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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1952, 15, 227.


Fronm the Neurosurgical Departments of St. George's Hospital, Lonidoni,
and the Maida Vale Hlospitalfor Nervous Diseases, Londonz

The serious disorders of nervous function which prolapses as reckoned by Love and Kiefer (1950)
may result from central protrusions of the inter- in the cases at the Mayo Clinic. It is of interest
vertebral disc are exemplified in the thoracic region that among these 250 cases there were also 14
of the spine where this type of prolapse has acquired patients with central lumbar disc protrusions
-a sinister reputation, and the few cases treated by producing cauda equina compression and 15 central
operation that have so far been reported bear cervical protrusions with spinal cord involvement.
witness to the severe damage that these protrusions
inflict on the spinal cord and to the grave hazards Site
attending their surgical removal. Thus, of Muller's There are 12 thoracic intervertebral discs, the
(1951) four cases, three were left after operation first lying between the first and second thoracic
with a complete or almost complete transection of vertebrae and the twelfth between the last thoracic

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the cord, and the fourth after a slight temporary and first lumbar vertebrae, and the portion of the
improvement also developed a total paraplegia. spinal cord which is exposed to compression by
Of Hawk's (1936) three patients who survived central protrusions of these discs extends from the
operation, all with severe pre-operative spinal cord third thoracic to the fifth lumbar spinal segment.
damage, one was made worse by, and the other Fig. 1 shows the disc levels at which the protrusions
two showed no benefit from, surgery. Mixter and
Barr (1934) reported three cases, two of which
developed a total transverse lesion and the third
eventually showed slight improvement. So of
10 cases of central thoracic disc prolapse treated
surgically, six were left with virtually complete cord
transection and there was little or no worthwhile
improvement in the other four, a unique morbidity
rate among benign compression lesions of the cord.
It is my purpose to describe a series of 11 cases
all proven by operation which does to some extent
confirm this grave picture, but also reveals that it is
possible to make an accurate pre-operative diagnosis
of this type of hemiation and to remove a certain
number of these protruding discs not only without
further damage to the spinal cord but with almost
complete restitution of neurological function.
These 11 cases have appeared in a modest total of
250 disc protrusions at all levels, an incidence of FIG. I.-The figures on the left refer to the 11 cases in this series.
4%h for thoracic prolapse, which is a greatly exag- The list of 43 on the right includes an additional 32 reported
gerated one owing to the restricted choice of cases cases: Bradford and Spurling (1945) one; Elsberg (1931) two;
Hawk (1936) four; Love and Kiefer (1950) 17, including three
for admission; the true proportion is probably in of lateral disc protrusion; Mixter and Barr (1934) four cases;
the neighbourhood of two or three per 1,000 disc and Muller (1951) four cases.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
have occurred. The list on the left of the diagram histories at the end of this paper. A study of them
refers to this series of 11 cases. To obtain a more confirms what might have been expected; that
accurate picture an additional 32 reported cases, there are no symptoms or signs which are charac-
verified by operation or necropsy, have been teristic of compression of the spinal cord by a
collected making a combined total of 43, which is thoracic disc prolapse and that they do not differ
shown in the list to the right of the diagram. This materially from those produced by spinal neo-
demonstrates that central protrusions are confined plasms. The following case illustrates some of the
to the lower nine intervertebral discs without, common clinical features of the condition and also
however, a predilection for any two of them as the pitfalls that may beset the diagnosis in the early
pertains in the lumbar and cervical regions. stages.
Sex, Age, and Trauma Case 11.-A man aged 45, a research chemist, seven
months before admission developed pain in his back
Table I shows that there are nine men and two at about the dorsi-lumbar junction, slightly to the left
women in the series, in accord with the general rule of the midline. It was intermittent, had an aching
that disc protrusions at any level tend to be more character, and was made worse when lying down, but
common in males. This predominance is confirmed, was unaffected by coughing and straining. He had
but on a lesser scale, by the larger group of 43 cases sustained no injury to his spine.
in which the ratio is as five to three. It is also A few days later numbness appeared in the right thigh
apparent from this table that thoracic disc prolapse and quickly spread down the leg to the toes and
is a disease of middle and late adult life, the youngest upwards to the level of the umbilicus. Two weeks
later the right leg became stiff, weak, and unreliable
patient being 38 years old and the average age of so that he tended to fall. He was investigated at another
the whole series 50 years. hospital two months after the onset of symptoms and
was found to have a spastic right leg with increased
TABLE I reflexes in both legs and a right extensor plantar response.

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SEX, AGE, AND INCIDENCE OF TRAUMA IN 11 CASES There was patchy impairment of sensation to pain and
light touch over the right leg and the inner side of the
Case SxAe
Sex Age History of left ankle. Lumbar puncture at that time showed
No. Trauma
no evidence of spinal block and the fluid contained
1 Male 48 Yes three cells and 25 mg. % of protein. He was thought to
2 Male 44 No
3 Male 38 Yes be suffering from atypical disseminated sclerosis and
4 Male 52 No was sent home. His symptoms progressed steadily
5 Male 62 No
6 Female 44 No and five months after the onset weakness and numbness
7 Female 63 Yes appeared in the left leg and he also developed urgency
8 Male 54 No
9 Male 61 No of micturition and difficulty in defaecation.
10 Male 44 No
11 Male 45 No
Neurological Examination.-There was a little weak-
ness in the lower abdominal muscles and considerable
Direct or indirect trauma plays little part in the weakness of both legs with increased tone, more marked
aetiology of prolapse in this region of the spine. on the right, and sustained ankle clonus. Coordination
In only three of these patients was there any possible was grossly impaired.
The abdominal reflexes were absent. The knee and
association with injury. In one patient (Case 1) ankle jerks were exaggerated, more so on the right.
the first symptom of back pain, which preceded the Both plantar responses were extensor.
onset of neurological signs by 10 years, appeared There was a level at the seventh thoracic dermatome
while he was lifting some heavy weights. In the on both sides below which there was some impairment
second (Case 3) back pain appeared a few days after of pain sense and a more definite level at the tenth
an episode of vigorous gardening and was followed dermatome below which there was considerable impair-
five months later by cord compression. The third ment to pain, light touch, and temperature, but not
patient (Case 7) twisted her back while turning complete loss. Position sense was absent at the toes
suddenly and her first symptoms appeared next day. and reduced at the ankles. Vibration sense was absent
In the remaining eight cases there was no history over the right tibia and reduced on the left.
He was just able to walk without support, but very
of injury or unusual exertion and the patients were unsteadily on a wide base.
otherwise in normal health. He was later proved to have a prolapse from the
ninth-tenth intervertebral -disc. (The details of investiga-
Clinical Features tion are described at the end of this paper.)
A description the neurological findings in each
of In general the symptoms of cord compression
of these patients appears in some detail in the case appeared in the chronological order of sensory
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
(pain, tingling, burning, coldness, or numbness), higher (four segments) than that of the spinal
motor, and sphincter, and once begun the course segment actually under compression and gave rise
was that of a relentless and fairly rapid progression to some confusion in localization. This phenomenon
so that in eight of the 11 cases the time elapsing has been previously noted in thoracic prolapse
from the first symptom of compression to the (Hawk, 1936) and is of course well recognized,
development of a marked neurological deficit although not satisfactorily explained, in association
warranting surgery was less than seven months. with spinal neoplasm and in cervical disc prolapse.
As exceptions to this rule there were three cases Sphincter disturbance was not a prominent
(Nos. 6, 4, and 7) with histories of 14 months, two symptom and, except for one case, when it did
years, and 10 years respectively, and in the last of occur it appeared late in the course of the com-
these the course did show some remittent features. pression. In six patients there were no bladder or
Among the first group of eight cases there were rectal disturbances whatsoever, often despite severe
three (Cases 5, 8, 9), and these will be referred to weakness of the legs. In three cases there was mild
again when dealing with the mechanics of com- urgency or dribbling on micturition, and in only
pression, in which the symptoms of a severe para- two cases, both with gross paraplegia, was there loss
plegia developed acutely in the course of several of sphincter control (Cases 7 and 10).
days, but in only one (Case 9) was a recent soft disc
prolapse found at operation. In the other two Pain
cases the protrusion was bony hard and had A feature of central disc prolapse which is
obviously been present for a considerable time, common to the cervical and thoracic regions is the
probably years, and the sudden appearance of a inconstant association of pain, either local or
paraplegia was thought to be due to interference radicular. In nearly half of these cases (five out of
with the blood supply to the cord. 11) there was no complaint of pain at any time in
In most of the patients the symptoms started in the evolution of the clinical picture. Of the six
both legs at the same time, or if they did appear

