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Student: Janrae Dominique Mariano_

Student Number: 20-1-00216

Course: ABCOMM

Year level/Section: 2-1


Name of Professor:Professor Danilo Escandor


Week No. ___1___Duration:_1 week______ Lesson No.

____1____No. of hours:______3________

Topic 1- The Nature of Art


At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to:

1.discuss the nature of art;

2. analyse the concepts of art appreciation and humanities;

3. clarify some misconceptions of art; and

4. understand the role of humanities and arts in man’s attempt at

fully realizing his goal.



For as long as man existed in this planet, he has cultivated the

land, altered the conditions of the fauna and flora, in order to
survive. Alongside these necessities, man also marked his place
in the world through his works. Through his bare hands, man
constructed infrastructures that tended to his needs like his
house. He sharpened swords and spears. He employed fire in
order to melt gold. The initial meaning of the word “art” has
something to do with all these craft.

Lecture-Discussion/ Input

The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ars which means a
craft or a specialized skill like carpentry or surgery. The ancient
world did not have any conceived notion of art in the same way
that we do now. To them, art only meant using bare hands to
produce something that will be useful to one’s day to day life.
Ars in medieval Latin came to mean something different. It
meant any special form of book learning such as grammar or
logic or astrology. It was only during the renaissance period that
the word reacquired a meaning that was inherent in its ancient
form of craft.

It was during the 17th century when the problem and idea of

aesthetics, the study of beauty began to unfold distinctly from
the notion of technical craftsmanship, which was the original
conception of the word “art”. It was finally in the 18th century
when the word has evolved to distinguish between the fine arts
and the useful arts.

The humanities constitute one of the oldest and most important

means of expression developed by man. Human history has
witnessed how man has evolved not just physically but also
culturally from cave painters to men of exquisite paintbrush
users of the present.

Humanities is derived from the Latin word humanus, which

means refined or cultured human. The humanities are concerned
about human culture such as literature, philosophy and history.
Studying humanities gives you general knowledge about the best
accomplishments of human beings through history.

Art appreciation is referred to the knowledge of the general and

everlasting qualities that classify all great art. It is used to refer
to the exploration of visual of visual art forms or the
introduction of basic principles of visual literacy. It is also
referred to as the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the
universal and timeless qualities characterizing works of art.
Art History

Art history is the study of objects of art in their historical

development and stylistic contexts; that is genre, design, format
and style. The study includes painting, sculpture, architecture,
ceramics, furniture and other decorative objects.

Art Criticism

This concerns with establishing a relative artistic value upon

individual works with respect to others of comparative style or
sanctioning an entire style or movement.

Art Theory or the Philosophy of art

This concerns with the fundamental nature of art.


In the first column of the table below, list down your most
striking encounters with arts. On the second column, explain
why you think each encounter is an experience with art.

My Encounters with Arts Why?

My most striking encounter Painting with coffee instead
with art is when my high of color paints at that time
school teacher thought me fascinated me. And the first
how to do a coffee art time I did a coffee art
painting I was surprise I did
so well that I was so proud of
my work and flex work to
my parents.
Another striking encounter Egg mosaic is the most
with art is also when my enjoyable art I ever did
grade teacher this time taught because while doing my
our class how to do an egg work I didn’t notice the time
mosaic. that the school day is over
and we have to past our art
work already. Egg mosaic is
using the egg shells to make
a picture or drawing and then
you use color paints to make
it pretty.


If you were an artist, what kind of artist will you be? What art
will you explore?

- if I were an artist, I would be an artist who is extremely

passionate with her works of course. The kind of art I
would explore is photography arts, one who makes a story
or conceptualized an image.

Reinforcement Activity


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