A Comparative Analysis of Students Competencea in Mathematics and Their Performance in Physics Among Students in Secondary School in Nigeria

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I hereby declare that this research has not been accepted in substance for any other bachelor
degree program and it is not being submitted for any other bachelor degree program. It is a
product of my intellectual investigation written by me and not copied from any past research
work. I also hereby declare that bother published and unpublished materials directly used in the
research are appropriately acknowledged.


160315033. Signature and date
This is to certify that this project work was carried out by Matric number 160315033 and
submitted to the Department of Science and Technology Education, Physics Education,
University of Lagos, Akoka Lagos, Nigeria in partial fulfilment of the award of the Bachelor of
Science. Education. (B.Sc. Ed).

Dr (Mrs.) V.F.T Babajide Date

Project supervisor

Prof S.O Adeyemo. Date

Head of Department
This project is dedicated to Jehovah God for his Love, Favor, Protection, Strength which kept me
throughout my years of studies and also through the research of this project work.
I am grateful to Jehovah God for the gift of life, knowledge, understanding and sufficient grace
to complete this project.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Dr (Mrs) V.F.T Babajide who despite enormous work and
tight schedules was ever ready to guide and administer constructive criticism without which I
would been unable to achieve this great feat.

Special thanks to the Head of Department, Prof S.O Adeyemo for his support on this research

I also acknowledged the help and support of all the lecturers in the Department of Science and
Technology Education, Physics Education.

My profound gratitude goes to my parent; Mr J.O Olorunniwo and Mrs O.O Olorunniwo for
their loving support and understanding despite difficult life challenges, their support was
unwavering and they ensured I receive good and quality education. May Jah continue to
strengthen them.

Lastly, I acknowledge the support of my course mate for their corporation, contribution, patience
and understanding during the course of this study. May Jah bless you all.
This research was carried out to examine a comparative analysis between students' competence
in Mathematics and their performance in Physics. The main objective is to examine the
relationship between students' competence in Mathematics and their performance in Physics.
The scope of the study was restricted to the senior secondary one (SS 1) students in Alimosho
local government area, Lagos state. Four questions guide the study and four hypotheses were
tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted the survey method where 320 SS1 students
were selected using the probability sampling techniques, therefore simple random stratified
sampling techniques was used to arrive at the best possible sample size. The instrument for data
collection used were the Physics achievement tests (PAT) and the Mathematics achievement tests
(MAT) in which 320 tests papers each were distributed and collected accordingly to use for the
purpose of the study. The instrument was also validated and its reliability coefficient value was
calculated to be 0.80. The findings revealed that there is a positive relationship between
students' competence in Mathematics and their performance in Physics. It was also concluded
that the teaching of prerequisite Mathematics concepts in Physics before Physics teaching could
be a way of improving students' performance in school Physics. From the research, it was
recommended that Physics teachers should endeavor to teach prerequisite Mathematics
concepts in physics before engaging in real Physics teaching as this will allow for meaningful
understanding and integration of Mathematics concepts embedded in Physics contents.

Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii


1.0 Background to the study 9
1.1 Statement of the study 11
1.2 Objectives of the study 11
1.3 Research questions 12
1.4 Research hypothesis 12
1.5 Significance of the study 12
1.6 Scope of the study 13
1.7 Limitations of the study 13
1.8 Definitions of terms 13


2.0 Introduction 14
2.1 Conceptual review 14
2.1.0 Brief review of Mathematics 14
2.1.1 Mathematics as a Science 16
2.1.2 Brief review of Physics 16
2.1.3 Mathematics as a prerequisite for Physics 18
2.1.4 Students performance in Science 20
2.1.5 Students performance in Physics 21
2.1.6 Competence versus Performance 22
2.1.7 Factors that influence Student’s performance in Mathematics and Physics 23
2.2 Theoretical review 25
2.2.0 Piaget's theory of cognitive development 25
2.2.1 Implications of the theory to the study 26
2.2.2 Relevant of the theory to the study 26


3.0 Introduction 28
3.1 Research design 28
3.2 Population of the study 28
3.3 Sample and sampling techniques 28
3.4 Instrument for data collection 29
3.5 Validation of the instrument 29
3.6 Reliability of the instrument 29
3.7 Methods of data collection 30
3.8 Methods of data analysis 30


4.1 Introduction 31
4.2 Demographic information 31
4.3 Analysis of data 31
4.4 Testing of Research hypothesis 33
4.5 Discussion of findings. 35


5.0 Introduction 39
5.1 Summary 39
5.2 Conclusions 39
5.3 Recommendations 40
5.4 Recommendation for future research 41

Bibliography 42
Appendix I 44
Appendix II 48
Appendix III 52
Appendix IV 54



Competence, according to the integrated conception, is known in terms of abilities, skills,

knowledge and attitude displayed in the context of a carefully chosen set of realistic professional
tasks which are of an appropriate level of generality.

Competence is the set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable, and improve the
efficiency or performance of a job or work. Competences generally include knowledge,
motivation, social characteristics and roles, or skills of one person in accordance with the
demands of organizations of their clerks. (Hayes, 2000). Furthermore, competence can be scored
and is measurable, (Mansfield, B;2013). A teacher or an instructor can assess and measure
students’ competence through series of observation and evaluation. If someone is able to do
required tasks at the target level of proficiency, they are ‘competent’ in that area.

Competence can be constructed abstractly in the sense that it describes the quality of being
competent which is in opposition to the more concrete view that include particular knowledge, a
single skill or ability, and attitudes. It speaks on the quality of being well qualified, physically
and intellectually.

Synonyms of competence are vast and these include proficiency but it is mostly cross-use as
performance. Chomsky differentiate the former which is an idealized capacity that is located as a
psychological or mental property or function and the later which is the production of actual

Also, the terms competency and competence are used in similar ways to describe the ability to
perform a task successfully. Competency is described as ‘an important skill that is needed to do a
job’, whereas competence is described ‘as the ability to do something well’. Schwandt (2008)
points out these differences and that to identify professional competence is ‘another’ task than to
identify competencies.

Mathematics as a subject affects all aspects of human life at different levels. It is seen as the
foundation of scientific technological knowledge that is vital in social economic development of
a nation. It is also called the ‘queen of science and the main driving force behind scientific
discovery’. Scientific knowledge and skills provide practical assistance in helping people make
informed decisions and choices concerning life that best suit them (Hirschfeld, 2012).
The science of mathematics depends on the mental ability. It is the means to develop the thinking
power and reasoning intelligence, which sharps the mind and makes it creative. It is the language
of all material science and the centre of all engineering branches that revolves around it.
Therefore, it is the past, present and future of all sciences.

Mathematics has evolved from simple counting, measurement and calculation, and the
systematic study of shapes and motions of physical objects, through the application of
abstraction, imagination and logic, to the broad, complex and often abstract discipline we know
today. Historically, it was seen as the science of quantity, whether of magnitudes (as in
geometry) or of numbers (as in arithmetic) or of the generalization of the two field (as in
algebra). Some have seen it in terms as simple as a search for patterns.

However, in the 19th century, mathematics has broadened to accommodate symbolic or

mathematical logic, and so it came to be known increasingly as the science of relations or of
drawing necessary conclusion. The discipline now covers a wide array of specialized areas and
fields of study that includes group theory, order theory, model theory, chaos theory, functional
analysis, topology, differential geometry, complexity theory and so much more.

Physics is our way of understanding the world we live in, of recognizing underlying principles
and laws that connect disparate phenomena of our physical world. It is concerned with the nature
and property of matter and energy. According to Wikipedia, Physics is the natural science that
studies matter, its motion and behaviour through space and time, and the related entities of
energy and force. In other words, Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines (with its
inclusion of astronomy, the most fundamental scientific disciplines) and its main goal is to
understand how the universe behaves.

Physics aims at defining everything around us, from the movement of tiny charged particles to
the motions of people, cars and spaceships. In fact, almost everything around you can be
described quite accurately by the laws of Physics. For example, Physics describes how electricity
interacts with the various circuits in a smart phone device and this knowledge helps engineers
select the appropriate materials and circuit layout needed in building the smart phone. Another
example is the GPS system; Physics describes the relationship between the speed of an object,
the distance over which it travels, and the time it takes to travel that distance. So, when you use a
GPS device in a vehicle, it makes use of these physics equations to determine the time travel
from a location to another.

Physics is the fundamental of many disciplines and it contributes directly to astronomy,

engineering, chemistry and most scientific fields. It generates fundamental knowledge ‘or
framework’ needed for future technological advances that will continue to drive the economic
engines of the world (Amunga, et al.2011, Nashon, 2009). Most school system endeavors to
provide facilities and conditions for effective studying of physics. Rising from the above
statement, it is necessary to carry out an extensive comparative analysis between students’ (a
case study of SS1 students) competence in mathematics and their performance in Physics.


Previous research has it that teaching of science, specifically mathematics and physics, and the
performance of students at senior secondary levels had been the major concern of both the
government and the parents.

Most of the challenges that might arise could be as a result of the science teachers' incompetency
in schools, inadequate science laboratories and facilities for use during the teaching and learning
process in schools, and the students showing little or no concern about the learning of science
subjects, specifically Physics and Mathematics.

