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Dexway British English for Beginners (ages 8-12) - Course 2

This course is designed to encourage beginner learners of the English language to explore the language in a variety of
contexts and to develop a better understanding of it. The course is designed around the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) guidelines for A1.2 level descriptors.
The course comprises 4 units designed in a fun and interactive way via stimulating dialogues, skills development and
grammar in context, working and improving the four skills of language learning: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and
Writing. There is an additional revision unit at the end of the course designed to revise some of the material from the
entire A1 course before moving on to the next level.
Each unit focuses on a discrete function, grammar topic, lexical set, or a combination these, and are assessed at the
end of each unit in spelling, reading, speaking and writing assignments designed for the learner to produce and
personalise the target language as the course progresses.
The course uses a range of multimedia; including flash animation, word search, audio, and written texts, to provide an
authentic context for language learning.
* Key language functions include: understanding and using numbers, talking about hobbies and free time activities,
expressing preferences, asking for and understanding directions, describing where a place is in a city, describing
actions in progress at the moment, inviting, expressing quantity, comparing people and objects, managing a simple
shopping transaction, understanding and using prices, making requests, and talking about scheduled events.
* Key grammar topics include: like + gerund/noun, would + like, quantifiers, countable and uncountable nouns, how
much / how many, also/too, have got, prepositions of place, have to + infinitive for obligation, quantifiers, subject
questions, interrogative pronouns, order of adjectives, basic prepositional phrases, present continuous, present simple
vs. present continuous, indefinite pronouns, comparative and superlative adjectives, and past simple with 'to be'
* Key vocabulary topics include: hobbies and free time activities, food and drink, food containers, numbers and
ordinals, parts of the body, prepositions of place, everyday objects, phrasal verbs, places in a city, countryside and
nature, adjectives describing physical appearance and personality, expressions with have and go, action verbs, noun +
verb collocations, film and cinema, adjectives describing feelings, common illnesses and treatment, animals, clothes,
shopping and prices.
* Exercise formats and activities include: word sorting, sentence sorting, gap fill, listening comprehension, listening
comprehension, matching, image identification, word search, and vocabulary practice.
With Workbook and Teacher's Book (approx. +20h).

Unit 4
I am second
In this lesson:
* Function: Understanding and using numbers
* Lexis: Cardinal vs. Ordinal numbers

I love playing with friends!

In this lesson:
* Function: Talking about hobbies and free time activities
* Function: Expressing likes/dislikes/preferences
* Grammar: 'Like' verbs + gerund
* Lexis: Hobbies and free time activities (playing with friends, fishing, etc.)

Can I have a snack?

In this lesson:
* Function: Expressing preferences
* Lexis: Food & Drink (cod, lemonade, cheesecake, peach, etc.)

You've got 100 euros

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Have got - Affirmative form
* Lexis: Numbers (100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900)
* Function: Understanding and using numbers

I've got a new cat!

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Have got - Negative form

Dexway British English for Beginners (ages 8-12) - Course 2 1/5

* Lexis: Numbers (1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000)

Have you got a black cat?

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Have got - Interrogative form
* Grammar: Also / Too

Is there any milk in the fridge?

In this lesson:
* Function: Expressing quantity
* Grammar: Quantifiers
* Lexis: Food and Drink / Ingredients

Yes, there is a little milk over there!

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Quantifiers: (a) few, (a) little, a lot of (lots of), plenty of, enough

In this lesson:
* Spelling practice
* Lexis: Food containers

Reading: Tea and Coffee

In this lesson:
* Listening and reading comprehension

Speaking: Your likes and dislikes

In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short audio including activities they like / dislike using the structure 'like + gerund'.

Writing: What's in your fridge?

In this lesson:
* Learners submit a list of the food and drink in their fridge.

eBook: Chopin Part 1

Unit 5
The Warpmonster!
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Parts of the body

She has long straight brown hair

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Order of adjectives
* Lexis: Adjectives describing physical appearance and personality (tall, young, beautiful, etc.)
* Function: Describing physical appearance and personality

Oak Campsite
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Countryside and forest (farm, hill, etc.)
* Grammar: Interrogative pronouns (what and which)
* Grammar: Review interrogative pronouns (where, when, how, why, whose, who)

How do I get there?