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patients who did experience pain, four (Cases 1, 3,
first in one leg the other was soon involved, so that 9, and 11) felt it locally in the back, where it prece1ed
by the time of admission to hospital neurological the onset of cord symptoms by a variable time
examination revealed signs indicative of com- ranging in the individual case from a few hours to
pression of both halves of the spinal cord. In 10 years. The pain was felt in the midline of the
three patients, however (Cases 1, 2, 3), the presenting spine, sometimes extending a little to one side, and
neurological picture was that of a Brown-Sequard was located in the upper lumbar or thoraco-lumbar
syndrome, resulting from compression of one half regions irrespective of the level of the prolapse.
of the spinal cord by a prolapse situated just to one It was usually described as having an aching
side of the midline of the spinal canal. That pro- character, was not particularly severe, and often
truded cervical discs could cause either bilateral or occurred in attacks similar to lumbar disc pain.
strictly unilateral cord compression was noted some In the remaining two patients (Cases 5 and 8) the
years ago by Stookey (1928) and in practice this prolapse was at the D.12/L.1 level and nerve root
distinction is not as artificial as it may at first pain was produced which had a characteristic
appear. This observation of Stookey's also holds distribution extending from the upper lumbar
true for the thoracic region, but here the hemi- region down the front and back of each lower limb
compression syndromes are proportionately less as far as the ankle, but predominating in the anterior
frequent and not so clearly defined as with cervical aspect of the thighs. This radiation was explained
protrusions because of the larger size of the thoracic by the location of the prolapse where it was anato-
prolapse relative to the smaller bulk of the spinal mically possible for it to involve the majority of the
cord in this region. In the three representative lumbar and also the upper sacral nerve roots as
cases mentioned above the syndromes are by no they lie closely grouped together round the conus
means complete. medullaris.
In the sensory field, as would be expected with an
anteriorly situated lesion, pain and temperature Investigations
sense were more affected than light touch and the Changes in the Cerebrospinal Fluid.-Table 11
modalities subserved by the posterior columns; in illustrates the degree of block on manometry and
fact in some cases the latter structures were practi- the protein content of the cerebrospinal fluid in the
cally uninvolved. 11 cases. Five of the patients had a complete or
One patient (Case 11) showed sensory impairment almost complete spinal manometric block with, in
extending up to a dermatome level considerably the four cases in which it was recorded, considerable
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
TABLE II Of these 11 cases of thoracic prolapse, no less than
MANOMETRIC CHANGES AND PROTEIN CONTENT OF eight showed unequivocal calcification in a nucleus
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID pulposus. The significance of this finding was
brought out by a study of the radiographs of the
Case Manometric Protein Content of C.S.F. thoracic spine of 100 cases of similar age group
No. Results (mg. per 100 ml.)
who had had radiographs taken because of local
I No block
2 No block Not recorded spinal symptoms resulting from injury, arthritis,
3 Partial block 30 etc., and in which nuclear calcification was observed
4 Complete block Yellow fluid; protein
content not recorded in only four instances compared with an incidence
5 Complete block Yellow fluid 175
6 Complete block 95 of over 70% with disc prolapse.
7 Complete block 150 Again, in 25 patients suffering from thoracic
8 Almost complete block 200
9 Partial block
Partial block
spinal compression by neoplasms such as neuro-
11 No block 50 fibromata, meningiomata, and metastasic tumours,
drawn from a similar age group, there were no
elevation of the protein content of the cerebrospinal instances of nuclear calcification.
fluid to 200, 175, 150, and 95 mg. per 100 ml. The calcified disc, however, is not necessarily
respectively. A partial block or "sticky" mano- strictly related to the level of the prolapse. Table III
metrics was recorded in three patients (Cases 9, 3, III
and 10) with a protein content of 100, 20, and 30 mg. INTERVERTEBRAL DISCTABLE LEVEL OF CALCIFICATION,
per 100 ml. In the remaining three cases there RELATIONSHIP TO THE SITE OF PROLAPSE, AND MYELO-
was no evidence of block and the cerebrospinal GRAPHIC APPEARANCES
fluid protein was 55 and 50 mg. per 100 ml. Level of Myelographic
Level of Disc
respectively in the two cases in which it was recorded. Case No. Prolapse Calcification Appearances
It should also be noted that in two of the patients 1 D 9/10 D 9/10 Oval defect 2 x 1-5 cm.

