. Section III presents the pro-
positioning and allocation of MPS for MG restoration of posed problem formulation and detail to depict the proposed
critical loads in the context of natural disasters are addressed method. Section IV features the obtained results and the

117948 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

respective discussion. Next, Section V presents the paper and PG,i are the turbine power with and without wind
conclusion and overall contributions. velocity limits, PG,i
is the turbine rated power; α, β, γ are
coefficients responsible for modeling the non-linear behavior
of the wind turbine and may be determined as in [34].
In this section, the employed system model is detailed. For EVs are considered able of operating in vehicle-to-grid
this, consider a single MG with local DERs and load shedding mode (V2G) [35]. In this sense, a unit i ∈ NEV NEV ⊂ NG

capacity. DERs are represented by electric vehicles (EVs), has its maximum dispatch power as a function of the maxi-
distributed generation (DG), and RMPSs. In addition, loads mum available dispatch power and technical limits, respec-
are composed of different priority levels to support islanded hESSi hESSi
operation. tively PG,i and PG,i .
PG,i (t)
MG operating states are obtained based on power flow solu- = sat PG,i (t) ; PG,i (t), PG,i (5a)
tion [33]: hESSi
 T PG,i (t)
Iij − K −1 · [Ii ]T = 0 (1) n o
= sat SOC i (t) − SOC i · Bi · 1t −1 ; PG,i , 0
Vj − Vi − Yij−1 · Iij = 0 (2)
where Ii and Iij represent node and branch current, Vi and
where SOC i is the energy level, SOC i represents the min-
 j are nodal voltages, Y is the admittance matrix, K =
imum limit of energy level, Bi denotes the battery storage
kij is the incidence matrix, i.e., kij = 1, ∀ ij ∈ N | i = j ,
and kij = −1, ∀ {i, j} ⊂ N × N |i 6 = j when there is a capacity and 1t is the time step.
connection between i and j, otherwise kij = 0, ∀ {i, j} 6⊂
υ |i 6 = j , N = NG ∪ NL , is the set of all MG nodes, NG and C. LOAD
NL are the sets of DERs and loads. Islanded MGs require load shedding capacity in order to
ensure generation/demand balance. In this sense, different
B. DERs MODEL load priority levels for consumers groups are considered
DERs are represented by traditional DG units composed of following a set of priority rank LV = {1, . . . , |LV |}, where
small hydropower plants and thermal units, as well as RMPSs the highest priority rank is denoted by ` = 1, | · | denotes
considering truck-mounted wind turbines. For a conventional the cardinality of a set. The MG load for a node i ∈ NL is
DG unit i ∈ NDG NDG ⊂ NG , its supplied power is control- represented as

lable and defined as [11]: h`i h`i h|LV |i

PL (t) = ϕ h`i · PL + . . . + ϕ h|LV |i · PL (6)
hDGi hDGi hDGi hDGi
PG,i (t) : PG,i ≤ PG,i (t) ≤ PG,i , where ϕ h`i ∈ {0, 1} denotes the operational status of a
i2 h
hDGi 2
respective load priority group with rank ` ∈ LV .
PG,i (t) + QG,i (t) ≤ SG,i (3)
hDGi hDGi
where PG,i and QG,i denote current active and reactive Islanded MGs present several operational and technical con-
hDGi hDGi straints to ensure satisfactory and reliable operating con-
power generation, PG,i and PG,i represent the minimum
hDGi ditions. These constraints include hosting capacity, branch
and maximum active power generation, and SG,i is the rated flow limits, nodal voltage [36] and current limits, generation
generation power. capacity, as well as other equipment, grid, and control limita-
the generation contribution of an RMPS unit tions [35]. These constraints are denoted by,
i∈NRMPS NRMPS ⊂NG is non-controllable and given as a
function of available wind speed over time t, h (x) < 0, x < x < x (7)
hRMPSi PG,i (t) , if ωici < ωi (t) ≤ ωir where x and x denote lower and upper technical and opera-
PG,i (t) = tional limits.
0, otherwise
h i MGs are able of operating isolated to the main grid in case
|W = α + β · ωi (t) + γ · ωi2 (t) (4b) of unpredicted and scheduled events such as programmed
maintenance [37]. In this operating mode, the MG goal is
where sat ; , = : ≤ < is a saturation function,
to maximize its service capacity, i.e. supplied load, during
and are lower and upper limits, ωi (t), ωir and ωici are
its islanded operation. However, due to the limited availabil-
respectively actual, rated and cut-in wind velocities, PG,i ity of local resources, these grids may be unable to attend

VOLUME 8, 2020 117949

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

their desired threshold demand during the complete isolated The proposed method presents a modified objective function,
operation. Thus, requiring the allocation of additional local capable of avoiding possible stagnations of PSO caused by
resources, (7)-(9). MGs load shedding policy. The detailed description of the
F (x, ϕ, ) = max f (x, ϕ, ) (8) proposed methods is following depicted.