But another major factor that may have been long overlooked could be the student’s proficiency
in Mathematics and how it might affect their performance in Physics.


The main objective of the study is to examine a comparative analysis between the Students’
competence in Mathematics and their performance in Physics.

The specific aims are as follows:

 To determine the relationship between the students’ competence in Mathematics and their
performance in Physics.
 To determine the effect of students’ competence in Mathematics on their performance in
 To determine the effects of school type on students’ competence in Mathematics and
their performance in Physics.
 To determine whether the student's gender can affect their competence in Mathematics
and their performance in Physics.

 Is there any significant relationship between students’ competence in Mathematics and

their performance in Physics?
 What is the effect of the students’ competence in Mathematics on their performance in
 What is the effect of school type on students’ competent in Mathematics and their
performance in Physics?
 Could the student's gender affect their competence in Mathematics and their performance
in Physics?


The following are the null hypothesis: -

H01: There is no significant relationship between students’ competence in Mathematics and their
performance in Physics.

H02: There is no significant effect of the students’ competence in Mathematics on their

performance in Physics.

H03: There is no significant effect of school type on students’ competent in Mathematics and
their performance in Physics.

H04: There is no significant effect of gender on students’ competence in Mathematics and their
performance in Physics.


Students. especially those in SS1, will benefit greatly from this work in the sense that it will
educate the students to be more zealous in learning mathematics which they will need in the
course of studying in any area of their choice, especially science courses.

It will also enable the government to employ competent and qualified mathematics teachers that
can teach the students to their understanding which will make them perform well in physics class
since mathematics is the fundamental aspect of all science subjects

As a part of literature in education physics on completion of study, it would contribute to the

body of existing literature and also form a basis for further research.

The study would be restricted to the comparative analysis of students’ competence in

Mathematics and their performance in Physics among SS1 students in Alimosho local
government area.


The foreseen possible limitations in this study are the inability to involve every member of the
population since the sample selected are randomly chosen among different member of students
in different schools in the local government area. This sample equally comprises of both gender
type. Time and money are another limiting factor to be considered during the course of the study.
Also, another limitation is the inability to determine the characteristics response of the
respondents in the sample.


Comparative: This is a comparison or an assessment of similarities and differences between

two or more things.

Analysis: This is detailed examination of the elements or the structure of something.

Competence: this is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

Performance: It is defined as the action of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or

Physics is one of the major pre-requisites for studying major courses such as medicine,
geophysics, engineering, astronomy and so much more (Sherriff, Maina and Umar, 2011). It is
extremely relevant and important for effective living in the modern age of science and
technology. More so, students’ competence and performance in most science subjects plays
important role in students’ mental development and cognitive thinking.
While it is importance to study Physics, one should not be quick to ignore the major role of
Mathematics as a pillar in the understanding of Physics. According to Ayodele, Awofala and
Adekoya (2014), the teaching of Mathematics concepts before physics teaching could be a way
of improving students’ achievement in school physics since mathematics is viewed to be the
language of all streams of science. Oladejo, Olosunde, Olabisi and Isola (2011) perceived
physics to be one of the science subjects found to be difficult in the school curriculum. Hence,
this chapter explains the history, concepts, theoretical assumptions and applications of the major
role of Mathematics as a subject in the performance of students in Physics at secondary school
level (a case study of SS1 students in Alimosho local government area, Lagos). It also reviews
and evaluate critically, previous researches and theories on students’ abilities in mathematics and


Mathematics is one of the oldest courses in human history. It is coined from the ancient Greek
word ‘mathema’ (µαθήμα) which means ‘that which is learnt’, ‘what one gets to known’. Hence,
it also means ‘study’ and ‘science’. In English, Mathematics as a noun yields a singular verb. It
is abbreviated often to Maths or Math in North America.
The prehistoric peoples probably became familiar with numbers in terms of collections of fruits
or quantity of their members. Indications of these are seen by tallies found on bones. It became
obvious that the prehistoric peoples can identify and count abstract quantities like time, days,
seasons or even years. It was not until around 3000BC, that more compound Mathematics
became known. The infamous Pythagorean theorem seems to be the most originally widespread
mathematical development after basic arithmetic and geometry due to the fact that all the oldest
manuscripts available mentioned the Pythagorean triples. These eras marked the Babylonian and
Egyptian Mathematics.
The Babylonian Mathematics is known as the Mathematics of the people of Mesopotamia
(Modern Iraq) to the Hellenistic period to the dawn of Christianity. The oldest mathematical
document provides indication of these period. The period supervises the development of the
multiplication tables, geometrical exercises, division, sexagesimal (base 60) numerical systems
for measuring angles and times which are still in use today, place-value systems, fractions and
whole numbers, algebra quadratic and cubic equations, calculations of regular numbers and their
reciprocal pairs, and also, the methods for linear, quadratic and cubic equations. The major
resemblance between the Babylonian Mathematics and the Egyptian Mathematics is that there is
no awareness of the alterations between precise and estimated solutions, or the solubility of a
problem, and finally, no clear statement for the needs of evidences or logical ideologies.
The Egyptian Mathematics follows closely after the Babylonian Mathematics but it was written
in the Egyptian language. It was famous during the Hellenistic period to the Arab empire and
forms part of the Islamic Mathematics. The Rhind papyrus dated about 1650 BC, provided the
instructions manual for students in that period in arithmetic and geometry. It also includes
composites and prime numbers, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means, simple
understanding of sieve of Eratosthenes and perfect number theory, first order linear equations,
and arithmetic and geometric series. The Moscow papyrus which is dated about 1890 BC, gives
the technique of solving the volume of a frustum (transacted pyramid). It also contains words
problems or story problems mostly used for entertainment. An additional papyrus found that
proves that the Egyptians could solve a second-order algebraic expression was the Berlin
papyrus which is dated about 1800 BC.
The Greek Mathematics did not begin until the 6th century BC. By then Mathematics is known
as a subject in its own fact. Euclid presented the axiomatic method around 300BC in his book
Elements, which contains definitions, axiom, and proofs. The book came to be the most widely
significant textbook of all time. Archimedes (c 287-212 BC) of Syracuse, established formulas
for approximating the surface area and volume of solids of revolution. He was known as the
greatest mathematician of antiquity. He uses the method of exhaustion to estimate the value of
Pi, and to compute the area under the arc of a parabola, with the summation of an infinite series
in a manner somewhat similar to modern calculus. Other known accomplishment of the Greek
Mathematics includes conic sections (Apollonius of Perga, 3rd century BC), trigonometry
(Hipparchus of Nicaea, 2nd century BC), and the beginning of algebra (Diophantus, 3rd century
The Hindu-Arabic numeral evolved around the 1st millennium AD in India down to the western
world through the Islamic Mathematics. During the golden age of Islam (9th-10th century AD),
Islamic mathematics see to the growth in algebra, advances in spherical trigonometry and the
addition of the decimal point to the Arabic numeral system while the Indian mathematics gave
the modern definition and approximation of sine and cosine and an early form of infinite series.
Greatest Mathematicians known in this era includes Al-Khwarizmi, Omar Khayyam and Sharaf
During the early modern period, Newton and Leibniz advanced the development of calculus in
the 17th century in western Europe. Leonard Euler was a notable mathematician that contributed
to the discoveries of numerous theories in the 18th century. He was followed closely by the
famous German mathematician, Carl Fredrick Gauss who also made various aids in algebra
analysis, differential geometry, matrix theory, number theory and statistics. In the 20th century,
Kurt Gödel contributed to the transformation of Mathematics in his incompleteness theorems.
Finally, In the January 2006 issue of the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Mikhail
B Serdyuk gives an analysis of over 1.9 million papers and books in the mathematical reviews
record and over 75 thousand items are added to the record each year since 1940. These
confirmed that Mathematics has expanded hugely over recent discoveries and there have been
the major comparisons between it and science.


Carl Fredrick Gauss spoke of Mathematics as “the Queen of science.” He was no doubt not the
only mathematicians who used that expression since Marcus du Sautoy shared the same
sentiment where he also referred to Mathematics as “the Queen of science… the main driving
force behind scientific discovery.” Karl Popper also observed that “most mathematical theories
are like those of Physics and Biology, hypothetic-deductive. Pure Mathematics therefore, turns
out to be much closer to the natural sciences whose hypothesis are conjectures than it seemed
Mathematics also share a lot with the physical sciences and had advanced greatly due to the
boundary between Mathematics and its application in sciences and engineering. This view is
debated by most mathematicians since a vast majority of them feels that to call Mathematics a
science is to restrain the important of its artistic side. In custom, Mathematicians can be grouped
as scientist at the ground level but at higher level, they are grouped distinctly.

Mathematical language: It can be problematic for beginners to understand this language because
common terms such as or and only can mean a whole new thing in Mathematics than the daily
meaning of those words. It also includes many technical terms that may be confusing to learners
and most time frustrating.

Fields of Mathematics: Mathematics can be divided into many studies that includes quantity,
structure, space, and change (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, analysis). Other sub divisions
include logic, set theory (foundations), empirical mathematics (applied mathematics), and
recently, the study of uncertainty.