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(Cases 4 and 11) both the cerebrospinal fluid and 2 D 8/9
D 8/9
D 8/9
D 8/9and9/10
Partial block
Oval filling defect
the hydro-dynamics were completely normal at a 4 D 6/7 D 6/7 Complete block
time when considerable neurological damage was 5 D 12/1 D 8/9 Complete block
6 D 8/9 D 8/9 Circular filling defect
present. The former patient went on to develop a 15 cm. diam.
Partial block
7 D 10/11 No calcification
total spinal block a year later and removal of the 8 D 12/1 No calcification Complete block
disc at that stage aggravated the paraplegia. 9 D 10/11 No calcification Complete block
10 D 8/9 D 8/9 _
Perhaps the important deduction from these D 9/10 _
D 10/11
findings is not that thoracic disc prolapse can D 11/12 Partial block
cause a complete spinal block but that in the early 11 D 9/10 D 9/10 Oval filling defect
2xl15 cm.
stages of the condition the manometrics and
cerebrospinal fluid may be entirely normal, and
even in the later stages of gross neurological disa- shows that in five of these eight patients the calci-
bility there may be at most a partial block or a fication occurred only in the nucleus pulposus of
slight increase in the protein content. the disc which had actually herniated. In two
other patients there were several calcified discs
Radiology.-In contrast to the clinical features (Cases 2 and 4 respectively) of which one in each
of prolapsed thoracic discs, which are of little value case corresponded to the site of the prolapse. In
in positive diagnosis, some of the radiographic the final case the calcification was present in a
changes form a reliable guide, and it should be single nucleus but this was situated four disc spaces
possible by this means to make a pre-operative above the protrusion. It would seem that nuclear
diagnosis in the majority of cases. calcification in the thoracic region is indicative of a
Arthritic lipping of the vertebral bodies in the degenerative change of such a nature as to render
thoracic spine, and often in the lumbar region as the disc liable to prolapse, but this change may also
well, is frequently seen in these patients but appears be present in other discs as yet uncalcified, and it
to be no more common or -more extensive than may happen that prolapse occurs from one of the
that observed in patients of this age group without latter.
disc prolapse. Narrowing of the affected disc was In a person suffering from spinal cord com-
not a constant feature and in fact was often seen in pression in the thoracic region calcification of a
discs which had not protruded. nucleus pulposus is an important finding, and as a
With regard to calcification of the nucleus general guide it may be stated that if the segmental
pulposus, however, it is an entirely different story. level of the lesion corresponds with a calcified
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
nucleus then the diagnosis of a protruded disc is Mechanics of Spinal Cord Compression
practically certain, and even when the segmental It is pertinent at this stage to enquire briefly into
level does not correspond a herniation is still the the means whereby the herniated disc produces
most likely diagnosis. interference with cord function. In some cases
The calcification is best seen in the lateral view. there is manifestly a true compression as a result
Its appearance in the nucleus has no specific of the large size of the protrusion which may occupy
features and, as Figs. 2, 3, and 4 demonstrate, it the greater part of the diameter of the spinal canal
varies considerably. It may consist of a uniformly and squeeze the cord backwards against the lamina
dense plaque which occupies part or the whole of and ligamentum flavum. In other cases, however,
the nucleus (Fig. 2) or it may be arranged in the form the prolapse may be relatively small and incapable
of flakes or granules (Figs. 3 and 4). of " compressing " the cord as a whole, and another
At operation the periphery of some of the pro- explanation has to be sought. This problem has
trusions was found to be quite heavily calcified, but previously arisen with regard to cervical disc lesions,
it has been possible in only one (Case 6 and Fig. 5) and two explanations have been put forward. One
to demonstrate this circular rim by radiography.
In the others the shadow was presumably too faint concerns the ligamenta denticulata and the other
to be discerned amid the dense bone in the vicinity. the blood supply to the spinal cord.
Kahn (1947) made the suggestion that the liga-
Myelography.-The thoracic region is notoriously menta denticulata resisted the backward displace-
difficult to screen, partly owing to the superimposed ment of the cord and produced traction on, and
shadows of the heart and great vessels which tend to distortion of, the nerve fibres in the vicinity of the
obscure detail, and partly owing to the convexity of attachment of the ligaments to the transverse
this portion of the spinal column, which is accen- meridian of the cord. This may well be the
tuated in these older patients. As soon as the explanation of the neurological signs in some of the
cervical disc compressions, particularly in those

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contrast material runs over the thoracic hump
whether going up or down the spinal canal it tends cases which present with almost exclusive involve-
to glide rapidly over the remaining vertebrae to gain ment of the pyramidal tracts.
the lordosis of the lumbar or cervical regions, often In some cases of thoracic (and cervical) disc
breaking up into globules as it does so, and during compressions, however, it has been proposed that
this rapid flow it is possible to overlook the small interference with the blood supply is the basis of the
filling defects which may be the only sign of a pathological change, in particular as a result of
thoracic prolapse. obstruction or occlusion of the main arterial
Table III shows that on myelographic screening trunk-the anterior spinal artery. This would best
of these 11 cases four showed a complete block explain (1) the appearance of a neurological picture
which often had a convex border to it (Fig. 6 and resembling that which occurs in known cases of
Case 9). Of the remaining seven, three revealed a anterior spinal arterial thrombosis ; (2) the abrupt
partial block without characteristic features and in onset in some patients of extensive damage to the
four the only evidence of a disc was a filling defect cord when at operation a hard prolapse evidently
'in the column of contrast material. This filling of very long standing is found; (3) the occurrence
defect has quite typical features (Fig. 7). It is of degenerative changes amounting to necrosis of
circular or oval in shape, varying from 1-5 to 2 cm. the cord substance; and (4) the severe damage
in diameter, and overlies the intervertebral disc inflicted on the cord out of all proportion to the
space and adjacent portions of the vertebral bodies. size of the protrusion, and the poor recovery that
If good lateral views can be obtained (and this is may result despite the complete removal of. the
often very difficult) it is usually possible to demon- prolapse.
strate that the obstruction lies anteriorly. It was therefore with the hope that some light
In two of the patients (Cases 3 and 8) in the would be thrown on this problem that the spinal
lateral view of the myelogram a " double profile " cord in the one patient coming to necropsy (Case 6)
could be seen at the level of the affected disc (Fig. was examined, but it was clearly shown in this case
8), an appearance which depends on the prolapse that there were no demonstrable changes in the
being situated to one side of the midline so that main vessel which could be invoked as the cause of
part of the contrast medium runs over the convexity the neurological picture or of the post-operative
of the prolapse and part runs in the dural gutter transverse lesion.
alongside it, giving two levels which may be as The patient had a 14-month history of pro-
much as a centimetre apart. gressive paraplegia and developed a total transverse


Kb|i-#.?:Ga,~t/ FIGg.raph
FIG. 2.-Lateral radiograph of the thoracic spine in Case 10
showing the dense calcification in the nucleus pulposus
of three of the four calcified discs.




FiG. 4.-Lateral radiograph of Case 6 showing the granular

appearance of the calcification in the nucleus of the
eighth-ninth intervertebral disc.
FIG. 3.-Lateral radiograph of Case 11 Flaky calcification
is present in the nucleus pulposus of the ninth-tenth
intervertebral disc.

|1_i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r . 5. A t



5.-Antero-posterior radio-
of Case 6 to show the
ing of calcification in the
wall of the prolapse from
ninth-tenth intervertebral
te io


J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.