During MG’s islanded operation mode, EMS algorithms are
where f is the optimization function of MGs service capac- focused on the maximization of the grid service capacity.
ity, g and (7) denote equality and inequality constraints In this configuration, besides the consideration of traditional
responsible for guaranteeing solutions in compliance with technical and operational restrictions expressed by (7) and
the islanded MG technical and operational requirements, x (9), these systems must ensure that the MG load supplying
is the state variable, ϕ is the operational status of the MG is continuously performed by (12) and respect loads’ priority
load priority group, is the allocation of additional local ranks described by (13). In this sense, for a generic allocation
resources. of RMPS denoted by k , the EMS problem for MG (7)-(9)
This perspective can be significantly improved considering can be represented as
the new possibilities enabled by RMPS. These units feature
mobile renewable generators that can be easily commissioned F (x, ϕ, )| = k
and decommissioned at different system locations. In this = max f (x, ϕ, )| = k ,
perspective, providing an ideal solution for supporting MGs
|LV | TX
scheduled islanded operation, as the same RMPS unit can be f (x, ϕ, )| =
X h`i
ϕ h`i (t) · PL (t)

used at different systems’ MGs following pre-programmed
`=1 t=Tisl
maintenance. Thus, a marginal increase 1PG in MGs genera-
tion, provided by RMPS, can enable several times the benefit
of installing the same marginal increase 1PG in traditional s.t. eq. (7) and (9),
ϕ h`i (t + 1) − ϕ h`i (t) ≤ 0, ∀ t ∈ Tisl , TProg −1t
fixed RESs plants, as these units can be moved along and
taken advantage of various MG systems. (12)

|NX ϕ h`+1i (t) − ϕ h`i (t) ≤ 0, ∀ ` ∈ [1, |LV | − 1]
PG,i = PG,i + ρi · PG
m m
ρi · PG = 1PG (13)
m ∈ M, i ∈ NRMPS NRMPS ⊆ Nm (10) where Tprog is the MG expected reconnection time.
Based on the restrictions imposed by constraint (13),
where Pm G,i is the local generation in node i at MG m, ρi is the higher-ranked priority loads are supplyed before attending
number of commissioned RMPS units at node i, PG is lower priority ranked groups. The EMS problem (11)-(13)
the generation contribution of each RMPS unit, M is the set can be reformulated using bottom-up DP [38]. This repre-
of MGs attended by RMPS, Nm represents the set of nodes sentation presents F (x, ϕ, )| = k as a recursively solvable
with renewable potential for RMPS installation. problem built-on the solution of sub-problems representative
The scalability of RMPS and MG scheduled islanding has of each MG load priority group. In this sense, starting from
been demonstrated in [16]–[32], for a wide range of power the highest-ranked load priority group a sub-problem inde-
systems aspects, including reliability and resilience improve- pendent from the subsequent load priority groups is formu-
ment [20], [23]–[26], [28]–[30], as well as operational per- lated. Next, each subsequent load priority group constitutes
formance enhancement [16]–[19], [21], [22], [32]. a new sub-problem that is built-on the solution(s) of the pre-
Seeking to capitalize on the novel possibilities enabled vious higher-ranked load priority sub-problem(s). The MG
by RMPS, this work proposes a novel method for RMPSs EMS problem solution F (x, ϕ, )| = k is achieved once all
allocation to improve MGs service capacity during scheduled sub-problems are evaluated, i.e. the lowest ranked priority
islanded operation. The proposed method is composed of two group is evaluated, Fh|LV |i (x, ϕ, ) = ,ϕ=ϕ h|LV |i .
main stages, respectively EMS for scheduled MG islanded
operation and RMPS intelligent allocation. The first stage F (x, ϕ, )| = k = F h|LV |i
(x, ϕ, ) = , (14)

takes advantage of the knowledge of the reconnection time ϕ = ϕ h|LV |i
during the scheduled islanding to develop a novel EMS based
on DP. The proposed method represents the optimization where,

problem (7)-(9) by several nested sub-problems retroactively Fh`i (x, ϕ, ) = ,

solvable. Thus, significantly reducing the search space for the k
optimal solution. Next, a PSO based algorithm is proposed to ϕ = ϕ h|LV |i
perform the iterative adjustment of RMPSs allocation towards Tprog h`i
= max ϕ (t) · PL (t)
the highest benefit for the islanded MG service capacity. t=Tisl

117950 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

s.t. (7), (9) and (12). for a subsequent sub-problem solution, PL (t + 1) <
PL (t) PG (t + 1).

