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Class    Score ___ / 34
Unit 5  Test B  Group 2
Listening TEXT 3
1 15   Listen to the recording. Circle the  
correct option: a, b or c. To Hazel,
Wysłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl poprawne I wish you all the best on your
odpowiedzi: a, b lub c. (1) __________________ . May you have lots
of fun with all your guests, and may you enjoy
1 Which photo is the girl describing? many happy moments with the family. I’m sorry
a b c I can’t be there with you but I hope to see you
soon. I hope you manage to blow out all the
candles on your (2) __________________ !
Helen and Jo did a good job keeping
the party secret, so I hope it was a big
2 Which photo shows the boy’s aunt and (3) _________________ for you.
uncle? Lots of love,
a b c Penny

Score: ___ / 6

3 Which photo shows the girl’s uncle? Vocabulary

a b c 3 Write the missing letters to complete the
words. Match sentences 1–4 with pictures
Uzupełnij wyrazy brakującymi literami.
Score: ___ / 3
Następnie dopasuj zdania 1–4 do rysunków
Reading a–d.
2 Read texts 1 and 2. Fill in gaps 1–3 in text 3. a b
Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Uzupełnij luki 1–3
w tekście 3.
Surprise party for mum’s 40th birthday.
Come along to the celebrations next
Saturday at 3 p.m. _c__f__ __c_g_____
Snacks and drinks provided –
c d
and of course a big birthday cake!
Let us know by email if you can come.
Remember it’s a surprise, so don’t
contact mum about it!
  d____ __d___y
Hi Helen,
1 There is a tree in the __________
Listen, I’ve had a brilliant idea. Why don’t we
organise a party for my mum’s 40th birthday? of this photo.
Justin and I will do all the preparations, but can 2 Her brother always has really
you talk to your mum and dad and ask if they __________ hair.
can come? Mum would love her sister to be
3 My sister keeps a __________
there as a special guest, but I know she’s often
very busy. Anyway, I’ll send them an official every day.
invitation and I’ll email your mum, too. 4 Our neighbours are an __________
Thanks, couple.
Jo Score: ___ / 4

Teen Explorer 8  Test B  Group 2 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018 1
Grammar Writing
4 Circle the correct option: a, b or c. 7 Twoja siostra cioteczna obchodzi urodziny.
Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: a, b lub c. Napisz treść karty urodzinowej, a w niej:
1 She has got ______ nephews and nieces. • złóż jej najlepsze życzenia,
a  lots b  lots of c  lot of • wyraź nadzieję, że dostanie piękne
2 I think he ______ like his mother more than prezenty.
his father. Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 40 do 60
a  looks b  look c  is looking słów.
3 I don’t have ______ relatives. My family is 
quite small. 
a  lot of b  much c  many

4 In the photo, they ______ very relaxed.
a  look b  looks c  looking 
5 In this photo, she ______ a black dress. 
a  wear b  is wearing c  wearing

Score: ___ / 5

Use of English
5 16   Listen to the recordings (1–4). Match 
the responses (a–e) with the recordings. 
Complete the table. There is one extra

Wysłuchaj nagrań (1–4). Dopasuj reakcje 
(a–e) do nagrań. Wpisz odpowiedzi 
do tabeli. Jedna reakcja została podana
a She’s on the left, next to my grandma. Score: ___ / 4
b There’s a white cat lying on the floor. Extra Task
c She’s got long, straight hair and she wears 8 For sentences 1–2, complete the second
glasses. sentence so that it has a similar meaning.
d There are four, I think. Or maybe five. Use the words given, but don’t change
e She likes animals a lot. their form. Fill each gap with a maximum
1 2 3 4 of three words (including the word given).
Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby
zachować sens zdania wyjściowego 1–2.
Score: ___ / 4
Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.
6 Translate the phrases in brackets into W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
English. Fill each gap with a maximum trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz już
of three words. podany.
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty
1 My grandparents gave me this ring.
podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
This ring was 
1 My sister (zakochała się)  by my grandparents.
 with a guy at college. 2 She asked us to come and see her
2 My younger brother (wygląda)  sometime.
 my dad when he was a child. PAY
She asked us to 
Score: ___ / 4 sometime.
Score: ___ / 4

Teen Explorer 8  Test B  Group 2 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018 2

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