FiG. 6.-Myelogram of Case 9 illustrating the complete

obstruction just below the tenth-eleventh disc with a
convex lower border. It was similarly outlined from

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lesion after operation, succumbing nine months

later. The spinal cord, dura, and prolapse were FIG. 7.-Myelogram of Case 11 showing the typical oval
filling defect at the level of the calcified disc (D 9/10).
removed in one piece and then sectioned en bloc
(Fig. 9). The extreme distortion of the fibre tracts
is well shown but the anterior spinal artery, although
in close apposition to the prolapse, is quite patent
without any thickening of its wall, and this appear-
ance was confirmed at higher and lower levels. The
anterior spinal vein also showed no evidence of
Surgical Results
The results of surgery in these cases are not such
as to foster complacency. There were in all five
bad results (Cases 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7) and two of these
patients died.
Of these five patients, three (Cases 5, 6, and 7),
all severely disabled before operation, developed a
total transection post-operatively. One (Case 5)
died four months later from urinary sepsis without
having made any neurological improvement. Case 6
showed slight recovery in motor power and pain
sensation and then died nine months after
operation from urinary sepsis and bed-sores. The
third patient (Case 7), who showed gross degenera-
tive changes in the spinal cord at operation, has
made no recovery in four years. The prolapse was
excised completely in the first case but in the other FIo. 8 Lateral radiograph of the myelogram in Case 3.
two surgical intervention was confined to a Calcification is present at the eighth-ninth and ninth-
decompression. tenth disc levels. The double profile of the contrast
medium outlines the prolapse which has occurred from
the upper less calcified, disc.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.

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Two patients (Cases 2 and 4), both showing the spinal cord, as manifested by the severity of the
macroscopical degenerative changes in the cord neurological disability, the large size of the pro-
substance at operation, and the latter with a severe trusion, and visible degenerative changes.
pre-operative paraplegia, were rendered worse by The remaining six patients present a happier
removal of the protrusion and then made slow, picture.
incomplete recoveries over several years so that they Case 8.-This man had a severe paraplegia so that
were eventually able to get about with the aid of he was able to walk only a few steps and then with
sticks. Six years after operation Case 4 again severe pain in the back and legs. Sensation was less
retrogressed to an almost total paraplegia, possibly affected. Surgery was limited to a decompression as
from further protrusion of the disc. the protrusion was of bony hardness. This procedure
Study of these five cases reveals that in addition to seems to have arrested the progress of the condition
their tragic outcome they had several other features and there has been slight improvement in so far that
he is able to get about his house in reasonable comfort
in common. The first of these was the severity of and can walk distances up to 200 yards with a stick
the neurological disability before operation; and and stand for periods up to half-an-hour. Sphincter
four of these five patients had gross paraplegias at control is normal.
the time of admission to hospital. The second Case 1.-In this case there was evidence of a fairly
feature was the size of the compressing lesion, and severe Brown-Sequard syndrome. Most of the disc
again four of these cases, out of five in the whole prolapse was excised; this temporarily exacerbated the
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
physical signs, but in the 12 months since operation without risk of further injury to the nervous struc-
he has made steady improvement. He is now able to tures. However, a recent report by Allen (1952)
walk distances up to two miles and has returned to work suggests that it is possible to remove these spurs
driving a van. Bladder control is practically normal by the technique he describes without increasing
and his original back pain, present for 10 years, has the damage to the cord, and it may be that a more
disappeared. radical attitude will be taken in the future.
Case 10.-This patient was grossly disabled and was In the surgical approach the most important
unable to lift his legs against gravity. There was dense factor is an accurate pre-operative diagnosis and the
sensory loss and retention of urine and faeces. A knowledge from the start that one is dealing with a
complete removal of the prolapse was carried out. It discal hernia. This knowledge should ensure
is now two and a half years since operation. He is removal of the lamina with the utmost caution and
able to walk 500 yards with the aid of sticks and has so prevent any further compression of the cord
returned to full-time sedentary work. Some urgency
of micturition persists but bowel control is normal. against the unyielding prolapse during the exposure.
Other technical points are: that the laminectomy
Case 11.-This man had a similar but slightly less should be extensive consisting of at least three,
severe neurological deficit. The major part of this preferably four, laminae; in a narrow spinal canal
prolapse was removed but the right hand margin was I have no hesitation in removing the pedicle on the
inaccessible. It is now three and a half years since side of the maximum protrusion to gain a more
operation and for the last two and a half he has been
back at full work and can walk and run normally, and lateral approach; all the ligamenta denticulata
drives a car. His only residual symptom is that of a in the operative field should be divided. It is
sensation of cramp and tightness in the muscles of the perhaps hardly necessary to emphasize the extreme
left leg and subjective numbness of the feet. gentleness required in lifting up the edge of the
Case 9.-This patient showed considerable motor
spinal cord to gain access to the hernia, and for this
weakness with milder posterior column sensory impair- reason it is best to remove the prolapse by the