Physics may be defined as the natural science that deals with the study of matter, its motions and
its comportment through time and space. It is also one of oldest course due to its direct
relationship with astronomy. It is the foundation for most scientific disciplines. Archimedes and
Ptolemy are one of the Babylonian and Hellenistic writers that began the mathematical
discipline. Physics recently, can be divided into; classical and modern physics. These are based
generally on explaining nature through ideas such as Aristotle’s four types of “course”.
The ancient Greece era (650-480 BCE) marked the beginning of human needs to understand
nature’s phenomena and principles. These give rise to outstanding philosophers such as Thales of
Miletus (7th and 6th centuries BCE) who was also known as ‘the father of science’ because he
refused to believe the superstitions and fabled explanations of natural phenomena, instead he
propounded that every event has a natural cause. Although, at that time he assumed that the
basic element for matter is water. However, Anaximander, a famous evolutionist, countered that
assumptions and instead proposed that rather than water, a substance called Apeiron was the
building block to all matter. Eventually, after many verified reasonings and observations,
Leucippus and his pupil Democritus found atoms to be proportionally accurate when proposing
the component of matter. This soon became widely accepted and still in use till date. The Greek
era also see to the birth of many great philosophers such as Aristotle (384-322 BCE), who was a
student of Plato. He was famous for his writings in physics, metaphysics, poetry and so much
more. He also founded the Aristolelian physics where he tried to explain such ideas like motion
and gravity with his theory of four elements. The Aristolelian physics become greatly popular for
many centuries in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Aristarchus of
Samos (310-230 BCE) was yet another great philosopher who was famous for giving a thorough
argument against the heliocentric model of the solar system. Soon, his students, Seleucus of
Seleucus gave the solar system theory which was later proven by Plutarch. Shortly thereafter,
Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212), also contributed to physics by using his mathematics
knowledge to calculate the mathematics behind levers. He also laid the foundation for
hydrostatics, statics and systems of pulleys. He developed the principles of equilibrium states
and the centers of gravity which later became the background for further studies by Galileo and
Finally, towards the end of the Greek era, Hipparchus (190-120 BCE) conclude the era by
focusing on astronomy and mathematics. In doing that he used different techniques to predict
accurately times of the solar eclipses. Most of his direct works do not survive the next centuries
even though he wrote at least fourteen books. Most of Aristolelian works also do not survive and
only few of them we have today are merely lecture notes.
During the eastern Roman empire, many big contributions are added to various fields of learning
including physics. One of the famous physicists of those times is Ptolemy (90-168 CE), who was
the leading minds during the time of the Roman empire. Later in the 6th century, Isidore of
Miletus and John Philoponus were well known in Europe, in which John was specifically known
for his criticism of Aristolelian principles of physics. Galileo (the father of modern science) also
made use of his criticism ten centuries later.
In the Islamic golden age, Aristolelian physics was widely used and then developed further to
form early forms of the scientific methods. Many of this scientist includes Ibn Sahl, Al-Kindi,
Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Farisi and Avicenna. They all made notable innovations and works in the
field of optics and vision. But Ibn Al-Haytham disapproved of the Greek idea about vision. So,
he came up with the background for explaining how light entered into the eye. Most of his
theories and principles were published in his book named the book of optics. The book
eventually made a huge impact alongside Newton's work and it contributed in laying the ground
work and inspiration for many great European scholars and engineers.
In the 18th century, physics was known as natural philosophy based on various Greek
philosophers’ point of view but by the 19th century, physics, like the rest of other disciplines in
science came to be a distinct discipline from philosophy. Although, it relies on philosophy of
science and its scientific methods to develop our knowledge of the physical world.
For the classical physics, the laws of physics were discovered through series of experiments and
quantitative methods during the early modern Europe. Kepler (between 1609 and 1619)
determined the laws governing the motion of planetary bodies. Galileo pioneered the work on
telescope and observatory astronomy in the 16th and 17th century, and Newton discovered and
unified the laws of motion and universal gravitation that bears his name till date. He also
developed calculus, the mathematical study of change which gives rise to new mathematical
methods for solving physical methods. News laws such as the laws in thermodynamics,
chemistry and electromagnetics were also discovered which were later used to develop theories
such as quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. However, due to the inaccuracy of the
classical mechanics to calculate for very small objects and very high velocities, it led to the
development of modern physics in the 20th century.
Max Planck in quantum theory and Albert Einstein's theory of relativity began the modern
physics era in the early 20th century. Unlike the classical mechanics varying prediction of speed
of light, Einstein used the theory of special relativity for fast moving bodies and allowed for a
constant speed of light. Planck proposed a complete theory predicting discrete energy levels of
electron orbitals in quantum mechanics which thereby, replaced the classical black-body
radiation theory. Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger and Paul Dirac were also famous
scientists that pioneered the early works relating to the standard model of particles in quantum
mechanics. They provide the limelight in particle physics as to what a matter is actually
composed of.
Physics development has answered many issues and questions arising from early philosophical
thinking’s including the nature of space and time. It also employs a priori and posteriori
reasoning to measure the validity of a given theory. Physics also deals with a vast variety of
theories that accurately describes the motion of objects provided that they are moving at much
less speed than speed of light and are larger than atoms. These theories are important tools used
for research in more streamlined topics such as classical mechanics, quantum mechanics,
thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electromagnetism and special relativity. Therefore, it
is safe to say that the laws of classical physics can accurately describe systems whose length
scales are greater than the atomic scale and whose motion are much slower than the speed of
light. Outside of this assumptions, the modern physics laws hold.

FIELDS OF PHYSICS: There are five major fields in physics. These are; Atomic and Particle
Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Condensed matter Physics, Astrophysics and
finally, Applied Physics. These fields can also be divided into other major sub-fields or


Physics uses Mathematics to organize and formulate experimental results and from this result,
solutions are obtained which are precise and accurate with their units of measurement. These is
because mathematics gives a compact and provides the exact language used in order to describe
nature. Mathematics in general is also important in this field and some related study that includes
probabilities and groups. Mathematics affects the study of physics so much that it can be seen in
almost every part of it. (Sidhu, 2006). It is only mathematics that gives the form and structure to
the properties of matter and the interpretation of nature is only possible through quantitative
ideas and imaginations. It is no longer surprising to know that mathematics education is required
to tackle numerical problems in physics leaving much to be done in order to change students’
attitude towards mathematics and science. (Charles-Organ, Okey, 2017) Thus, physics students
who lacked basic algebra performed poorly on the mathematical problem-solving tasks in
physics. It is hereby recommended that physics students must have proper basic understanding of
mathematics principles, laws, and theories before applying them to the concepts of physics.
Although, mathematics contributes largely to physics, there is still a wide conceptual difference
between these two subjects. Mathematics is mainly concerned with abstract pattern, even beyond
the physical world. In contrast, physics is majorly concerned with descriptions of the real world.
Physics statement is also known to be synthetic while mathematical statement is analytic. Other
relatable field includes mathematical physics which is the application of mathematics in physics.
The downside of this field is that every mathematical statement has a very difficult physical
meaning unlike the mathematical solutions which has an easier meaning since it is the main aim
of the solver. (Wikipedia).
Physics is the fundamental branch of all science. Other fields of science are based on its
synthetical and analytical behavior. It is applied in important fields such as medicine and
engineering. Based on that notion, physics is being taught alongside with mathematics at all
science level of education. These includes high schools, colleges, polytechnics or monotechnic
and most especially, universities. The basics method for its teaching is the lecture methods
accompanied by laboratory exercises. Physics concepts are best understood with demonstrations,
experiments and questionnaires that will keep the students pondering on the purpose and theories
of the various experiments. Physics like mathematics should be taught with all efforts being
made to ensure that mathematical expressions introduced by physics teachers are not ambiguous
and provide a direct relation with the physical world and direct environment of the learner
(Lerner 1989). Since little to no laboratory exercises are being performed when teaching
mathematics, it is best leave most of its teachings by using students-centered approach in which
the teaching and learning processes are centered mainly on the students in order to train their
cognitive minds and to enable most of them to think outside the box so to speak. That is,” to go
beyond the physical world."
The link between mathematics and physics is a strong one (Hutchings 1973). In fact, there are
some topics in physics that appears just the same in mathematics such as linear motion,
trigonometry and vectors. Students who score high in mathematics are likely to perform even
better in physics than those who not perform well in mathematics (Lyons 2005). The most
distinctive feature of modern physics is its use of mathematics and experiment in fact it's joint
use of them. The business of mathematics in physics has to do with construction of subsequent
analysis of concepts that are applicable to any practical in theoretical situations. (Hudson 1989).
The theoretical aspects of mathematics call for spatial visualization ability which is a significant
contributing factor to science achievement. (Twoli 1986).
Generally, boys have higher spatial visualization ability than girls according to standard
achievement tests done by Alonso (1998). The use of mathematical formulae according to
Embegwa (1985) consistutes a saving of mental energy. It provides for an economical use of
mental effort. Physics students tends to treat mathematical relations as symmetrical entities by
distinguishing dependent from independence variables.
Many studies have shown the major effect of students’ prior knowledge in mathematics on their
achievement in physics. One such study is that of Melter, David E (2002) which shows that
mathematical ability is positively correlated to the success in typical introductory physics. It also
shows positive correlation between students' mathematical skills and their exams grades in
college physics- resulting from physics instructions, particularly with regards to qualitative,
conceptual understanding. Another of such study were done by Awodun, Adebisi, Ojo, and
Olarewaju (2013), which also maintained that adequate mathematics education must be given to
perspectives physics students which will in turn contributes greatly in the technological
advancement and development of the country at large since there is no growth without
technology. And finally, in recent study, Odogwu and Babajide (2018), at testified that there is a
significant role of mathematics knowledge as a prerequisite on physics student's achievement in