h`i h`i

ϕ h`i (t) · PL (t) , Fh`i (x, ϕ, ) = , = Fβ (x, ϕ, ) =

k k


h`i h`i
ϕ = ϕβ ϕ = ϕβ (t)

= h`i P`−1

ϕ (t) · PL (t) + `† =1 ϕS (t) · PL (t),
+ . . . + Fβ (x, ϕ, ) = ,

otherwise k
(16) ϕ = ϕβ (Tprog )

where Fh`i (x, ϕ, ) = , ϕ=ϕ h`i denotes the sup-problems

h`i n o
F (x, ϕ, ) hESSi

` β = k = min P G (t) (19)
for a generic load priority group with rank `, ϕS (t) is h`i
ϕ = ϕβ (t)

the operational status solution

† of higher-ranked
groups sub-problems, F ` (x, ϕ, )

h` i ` < ` . The complete proposed EMS based on DP is the following

= k , ϕ=ϕS depicted in (20)-(22). Its solution is obtained recursively
Further, based on the fact that the system EMS problem has applying the BI solution method starting at the highest load
a finite period to be analyzed, i.e. 1T isl = Tprog −Tisl , where priority group towards the lowest priority groups of loads, i.e.
1T isl is the MG duration of the islanded operation. In asso- `= 1, . . . , |LV |.
ciation with the obligation imposed by constraint (12), the
MG must continuously supply load priority groups until their F (x, ϕ, )| = k
 
shedding. One can easily observe that the optimal solution for |LV |  TX
 prog

sub-problems Fh`i (x, ϕ, ) = , ϕ=ϕ h`i disregarding oper-
 

= BI Fβ (x, ϕ, ) = (20)

ational and technical limits (7)and (9) are represented by l=1

t=Tisl h`i

ϕ = ϕβ (t)
 

ϕ S (t) = 1, ∀ t ∈ Tisl , Tprog , i.e. this operational status
ensures that all loads on the respective sub-problem are con- where,
tinuously supplied during the complete islanded operation,  
consequently providing the general optimal solution for the  TX

 prog

respective sub-problem. BI Fβ (x, ϕ, ) =

This beforehand knowledge of sub-problems general opti-
 
t=Tisl h`i
ϕ = ϕβ (t)
 

mal solution allows for Fh`i (x, ϕ, ) = , ϕ=ϕ h`i to be


= Fh`i (x, ϕ, ) ϕ ⊂ 8h`i
solved using BI method [39]. In this sense, starting from (21)

the general optimal solution, one can work backward to the = k
actual optimal solution that satisfies the sub-problem EMS ϕ = ϕ h`i
constraints, i.e. (7) and (9), and (12)-(13). For this, the first
h`i s.t. (7), (9) and (16),
candidate solutions ϕβ are obtained by inducing backwards
h`i and
from the general optimal solution ϕS . h`i
Fβ (x, ϕ, ) = = min PG (t)

( k
1, t ≤ Tprog −1t · (β − 1)
ϕβ (t) = (17) ϕ = ϕβ (t)
0, otherwise (22)
n o
h`i h`i
8 = ϕβ , . . . , ϕTprog
(18) s.t. (7), (9) and (16)
The problem solution describing the MG maximum service
where ϕβ (t) denotes the candidate solution, β ∈ capacity is represented by,
1, Tprog − Tisl 1t is the candidate solution position,
|LV | TX
8h`i is the set of all candidate solutions for load priority h`i h`i
F (x, ϕ, )| = k
= ϕS (t) · PL (t) (23)
group h`i. l=1 t=Tisl
Then, based on these candidate solutions ϕβ a pre- h`i
knowledge of the sub-problem load priority status at each where ϕS (t) is obtained from (20)-(22).
time step t is obtained. In this sense, (14)-(16) can be
reformulated as a sequence of nested minimization sub- B. INTELLIGENT RMPS ALLOCATION BASED ON PSO
problems where the goal is to maximize the succeeding Next, based on the previous problem solution, an intelligent
hDGi algorithm for RMPSs allocation based on PSO is proposed.
maximum power available, i.e. PG (t + 1) = PG +
For this, first, one should note that the previous optimiza-
PG + PG (t + 1) PG (t + 1) = SOC(t) − tion problem solution is a discontinuous step-based func-
hESSi P|LV | PTprog h`i h`i
PG (t) · 1t, so that a higher level of loads may be attended tion, i.e. F (x, ϕ, )| = k = `=1 t=T isl
ϕ (t) · PL (t).