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ment as a result of an acute prolapse of softened nucleus intradural route so that the minimal displacement
pulposus, which was completely excised. At 10 months of the cord that is permitted can be kept under
after operation he can walk any distance with one stick. direct control. The soft central area of the prolapse
He has no pain or sensory change and sphincter control is usually easily removed but the hard rim may
is normal. require to be excised piecemeal with a fine gouge.
Case 3.-This was the youngest patient in the series Once the protrusion has been exposed a decision
and presented with a mild Brown-Sequard syndrome. has to be made either to attempt its removal or to be
The disc was totally excised. It is now three years since content with a decompression with or without
operation and for the last two and a half of them he has division of the ligamenta denticulata. If there is an
been back at full work, and can walk, run, dance, area of necrosis in the cord, and this is a most
and dig as well as he ever did. His remaining symptoms ominous sign even when the associated neurological
are those of a sensation of tightness in the calves and deficit is not severe (Case 2), a decompression is all
some loss of potency. that should be done. If the type of prolapse is that
This last case represents the best result obtained in of the transverse bony spur it is again probably
this series and is perhaps accounted for by the short safer not to attempt a radical excision (but this view
history of compression (two and a half months), a
small prolapse, and the absence of degenerative change may require modification in the future). On the
in the cord at operation. other hand, if the cord is not grossly abnormal and
the prolapse has the more usual rounded, some-
Surgical Management times mushroom, shape it is imperative to remove it
The surgery of compressing lesions which lie entirely for it is only by this means that any con-
anterior to the spinal cord is never easy and is made siderable recovery in neurological function can
immeasurably more difficult in disc prolapse by the result.
changes produced in the cord which render it It is evident that the reputation these central
vulnerable even to the slightest surgical trauma. thoracic disc protrusions have acquired is not
In addition the anatomical relationship of the cord undeserved. It is only by early diagnosis before
to the protrusion (Fig. 9) makes access extremely permanent changes occur in the spinal cord that an
difficult. The consistency of the prolapse is some- improvement in surgical results will be obtained,
times another hazard, for it may be composed of a and this should be possible, if with a progressive
small central area of cartilage set between bony thoracic spinal lesion the significance of a calcified
spurs which project from the vertebrae above and nucleus pulposus is appreciated, and myelography
below (Case 7), and which cannot be chiselled away with careful screening is undertaken at a stage when
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
the manometrics and cerebrospinal fluid may well light touch in the left leg. After 10 days the bladder
be normal. recovered and power and sensation improved.
Case Histories At one year after operation the patient can walk two
miles with a stick and has returned to full work driving
The post-operative condition of the 11 patients is a van. Bladder control is practically normal. The
described mainly in terms of recovery of function original back pain has gone. Improvement still
and the finer details of neurological examination continues.
are omitted.
The first three cases are examples of incomplete Case 2.-A man aged 44, a van driver, six months
before admission developed a sensation of coldness and
Brown-Sequard syndromes. numbness on the outer side of the left leg below the
Case 1.-A man aged 48, a greengrocer, four months knee, which had persisted but not extended. There
before admission developed numb feeling in both legs had been weakness and stiffness of the right leg and
followed in a few days by weakness, particularly in the similar changes in the left leg for six weeks, but no pain,
left leg, which progressed steadily. He had no sphincter no sphincter disturbance, and no spinal injury.
disturbance. Ten years previously, after lifting a heavy Neurological Examination.-There was moderate
weight pain appeared in the upper lumbar region and generalized weakness in the right leg and increased tone,
had occurred intermittently ever since. It had an with ankle and patella clonus. In the left leg power,
aching character, did not radiate, and was not severe, tone, and coordination were normal.
usually being relieved by the application of heat. He Abdominal reflexes were absent. The right knee and
had also contracted syphilis 21 years previously for which ankle jerk were exaggerated. The left deep reflexes
he had received treatment at the time. were normal. The plantar responses were extensor.
Neurological Examination.-There was generalized Sensory change was confined to diminution of pain
weakness of the left leg with increased tone but no sense on the outer side of the left leg from knee to
clonus, and impaired coordination. ankle. All other modalities were normal.
Reflexes were exaggerated with an extensor plantar Radiography.-Arthritic lipping of the bodies of most

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response. In the right leg no abnormality of power, thoracic vertebrae was seen, and spotty calcification in
tone, or reflexes was discerned. the anterior portion of the nucleus pulposus of the
On the left side sensation was normal except for the eighth-ninth disc with narrowing of the disc space.
absence of vibration sense over the tibia. On the
right there was a sharply defined level at the twelfth Myelography (Cisternal).-Contrast was partially
thoracic dermatome below which there was impairment arrested just above the eighth-ninth disc.
of pain, temperature, and light touch. Vibration sense Lumbar Puncture.-This showed normal manometrics.
was normal. The sense of position and passive move- Protein was not recorded.
ment was unaffected in both legs.
The patient could walk unaided, rather hesitantly, Operation.-Laminectomy of the seventh, eighth, and
circumducting the left leg. ninth vertebrae was performed. A firm swelling was
felt through the dura at D.8 level. The cord was
Radiography.-Radiography showed dense mottled bulged backwards by a small tense prolapse from the
calcification of the ninth-tenth nucleus pulposus without eighth-ninth disc. Just to the right of the midline at
narrowing of the disc space and arthritic lipping of the convexity of the bulge there was an area in the cord
D.l1 and 12. substance, 3 mm. in diameter, which had a blue, trans-
Myelography.-Myelography showed an oval filling lucent appearance. On incision of the prolapse soft,
defect 2 by 1.5 cm. at the level of the calcified disc. yellow tissue extruded. A complete intradural removal
Lumbar Puncture.-Manometrics were normal. The was effected.
fluid contained one cell per and 55 mg. of Post-operative Course.-The patient had a complete
protein per 100 ml. The Wassermann reaction was flaccid paralysis of both legs. Below the eleventh
negative, and the Lange reaction unchanged. thoracic dermatome all sensation was absent on the
Operation.-Laminectomy of the ninth, tenth, and right but diminished. on the left pain and light touch could be felt
eleventh thoracic vertebrae was performed. A firm although Urine and faeces were retained.
Movement began to return in the feet in one month and
swelling was felt anteriorly through the dura. The there was slow recovery for 18 months after which his
spinal cord was kinked backwards by a hard swelling condition
indenting the dura anteriorly, and was pale with some (11 years). hasHeremained stationary to the present time
can stand, but with flexion of all joints,
venous congestion. The dura and capsule of the and can walk slowly with two sticks. He has dribbling
prolapse were incised and soft, stringy disc tissue extruded. incontinence and wears a rubber urinal all day and has
Complete removal, partly intra- and partly extra-dural, a bottle in bed at night. The bowels act every fourth
was effected. day with aperients. There is extreme spasticity of both
Post-operative Course.-The patient developed reten- legs with clonus and exaggerated reflexes and extensor
tion of urine and impairment of pain, temperature, and plantar responses. Flexor spasms occur on the slightest
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
stimulus. There is a level at the eleventh thoracic a further six months weakness started in the left leg.
dermatome below which pin prick is impaired and ther- Both the motor and sensory loss progressed relentlessly
mal sensation is absent. Light touch is well appreciated. so that at three months before admission a stage was
Joint sense is reduced in the toes. reached where he was numb from the costal margin
downwards and could take only a few faltering steps
Case 3.-A man aged 38, a business executive, nine with support. Flexor spasms had been present for 12
months before admission, a few days after some heavy months. Rectal control was normal, as was the initia-
work in his garden, developed an aching sensation to tion of micturition but he had difficulty in knowing
the left of the midline of the back at about the dorsi- when the bladder was empty. There had been no pain
lumbar junction, and this ache had persisted. For two at any time. Six months after the onset of symptoms
and a half months he had been unsteady on his feet and he had been investigated elsewhere when the cerebro-
for the same time the right lower limb had been numb spinal fluid and manometrics revealed no abnormality
from the hip downwards, most evident on the lateral and a myelogram did not show a block.
aspect of the leg and foot, with a tingling sensation in Neurological Examiniation.-Some loss of power in
the toes of both feet. There was no sphincter distur- the abdominal muscles with gross loss in both legs was
bance. perceived but a small range of movement was possible
Neurological Examinationt.-Slight weakness of both at all joints. Tone was increased without clonus.
legs was detected predominating in the left and more The abdominal reflexes were absent. The knee and
marked peripherally, with increased tone, ankle and ankle jerks were exaggerated on the left, normal on the
patella clonus on the left and patella clonus on the right. right. Plantar responses were both extensor.
The knee and ankle jerks were very brisk, particularly There was a level at the sixth thoracic dermatome
on the left, and the plantar responses were extensor. below which pain was considerably impaired and
Sensory change was confined to the right side. Below temperature sense was lost. From the sixth to the
the twelfth thoracic dermatome there was impairment tenth dermatome the skin was hyperaesthetic to light
of pain and temperature with sparing of sacral segments. touch and below this hypoaesthetic. These sensory
Light touch was normal. Vibration sense was absent changes extended down to cover the whole of the right
at both malleoli. Joint and position sense was unaf- leg but on the left leg there was relative sparing below