Science as a process requires some measure of commitment, curiosity and love for what scientist
do; in order to be able to go through it successfully. A school of thought are of the opinion that
males find it worrisome to identify problem, gather facts about problems, formulate hypothesis,
experiment, observe and interpret, formulate generalizations and application. The attitude for
students toward science, their grades, and their career expectations have been identified as
possible contributing factor to achievement in science.
The performance of students in science generally is major concern to science educators.
Aghyneko in Sakiyo and Sofeme (2008) noted that student’s performance in science subjects is
low both in national and state examinations. A number of reasons can be identified to be
accountable for the poor performance of students in sciences. These include the science
curricular, teacher's methods are teaching, parents, government, lack of science facilities and
others (Abiakwo 2003).
Surveys from schools (Ajayi, 2007) revealed that inadequacy of good instructional materials,
equipment and laboratory facilities in the schools. According to Ango (1990), students’ poor
performance in physics globally is basically due to lack of involving the students in the teaching-
learning activities right from the beginning of any new concepts to be taught, lack of qualified
teachers as well as experiences in teaching and unavailability and /or insufficiency of materials
in the laboratories.
The impact of the teachers in the performance of the students is germane. The teachers are the
facilitators who are to impact into the students the concepts to be learnt. However, Olarewaju
(1986) and Nwagbo (1995) were of the opinion that ignorant of the teachers greatly contributes
to the student’s low performance in physics. The teachers are the major man power saddled with
the responsibility of impacting the concepts considered fundamental to technology through the
teaching of these basic concepts from the secondary schools. As stipulated in the Nigeria
National Policy on education (2004), physics teaching at the secondary school is meant to
develop essential scientific skills in the learners so as to prepare them for technological
application in order to stimulate and enhance creativity in them. This laudable objective would
not be realized when the students are taught by incompetent teachers. Such teachers would not be
able to properly and adequately disseminate one of the pivotal subjects in technology. Its
effective teaching most be handled with all seriousness. The competent of the physics teacher in
this regard would be of immeasurable value. One thing is to be well grounded in the conceptual
understanding of a subject, another thing is to be well acquitted with the best method to pass the
concepts across to the learners for proper comprehension. From Ajayi's (2009) point of view, the
professional qualities of a teacher have to do with the following: mastery of the subject matter,
ability to clarify ideas, sense of organization, good imagination, ability to involve the students in
meaningful activities throughout the period of teaching and frequent monitoring of student's
progress through tests, formal and informal written and oral quizzes.
The availability of professional teachers in our school is low (Ngada, 2008). The reason may not
be farfetched. Teaching is seen as a dumping ground for any unemployed school leavers,
irrespective of their area of specializations. This group of able-bodied young men and women
thus handle the job as a bye-pass venture to their desired ends. Consequently, their input in the
job would be very low since it lacks the dedication demanded by the job. The few ones that seem
to show dedication lack the technical know-how of teaching since they were never trained on the
job. The resultant effects on the student's performance are catastrophic. This major evil done by
this half-baked and shallow knowledge student who often perform poorly in their examinations.
This eventually culminates to a decline in the national technological growth.


Physics is thought to be the most basic science subjects whose concepts and techniques support
the progress of all other branches of science (Sheriff, Maina and Umar, 2011). Physics is divided
into two aspects which are physics theory and physics practical. Physics theory belongs to
cognitive domain of learning while physics practical is in psychomotor domain. Physics practical
involves the ability of students to use physics apparatus to implement experimental procedures
and being able to draw conclusions successfully from the experimental results. According to
Erinosho (2013), only few students show interest in physics. The educational objective of
physics cannot be fully realized if students are not performing well in both physics’ theory and
It has been observed that one of the major problems of physics is the absence of qualified
teachers in schools. Thomas and Israel, 2013, Josiah 2012 and Stephen, 2010 cited Odili and
Akpan that many physics teachers are poorly qualified and are not familiar with the names and
uses of some physics apparatus in the laboratory.
Physics has been seen as a course where students' performance has not been encouraging.
Evidence abounds that there is massive failure in public examinations like the West Africa
Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and National Examination Council
(NECO) in physics in Nigeria (Erinosho 2013). This author explains further that slightly over
30% of students who registered for physics passed as credit level as against 40% in Biology and
Chemistry. The poor performance is not only limited to secondary schools and as observed by
Stephen (2010), it also extends to post-secondary levels in Nigeria in which physics students still
performs woefully despite all the efforts of the government.
Pupil’s educators and scholars are not satisfied with students' performance in physics. The
situation is worrisome to both teachers and students which is in accordance to Dupe (2013) that
students' dwindling performance in physics in public examinations are worrisome to the
generality of the people most especially physics educators. Performance of students is dismal.


According to the concise Oxford dictionary, competence (or competency) denotes “the ability to
do” something or “the ability to perform a task.” Competence can also be defined as the quality
of being ‘competent’ in which competent means to be “properly qualified” or “capable”. The
main focus is on competent people having the ability or capability, which will enable the
satisfactory completion of some task(s).
Rising out of these definitions, it becomes clear that the concept of competence centers on the
ability or capability which in turn focuses attention on the attributes that comprises this ability or
capability. This implies that attributes are a necessary part of any satisfactory conception of
competence. Neglecting attributes and concentrating on tasks is the prime reason why so many
people lapse into a narrow view of competency standards.
Competencies often serve as the basis for skills standards that specify the level of knowledge,
skills, abilities required for success in the workplace as well as potential measurement criteria for
assessing competency attainment. Competencies are relevant to an individual's job
responsibilities, roles and capabilities. They verify that a learner has in fact learned what was
intended in the learning objectives. In short, objectives say what we want the learners to know
and competencies say how we can be certain they know it.
The Oxford dictionary, on the other hand, takes performance to be as how well or badly you do
something or how well or badly something works. It is defined as the act or process of
performing a task, an action, etc. The verb 'perform' means to work or function well or badly.
Although, performance is a multidimensional term capable of no single definition. It is related to
two terms: Effectiveness and Efficiency; effectiveness as an indicator of the degree of a goal
attainment and efficiency as an indicator of the resources that were consumed to reach the level
of achievement. Performance takes into account the interaction between competence
(knowledge, ability for use), the competence of others, and the cybernetic and emergent
properties of events themselves.
Thus, according to Chomsky, “we make a fundamental distinction between, competence (the
learners' ability or capabilities to do work) and performance (the actual use of the learners' ability
to do work)”.