VOLUME 8, 2020 117951

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

This feature can lead to the PSO stagnation if the The global optimal particle ˆ ( + 1) is determined based
step between subsequent solutions are significantly large, on the local optimal population set Yp ( + 1). For this,
i.e. |F (x, ϕ, ( )) − F (x, ϕ, ( + 1))|  0, where first a sub-set Ŷp ( + 1) representing the solutions with the
represents the RMPSs allocation, and denotes the highest service capacity is extracted from the complete set
PSO iteration. In this sense, the entire PSO popula- Yp ( + 1). Next, the optimal particle ˆ ( + 1) is deter-
tion K could be found in the same solution plateau, mined by identifying the solution presenting the lowest loss
leading to the PSO inability to identify the optimal in the refined population sub-set Ŷp ( + 1).
particle among the respective population that leads to
the system optimization path, i.e. F (x, ϕ, )| = k =
ˆ ( + 1) = ( + 1) |L (x, ϕ, k ( + 1))
n  o
F (x, ϕ, )| = k |∀ {k1 , k2 } ∈ K k1 6 = k2 , where k1 and k2 = min L x, ϕ, Ŷp ( + 1) (27)
represent particles in the PSO population K .  
Ŷp ( + 1) = Yp ( + 1) F x, ϕ, Ŷp ( + 1)

Still, one should know that even though these parti-
cles may present the same service capacity solution, i.e. = max F x, ϕ, Yp ( + 1)
F (x, ϕ, )| = k = F (x, ϕ, )| = k+1 | ∀ k ∈ K , they are
not necessarily equally optimal. In this sense, based on (19), where, |K| is the total number of particles in K, |Nm | is the
h+i number of all candidate locations for RMPSs allocation in
the available surplus generation capacity, i.e. 1PG (t) =
MG m ∈ M.
h`i h`i
PG − PL (t) + Ploss (t) , can be used as a supplemental
Once determined PSO’s local and global optimal particles,
metric for determining the optimal PSO particles. Given that
the population variation is performed calculating the respec-
PG is constant at each time step, one can show that the particle
tive adaptation velocities, vlk , for each particle, k .
presenting the highest surplus of generating capacity is the h i
one featuring reduced losses. vlk ( + 1) = · vlk ( ) + c1 · l1 ( ) · lk ( ) − lk ( )
L (x, ϕ, )| = k h i
X  + c2 · l2 ( ) · ˆ ( ) − lk ( ) (29)
|LV | XTprog h`i h+i
= max ϕ (t) · PL (t) + 1PG (t)
`=1 t=Tisl where, l1 ∼ (0, 1) and l2 ∼ (0, 1) are random sequences
and contribute to PSO stochastic nature, c1 > 0 and c2 ≤ 2
|LV | XTprog h`i
= min ϕ (t) · Ploss (t)
`=1 t=Tisl are constants, called acceleration coefficients and influence
X|LV | XTprog h`i h`i respectively the maximum step toward lk and toward ŷ,
= ϕS (t) · Ploss (t) (24) is the inertia weight as defined in [41].
`=1 t=Tisl
In this perspective, the identification of PSO local and This process leads to the new population for RMPSs allo-
global optimal particles can be performed using a two-step cation denoted by k ( + 1).
verification process. First, the respective particles are evalu- ( + 1)
ated seeking to identify the ones leading to the highest service
capacity, i.e. F (x, ϕ, )| = k . Next, in case that multiple = k ( ) + vk ( + 1)
h iT 
particles have the same service capacity, the one presenting vk ( ) = sat vl ( ) , . . . ,v|K| ( ) ;v, −v

k k (30)
the lowest energy loss is selected as the optimal one, i.e. loss

criteria L (x, ϕ, )| = k . This process leads to an implicit where v = λ · s | 0.1 < λ ≤ 1 , s is the boundary of the PSO
change in the PSO velocity update, consequently avoiding search space interval
premature stagnation as both global and local best solutions Following, the new population solution is evaluated,
are forced to a position change [40]. The determination of F (x, ϕ, k ( + 1)). This process iteratively performed until
local and global optimal particles is following depicted. stagnation is reached, i.e. the criterium ζ is consecutively
Local optimal particles k ( + 1) are obtained comparing satisfied for a pre-determined number of iterations ζiter .
each particle current and past candidate solutions for criteria
F (x, ϕ, )| = k and L (x, ϕ, )| = k ζ ( + 1)
 h    i 
k ( + 1)
 F x, ϕ, ˆ ( + 1) − F x, ϕ, ˆ ( ) =0 
k ( + 1), F(x, ϕ, k ( + 1)) > F(x, ϕ, k ( ))
 h    i

 & L x, ϕ, ˆ ( + 1) − L x, ϕ, ˆ ( ) < ζtol 
 ( + 1), F(x, ϕ, ( + 1)) = F(x, ϕ, ( ))

k k k
= (31)
 &L(x, ϕ, k ( + 1)) < L(x, ϕ, k ( ))
where ζtol denotes the stagnation tolerance.

k ( ) otherwise
The complete proposed intelligent method for RMPS allo-
cation to support MGs service capacity during programmed
Yp ( + 1) islanded operation is illustrated in the flowchart depicted in
= k ( + 1) , . . . , |K| ( + 1)
Fig. 1. In addition, detailed descriptions of the algorithms
h iT to solve RMPSs allocation are depicted in Tables 1 and 2,
k ( + 1) = l ( + 1) , . . . , |Nm | ( + 1)

k k (26) respectively PSO algorithm and DP energy management

117952 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

FIGURE 1. Proposed flowchart.