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fected. the third lumbar dermatome. Position sense was
Radiography.-Calcification in the nucleus pulposus reduced at the toes. Vibration sense was diminished at
of both the eighth-ninth and ninth-tenth discs was all bony points in the legs.
seen, more extensive in the latter, with slight narrowing Radiography.-Mottled calcification was seen in the
of the eighth-ninth disc. nucleus of the sixth-seventh disc.
Myelography.-Myelography showed an oval filling Cistern2al Myeloglram.-This showed a complete block
defect at the eighth-ninth disc level. In the lateral just above the area of calcification.
views a " double profile (Fig. 8) was seen.

Lumbar Puncture.-A complete block was demon-

Lumbar Puncture.-Manometrics showed a partial strated. The fluid was yellow with increased protein
block with a " sticky " rise and fall to 250 mm. H20. (precise amount not recorded).
The fluid contained 1 cell per and 30 mg. of Oper-ationi.-Laminectomy of the fifth, sixth, and
protein per 100 ml. seventh thoracic vertebrae was performed. A hard
Operationi.-Complete laminectomy of the eighth and swelling was palpable anteriorly. The spinal cord was
ninth vertebrae was performed. A hard swelling was angled backwards by a smooth disc prolapse occupying
felt anteriorly. The spinal cord was displaced back- two-thirds of the diameter of the spinal canal. In the
wards by a spherical protrusion from the eighth-ninth cord substance there was an area, in. long and 4- in.
disc lying mainly to the left of the midline. The spinal wide, of a dark purple lying just to the left of the midline.
cord substance appeared normal. On incision through On incision of the dura and capsule yellow degenerate
the dura and capsule soft, degenerate cartilage extruded. disc tissue extruded. Its hard rim was completely
The harder rim was removed piecemeal. removed intradurally. A few drops of yellow fluid were
Post-operative Course.-The legs were much weaker aspirated from the discolored area of the cord.
for a few days, but after that there was steady improve- Post-operative Course.-The patient had almost
ment. At three years after operation the patient can complete motor and sensory paralysis, with retention.
walk, run, dance, and dig as well as ever. Sensation is A few degrees of movement remained in the toes and
normal. His remaining symptoms are those of tightness there was patchy retention of light touch over both legs.
in the calf muscles and some loss of potency. Recovery in motor power started six weeks later and
continued slowly so that he could walk with sticks at
Case 4.-A man aged 52, an insurance broker, two 11 months. Maximum recovery was attained four
years before admission developed numbness in the left years after operation when he could walk with one
big toe which spread up the leg within a few months. stick for 15 minutes, could drive a car, and had control
Six months after the onset a similar change appeared in of the bowel and bladder although some urgency of
the right leg associated with weakness of this leg. After micturition persisted. At six years a further deterio-
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
ration set in, the legs became too weak to support him disturbance, no pain at any time, and no history of
and he has remained bed-ridden to the present time injury.
(13 years after operation). Neurological Examination.-There was considerable
generalized weakness of both legs, more marked in the
Case 5.-A man aged 62, an estate manager, three right, with increased tone and ankle and patella clonus.
weeks before admission suddenly developed severe pain The lower abdominal reflexes were absent, the knee
in the lumbar region radiating down both legs; and ankle jerks exaggerated, and plantar responses
it was particularly bad in the front of the thighs. extensor.
He continued to work for five days when numbness There was a well-defined level at the eighth thoracic
appeared in the soles of both feet and spread rapidly dermatome below which there was reduced sensation
up the legs and at the same time the legs became weak to pain and temperature, and from the eleventh derma-
and his balance unsteady. There was no sphincter tome downwards there was analgesia and thermo-
disturbance and no history of spinal injury. aesthesia. There was only vague and patchy loss to
Neurological Examination.-There was considerable light touch. Joint sense was absent at the toes. Vibra-
weakness of the legs, more marked in the right, so that tion sense was absent up to and including the iliac crests.
he was unable to lift them off the bed. One inch Radiography.-Granular calcification in the nucleus
wasting of the right thigh and fibrillation in both calves, of the eighth-ninth disc without narrowing (Fig. 4) was
with general loss of tone, was also seen. seen. In the antero-posterior view a faint circular rim
Knee jerks were diminished, ankle jerks absent, and of calcification, 15 cm. in diameter, was visible in the
plantar responses extensor. spinal canal overlying the calcified disc (Fig. 5). It
Sensory change was confined to the antero-lateral could not be seen in the lateral view.
aspects of both legs (fourth lumbar dermatome) where
pain, temperature, and light touch were diminished. Myelography.-A circular filling defect, 15 cm. in
Joint sense was reduced in toes and ankles. diameter, was seen at the calcified disc level and out-
Radiography.-Considerable arthritic lipping of the lining the circular opacity.
lower six thoracic vertebrae was shown. There was Lumbar Puncture.-A complete manometric block was
dense calcification in the nucleus of the eighth-ninth shown. The fluid was clear, containing 2 cells per