1. ATTITUDE TOWARDS SCIENCE: Pupil’s feelings are very important when teaching
and have a strong effect upon the amount of work, the effort pit towards and the learning
that is acquired (Callahan 1971). This means that positive attitude plays a significant role
in learning physics since it determines the amount of time and effort dedicated to the
subject and this is likely to be reflected in performance (Ndentu 2007). Students attitude
towards a subject may also be defined by the teacher’s characteristics. Students who were
taught science by the female teachers had a positive attitude towards science than those
who were taught by male teachers. While male teachers had a higher academic
achievement, students perceived them to be more difficult (Wasagna 1982). Although
there is a relationship between attitude and academic performance. One cannot be certain
whether negative attitude causes low performance or whether performance causes
negative attitude (Twoli 1986). It is however possible that consistent low academic
achievement may lead to discouragement and consequently, negative attitude. To feel
positive attitude toward a subject, one has to actualize one's ability through achievement.
In other words, it is primarily the acquisition of proficiency in a subject that leads to
positive attitude in that subject in that subject (Aiken an Gvedgwen 1987). It follows
therefore that students who have been known to do better in physics will hold a more
positive attitude in the subject. A study carried out in Australia in August, 2010 noted
that high school students perceived mathematics, science, engineering and technology as
too hard, boring and irrelevant. (Adelaide 2010).
MATHEMATICS: Most students especially those in secondary schools failed to value
the relationship between physics and mathematics with other works of life. Instead, they
view them as abstract knowledge that has no meaning in correlation with the real world.
One thing to be done is that students need to be sanitized as to the relevance of physics
and mathematics in real life terms (Jegede and Adedayo, 2013). Physics and mathematics
instructions should relate to everyday life activities of the students to help them to
develop the proper attitude toward these disciplines. (Wilfredo 2016).
adeyemo (2010), Mathematics and Physics curriculum are often interfaced. This can be a
real problem considering the effects of mathematics on the teaching of Physics. Other
major problem includes incomprehensible science languages and communications
techniques, inadequate finances, inadequate human resources and inadequate teaching
materials. Instructional and teaching materials play major role in the teaching of Physics
and Mathematics today. Baiyelo, Ogunleya (1987), and adeyemo (1985) all argued that
both Physics and Mathematics and the medium of instructions are foreign in Nigerian
society. Resources provide an activity hands on approach to learning science and engage
students in a genuine pursuit of science. The activities provide a meaningful interaction
between students and their world in a manner that encourage sound scientific reasoning
(Herr, 1994). Thus, efforts should be made in order to provide for well-written and easy-
to-comprehend instructional textbooks for both teachers and students alike. All of this
should be written in clear and understandable everyday language. There should be
collaboration between mathematics and physics curricular and the government should
invest more in mathematics and science education. Past performances may have an
impact on how learners perceive a subject (Orodho 1996, reporting Okpala et al 1988).
Some may believe that since they never performed well in the past, they may as well fail
in the future and vice versa.
4. TEACHER'S QUALITY AND TEACHING METHODS: Unavailability of qualified and
professional teachers in the science profession has decrease drastically over the years in
Nigeria. This is due to several reason such as good salary, etc. Studies have shown that
there is significant relationship between the teachers' use of different instructional
strategies and their student's performance in mathematics and physics. For example,
students doing problem solving, self-practice, teachers demonstrating and students
contributing in the teaching session on what they know on the topic in session (Isack
2015). Consequently, one possible solution to these is that government should employ
competent and reliable science teacher who will improve on the teaching of science
subject such as mathematics and physics (Odogwu and Babajide, 2018). Teaching
methods such as students-centered model should be adopted in the teaching of
Mathematics and Physics. The personnel management of the school should also consider
each individual teacher affair and to endeavor regular payment of salaries as well as
pensions too. This can be a real source of motivation and encouragement for the staff to
put in their best in the teaching and learning environment.
5. GENDER IN THE LEARNING OF SCIENCE: Gender refers to the social meaning
associated to being a male or a female, including the construction of identities,
expectations, behaviors and power relationships that are derived from social interaction
(Ambe-uva, Iwuchukwu and Jibrin, 2008). Orji (2002) asserted that in Africa, especially
in a traditional setting, female and male sex rules are seen as mutually exclusive. For
instance, some professions such as carpentry, engineering, woodworks, metalworks and
automobile engineering technologies are still regarded as no go area for women while
nursing and catering professions are seen as exclusive areas for women. Studies shows
that in girls, the brain region responsible for impulsive control is demonstrated earlier
than that of boys, and hence they matured earlier than boys (Viadero, 2006). While some
studies also reported that females are deficient in science because they lack analytical and
visual spatial skills that are needed for abstract reasoning in science (Asker and Oatley,
1993). However, this argument had been proved wrong because emerging evidence
shows that ability is not a deterring factor whether or not females would participate better
or worse in science. Girls and boys are found to perform equally well if instructional
content is fair and conducive (Campbell, Jolley, Hoey and Permian, (2002), Erinosho,


Jean Piaget was a swiss psychologist who was mainly concerned with the way thinking develop
in children from birth till they become young adults. Piaget believed that humans also adapt to
their physical and social environment in which they live. Piaget saw this adaptation in terms of
two basic processes: Assimilation and Accommodation.
Assimilation: According to Piaget, assimilation is the components of adaptation when
information arises that can fit into a learner existing knowledge. This information adds to
extends the learner mind or cognitive structure. It also refers to the process by which new objects
and events are grasped or incorporated within the scope is existing schemes or structures.
Accommodation: According to Piaget, the accommodation is the components of adaptation that
adds new information that can contradict or conflicts with the learner's cognitive structure. It is
also the process through which the existing schemes or structures is modified to meet the
resistance to straight forward grasping or assimilating of a new object or event.
Piaget also developed four stages of cognitive development by observing the behavior of his own
children. He did so by presenting problems to them and observing their responses to each
situation. Each stages of cognitive development have an age span with distinctive learning
capabilities. These would be helpful in framing curriculum. The understanding of the cognitive
development is very important for both parents and teachers because these influences a great deal
during infancy, childhood and adolescence of a human. The four stages of cognitive
development are:
1. Sensori-motor stage (birth till 2 years): A child's thinking involves seeing, hearing,
moving and so on. The first few weeks of a baby's life consists mainly of reflex's
responses such as sucking, sleeping and grasping. These later disappears as the baby
begin to choose what and when to grasp. During this period, the baby develops the
concept of objects permanence. This refers to the understanding that objects and events
continue to exists even when they cannot be seen, heard or touched. Another
accomplishment in this stage is learning to reverse actions. That is; when a toy is given to
a child to detached and rebuild, in time the child gradually learns to attach all of the toys
after many series of trial and errors.
2. Pre-operational stage (2-7 years): A child in this stage have not yet mastered the ability to
perform mental operations. Thinking is governed by what is seen rather than biological
principles. During this stage, a child develops the ability to think and use symbols and
signs. He believes that his way of thinking is the only way. A child also has difficulties in
seeing more than one dimensions or aspects of situations. He tends to refer to inanimate
objects as livings things capable of actions and quantities. A child lacks the ability of
classifying or grouping objects into categories in this stage and he finally understand that
certainly properties of an object remain the same despite a change in their appearance.
3. Concrete operational stage (7-10 years): A child in this stage is concerned with the
integration of stability of his cognitive systems. He learns to add, subtracts, multiply, and
divide. He can also classify concrete objects. Overall, a child develops the ability to think
rationally but his thinking is tied to concrete objects.
4. Formal operational stage (11 and above years): This stage is characterized by the
emergence of logical thinking and reasoning. Other important cognitive attainment
during this period is: the ability to think about hypothetical possibilities and to solve
problems through logical definitions and in a systematic manner.


Piaget's concept can be useful in teaching and other educational practices. He expresses that a
child pass through a number of stages before the age of 14 years and lot of care should be taken
in the child's training and development.
Most teachers agree with him that it is illogical to take something that cannot be experienced
through sense organs to a child. When a child forms many direct experiences, only he can
understand the abstract ideas and concepts. Therefore, the teacher must endeavor to orient
education around the child.
The most important function of a school is to provide good stimulating environment within the
school for proper development of school children abilities. Provision of good library and
opportunities for free discussions and community services should be provided as well. The needs
of an adolescence should be given proper place on the school curriculum. Adolescence should be
given opportunities for the development of their creative abilities through music, science, art and
crafts. They should be provided guidance as regards to their individual educational and
vocational problems.


In assimilation for instance, the lesson 1 highlighted in a grade 9 mathematics class involves very
basics linear equations which had been considered in basic 8. Learners are familiar with this type
of equations where solving X require the use of addictive inverse and dividing by coefficient of
X. Then in lesson 2; learners are given unknown values on both side of the equal signs. Due to
prior knowledge of lesson 1, this serves as a link to better understand and interpret the content in
lesson 2. The process does not change instead, it expands the cognitive structures of a learner.
Similarly, this can be applied in the study of student’s prior knowledge of mathematics and their
performance in physics.
Another instance can be seen in accommodation where grade 10 learners are first exposed to the
quadratic equations. On the lesson 1, the teacher asks them to solve X and learners try to use the
grade 7 existing knowledge of linear equations. But the learner's answers will be incorrect.
Therefore, learners need to first understand that this are two different equations and it requires
different methods to solve each of them. So, the teacher has to assist learners to change their
cognitive structures. The teacher and a learner can change the learner's cognitive structure
through teaching and learning and the understanding of the new concepts of quadratic equations.
Likewise, lessons in physics can be new and totally different with previous knowledge and
methods of solving them. But with teaching and learning, learners can soon accommodate and
assimilate each method thereby, adding or changing their cognitive structures.
This chapter comprises of the method used for collecting data with regards to the study. This
comprises of the following:
 Research Design
 Population of the study
 Sample and Sampling techniques
 Instrument of data collection
 Validity of the research instrument
 Method of data collection
 Method of data analysis.


Research design is the framework of methods and techniques choose by the researcher to
combine various components of the research in a reasonably logical manner so that the research
problem is efficiently handled. It provides insight about how to conduct research using a
particular methodology.

In view of this study, the research design suitable for this study is the survey method because it is
best severed to answer the questions and purpose of this study. This method involves sampling
the opinions of selected members of a given population on a particular subject matter.


Population is uses to describe the total number of people living in a defined geographical entity
or area. Population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people, events or
objects. Population of a study therefore, represent the target of the study because the researcher
is expected to yield findings which can be applicable to a particular selected part of the
population. Since it is known that it is impossible to cover the whole population of the study
concerned, a sample is therefore employed.

The population of the study consists of SS1 science students in both public and private schools in
Alimosho Local Government Area. There are no federal school, _ state public secondary schools
and _ private secondary schools in Alimosho Local Government Area.


