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Week 4 lesson 3

Sam can see both the light bulb and the chair. Select the appropriate arrows and place them in the right
positions in the picture below to show how light from the bulb travels so he can see both objects.

The Sun, a lamp and the stars are all sources of light that we can see when their light rays enter our eyes.
We see one another and objects such as a book or a chair because light from the light source reflects off
their surfaces into our eyes.

We know that the Sun seems to move across the sky during the day

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. This could be because the sun is really moving or it could
be because the Earth is moving.

In fact, it is the Earth that is moving. It is spinning or rotating around and around on its axis. we cannot
feel it moving because we, and everything else on the Earth, are moving with the Earth.

1. What shape is the earth?

2. How can you tell the earth is that shape?

3. Which of these actually move? The earth or the sun?

4. Why is it confusing to tell which one is moving?

1. The shape of the earth is a sphere.

2. The earth is a sphere because a picture of the earth was taken from space and it shows that the earth
is a sphere.

3. The earth actually moves because it rotates around on its axis and this causes day and night. It makes
a complete rotation in 24 hours.

4. It is confusing to tell which is moving because the sun rises in the East and sets in the West so it seems
like it is moving but it is really not moving. It is the earth that is moving or rotating around its axis. Also,
although the Earth rotates around on its axis, we cannot feel it moving because we, and everything else
on the Earth, are moving with the The Earth. We cannot tell easily that it is a sphere because it is so big.
The Earth is spinning on its axis all the time. It is the Earth’s rotation that makes it look as if the Sun is
moving across the sky.

Week 4 lesson 2

Key Vocabulary :








Light Source

1. We can not see through opaque materials because they block light. But light can go through
transparent materials, so we can see through them.

2. Opaque materials form the darkest shadows. Transparent materials only block a very little bit of the
light going through them, so they make faint shadows.

3. Translucent materials block more of the light going through them than transparent ones and so they
make darker shadows than transparent materials.

4. The 2 materials that are transparent are the window glass and empty glass cup.

5. The 3 materials that are opaque are the wall, window frame and torch.

Opaque materials form darker shadows because they block all the light from the light source.

Air is transparent because light passes through it and we can see things through it. If air was opaque
then we would see nothing because air is all around us.

Water is transparent because light can pass through it and we can see things through it. For example, I
can see through a glass cup filled with water.
Transperent objects allow you to see clearly through them some examples are: Window, Clock timer,
glass cup, frying pan and sunglasses.

These objects are transparent because we need to be able to see clearly through them.

Which of these is transparent? Are any of them Opaque? Is there any of them that is translucent?
The glass cup with water is transparent because I can see through it.

The glass cup with orange juice is opaque because I cannot see through it.

The glass cup with milk is translucent because it allows some light to pass through it but I cannot see
clearly through it.

The Sun seems to move across the sky each day from the East at sunrise, in the morning, to the West at
sunset, in the evening.

The shadow of a stick standing in the sunlight also moves. Remember that the shadow will move in the
opposite direction as the Sun.

We can use the movement of the shadow to tell the time.

A sundial uses shadows to tell the time. A sundial has some form of stick in the middle, called a gnomon,
and numbers around the edge. The number that is covered by the shadow tells us what time it is.

I would use a paper plate for my dial and use a pencil as the gnomon.

I would stick the pencil in the paper plate. I would place my sundial in the garden where there is a lot of

If you wanted to make a sundial of your own, how would you go about it? What would you use as the
gnomon? Where would you place your sundial? How would you chart the numbers on the dial to tell

To chart the numbers on the dial, I will check the time and check where the shadow of my gnomon falls
and then write the time on my dial where the shadow falls. I will repeat this for every hour until I have
written all my numbers.

When I have written all the numbers on the dial, I will check where the shadow of the gnomon falls to
know the time.
Week 4 lesson 1

Key vocabulary






(cardinal points) North, South East and West


Metals are often shiny. If the surface of a metal is polished, you can see your reflection (image) when you
look at it. If you shine a source of light like a flashlight onto a shiny surface, you can see the reflection of
light on the wall.

Shadows and time

In our previous lesson, we learnt that the position of the sun in the sky changes from morning through to
evening. We learnt that the Sun rises in the East. It seems to move across the sky and then sets in the
West. We also learnt that this affects the direction and size of the shadows formed by objects in the Sun.

What did you observe? Did the size of the shadow change? Did the direction of the shadow change?

Your light source shows the way the Sun seems to move across the sky

When I placed the light source on the east, the shadow of the small vase was on the west and it was

When I moved the light source to the north, the shadow of the small vase became shorter and it was in
the south.

When I moved the light source to the west, the shadow of the small vase was on the east and became
long again.
The sun's apparent daily path

The sun seems how the position of the sun in the sky seems to change as the time of the day goes by

The time of the day to the positions of the Sun. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West

Where will the shadows be?

I can tell the positions of the sun at different times of the day.

Week 3 lesson 3

Key Vocabulary

Light source





Left and Right




1. What is the purpose of lighthouses?

2. How do traffic lights tell car drivers what to do?

3. What do each colour of the buoy tell us?

4. How do we use light to celebrate birthdays?

1. Lighthouses are used to warn sailors of ships about rocks in the sea and to guide the sailors on the
right direction to the shore when it is dark. It helps sailors see the shore properly when it is dark.

2. Traffic lights tell drivers when to stop driving because the traffic light turns red. They tell drivers when
to slow down for a stop when the traffic light is yellow. They tell drivers when to continue driving or start
driving when the traffic light is green. Traffic light also drivers when pedestrians can walk across the road
so drivers must stop driving and tell drivers when pedestrians cannot cross the road.