TABLE 1. PSO algorithm for RMPSs allocation. TABLE 2. DP energy management algorithm.


In this section, the effectiveness of the proposed intelligent
RMPS allocation for MGs support during scheduled islanded
operation is verified. For this, a modernization planning
of a utility company is investigated. The respective utility
contains several MGs and is currently seeking to determine
algorithm. It should be noticed that the proposed method which RES technology can offer the best benefit per installed
applicability is dedicated to MGs planning and EM under capacity, to maximize its overall MGs service capacity dur-
scheduled islanded operation, as assumptions used for the ing scheduled island operation, i.e. including all defined
proposed DP energy management algorithm design are spe- MGs. This study is in line with the novel precautions nec-
cific to MGs operating conditions during the scheduled essary to mitigate the increasing interruption of electricity
islanded mode. supply due to severe weather-related incidents, as well as

VOLUME 8, 2020 117953

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

programmed maintenance. For this, aiming at the repro-

ducibility of results, an MG based on a modified IEEE 34-bus
distribution system with scheduled islanded operation pro-
grammed for a duration 1T isl = 3h30min is employed. In
this system, local DERs are included, penetration of EVs
with V2G capacity is considered, as well as technical and
operational limits are implemented according to section II-D.
The respective MG presents load shedding capacity following
priority groups classification established by the Brazilian
Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) [42]. In this sense,
three levels of priority groups i are considered, i.e. ` ∈
LV |LV ⊂ N [1, 3] where the highest priority level ‘` = 1’
must be supplied before performing the supplying of the
FIGURE 2. Proposed method convergence process.
slowest level, i.e. ‘`= 3’. Also, a total investment in local
RES capacity 1PG = 4.25 MW is available by the utility. TABLE 3. Proposed method RMPSs allocation solution.

This generation can be installed using wind turbines over the

nodes with wind potential contained in the set NRMPS =
{802, 826, 838, 858}. To determine these units’ generation
contributions, real measurements of wind potential are con-
sidered [43]. These considerations are detailed depicted in From Fig. 2, it is possible to observe that the obtained
Appendix A. Besides, the results are obtained for a per- service capacity F∗ (x, ϕ, )| = k considering only the
sonal computer with processor: IntelrCORETM I5-10210U first objective function leads to a premature solution, i.e.
ˆ ∗ ( ) = 8. This premature convergence occurs due to

CPU@ 1.60 GHz, Installed RAM 12.0 GB (11.9 GB usable),
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor. the decrease of the particles’ velocity, which is motivated by
Based on this scenario, two main analyses are performed. the discrete search space not allowing for position changes
First, the proposed approach for RMPSs allocation is pre- among local and global best particles. Consequently, lead-
sented. This analysis depicts the proposed method conver- ing to the swarm stagnation. Following, the optimization
gence process leading to the respective intelligent allocation process is described for the proposed method considering
of RMPSs. Next, comparative case-studies are developed both objective function terms, respectively service capac-
seeking the validation of RMPS as the most adequate RES ity F (x, ϕ, )| = k and energy loss L (x, ϕ, )| = k . First,
technology for scheduled islanding operation support, and the an overall analysis indicates that the proposed method can
proposed method ability to determine the adequate locations continuously improve the designed objective function until
for RES placement. For this, four comparative case-studies reaching convergence, i.e. ζ ( ) 6= 1, ∀ < ( S − ζiter ),
considering different RES technology and allocation are pre- where S denotes the iteration leading to the proposed method
sented. Further, the scalability of the proposed approach to solution. Consequently, leading to a RMPSs allocation solu-
assist power system planning and short-term operation is tion able
 to significantly
 the MG
 service capacity,
verified based on processing requirements established by the i.e. F x, ϕ, ( S )  F x, ϕ, ( 0 ) , where 0 denotes
ˆ ˆ
Brazilian Independent System Operator (ISO), which states
the initial iteration. Further, through a detailed analysis, one
that short-term calculations should be available in intervals
can observe that the MG service capacity F (x, ϕ, )| = k
of 30 min [44].
has a discontinuous step-based behavior, which as previously
discussed could lead to the PSO stagnation. This occurs once
A. PROPOSED INTELLIGENT RMPS ALLOCATION the MG presents a discrete load shedding policy by priority
In this section, the proposed intelligent allocation of RMPSs groups [35]. Still, this perspective is amended by the sec-
is presented. This analysis assumes the use of RMPS as the ond objective function term L (x, ϕ, )| = k . During itera-
selected RES technology for the utility investment. Besides, tions presenting F (x, ϕ, )| = k constant, L (x, ϕ, )| = k
the proposed method is used to select the sites for these units allows for the identification of an optimization path, i.e.
allocation. This perspective is detailed depicted in Fig. 2, by minimizing L (x, ϕ, )| = k the MG can increase its
including a comparative case study illustrating the proposed locally available energy capacity up to the point when
approach’s ability to avoid premature convergence. For this, enough resources are preserved to supply  a subsequent