Sample is the portion of the population that the study is based on and which conclusion are made
and findings is drawn on while Sampling techniques are simply the methods of drawing samples
from the total population.
The sample which consists of 320 (150 girls and 170 boys) science students of age ranges 12-15
years in classes are selected from Alimosho Local Government Area. Simple random stratified
sampling techniques is used to select 4 state public secondary schools and 4 Private secondary
schools in the local government area. 40 students were also selected from each school through
random stratified method. The choice of selection is for only state and private schools since there
are no federal schools in Alimosho Local Government Area. All sample schools had been
subjected to the teaching and learning of mathematics and physics concepts before selection. The
schools selected are:
 Lagos State Senior Model College, Meiran Lagos State.
 Community Senior Grammar School, Ipaja-Ayobo Lagos State.
 Shaha Bambeke Community Senior High School, Alimosho Lagos State
 Egan Senior Grammar School, Egan-Igando Lagos State.

 Millennium Senior Secondary School, Egbeda Lagos State.
 Good Shepherd Senior High School, Meiran Lagos State.
 Solomon Grace Senior High School, Abulegba Lagos State.
 Honeyland College, Ipaja Lagos State.


Research instrument are used for data collection for the study. Data collection involves gathering
information. The research instrument used for this study are the student’s achievement tests in
mathematics and physics. The two structured mathematics achievement tests (MAT) and physics
achievement tests (PAT) are made up of 50 items objective tests questions of options A-D with
only one correct answer while the others are distractions. The tests are constructed based on the
student's current scheme of work. More so, questions involving calculations are selected to tests
the student's mathematical knowledge of facts, understanding of details and application in


It is the accuracy with which an instrument measures the factors or situations under study. The
research instruments are subjected to face and content validation to ensure that all the items have
to do with the situation under study. All the achievement tests and results after marking have
been moderated by the researcher's supervisor and experts in physics and mathematics education.


Reliability is the extent in which an instrument is capable of yielding consistent results. The data
was reliable at 0.80.
Busola A (2006) defined data collection as the process of gathering and measuring information
on variable of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated
research questions, tests hypothesis and evaluate outcomes. An important consideration in
deciding on the best way to collect data is whether the study is intended to produce relatively
precise qualitative findings or produce descriptive information (Olumide 2017).
The study employed descriptive-correlation statistics survey method where the students-
respondents are divided into 5 category levels: Excellent, Above average, Average, Below
average and Poor performance. Permission was taken from the authorities of the sampled schools
to administer the achievement tests and to collate data for the purpose of this research.


After the data have been collected, the next step is to process them for the purpose of analysis
(Olumide 2017).
Jasper E (2003) defined data analysis as the process of evaluating data using analytical logical
reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. Data from each student are gathered,
reviewed and analyzed to form some sort of findings and conclusions. The data collected from
the sample size of each of the achievement tests may be analyzed by using the following
1. Mean score
2. Frequency count
3. Simple percentage method
4. Standard deviation
5. Pearson product moment of correlation (r).

This chapter comprises of the summary of the research conducted on the topic “A Comparative
Analysis of Students' Competence in Mathematics and their Performance in Physics.” The
summary will be synopsis about the study conducted by the researcher in order to allow other
researchers become familiar with the study.
Furthermore, the conclusion of the study will be presented in this chapter as well as the
recommendations of the study. On the other hand, the limitations encountered during the
research will be vividly stated as well as suggestions for other studies.

This research work was carried out to compare student’s competence in mathematics and their
performance in physics in Alimosho Local Government Area, Lagos State.
The design used for the study is the descriptive-correlation statistics method. This was used to
obtain means scores from the student’s achievement tests questions in mathematics and physics.
The instrument used for the collection of data is the Mathematics achievement tests (MAT) and
Physics achievement tests (PAT) which were administered to SS1 student selecting 40 students
in each of the 8 (4 state public and 4 Private) schools used. Also, the researcher made use of 320
students as sample sizes. Using simple tables and percentage, the researcher presented the
information gathered and by using the descriptive-correlation statistics method, the information
was analyzed.

From the analysis, the following summary are drawn;

1. There is significant relationship between the students’ competence in Mathematics and
their performance and their performance in Physics.
2. Students’ competence in mathematics has an effect on their performance in Physics
3. There is an effect of the type of school on students’ competent in Mathematics and their
performance in Physics.
4. Gender has influence on students’ competence in Mathematics and their performance in

In the course of this present study, it can be asserted that the teaching of prerequisite
mathematics concepts in physics before physics teaching could be a way of improving students’
performance in school physics. The present study showed that effective teaching and learning of
physics could be achieved through the teaching of mathematics concepts that serve as anchors to
physics contents. Thus, physics should
not be taught in isolation but in conjunction with mathematics and better still further
mathematics which seems to have more connections with school physics as Hudson & Rothman
(1981) and Awofala et al. (2012) found a strongly positive relationship between (further)
mathematics and physics. As shown in this study the teaching of prerequisite mathematics
concepts in physics assisted physics teachers through diagnostic testing to ascertain the students’
level of preparedness before the teaching of physics. It also shows that there is a significant
effect of the students’ competence in Mathematics on their performance in Physics. There is a
significant effect of school type on students’ competent in Mathematics and their performance in
Physics. Finally, there is a significant effect of gender on students’ competence in Mathematics
and their performance in Physics.


Based on the study and findings, the following recommendation can be made:

(A) Physics teachers should adopt the principle of cognitive development theory in the teaching
of school physics. Students’ previous knowledge in mathematics should be used as a template for
meaningful physics teaching and learning;

(B) Physics teachers should endeavor to teach prerequisite mathematics concepts in physics
before engaging in real physics teaching as this will allow for meaningful understanding and
integration of mathematics concepts embedded in physics contents;

(C) The state government should make all effort to recruit qualified and experienced teachers to
teach Physics in all the public schools in the state;

(D) There should be an increased instructional supervision in Physics and Mathematics education
in the state. This should be undertaken by knowledgeable supervisors in the subjects. Where the
personnel are not available, knowledgeable supervisors could be engaged on consultancy;

(E) Since it is revealed that mathematics has positive influence on the achievement of students in
physics, it is therefore recommended that all science students should be mandated to take further
mathematics for at least the first two years of the Senior Secondary School;

(F) Mathematics and physics teachers should endeavor to make the teaching and learning of
mathematics and physics interesting to the students.

(G) Physics and Mathematics instructions should be related to everyday activities of students to
help them develop the proper attitude towards the discipline. Formative assessments must be
strengthened by giving more problem-solving drills, exercises, home works, assignments and to
maximize the notional hour requirements to respond to the needs of the students.

(H) Orientation should be made on gender inequality and the teacher should be trained on how to
integrate gender equality to the classroom effectively.
(I) Government should provide effective infrastructural facilities and adequate funding in all
science school for the teaching and learning of science subject such as Physics.


Future further studies can look into the following:

(i) It may be a worthwhile effort for future researchers to engage in a longitudinal study of the
teaching of prerequisite mathematics concepts in physics could be supplemented with
cooperative learning and its effects found on students’ learning outcomes in physics.;

(ii) One of the limitations of the present study was that it did not consider the effect of treatment
on attitudes toward physics. Future studies may consider the effect of background knowledge of
mathematics on this dependent variable.
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mathematics and science courses. Intern. J. Math. Trends & Technology, 3(3), 103-109.
20. Fatade, A.O., Arigbabu, A.A., Mogari, D. & Awofala, A.O.A. (2014). Investigating
senior secondary school students’ beliefs about further mathematics in a problem-based
learning context. Bulgarian J. Science & Education Policy, 8, 5-46.
21. Obioha, N.E. (2006). STAN physics for senior secondary schools. Lagos: Heinemann
Education Book Publishers.
22. Ogunleye, A.O. (2000). Towards the optimal utilization and management of resources for
the effective teaching and learning of physics in schools. Proceedings of the 41st Annual
Conference of the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, pp. 215-220.
23. Ogunleye, B.O. & Babajide, V.F.T. (2011). Commitment to science and gender as
determinants of students’ achievement and practical skills in physics. J. Sci. Teachers
Assoc. Nigeria, 46, 125-135.
24. Ogunneye, W. (2003). Students’ understanding of the concept of Gradient in physics. A
case study of physics students from Tai Solarin College of Education, Ijebu-Ode. J. Sci.
Teachers Assoc. Nigeria, 38, 100-106.
25. Owolabi, T. (2004). A diagnosis of students’ difficulties in physics. Educ. Perspectives,
7, 15-20.

