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Department of Education

Division of Samar

Quarter 4 of CY: 2021

PLANNED OUTPUTS Physical Total Physical Impleme
(PER KRA PER PROGRAMS / PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES MOVs Accomplish Gain Gap Accomplishme ntation
OBJECTIVES) ments nt Issues

KRA 1. Instructional Supervision

Objective 1. Provide guidance and instructional supervision to school heads by observing and gathering data on their strengths and development needs and then coaching them towards improved instructional leadership

Visited, monitored and conducted

Improved Instructional leadership Visit, monitor and conduct online or onsite
curriculum/instructional supervision to School Monitoring Report,
practices among school heads through curricular/instructional monitoring and 30
ten (10) schools per month within the DisISR, DisISP
monitoring and supervision. supervision to 10 schools per month.
target time frame.

Objective 2. Observe and gather data on the strengths and competency (KSA) development needs of teachers and coach school heads on how to improve teachers’ KSA in teaching-learning delivery.
Provide technical assistance to school
heads and teachers through SLAC on
Improved school heads and teachers Submitted online/onsite consolidated
instructional supervision such as Copies of Consolidated
knowlegde, skills and attitude towards the monthly school based SLAC reports within 3
classroom observation techniques, SLAC Reports
improvement of teaching-learning delivery. the target time frame.
teaching pedagogy, etc. within target time
Conduct District-Based In Service
Improved school heads and teachers Conducted (2) two District-Based INSET
Training/Capability Training Program and
knowlegde, skills and attitude towards the and (4) District Professional Conference TER, ACR, District Memo 1
District Professional Conference for
improvement of teaching-learning delivery. within target dates.
teachers and school heads.

Objective 3. Assess the situation of schools and learning centers, and identify actions needed to put in place an enabling environment for School Heads and Teachers to deliver quality basic education

Monitor the implementation of DepEd Conducted monitoring on the

Improved learning environment to enable Consolidated
Program, Activities and Project within implementation of DepEd PAPs to 10 30
effective learning to happen. Report/Monitoring Tool
target time frame. schools per month.

Conducted District Monitoring, Evaluation,

Conduct Quaterly District Monitoring,
Improved learning environment to enable Accountability and Learning activities in DisMEAL M and E Report,
Evaluation, Accountabilty and Learning 11
effective learning to happen. 17 schools with in the target time TER, ACR, Memo
frame/with in the rating period.

Conducted monitoring on the

Improved learning environment to enable Monitor implementation of ALS Program implementation of ALS Program in the 1
Report/Monitoring Tool/ 3
effective learning to happen. within the target time frame. (one) community learning centers per

KRA 2. Technical Assistance in School Management

Objective 1. Provide technical assistance in the formulation of school plans (e.g. SIP) and its adjustments by conducting workshops, doing follow through coaching and providing appraisal and feedback on their draft plans,
so that all schools can have approved plans as basis for budgeting and resourcing.

Conducted SBM Coaching and District SBM Coaching Plan

Provided technical assistance on School
Provide SBM Coaching to schools Assessment on Level of practice in 16 Implementation, ACR, 16
Based Management Implementation
schools with in the target time frame. SBM Assessment Result

Objective 2. Monitor and evaluate school’s implementation of their plans and submit reports to the Schools Division management team to provide feedback
PLANNED OUTPUTS Physical Total Physical Impleme
(PER KRA PER PROGRAMS / PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES MOVs Accomplish Gain Gap Accomplishme ntation
OBJECTIVES) ments nt Issues

One (1) validated and compiled ACR and

Monitored, evaluated and submitted
Conduct Quarterly District MEA to gather result of the SMEA and ACR on the
reports on the implementation of SIPs/ BE- TER, ACR, District Memo 1
data and reports conduct of quarterly District MEA
LCP/AIP/WFPand other plans
submitted per quarter.

Objective 3. Coach and guide the schools in his/her assigned district to effectively implement their programs and projects and attain its objectives.

One (1) appropriate TA provided to School

Provided TA in the implementation of Provide TA to School Heads on plan and DTAPP, DTAPPE and TA
Heads on program implementation per 1
programs and projects programs implementation in schools Checklist

Objective 5. Collect and analyze accomplishment reports of school heads to monitor and follow up on the proper and timely implementation of school plans and programs and provide technical assistance where needed.

Collected and analyzed accomplishment One (1) consolidated and validated report
Monitor conduct of World Teachers Day in
reports of the school heads on the of at least 10 schools submitted before EO Transmittalof ACRs 1
schools through virtual/zoom/onsite
following: Oct.

Collected and analyzed accomplishment One (1) consolidated and validated report
Monitor implementation of School Based
reports of the school heads on the from all recipient schools submitted per SH's Status Report 1
Feeding Program in schools
following: quarter

Collected and analyzed accomplishment One (1) validated & consolidated report in
Monitor conduct & implementation of
reports of the school heads on the the conduct of activity in all schools M & E Tool/Transmittal 1
SDRRM in schools
following: submitted per quarter

Collected and analyzed accomplishment

Monitor implementation of Adopt a School One (1) validated DPDS report from
reports of the school heads on the M & E Tool 1
Program in schools schools submitted per quarter

One (1) Consolidated report on the conduct

Collected and analyzed accomplishment
Monitor conduct of Portfolio Day in of Portfolio Day in all schools in the
reports of the school heads on the M & E Tool & Transmittal 1
schools through online or onsite district per quarter and submitted 1st
week of the ensuing month

KRA 3. Technical Assistance in Curriculum Implementation

Objective 2: Coordinate with the EPS concerned to arrive at a technical assistance plan for each district.

