WW1 Scientist

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Alvarez - Bonabon - Dimaano - Ibis - Salazar

famous for research in nuclear chemistry and physics
he was one of the receivers of the TONYM award for his involvement in Nuclear
His contributions to industry include the development of the detergent bar and
powder milk products for infants and adults. He helped establish the most modern
pharmaceutical plant and first modern soft gel-capsule plant in the country.
His studies contributed to the understanding how radioactive decay occurs in
nature and showed and paved the way for the increased application of
radioactivation in the analysis of various substances.
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
- The first to discover electromagnetic radiation in the
wavelength range now known as X-rays.
- Roentgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics
in 1901.
- His discovery transformed the entire medical
profession and laid the groundwork for diagnostic
Michael Faraday
an English scientist who contributed to the study of
electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main
discoveries include the principles underlying
electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and
Lise Meitner (1878-1968)

Lise Meitner, an Austrian-Swedish Physicist, is one who

discovered and and explained nuclear fission, as well as
predicted its explosive potential

She has been called as the ‘’Mother of the Atomic Bomb’’

Element no. 109, meitnerium, was named in her honor

In 1923, Meitner did discover the radiationless transition; she

didn’t receive much credit for her finding.

In 1966, she and her team were awarded the U.S. Fermi Prize.

James Chadwick
A British physicist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1935 for his discovery
of the neutron. Bombarding elements with neutrons can result in the
penetration and splitting of nuclei generating an enormous amount of
energy. This way, Chadwick’s findings were pivotal to the discovery of
nuclear fission and ultimately, the development of the atomic bomb.
He proved the existence of neutrons- elementary particles devoid of any
electrical charge.

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