I am an undergraduate student of the University of Lagos. This Mathematics Achievement Tests
(MAT) is currently carried out among ss1 students to compare their performance in physics with
respect to their competent in mathematics. Please answer sincerely the below questions to the
best of your abilities by ticking (✓) the right option in the box provided. Information is highly
Answer all data correctly in this section.
Male ( ) Female ( )
Class: SS 1
Age ( )
Answer all questions correctly in this section.
1. If the length of the shadow of a tree is decreasing, then the angle of elevation is (a)
Decreasing (b) Increasing (c) Remains the same (c) None of the above
2. If a tower 6m high casts a shadow of 2√3 m long on the ground, then the sun's elevation is (a)
60° (b) 45° (c) 30° (d) 90°
3. The angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the point being viewed is
above the horizontal level is called (a) angle of elevation. (b) angle of depression. (c) no
such angle is formed. (d) none of the above
4. From the point on the ground, which is 15m away from the foot of the tower, the angle of the
top is found to be 60°. The height of the tower standing straight is (a) 15√3 (b) 10√3
(c) 12√3 (d) 20√3
5. If we cut a cone into two parts by a plane parallel to the base, then the bottom part left over is
the (a) cone (b) frustrum of cone (c) sphere (d) cylinder
6. If r is the radius of the sphere, then the surface area of the sphere is given by (a) 4πr2
(b) 2πr2 (c) πr2 (d) 4/3 πr2
7. The radius of the top and bottom of a bucket of slant height 35cm are 25cm and 8cm. The
curved surface of the bucket is (a) 4000 sq.cm (b)3500 sq.cm (c) 3630 sq.cm (d)
3750 sq.cm
8. A train travels 360km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5km/h more, it would have
taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the speed of the train. (a) 30 km/h (b) 40
km/h (c)50 km/h (d) 60 km/h
9. The sum of the reciprocal of Rehman's ages 3 years ago and 5 years ago from is 1/3. The
present age of Rehman is (a) 7 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 6
10. The midpoints of a line segment joining two points A(2, 4) and B(-2, -4) is (a) (-2, 4)
(b) (2, 4) (c) (0, 0) (d) (-2, -4)
11. The distance of point A(2, 4) from x-axis is (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) -2 (d) -4
12. The solution of 4/x + 3y=14 and 3/x - 4y=23 is (a) 1/5 and -2 (b) 1/3 and 1/2 (c) 3
and 1/2 (d) 2 and 1/3
13. A fraction becomes 1/3 when 1 is subtracted from the numerator and it becomes 1/4. When 8
is added to its denominator. The fraction obtained is (a) 3/12 (b) 4/12 (c) 5/12
(d) 7/12
14. The solution of the equations x-y=2 and x+y=4 is (a) 3 and 1 (b) 4 and 3 (c) 5
and 1 (d) -1 and -3
15. If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines are (a) parallel (b) always
coincident (c) always intersecting (d) intersecting or coincident
16. If the lines 3x+2ky-2=0 and 2x+5y+1=0 are parallel, then what is the value of k? (a) 4/15
(b) 15/4 (c)4/5 (d) 5/4
17. The height or the length of an object or the distance between two distant objects can be
determined with the help of: (a) Trigonometry angles. (b) Trigonometry ratios (c)
Trigonometry identities. (d) None of the above.
18. The line drawn from the eye of an observer to the point in the object viewed by the observer
is said to be (a) angle of elevation. (b) angle of depression. (c) line of sight. (d)
none of the above.
19. If the height of the building and distance from the building feet to a point is increased by
20% then the angle of elevation on the top of the building is (a) increases (b) decreases
(d) do not change (d) none of the above.
20. In ∆ABC, right angled at B, AB= 24cm BC= 7cm. The value of tan C is (a) 12/7 (b)
24/7 (c) 20/7 (d) 7/ 24
21. (Sin 30°+ Cos 60°) - (Sin 60° + Cos 30°) is equal to (a) 0 (b) 1+2√3 (c) 1-√3
(d) 1+√3
22. The Value of tan 60° / Cot 30°is equal to (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
23. 1-Cos2 A is equal to (a) Sin2 A (b) tan2 A (c) 1-Sin2 A (d) Sec2 A
24. Sin (90°- A) and Cos A are (a) different (b) same (c) not related. (d) none of
the above.
25. If Cos x = 2/3, then x is (a) 5/2 (b) √(5/2). (c) √5 /2 (d) 2/√5
26. If Cos X = a/b, then Sin X is equal to (a) b2 - a2/b (b) b - a/b. (c) √(b2 - a2) / b
(d) √ (b-a) /b
27. The value of Sin 60° Cos 30° + Sin 30° Cos 60° is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2. (d) 4
28. Sin2A = 2SinA is true when A is (a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 0° (d) 60°
29. The angle of elevation of the top of a building from a point on the ground, which is 30m
away from the foot of the building is 30°. The height of the building is (a) 10m (b)
30/√3 m (c) √3/10m (d) 30m
30. Find the equation whose roots are 1/2 and -2/3 (a) 6x2-x+2=0 (b) 6x2- x-2=0 (c)
6x2+x+2=0 (d) 6x2+x-2=0
31. Make M the subject of the equation y=mx+c. (a) m=(y-x)/c (b) m=(y-c)/x (c)
m=x(y-c) (d) m=x(y+c)
32. A cylinder height of 7cm has a curved surface area of 264cm2 . Find the radius of its base.
(Take π = 22/7) (a) 6cm (b) 10cm (c) 15cm (d) 16cm
33. Calculate, correctly to the nearest whole number, the total surface area of a solid cone whose
slant height is 18cm and basic diameter is 34cm. (a) 1780cm2 (b) 1808cm2 (c)
1870cm2 (d) 1970cm2
34.if y varies inversely as x and x=1/2 when y=6. Find y when x=1/3. (a) 1/36 (b) 9
(c) 12 (d) 18
35. Okon won a 200m race in 25 seconds. If he ran at that same rate, how long in minutes would
it take him to complete 800m? (a) 2½ (b) 2 (c) 1⅔ (d) 1
36. Expand (5x+y) (x-3y). (a) 5x2+6xy+ 3y2 (b) 5x2-14xy+3y2 (c) 5x2+14xy-3y2
(d) 5x2-14xy+3y2
37. Solve the following simultaneous equations: 3x=-y and y=x+4 (a) x=1 and y=3 (b)
x=-3 and y=-1 (c) x=-1 and y=3 (d) x=3 and y=1
38. Factorize: p-bq+q-bp (a) (p-q) (1-b) (b) (p+q) (b-1) (c) (p+q) (1-b)
(d) (p+q) (1+b)
39. If m=2, n=3 and p=-2, evaluate [(mn2-p2)/2np) +[m2/(2n+p)] (a) -1/6 (b)2/3 (c) 4/5
(d) 5/3
40. The angle of elevation of the top of a building 30m high from the foot of another building in
the same plane is 60°, and the height of the second tower from its foot is 30m, find the distance
between the two building. (a) 10√3m (b) 15√3m (c) 12√3m (d) 36m
41. If y varies inversely as the cube root of x and y=4, when x=27. Find y when x=8. (a) 6
(b)4 (c) 3. (d) 2
42. If x+2y=7 and 4x+11y=34, by how much is 3y less than 10? (a) 3 (b)4 (c)5
(d) 7
43. Solve the equations 7x2-3x-10=0. (a) -1, 10/7 (b) 1, -10/7 (c) -1, -10/7 (d)
1, 10/7
44. A chord PR of a circle, center O is 2cm long. If PQR= 120°, calculate the radius of the
circle. (a) 16.0cm (b) 13.0cm (c) 11.5cm (d) 11.2cm
45. If y% of a number n equals k, what is 3% of n? (a) k/3y (b)3k/y (c) k/300y
(d) 3k/100y
46. A ladder leans 5m against a vertical wall. The foot of the ladder is 3m from the wall on the
same horizontal ground. Calculate, correctly to the nearest degree, the angle which the ladder
makes with the wall. (a) 35° (b) 37° (c) 38° (d) 39°
47. Simplify: (3/x - 15/2y) ÷ 6/xy (a) (2y-5x)/4 (b) [3(2y-5x)]/(2x2y2) (c) (5x-2y)/4
(d) x2y2/(18y-45x)
48. Simplify: 6⅓ -2¾ + 1⅙ (a) 4 3/4 (b) 4 1/5 (c) 2 1/4 (d) 11/30
49. Given that r=xy/2 and x=v/w. Express r in terms of y, v and w. (a) 2vw/y (b) vw/2y
(c) vwy/2 (d) vy/2w
50. If 2p2 = 1/3 and pq=2, find the values of q (a) -4, 4. (b)-2, 2 (c) 2, 2 (d) 4, 4
I am an undergraduate student of the University of Lagos. This Physics Achievement Tests
(PAT) is currently carried out among ss1 students to compare their performance in physics with
respect to their competent in mathematics. Please answer sincerely the below questions to the
best of your abilities by ticking (✓) the right option in the box provided. Information are highly

Answer all data correctly in this section.
Male ( ) Female ( )
Class: SS 1
Age ( )