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disc with a thin plaque of calcification in the arachnoid, and 95 mg. of protein per 100 ml.
1 cm. long by 1 mm. thick, at the level of the first lumbar Operation.-Laminectomy o the eighth and ninth
vertebra. thdracic vertebrae was performed. A hard swelling
Myelography.-A complete block at D.12/L.1 disc was felt anteriorly in the dural sac. The cord was
was seen. kinked backwards by a prolapse from the eighth-ninth
Lumbar Puncture.-This showed an absolute mano- disc. Owing to the firm consistency of the prolapse it
metric block. The fluid was yellow containing 7 cells was not removed. Two ligamenta denticulata were
per and 175 mg. of protein per 100 ml. divided and the dura left open.
Operation.-Laminectomy of the twelfth thoracic and Post-operative Course.-There was total transection
first lumbar vertebrae was performed. The spinal cord below the eighth thoracic segment. At six months a
was pushed over to the right by a large prolapse from few degrees of movement had returned in the left ankle
the 12/1 disc. The protrusion was exposed extra- and knee and in the right ankle with a little recovery of
durally and, surprisingly, in view of the short history, pain sense below the right knee with hyperpathia. The
was found to be of an extremely hard consistency and legs were extremely spastic with frequent flexor spasms.
had to be cut away piecemeal. The calcified arach- The patient had recurring attacks of urinary sepsis and
noidal plaque was also removed. developed bed sores. She eventually died nine months
after operation.
Post-operative Course.-The patient had total motor At necropsy the prolapse, cord, and dura were
and sensory paraplegia below the level of the second removed in one piece and sectioned (Fig. 9).
lumbar segment. He died four months later in another
hospital from pyelonephritis without any recovery taking Case 7.-A woman aged 63, a housewife, 10 years
place. No necropsy was obtained. before admission twisted her spine suddenly and the
following day she found she was unsteady on her feet
Case 6.-A woman aged 44, a housewife, 14 months tending to veer to the left. A week later on getting into
before admission found that her legs suddenly gave way a bath she observed that she could not appreciate
and on picking herself up she realized that they were temperature in the skin below the knee on the right, and
weak. The weakness progressed steadily after this, urgency of micturition developed. Two years later
more marked in the right leg, and walking became both legs became stiff and weak, more marked in the
difficult and she often fell. For six weeks before right, but the bladder symptoms had cleared up. During
admission she could only go about by clinging on to the last six years preceding admission the weakness and
fumiture for support. At some time during these 14 stiffness progressed so that she could get about only by
months numbness had appeared in the legs but she holding on to the furniture, and both legs felt numb.
could not give the precise time. She had no sphincter For one year the legs were much weaker and she could
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
just stand with support. Flexor spasms occurred Neurological Examination.-There was considerable
frequently. Urgency of micturition had reappeared generalized loss of power in both legs, more marked in
with occasional incontinence. There had been no pain the right. Tone was increased with ankle clonus.
at any time. The abdominal reflexes were absent, the knee and
Neurological Examitiationi.-There was extreme weak- ankle jerks exaggerated, and plantar responses extensor.
ness of both legs with a small range of movement re- Cutaneous sensory change was confined to an area on
tained at all joints, and gross spasticity with ankle and the anterior aspects of both shins (corresponding to
patella clonus. the fourth lumbar dermatome) where there was reduction
The abdominal reflexes were absent, the knee and of pain, temperature, and light touch. Position sense
ankle jerks exaggerated, with bilateral extensor plantar was impaired in the toes. Vibration sense was reduced
responses. in the left tibia.
Sensation was difficult to define, but repeated testing He could walk without support but unsteadily, on a
indicated some reduction of pain, temperature, and broad, shuffling base, with considerable pain.
light touch below the second lumbar dermatome on the Radiography.-Gross arthritic lipping of most of the
right and the third dermatome on the left. Vibration thoracic and all the lumbar vertebrae was seen, but no
sense was absent in the tibiae and patellae. Joint sense calcification.
was unaffected. Myelography.-Myelograms showed complete block
Radiography-.There was gross arthritic lipping of all at the level of the intervertebral disc between D12/Ll
thoracic vertebrae. No calcification was seen. vertebrae. The obstruction was outlined from above and
Myelography.-Myelograms showed a partial block below and was found to be 1-5 cm. long and to have a
at the level of the tenth-eleventh intervertebral disc, rounded outline.
with a convex lower border. Lumbar Puncture.-Almost complete manometric
Lumbar Punicture.-This demonstrated a complete block was shown. The fluid contained 2 cells per
manometric block. The fluid was clear, containing 3 and 200 mg. of protein per 100 ml.
cells per and 150 mg. of protein per 100 ml. Operation.-Laminectomy of the twelfth thoracic and
Operationi.-Laminectomy of the tenth, eleventh, and first lumbar vertebrae was performed. A firm knob

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twelfth vertebrae was performed. A hard lump was was felt anteriorly in the theca. The cord was bulged
palpable. The cord was bulged backwards and was of backwards and was pinker than usual. Anterior to it
paper thinness and for almost a centimetre of its length was a large and extremely hard prolapse from the 12/1
had a translucent blue discoloration. The prolapse disc. Its hardness was surprising in view of the short
was an extremely hard bar extending across the spinal history. No attempt was made to remove it and the
canal containing a small amount of soft cartilage set patient was left with a decompression.
between bony spurs. The ligamenta denticulata were Post-operative Course.-The paraplegia was made
divided above and below but no attempt was made to worse and retention of urine developed. After 10 days
remove the disc prolapse. improvement started and within a few weeks he regained
his pre-operative level. The cutaneous sensory change
Post-operative Coui-se.-Paraplegia below the first cleared up.
lumbar spinal segment was complete. It is now four Two and a half years after operation he can get about
years since operation and there has been no recovery in his house and garden and can walk distances up to 200
power or sensation. There is some return of tone in yards. He can stand for periods up to half an hour
the legs and the patient is able to get about in callipers before aching in the legs becomes severe. Sphincter
and crutches. By emptying the bladder every three control is normal. The operation seems to have
hours she remains dry. arrested the progress of the condition and there has
been a little improvement in movement compared with
Case 8.-A man aged 54, a charge hand, 11 weeks his pre-operative state.
before admission suddenly developed severe pain in
the lumbar region which radiated down his legs both Case 9.-A man aged 61, a labourer, 13 days before
back and front to the feet. Sharp exacerbations occurred admission, while putting on his overcoat, suddenly
on coughing, sneezing, and straining. He remained in developed severe pain in the midline of the lumbar
bed for six days and then on getting up found his legs region and at the same time his legs became weak. He
were very weak. This weakness progressed rapidly so retired to bed and on attempting to get up two days
that within another few days his legs would not support later he found his legs would not support him. He had
him. At the same time a burning sensation appeared observed no sensory or sphincter disturbance, and there
in the lateral toes of both feet which spread to involve was no history of spinal injury.
the front of the legs below the knees and within a few Neurological Examination.-There was generalized
days was replaced by numbness. Urgency of micturition weakness of both legs, more marked in the right, and
appeared at the start of symptoms but cleared up within increased tone with patella clonus. Coordination was
a few weeks. He was admitted to another hospital five grossly impaired.
weeks after the onset where after an initial slight improve- Both knee jerks were exaggerated, the ankle jerks
ment his condition remained stationary. brisk. Plantar responses were extensor.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
There was vague loss of sensation to pin prick below were absent, the knee and ankle jerks exaggerated,
mid-thighs which cleared up within a few days. Tem- the plantar responses extensor.
perature and light touch were unaffected. Position There was a level at the eleventh thoracic dermatome
sense was considerably reduced at the toes and ankles on the right and the twelfth on the left below which pain,
and vibration sense was absent in the tibiae. temperature, and light touch were impaired but not
Radiography.-There was arthritic lipping of the lower lost. Position sense was absent at the toes, ankles, and
thoracic and all the lumbar vertebrae, but no calcification knees, and reduced at the hip joints. Vibration sense
or disc narrowing.
was lost below the third lumbar spinous process.
Radiography.-Arthritic lipping of the lower three
Myelography.-A circular lesion causing a complete thoracic vertebrae was visible. Calcification of the
block was outlined from above and below over the nucleus pulposus was present in the four intervertebral
tenth-eleventh intervertebral disc (Fig. 6). In the discs between the 8/9, 9/10, 10/11, and 11/12 vertebrae
lateral view a suggestion of a " double profile " could be (Fig. 2).
Myelography.-There was no block discernible on
Lumbar Puncture.-A partial block was shown. The running the contrast up to the cervical region, but in the
fluid contained 4 cells per and 100 mg. of protein reverse direction there was a transient arrest at the 6,7
per 100 ml. disc and again at the 8/9.
Operation.-Laminectomy of the tenth, eleventh, and Lumbar Puncture.-Partial block was shown. The
twelfth thoracic vertebrae was performed. A firm mass cerebrospinal fluid was clear and contained 2 cells per
could be felt anteriorly in the theca. The cord was and 20 mg. of protein per 100 ml.
kinked backwards and a little swollen but not dis-
coloured. A tense swelling could be seen arising from Operation.-Laminectomy of the seventh to the tenth
the 10/II disc lying to the left of the midline. It was vertebrae inclusive was performed to expose both levels
approached extradurally and found to be the size of a which the myelogram had shown to be abnormal. The
pea and composed of soft degenerate disc tissue id6htical protrusion was found at the lower, 9/10 level (there was
with the common lumbar protrusions. It was removed no abnormality discovered at the 6/7 disc). The cord
was paler than normal and had fewer blood vessels on