two perspectives are assumed, first RMPS allocation consid- group of loads for an extra step, i.e. F x, ϕ, ( + 1) >
ering only the main objective function is performed, denoted  
by F∗ (x, ϕ, )| = k . Following, the proposed method with F x, ϕ, ˆ ( ) . This process is held for 16 iterations until
two-layered objective function is considered, represented stagnation is observed, and the problem-solution reached,
by F (x, ϕ, )| = k and L (x, ϕ, )| = k . The employed i.e. ˆ ( S ) S = 16. The proposed method solution for

parameters for the PSO algorithm are described in Table 8. RMPSs allocation is described in Table 3.

117954 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

FIGURE 3. MG power generation for (a) Case I; (b) Case II; (c) Case III; (d) Case IV.

Next, results indicate that the proposed approach has an TABLE 4. Case-studies description.
average best objective value (ABO) of 7.58 min considering
25 independent runs [45], which is significantly lower than
the requirements established by the Brazilian ISO. Then,
the proposed approach scalability for both power system
planning and short-term operation is verified, as its computa-
tional performance does not present a critical limiting factor
towards its application considering practical ISO standards

B. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND COMPARATIVE until reconnection is performed at Tprog = 4h00min for
ANALYSIS Cases I-III, whereas for Case IV reconnection is not consid-
Next, the proposed method solution is validated in compar- ered to evaluate the MG autonomy capacity, i.e. Tprog → ∞.
ison with different approaches for the respective problem During grid-connected mode, the MG is connected to the
solution. These solutions depicted by Cases I-IV include main grid at the point of common coupling (PCC) with gen-
different RES technology types, i.e. mobile and traditional eration/demand balancing assumed by the main grid PG
fixed RESs for Cases I-III; as well as, different EMS for RES EVs are operated in charging mode, local DGs are dispatched
allocation respectively focused on service maximization and with a fixed contribution defined by the system operator,
autonomy improvement, i.e. Cases I and IV. The developed whereas RESs/RMPSs (when available) operate in PQ-mode
case studies are following depicted: 1) Case I presents the with its generation directly injected accordingly to the wind
MG operation for the proposed method. This approach seeks velocity. It should be noticed that due to RMPSs allocation
to maximize the MG service capacity for a scheduled islanded planning focused on improving MGs service capacity during
operation using RMPSs; 2) Case II considers the installation scheduled islanded operation, their allocation while in grid-
of traditional fixed RES. For this, a RES power plant is connected mode is not optimized. In contrast, when sched-
considered associated at the substation bus connecting this uled islanding occurs the main grid supplying is interrupted,
MG to the main grid, i.e. 802-bus. The RES plant is able of hMaini
i.e. PG = 0 and generation/demand balance must be
isolating with the MG; 3) Case III represents a scenario where locally performed. In this sense, local dispatchable units such
the RES investment is performed at a different MG than the as DGs and EVs contribution are controlled by MG EMS
one considered in this analysis, i.e. the utility has several MGs to ensure generation/demand balance, and RMPSs allocation
and the RES power plant is installed in a different substation. represents focal points for the improvement of MGs service
In this sense, the MG generation is provided only by the orig- capacity during scheduled islanding.
inally available local DERs. This perspective is significantly In Fig. 3(a)-(d), the main grid and DERs generated
improved by RMPS mobility capacity as will be following power are depicted in detail. The power generated from
discussed; and 4) Case IV considers the allocation of RMPSs the main grid and EVs for Cases I-IV are denoted respec-
using an EMS focused on MGs autonomy improvement, hMaini hESSi
tively by PG and PG . Also, the MG generated power
i.e. the maximization process is performed for an unknown
including local DGs and allocated RES are respectively
reconnection time, Tprog → ∞. Table 4 summarizes case- hMGi,c
studies comparison.
denoted for each case study as PG c ∈ {I , II , III , IV }
The obtained results shown in Figs. 3-4 present the MG where superscript c represents Cases I-IV, i.e. PG =
initially connected to the main grid for 30min when the hRMPSi,I
+ PG , PG
= PG
+ PG , PG
scheduled islanding is executed, i.e. Tisl = 0h30min. Next,
the MG is operated islanded for a duration 1T isl = 3h30min, PG PG = 0 , PG = PG + PG .