Answer all questions in this section.
1. Solid friction, like viscosity is (a) independent of the surface areas in contact (b)
independent of the relative motion between layers. (c) in opposition to motion (d)
dependent on normal reaction.
2. The rising of a liquid in an open-ended glass tube of narrow bore is (a) osmosis (b)
adhesion (c) capillarity (d) surface tension.
3. A body of mass 2kg is released from the rest on a smooth plane inclined at an angle of 60° to
the horizontal. Calculate the acceleration of the body down the plane. (g= 10m/s-2). (a) 3.1
ms-1 (b) 5.2 ms-1 (c) 6.0 ms-1 (d) 8.7 ms-1
4. Which of the following types of thermometers is used for the calibration of other
thermometers? (a) liquid-in-glass thermometers. (b) constant volume had thermometers
(c) optical pyrometers (d) thermocouple.
5. The volume of a given mass of gas at 27°C and 800 mmHg is 76 cm3 . Calculate its volume at
s.t.p (a) 100.0cm (b) 72.8cm (c) 60.0cm (d) 36.4cm
6. A body of mass 11kg is suspended from a celling by an aluminum wire and diameter 2mm.
Calculate the elastic energy stored in the wire. (Young modulus of aluminum is 7.0×1010 Nm-2,
g=10 ms-2 , π = 3.14). (a) 1.1×10-1J (b) 5.5×10-2 J (c) 1.1×10-4 J (d)
5.5×10-6 J
7. The desired unit of pressure can be expressed as. (a) kgms-1 (b) kgm-1 s-2 (c)
kgm-2 s-2 (d) kgm-1 s2
8. A mental ball of weight W falls through a column of glycerin of viscosity V. If the ball
experiences an upthrust U and terminal velocity is attained then... (a) W>U+V (b)
W=U+V (c) W=U-V (d) W<U+V
9. The time of flight for a projectile motion is given by the expression (a) USinθ/g (b)
USinθ/2g. (c) 2USinθ/g (d) USin2θ/g
10. A block of wood density 0.6gcm-1, weighing 3.06N in air, floats freely in a liquid of density
0.9cm-3 (g=10ms-2) (a) 510 cm3 (b) 340 cm3 (c) 254 cm3 (d) 170 cm3
11. Which of the following devices is used to determine the relative density of an acid? (a)
Manometer (b) Hydrometer (c) Hypsometer (d) Hygrometer
12. Which of the following substances is the most volatile at room temperature? (a) water
(b) diesel (c) petrol (d) kerosene
13. A bird flies at 10ms-1 for 3s, 15ms-1 for 3s and 20ms-1 for 4s. Calculate the bird's average
speed (a) 4.5 ms-1 (b)15.0 ms-1 (c) 15.5 ms-1 (d) 51.7 ms-1
14. An object is dropped from the top of a tower. If it takes 4s for it to reach the ground,
calculate the height of the tower (g=10 ms-1, ignore air resistance) (a) 20m (b) 40m
(c) 80m (d) 160m
15. The SI unit of heat is (a) Joule (b) Kelvin (c) Watt (d) Ampere
16. A body is pulled through a distance of 500m by a force of 20N. Of the power developed is
0.4 kW, calculate the time for which the force acts (a) 250.0s (b) 25.0s (c) 2.5s
(d) 0.5s
17. In the formation of sea breeze, wind blows from (a) sky to land (b) sea to sky
(c) land to sea (d) sea to land.
18. A resultant force of magnitude 15N acts on a body of mass 250g. Calculate the magnitude of
the acceleration. (a) 0.06ms-2 (b) 3.75ms-2 (c) 16.67ms-2 (d) 60.00ms-2
19. A simple pendulum makes 50 oscillations in one minute. Determine its period of oscillation.
(a) 0.04s (b) 0.83s (c) 1.20s (d) 50.00s
20. Which of the following factors decreases the rate of evaporation of a liquid? (a) increase
in pressure over the liquid (b) lowering the boiling point (c) decrease in humidity
(d) wind
21. The tendency for a stationary body to continue to remain at rest when a force is applied to it
is known as (a) Friction (b) Impulse (c) Inertia (d) momentum.
22. A car accelerates uniformly from rest at 3ms-2, it's velocity after travelling a distance of 24m
is (a) 144ms-1 (b) 72ms-1 (c) 36ms-1 (d) 12ms1
23. Which type of motion do the wheels of a moving car undergo? (a) Random and
Translational motion. (b) Rotational and Oscillatory motion (c) Translational and
Rotational motion (d) Vibrational and Translational motion.
24. One of the conditions necessary for an object to be in equilibrium when acted upon by a
number of parallel forces is that the vector sum of the forces is (a) zero (b) negative
(c) positive (d) average
25. An object of mass 20kg is released from a height of 10m above the ground level. The kinetic
energy of the object just before it hits the ground is (g= 10ms-2) (a) 4 000J (b) 2 000J
(c) 500J (d) 200J
26. A force of 500N is applied to a steel wire of cross-sectional area 0.2m2 the tensile stress is
(a) 1.0×102 Nm-2 (b) 1.0×103 Nm-2 (c) 2.5×10-3 Nm-2 (d) 2.5 ×104 Nm-2
27. An objects of the weight 80kg on earth is taken to a planet where the acceleration due to
gravity is one-third of its value on earth. The weight of the object on the planet is (a) 12N
(b) 27N (c) 36N (d) 48N
28. A satellite move in a circular orbit of radius 4R round the earth. The acceleration of the
satellite in terms of g is (a) 4/g (b) g/4 (c) g/16 (d) 16/g
29. A satellite revolving around the earth is kept on its orbit by (a) centrifugal forces only
(b) centripetal forces only (c)centripetal and frictional forces (d) centripetal and
centrifugal forces
30. The efficiency of a machine is 70%. Calculate the work done using this machine to raise a
load of 10kg through a vertical height of 2.0m (g=10ms-2) (a) 2000J (b) 3000J (c)
1500J (d) 1000J
31. A piece of cork floats in water because (a) the upthrust on it when completely immersed
in water is greater than its weight in air (b) the surface of the water acts like an elastic skin
(c) the upthrust on it when completely immersed in water is equal to its weight in air (d)
there is no upthrust on it when completely immersed in water.
32. Which of the following types of thermometers is used for the calibration of other
thermometers? (a) liquid-in-glass thermometers (b) constant volume thermometer
(c) optical pyrometers (d) thermocouple
33. The total area under a force-velocity graph represents (a) energy (b) momentum
(c) power (d) pressure
34. A body of mass 20g projected vertically upwards in vacuum returns to the point of projection
after 1.2s (g=10ms-2 ). Calculate the speed of projection. (a) 0.6ms-1 (b) 1.2ms-1
(c) 6.0ms-1 (d) 12.0ms-1
35. Which of the following units is equivalent to Watt? a kgms-2 b kgm2s-3 c
kgm2s-2 d kgm2s-1
36. Which of the following statements about pressure in a liquid is correct? (a) the pressure
in a liquid increase with depth (b) the higher the density of a liquid, the lower the
pressure it exerts (c) pressure in a liquid act only in direction perpendicular to the sides
of the containing vessel (d) pressure is independent of acceleration due to gravity.
37. The maximum displacement on either side of the equilibrium position of an object in simple
harmonic motion represents (a) period (b) amplitude (c) wavelength
(d) frequency
38. Which of the following statements about waves in pipe is correct? (a) for open pipes,
there is only one end correction to be accounted for (b) only odd harmonics are possible
in closed pipes. (c) for close pipes, there are two end correction to be accounted for.
(d) all harmonics are possible in closed pipes.
39. A string under tension produces a note of frequency 14Hz, determine the frequency when the
tension is quadrupled (a) 14Hz (b) 16Hz (c) 28Hz (d) 56Hz
40. When two waves are superimposed on each other, the following occurrences are possible
except (a) nodal lines (b) anti-nodal lines (c) stationary waves (d)
41. Which of the following properties of waves is exclusive to transverse waves (a) reflection
(b) interference (c) diffraction (d) polarization.
42. What force has to be exerted on a mass 60kg to give it an acceleration of 10ms-2 vertically
upwards? (a) 600N (b) 1200N (c) 400N (d) 300N
43. A progressive wave is represented by y=10 Sin(1000t- πx/34). Two layers of the wave
separated by 153cm have a phase difference of (a) 270° (b) 45° (c) 90°
(d) 180°
44. A current of 20 A flows through a cable whose resistance is 5 ohms. Calculate the electric
power dissipated. (a) 2×102 W (b) 2×104 W (c) 1×103 W
(d)1×102 W
45. The difference time rates of flow of fluids is due to (a) cohesive force (b)
adhesive force (c) viscous force (d) surface tension
46. A body weighs 50N in air displaces 3.7kg of water when partially immersed in water.
Calculate the upthrust on the body (a) 37.0N (b) 87.0N (c) 13.0N (d)
47. The movement of fluid up or down a narrow tube is (a) osmosis (b) Brownian
motion (c) capillarity (d) diffusion
48. The equation of a certain progressive wave is y=2 Sin2π (t/0.01- x/30) where x and y are in
cm and t in seconds. Calculate the period of the wave (a) 0.001s (b) 0.010s (c)
10.000s d 100.000s
49. The thermopile is a device for detecting (a) radioactive radiations (b) radiant energy
(c) X-rays (d) the presence of electrons.
50. A girls stand on a scale in a lift. If the reading on the scale is less than her weight, then the
lift is moving (a) upward at uniform speed (b) upward with uniform acceleration
(c) downward with uniform speed (d) downward with uniform acceleration.


1. D
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. D
18. D
19. C
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. B
29. D
30. A
31. C
32. A
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. A
37. B
38. C
39. D
40. D
41. D
42. B
43. A
44. A
45. C
46. A
47. C
48. B
49. B
50. D


1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. D
31. B
32. A
33. A
34. B
35. C
36. B
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. C
41. A
42. B
43. B
44. A
45. B
46. B
47. A
48. A
49. D
50. A

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