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Sam Quilang

M4L1: Pre-Task: Song Reflection

"Aking adhika: Makita kang sakdal laya"

I realized in this song especially in that phrase that freedom is no longer something we
searching for outside ourselves. It is not something we ought to have to ask for or
something given to us. Freedom is something that we solely discover from the inside.
Freedom is our individual spirit; freedom is our individual heart. This is not only for our
countrymen but for each person around the world who might also feel trapped today in
conditions that they have not chosen for themselves. And while these songs have
usually reminded our country of its ongoing sentiments of adversity and division,
perhaps changing our conditions can only begin with changing how we can see things
differently. Yes, we have the freedom to fight, to speak up, to be part of forces, to enter
the next battle, to overcome, to win over anybody or something however we also have
the freedom to nourish the good that is already there, to build on what is beautiful, to
choose our personal words, to understand more, to study and preserve relearning
compassion, to create the forces of peace and kindness we want so badly to see in our
world, to radiate love, to be joyously and unwaveringly free. We have the whole freedom
to choose. Freedom is not impossible. Freedom is continually within reach.

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