3. The red buoy tells us that we are on the left side of the channel or passage while the green buoy tells
us that we are on the right side of the passage. Buoys tell us that we are at the end of the safety zone
and we must not swim past the buoys.

4. We use candles on our birthday cake to make it beautifully lit up. We also put small fireworks on our
birthday cake. We also use disco lights for our birthday parties and have a fireworks display outside
during birthday parties.

1. What did you observe as you moved the light source to the left?

2. What did you observe as you moved the light source to the right?

3. What did you observe as you moved the light source up?

4. What did you observe as you moved the light source down?

1. When I moved the light source left the shadow of the opaque toy moved right.

2. When I moved the light source right the shadow of the opaque toy moved left.

3.When I moved the light source up the shadow of the opaque toy moved down.

The Sun

The Sun is our source of light when we are outdoors during the day.

The Sun forms shadows when it shines on opaque objects like trees, houses, cars, humans and so on. But
the size and direction it depends on where the Sun is in the sky. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the

Think like a scientist:

How would you make 1 or 2 shadow puppets of your own?

I would make 2 shadow puppets using cardboard paper, popsicle sticks, straws, sellotape/cellotape and

I would hang a cloth on the empty divider and get a flashlight. I would put off the lights in the room. I
would go behind the cloth, put on the flashlight and put the 2 puppets between the flashlight and cloth.
I would then move the puppets right and left, up and down so to see the shadow of the puppets move in
the opposite direction.

4. When I moved the light source down the shadow of the opaque toy moved up.

Week 3 lesson 2

Key Vocabulary

light source







The more I move the light source away from the object the smaller the shadow of the object is . While,
the more I move the light source towards or closer to the object the bigger the shadow of the object is.

Which of the children will have made a shadow of their hand on the wall?

1.Kate and Tom will make a shadow of their hand on the wall.

Who will have made the LARGEST shadow of their hand on the wall?

2. Kate will make the largest shadow of her hand on the wall.

Week 3 lesson 4(first slide)

Key vocalbury

light source




light beam






Week 3 lesson 1 (second slide)

Picture of Object


Darkness of the Shadow (Scale)


Wooden coaster mat


Empty bottle of saniter


Look around you and list 3 objects that are very reflective. Remember that reflective objects are also
shiny objects and they are not light sources. They simply reflect a lot of the light that shines on them.
Most of them might even reflect images too.

The three things around my house that are reflective are a mirror, kitchen foil and paper

Week 2 lesson 1

Some key


light source

light beam





Ziplock bag

I see the light pass through the ziplock bag

Foil Paper

No the light does not pass through the foil paper directly.


Opaque: Brown place mat, Picture frame, Red pillow

Transparent: Glass Blender, Empty Glass cup, Empty bottle of sanitizer

Translucent: Baking paper, Tinted sunglasses, Frosted glass window

Week 1 project

Luminous objects

torch Light,phone torch Light, Telivision, candle light and Light Bulbs
Reflective (Shiny) Objects

Kitchen Foil, Mirror, Knife, Cake Cutter, Wall

Not Very Reflective (Dull) Objects

Chair Headrest, Coaster mat, Ice Tray, Place Mat, coaster mat.

Extension Light Travel Lesson:

The four sources of light I can see are the sun, flashlight, light bulb and table lamp

Week 1 lesson 3

Key vocabulary words:


Light beam

glow worms



light source

Did you notice that they seemed to be in straight lines?

Let's investigate

I observed that the light did not show on the book when I moved the middle cd slightly away. When I
moved the middle cd completely away, I saw the light reflect on the book.



The light travelled in a straight line that is slightly slanted.

Week 1 lesson 2

Key Vocabulary


Light source






Starter :

find the meaning of the words ‘emit’ and ‘source’.

Emit means to produce and discharge something, especially light, gas or radiation.

Source means a place, person or thing which something originates or can be obtained. For examEmit
means to produce and discharge something, especially light, gas or radiation.

Source means a place, person or thing which something originates or can be obtained. For example the
sun is a natural source of light.


What are sources of light?

Any source or object which emits light on its own light is a source aof light.

Luminous objects

Anything that gives off light of its own its said to be luminous.Every source of light is a luminous object.

Reflective objects

All materials reflect light; that is how we are able to see them. Some materials reflect a lot of light. This
makes it look as if they are sources of light. We must remember that they are not light sources/luminous
objects because they cannot emit their own light. They only reflect the light that hits them. This makes
them shiny.

Less Reflective (Dull) objects

On the other hand, some other objects do not reflect as much light as the shiny objects. They still reflect
some light; that is how we can see them but they absorb more light than they reflect. So they do not
reflect as much light as the more reflective (shiny) objects. They are referred to as ‘dull’ because they are
not shiny. Most of them have darker colours than shiny objects,

Week 1 lesson 1

Key Vocabulary








What is light

Light is a form of energy.

When we turn on a flaslight we see beams of light, people called this "objects that emit light are called
light sources"

Light leaves the light source and shoots in a straight line, we see things because light bounces of that
object into your eyes this is called reflection of light.

Reflected light allows us to see the world around us.

The sun is our biggest light source


Light is a form of energy that allows us to see things.

Flashlight and the sun are sources of light because they emit light which reflect on objects to make us


I ------cannot---------- see the things in the box when there is no light but I ----can---------------- see what is
in the room/box when there is light. My eyes help me to see, but they must have ----light---------- to be
able to work. Darkness is the absence of -----light----------.


1. Darkness is the absence of light

2.6You need light to see

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