VOLUME 8, 2020 117955

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

FIGURE 4. Microgrid supplied load for (a) Case I; (b) Case II; (c) Case III; (d) Case IV.

Moreover, Fig. 4(a)-(d) illustrate the total MG supplied

load for Cases I-IV. In this perspective, analyzing Fig. 4(a)-d)
one may observe that the proposed approach leads to a
substantial improvement in the MG service capacity during
scheduled islanded operation in comparison with Cases II-IV.
First, comparing Cases I and II, the scheduled MG islanding
enables the proposed method to obtain a foreknowledge of
the MG global generation perspective during the complete
islanded operation, i.e. expected local energy reserves, gener-
ation capacity, and forecasted load demand. This information
allows the proposed method to identify RMPSs ideal place-
ment that will lead to an overall system generation capac-
ity improvement based on the complete scheduled islanded
operation. In contrast, Case II represents a scenario where
the RES capacity is fixed at the MG substation. This sce-
nario seeks to improve RES contribution to the main grid
FIGURE 5. MG attended load priority groups during scheduled islanded
during MG connected operation, while also supporting the operation.
MG during islanded operating conditions. In this sense, even
though both cases provide the same total amount of additional
generation capacity, the lack of RES mobility in Case II leads Further, a comparative analysis between different EMS
to reduced performance when compared to Case I, which can for RMPSs allocation and operation is presented comparing
feature optimized RMPSs placement for each scheduled MG Cases I and IV. Case IV performs RMPS allocation consid-
islanded operation. ering an EMS focused on MGs autonomy improvement. In
This perspective is even more highlighted when comparing this sense, its objective is to ensure the supplying of the most
Cases I and III. In Case III, the RES generation investment is critical loads for the longest possible time, i.e. an unknown
assumed to be performed through fixed generation similarly reconnection is assumed. Still, this strategy is not adequate
to Case II, however it is installed in another system region. In to improve MG service capacity during scheduled islanded
this sense, the service capacity of the respectively analyzed operations. As one may observe in Fig. 3 (d), Case IV pre-
MG is significantly reduced in comparison to Cases I-II, serves EVs energy to ensure critical loads supplying for a
which is not even able to guarantee the local supply of the period in which the MG would already be reconnected, i.e.
highest load priority, ϕ h`i |` = 1 , throughout the complete Tprog = 4h00min. Consequently, this leads to a reduction
islanded operating period as illustrated in Fig. 4 (c). Still, this in the local generation capacity that could be employed to
perspective can be meaningfully improved when considering improve MG service capacity during the actual scheduled
RMPS technology. Given RMPS mobility capacity, these islanded operation. This perspective showcases the require-
units can be decommissioned from one MG to another. In this ment for EMS specifically designing for MG scheduled
sense, these systems can provide an even greater benefit, as islanded operation.
their mobility allow for their improvement not to be limited to Following, the MG service capacity per priority group
a single MG. Instead, these units can be moved throughout the of loads for Cases I-IV is depicted in Fig. 5 and Table 5.
system benefiting different MGs. Therefore, the application First, one may observe that Case I ability to optimally placed
of RMPS leads to significant benefits over traditional fixed RMPSs leads to an improvement of 9.5% in the total MG
RES solutions to support MGs during scheduled islanded service capacity, and 28.9% increase in the supplying of loads
operation. in priority group LV2, when compared to the same generation

117956 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

TABLE 5. MG service capacity during scheduled islanded operation. APPENDIX

In this section, the proposed intelligent RMPS allocation,
based on PSO’s ability to avoid local stagnation, while mov-
ing towards global convergency is discussed and graphically

