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Sam Quilang

M4L3 pre task

1. What did you discover about his presentation?

I have discovered that the Philippine Economy is developing but our

country is still very poor. The economic growth of our country only benefits the
rich people which greatly affects the poor people and causes poverty. The major
causes of poverty in our country are corruption, leadership, and greed in
business but these can be ended by electing good leaders and being a
responsible citizen.

2. How do you feel about your discovery?

I feel sad knowing that our country is rich in terms of culture, resources and
somehow in economy, yet most of the Filipinos suffer from poverty. I feel anger
and betrayal knowing that there are government officials that are corrupt and
greedy as well as the richest people, that they are mostly benefiting from our
economic growth. At some point, I feel determined to end these corruption and
other problems in our country by simply studying hard and achieve my goals,
being socially and politically aware, and voting for the deserving and competent
leaders in the upcoming election.

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