One (1) appropriate TA for schools

Coordinated with EPS's through Coordinate with EPS in the technical Approved TA Plan and
formulated in coordination with an EPS 1
online/oniste TA provision provision in the district. Schedule
per quarter

Objective 3: Coach the school head in implementing interventions related to curriculum implementation and instructional delivery.

Coached School Heads in implementing Conducted four (4) School Heads

Provide TA to schools through quarterly
interventions on curriculum Development Sessions within the target TER, ACR, District Memo 1
School Heads Development Sessions.
implementation time frame.

Objective 4: Prepares and submits periodic reports on the progress of the technical assistance being provided to the schools
PLANNED OUTPUTS Physical Total Physical Impleme
(PER KRA PER PROGRAMS / PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES MOVs Accomplish Gain Gap Accomplishme ntation
OBJECTIVES) ments nt Issues

Prepared and Submitted Periodic Reports Prepared and Submitted TA periodic One (1) validated TA progress report DTAPP, DTAPPE and TA
through online reports submitted per quarter Checklist

Objective 5: Prepares and submits reports on the results of technical assistance and corresponding policy recommendations for management‘s consideration.

One (1) validated result & policy

Prepared and Submitted TA Results & Prepared and Submitted TA results and DTAPPE, Copy of the
recommendation submitted per quarter 1
Policy Recommendations through online policy recommendation through online Policy Recommendtaions
through online

KRA 4. Monitoting and Evaluation

Objective 1: Conduct monitoring and evaluation on the utilization and liquidation of SEF, MOOE and other funds to determine if schools adhere with the policy and standards using pre-designed M & E and transparency

Conducted M&E on the utilization and Monitor utilization & liquidation of School All the 17 schools monitored & 1 compiled Compiled report on MOOE
liquidation of school funds specifically on: MOOE report submitted per quarter utilization,

Conducted M&E on the utilization and One (1)validated reportsubmitted before

Monitor utilization of SEF SEF Report 1
liquidation of school funds specifically on: end of December

Conducted M&E on the utilization and One (1) validated report of recipient Checklist/ Liquidation
Monitor utilization of Other school funds 1
liquidation of school funds specifically on: schools submitted per annum Report

Objective 2. Monitor SBM Level of practice through validation of their documents and outputs to determine areas for development and possible provision of technical assistance to improve school performance.

One (1) consolidated report on schools self

Provide TA to increase Schools SBM Level District Consolidated
Increased SBM level of Practice assessment on SBM Level of Practice 16
of Practice SBM Report
submitted with in target time frame.

KRA 5. Curriculum Development, Enrichment and Localization

Objective 1: Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the school’s implementation of the localized curriculum to provide feedback to management towards continuous enhancement of the curriculum.

Conducted M&E on the implementation of Conduct monitoring on the One (1) consolidated M&E report on the
localized curriculum in schools through implementation of localized curriculum in implementation of localized curriculum in Consolidated M & E tool 1
online schools through online schools submitted per quarter

KRA 6. Learning Outcomes Assessment

Objective 1: Gather result of assessment reports per district and per school, per subject area and analyze performance gaps to pinpoint causes and possible interventions to close the gap.

Gathered assessment & analysis report Gathered assessment results and analyze
per school, per subject area and by grade report per school, per subject area and by Submit SGDT per quarter SDGT 1
level through online grade level through SDGT.

Objective 2: Draft policy recommendations related to improving learning outcome based on findings from studies and reports.
PLANNED OUTPUTS Physical Total Physical Impleme
(PER KRA PER PROGRAMS / PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES MOVs Accomplish Gain Gap Accomplishme ntation
OBJECTIVES) ments nt Issues

Drafted & submitted Policy Drafted and submitted policy One (1) substantive Policy
Copy of the Policy
Recommendations based of the result of recommendations to improve learning Recommendation based on AR Result in 1
Action Research outcomes based on AR result. with the rating period.

KRA 7. Research
Objective 1: Conduct action research on curriculum implementation, needs and issues, appropriate interventions for assigned district as well as best practices and submit findings and recommendations for management
action and policy formulation.

Submitted one (1) AR Proposal with in the Copy of the Action

Conduted Action Research Submit AR Proposal 1
first quarter of the rating period. Research Proposal

Conducted one (1) District Action Research

Conduted Action Research Conduct District Action Research Festival TER, ACR, District Memo 1

KRA 8. Other related tasks (Plus Factor)

Objective 1: To perform other related task as deligated / designated

One (1) validated proof of attendance on

Notice of the Meeting,
Member of the Local School Board conduct of LSB Meetings submitted before 1
Certificate of Appearance
EO 2021

Invited by the Municipal/Barangay and One (1) validated proof of participation in Notice/Invitation of the
community level activities for networking municipal/barangay and community level meeting, Certificate of 1
purposes activities submitted per semester Appearance

Served as resource speaker during INSET Letter of Invitation,

Invited as resouce speaker in the school,
and other capability training program for Certiticate of
District INSET and other capability 1
teachers and others within the rating Appreaciation and Copy of
training programs from other districts.
period. Slide Deck presented

Conducted District - Based ELITE Awards

Conduct "District-Based ELITE Awads" to
and submitted awardees as the official
recognize performing teaching and non- TER, ACR, District Memo 1
nominees of the the to the Division ELITE
teaching personnel in the district.
Awards with the target time frame.

Acted as member of the Division SBM

Memo, Certificate of
Mentor for 2021 and attended meeting,
Member of the Division SBM Mentor Particapiation, Acted Upon
conferences and SBM validation with in
the rating period.


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