support provided by tradition fixed RES, i.e. Case II. Next, in

comparison with Case III, Case I leads to an overall improve-
ment of 71.0% in the MG service capacity. This is obtained
due to RMPS’s ability to support different MGs in the sys-
tem, i.e. these units can be transported and commissioned at
different locations. Besides, Case I presents an improvement
of 32.8% in comparison with Case IV. This is achieved due
to the proposed EMS focused on scheduled islanded MG
operation, in contrast to Case IV traditional autonomy-based
EMS. Therefore, demonstrating the proposed method supe-
rior overall performance in comparison with all simulated
case-studies, and its ability to significantly improve MG ser-
vice capacity during scheduled islanded operation.
FIGURE 6. Representation of the MG service capacity maximization
V. CONCLUSION problem for a 2-generators grid.
In this paper, a novel intelligent RMPSs allocation method is
proposed to support MGs during scheduled islanded opera- In Fig. 6 a reduced representation of the MG service capac-
tion. For this, first a novel EMS based on DP is developed ity maximization problem is illustrated for a grid with two
taking advantage of the MG known reconnection time. Based generating units and discrete load shedding policy. As one can
on this method, a modified PSO approach capable of guaran- observe, this problem presents several discontinuous oper-
teeing a continuous search space in face of discrete load shed- ational regions denoted by planes PL -LV1, . . . , PL -LV‘N’,
ding policy is established to perform RMPS allocation. The where plane PL -LV‘N’ contains the problem optimal solu-
proposed method can significantly enhance MGs attended tion. These zones characterize the objective function essential
loads in comparison with traditional approaches during MG discontinuity imposed by discrete load shedding policy (6),
scheduled islanding operative conditions. and can lead the PSO to premature convergence if the veloc-
The obtained results demonstrate that RMPS ability to be ity direction is only composed of PG1 and PG2 terms. In
commissioned at different system locations can meaningfully this sense, to tackle this possible limitation, the proposed
improve the system overall generation capacity. As well as, PSO algorithm considers the association of a supplemental
the requirement for dedicated EMS focused on MG scheduled objective metric denoted by L (x, ϕ, )| = k . This metric
islanded operation to perform adequate RMPS allocation and is designed in a way to remove the essential discontinuity
dispatch of available local resources. The paper main contri- imposed F (x, ϕ, )| = k and, consequently, avoid possible
butions are: premature convergence. Besides, it provides a velocity direc-
• Improvement of islanded MG service capacity by tion term PL , i.e. perpendicular to local stagnation planes
RMPS, including intelligent allocation and support of PL -LV‘k’, so that a transversal search direction towards the
different system MGs, i.e. mobility capacity. problem global convergency can be obtained.
• Development of a novel EMS focused on MG operation Analyzing this problem, one can observe that these
during scheduled islanding. goals are achieved considering the supplemental metric
• Proposal of an intelligent allocation method for RMPS L (x, ϕ, )| = k design as 1) minimization of energy loss,
based on PSO to support MGs scheduled islanded oper- or 2) maximization of attended load nPaddedPto energy sur-
|LV | Tprog
ation seeking the maximization of service capacity. plus, i.e. L (x, ϕ, )| = k = max `=1 t=Tisl ϕ
h`i (t) ·

Future works based on the proposed methodology can

hli h+i
PL (t) + 1PG (t) . The last is depicted in Fig. 7.
enable RMPS application to support multi-microgrid (MMG)
environments, as well as the integrated consideration of As onen may observe, othe metric L (x, ϕ, )| = k =
hMGi h+i
intelligent allocation for grid connected mode and unsched- max PL + 1PG (t) removes the essential discontinu-
uled islading scenarios. ity imposed F (x, ϕ, )| = k , enabling a continuous search

VOLUME 8, 2020 117957

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

TABLE 7. Consumer priority level.

TABLE 8. PSO parameters.

FIGURE 7. Compact representation of the proposed method for the

general case.
three priority groups following ANEEL guidelines [42], as
TABLE 6. Operational limits. depicted in Table 7. The considered wind potential is depicted
in Fig. 8, and the PSO algorithm parameters are described in
Table 8.

The author Yuri R. Rodrigues especially thanks CAPES
Notice No. 18/2016 of the Full Doctoral Program Abroad/
Process n◦ 88881.128399/2016-01.

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pp. 1499–1506, Jul. 2011. short- and long-term stability.

VOLUME 8, 2020 117959

J. Ribas Monteiro et al.: Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation

Member, IEEE) was born in Barra Mansa, Brazil, Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in elec-
in 1993. She received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees trical engineering from the École Polytechnique
in electrical engineering from the Federal Uni- Pairlais de France. He is an Associate Professor
versity of Itajubá, Itajubá, Brazil, in 2015 and with the Federal University of Itajubá. He is an
2017, respectively, where she is currently pursuing Assistant Professor in advanced studies in quan-
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. She tum mechanics and applied artificial intelligence
is also an International Visiting Researcher with in the special courses of the CTA. He is a Professor
The University of British Columbia, Kelowna, of post-graduate courses in electrical engineering,
Canada. Her research interests include power sys- and control and automation engineering with the
tem restoration using microgrids, the integration of distributed and renewable UNIFEI. He is a researcher in the areas of stability and dynamic control sys-
generation, power system coherence critical areas, and short-term stability. tems, and electrical power systems. He is also a Researcher with the Fapemig
and Fapesp funding agencies. He also acts in the areas of development and
the applications of artificial intelligence techniques in information systems,
A. C. ZAMBRONI DE SOUZA received the bach-
automation, and process control.
elor’s degree in electrical engineering from Rio
de Janeiro State University, in 1987, the master’s
degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree
from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1995.
He was a Visitor at the University of Wisconsin–
Madison, in 2000, the University of Strathclyde,
in 2008, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
in 2014, and Ryerson University. He is a Full
Professor with the Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil.

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