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o Qutb-ud-Din Ahmad Waliullah-bin Abd-ur-Rahim.
o Born in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh-India in 1703.
o Hanafi sunni, his main interest was in Quran, Hadith, Tafsir, history, Sufism,
Military strategy, revolution.
o He was from Naqshabandi order.
o He was muffassir, Muhaddith, historiographer, theologian, Sufi, Philosopher.
o Memorized Quran at 7 years, mastered Arabic & Persian. (Married at age of 14)
o By 16 years, completed curriculum of Hanafi law, theology, geometry, arithmetic
& logic.
o His father shah Abdur Rahim was founder of Madrasah-i-Rahimiyah.
o Fatawa-e-Alamgiri (code of law) was compiled by his father.
o His grandfather, Sheikh Wajihuddin was officer in Shah Jahan Army.
o He built a bridge between Sufis & Ullemas.

o Mughal Empire declined after death of Aurangzeb Alamgir in 1707.

o Political chaos, economy instability and social unrest were result of

weak rule.

o Muslim was divided in sects – discord – internal sectarian Anarchy.

o Concept of ideal society
 He touched three domains
 Social domain
 Social divide among Muslims due to Aurangzeb rule.
o Understanding the meaning of Quran
 He translated Quran in Persian in 1738.
 To unite the Muslims and Social Harmony, he translated Quran &
enhanced his sphere of communication.
o Unity among Muslims: wrote: (Izalah al Khifa)
 To efface out differences among sects.
 To avoid sectarian Anarchy.
 Its cause was political.
 He said no religious differences but difference in practices:
 Three characteristics of Ideal society (cross reference)
 M. R. Kazmi:
• Justice
• social equality
• balanced economy
o Economic Domain
 Economic system in Islamic Ideal Society (he was first Muslim Economist).
o Book: Hujjat Allah al Baligha
• Conception of property
o Land: belongs to Almight and ruler will manage it.
 Surface:
• Agriculture, Inn, Canals, etc.
• Only cultivable land – state can lease out.
• Land used for dwelling.
 Beneath the surface
• Rulers will extract out resources and will equally divide.
• Conception of labor
o Wages according to labor
o No surplus by storing.
o No exploitation.
• Taxation
o Mode of revenue generation
o Right of state
o No exploitation.
• Usuary – interests
o Favored circulation of capital – no hording.
o Interest, not fair in Islam.
o Affects creativity & productivity of society.
o Makes society stagnant by wealth concentration.
o Political domain
 Wanted to establish strong Muslim empire in India.
 In 1757, battle of Plassey – Siraj-ud-Daula against UK.
 In 1764, battle of Buxar – North India.
 In 1799, battle of Sirongapatnum – South India, Tipu Sultan.
 In 1831, Battle of Balakot.
 In 1857, War of independence.
 In 1910-15, Tehrik-a-Reshmi Rumal: Maulvi Mehmud-ul-Hassan &
 His influence upon political activities:
• 1930 – Allama Iqbal
• 1932 – Ch. Rehmat Ali
• 1940 – Lahore Resolution
• 1947 – Pakistan

 Works
 51 books in Arabic & Persian.
 Hujjat Allah al Baligha
 Al tafhimat
 Al budur al Bazighah.
 Izalah-al-Khifa
 He was 1st to translate Quran in Persian (Lingua franca).
o Major contribution (political) to Mughal Empire.
 Major political contribution to Muslims community, his
organization of opposition to Maratha Empire who captured
large parts of India from Mughal Empire.
 His letters persuaded Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghanistan to
 Local leader Joined & defeated Maratha’s at battle of panipat
 He viewed a debt to Sufis for spreading Islam in India.

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