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its surface. It was kinked back by a protrusion the size
Post-operative Course.-After a transient exacerbation of a pea lying slightly to the left of the midline. The
of signs power increased considerably in the legs with centre of the prolapse was soft but its wall was very
disappearance of spasticity and clonus and he could hard and calcified, and it appeared that the protrusion
walk with support. Joint sense returned to normal had been present for a much longer time than the
within a fortnight. Now, 10 months after operation, he symptoms suggested. Its contents were removed and
is able to walk any distance with one stick and his only then the rim excised piecemeal with a small scoop.
complaint is of a little unsteadiness on his feet. There Post-operative Course.-Transient worsening of physi-
is no pain or sensory disturbance and sphincter control cal signs for a few days was followed by steady if slow
is normal.
improvement. Within two weeks the patient could lift
Case 10.-A man aged 44, an engineer, five months his legs off the bed and had regained bladder control.
before admission developed difficulty in starting mic- The sensory and reflex changes persisted. Two and a
turition and had to strain to empty his bladder. This half years after operation he can walk up to 500 yards
symptom cleared up in a fortnight. Two weeks later with two sticks and can climb stairs slowly. He has
stiffness and weakness of the left leg appeared and after recently returned to sedentary work. He still has some
a further month the right leg was similarly affected. urgency of micturition.
The weakness in both legs progressed steadily so that
for the month before admission he had been unable to Case 11.-A man aged 45, a research chemist, whose
walk and had also become incontinent of urine and clinical features have been described on a previous page.
faeces. A sensation of coldness behind both knees Radiology.-Calcification was present in the nucleus
appeared at the inception of his symptoms and remained pulposus of the ninth-tenth disc, without any narrowing
stationary until the last few weeks when numbness of the (Fig. 3).
skin below the umbilicus was noticed and which rapidly
spread down to involve both legs. For one week there Myelography.-Myelograms showed an oval filling
had been frequent flexor spasms. There was no com- defect at the level of the calcification measuring 1, cm.
plaint of pain at any time. in diameter (Fig. 7).
Neurological Examination.-Some weakness of the Lumbar Puncture.-Manometrics were normal. The
lower abdominal muscles with gross reduction of power cerebrospinal fluid contained 4 cells per and 50
in both legs was perceived so that the patient was unable mg. of protein per 100 ml.
to lift them off the bed, but a small range of movement Operation.-In view of the discrepancy between the
was retained at all joints. Tone was increased with clinical and radiological levels it was thought there
clonus at the left ankle. The lower abdominal reflexes might be two lesions and that both should be explored.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.15.4.227 on 1 November 1952. Downloaded from on August 5, 2022 by guest.
The upper level was exposed first and revealed no symptom. Sphincter disturbance occurred late and
abnormality. A laminectomy of the ninth and tenth was present in less than half the cases.
vertebrae was performed and a firm swelling could be Five patients showed a manometric spinal block
felt in the dural sac On opening the theca the cord was with high protein but the important feature was the
seen to be displaced backwards by a prolapsed disc. number of patients with only a slight rise of
The protrusion arose by a narrow neck and then ex-
panded into a spherical mass about 1L! cm. across with protein or little evidence of block. X-ray changes
the dura and cord stretched over its surface. There was formed the important diagnostic guide. Eight
no discoloration of the cord substance. The rim of showed calcification of the nucleus pulposus. The
the disc was hard and partly calcified but its contents typical myelographic appearance was an oval filling
were soft, degenerate cartilage. As a result of the defect.
intimate relationship to the cord it was extremely The dangers associated with visible degenerative
difficult to remove all the calcified rim and its right-hand changes in the cord are emphasized.
margin had to be left in situ. The pathological basis of interference with cord
Post-operative Course.-Physical signs were made function produced by the small protrusions is
considerably worse and the bladder required tidal discussed.
drainage. Improvement started after 10 days. By the Operation results are reviewed. Three patients
time of discharge from hospital five weeks later power developed total transections post-operatively and
had improved so that the patient could walk without
assistance although unsteadily. By four months after two of them died. Two other patients were made
operation he was walking normally. worse by surgery and made slow, incomplete
Three and a half years after operation he walks, runs, recoveries. Six patients did well, five of them
swims, and drives a car. All modalities of sensation returned to work, and in three the improvement
are normal except for subjective numbness of the feet. was of a grade similar to that following removal of
The right knee jerk is still brisk but plantar responses benign spinal neoplasms such as meningiomata or
are flexor. His only complaint is that of a sensation of neurofibromata. Some details of surgical technique
tightness in the calf muscles.

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are stressed.
Attention is drawn to the serious damage inflicted It is a pleasure to express my indebtedness to my
on the spinal cord by central thoracic disc pro- senior colleague Mr. Wylie McKissock for permission
trusions. Eleven cases are described and it is to include six of his patients in this series; to Professor
T. Crawford for the preparation of the necropsy specimen
shown that this type of prolapse is confined to the in Case 6 and the photomicrographs of the sections,
lower nine disc spaces without any particular level and to Dr. James Bull for many of the radiographs
predominating. It is commoner in men of middle and myelograms.
and late adult life and has little relationship to
The clinical features are not characteristic and are Allen, K. Lewer (1952). Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and
those of a fairly rapidly progressive spinal com- Psychiatry, 15, 20.
Bradford, F. K., and Spurling, R. G. (1945). The Intervertebral
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