In this lesson:
* Function: Asking for and giving directions (I)
* Function: Describing location
* Lexis: Review of places in a town (baker's, bank, etc.)

A day off
Dexway British English for Beginners (ages 8-12) - Course 2 2/5
A day off
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Collocations with Have & Go (have a rest, go away, etc.)
* Grammar: Prepositions review

Where is the cat?

In this lesson:
* Function: Asking for and giving directions (II)
* Lexis: Prepositions of place (under, next to, above, etc.)
* Lexis: Review of places in a town (baker's, bank, etc.)

Hurry up!
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Phrasal verbs (hurry up, look forward, check in, etc.)
* Grammar: Have to + infinitive for obligation (affirmative, negative and interrogative)

Spelling /z/ and /s/ sounds

In this lesson:
* Phonetics: /s/ and /z/ sounds.

Speaking: Describing a person

In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short recording describing the physical appearance of a person.

Writing: Directions
In this lesson:
* Learners submit directions to get from one place in the town to another.

eBook: Chopin Part 2

Unit 6
What's your favourite film?
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Films & Cinema (producer, actor, ticket, screen, etc.)
* Grammar: Would like
* Function: Inviting
* Lexis: adjectives for describing films (boring, funny, etc.)

Feeling ill
In this lesson:
* Lexis: illnesses, injuries, medicine

I feel good!
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Adjectives describing feelings (nervous, sick, etc.)
* Lexis: Sense and action verbs
* Function: Expressing feelings

There's nothing in the fridge!

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Indefinite pronouns (something, anything, nothing)

What are you doing?

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Present Continuous (Affirmative: long and short forms)
* Function: Describing what you are doing at the moment
* Grammar: Adverbs of time / frequency

I'm not joking!

Dexway British English for Beginners (ages 8-12) - Course 2 3/5

In this lesson:
* Lexis: Action verbs (push, laugh, lift, joke, etc)
* Grammar: Present continuous (Negative: long and short forms)

What is your brother doing?

In this lesson:
* Lexis: Action verbs (get married, throw, etc)
* Grammar: Present continuous (interrogative form)

Chicago is a wonderful city

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Present simple vs present continuous

Spelling: Present Continuous

In this lesson:
* Function: Spelling -ing forms

Reading: Sleeping
In this lesson:
* Listening and reading comprehension

Speaking: My favourite film

In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short recording describing their favourite film.

Writing: About me
In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short text using the present continuous to say three things they are / aren't doing at the moment.

eBook: Chopin Part 3

Unit 7
Can I try this shirt on?
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Items of clothing (dress, hat, cap, etc.)
* Lexis: Shopping (credit card, changing room, etc.)
* Function: Managing shopping transactions
* Function: Understanding and using prices

Better or worse
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Common adjectives (dangerous, safe, cheap, etc.)
* Grammar: Comparative adjectives (regular and irregular)

The best!
In this lesson:
* Lexis: Common adjectives (beautiful, ugly, poor, etc.)
* Grammar: Superlative adjectives (regular and irregular)

The match finishes at 4.00 p.m.

In this lesson:
* Lexis: Common verbs (finish, begin, fly, etc.)
* Lexis: Opposite verbs (open vs close, etc.)
* Grammar: Present simple for scheduled events
* Function: Describing scheduled events

Christina and Shakespeare

In this lesson:
* Grammar: Past Simple 'to be' (introduction)

Dexway British English for Beginners (ages 8-12) - Course 2 4/5

Spelling /f/ and /v/ sounds
In this lesson:
* Phonetics: /f/ and /v/ sounds

Reading: Alice and her father

In this lesson:
* Reading and listening comprehension

Speaking: My clothes
In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short audio describing 3 items of clothing.

Writing: People in my family

In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short text describing three people in their family; using comparative and superlative structures.

eBook: Chopin Part 4

eBook: Chopin Part 5

Course 1 Revision
In this lesson:
* Grammar: General revision
* Lexis: General revision

Course 2 Revision
In this lesson:
* Grammar: General revision
* Lexis: General revision

Dexway British English for Beginners (ages 8-12) - Course 2 5/5

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