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Cosmetic Dermatology Pioneer

Dr. Marie Hayag

of aging, including your risk of elasticity and they should use vitamin C and wear sunscreen, vacy with Nutrigenomix. “Number one, I want
collagen loss, fine lines and wrinkles, age- but whether they listen to me or not is another people to know that the results are private, and
Skin Genomics RX
related pigment spots, as well as a wide array of thing. However, if I tell them through this report only I know what the results are through these
Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marie
other related aging risks. For Dr. Hayag, a look that they’re more prone to aging, wrinkles, and barcodes, and that the data that is taken from
Hayag makes it her mission to deliver ex-
into them is a look into the skin’s health and sunspots due to their diminished genetic ca- the test is not shared with any third parties,”
ceptional cutting-edge dermatological care
aging, and according to Dr. Hayag, “genes don’t pacity to protect against oxidation and stress, it says Dr. Hayag.
and treatment to her patients. Attending the
lie.” Genetic skin testing can be a key to help might leave them thinking, ‘Wow, then I should
recent Miami Cosmetic Surgery Conference,
slow the aging process and to keep your skin be using this product.’” What’s Next?
she learned about Nutrigenomix’s new DNA
in top condition. “My patients are very excited The popularity of Dr. Hayag’s new Skin
testing. “I immediately contacted them, since
about this. I just recently started the testing, Health is Wealth Genomics RX service is growing quickly. When
as a physician, I like to stay on top of all the new
and the response has been tremendous,” says While Dr. Hayag’s focus is on the dermatolog- Dr. Hayag placed one of the largest initial
scientific developments and advances in medi-
Dr. Hayag, who is providing her patients with ical aspects and individual treatment plan, the orders for a two-month supply that Nutrig-
cine and those specific to my specialization of
this new service that will not only enhance their genetic report also tests and makes recommen- enomix’s has ever seen, the tests ran out in two
dermatology to enhance patient outcomes,” she
skin health, but their overall well-being. dations specific to weight management, body weeks. While currently only offered at her 5th
explained. “That’s what led me to Nutrigeno-
composition, cardiometabolic health, food Avenue office, Dr. Hayag also plans to bring
mix, which utilizes exclusive, state-of-the-art
How Does it Work? intolerances, fitness performance, and injury the Nutrigenomix DNA testing to her Palm
genetic testing specific to your skin.” Now, Dr.
The DNA test itself is a simple saliva test that risk. Which is why the test also includes a nutri- Beach office, as well as to patients’ own homes.
Hayag is the sole dermatologist in New York
is also very comprehensive, evaluating 70 dif- tional analysis and a one-on-one consultation “This is an easy test that I can take anywhere. I
who offers Nutrigenomix’s DNA testing in
ferent genes. With the Skin Genomics RX plan, with a certified dietician. “I think that when we could send the test kit to a patient in Alaska if
order to curate patient-specific, personalized
10 to 14 days after the test is taken, Dr. Hayag do these types of tests, it’s important to know needed,” explained Dr. Hayag. Additionally, as
skincare. “As soon as I found out about the test,
will review the results of the genetic analysis to that what we eat has a lot to do with our general the science expands, Dr. Hayag plans to con-
my husband and I did it the same day,” she says.
craft a precise, personalized medical skincare health and our overall skin health; we are what tinue adding new gene testing as it is released
“It was amazing.”
treatment plan “as tailored as your individual we eat, it really is true, and you see it after you to offer to her patients.
DNA profile” to optimize results to prevent the read your report,” says Dr. Hayag.
Genes Don’t Lie
skin’s aging and how to best maintain the well-
Genes are the fortune tellers of the scientific
ness of your skin’s youthful appearance into the Discretion Assured
world. Through genetic testing specific to your
future. It is easier for the report to do the talking Unlike other genetic testing, such as
skin, the report identifies how your genes can
Dr. Marie Hayag
as Dr. Hayag states, “I can tell everyone that 23andMe, there is no concern about patient pri-
influence your skin’s ability to combat the signs

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