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W W W. C D E W O R L D.


AUGUST 2016 • V3 • N49

Continuing Dental Education

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Using CBCT Technology
Curtis E. Jansen, DDS


Continuing Dental Education
Dental Learning Systems, LLC
Elizabeth Weisbrod
Amelia Falcone
Lisa Neuman
Jennifer Barlow

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning CE COORDINATOR

Hilary Noden

Using CBCT CDEWorld eBooks and Diagnosis and Treatment Plan-

ning Using CBCT Technology are published by Dental

Learning Systems, LLC.

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Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Using CBCT Technology
Curtis E. Jansen, DDS

ABSTRACT any general practitioners believe that the needs of their
Cone-beam computed tomography practices do not justify the purchase of a cone-beam
(CBCT), which uses a fraction of the computed tom­ography (CBCT) system. Beyond the
radiation dose of medical CT, offers general financial cost, they may be concerned about the risk it poses
practitioners many advantages, some of to patients in terms of radiation exposure. This article aims to
which they may be unaware. Its use for demonstrate the significant advantages CBCT offers general
diagnosis and treatment planning in tooth
removal, implant, endodontic, orthodontic,
practitioners who add it to their armamentarium, including us-
temporomandibular joint disorder, and ing the technology to generate and incorporate the vital patient
obstructive airway cases is well known. information contained in its digital imaging and communications
But general practitioners should know in medicine (DICOM) files, which can be merged with stereolitho-
that beyond diagnosing fractures, tooth/ graphic (STL) files to create multiple digital workflows.
root anomalies, and assessing hard tissue
before and after implant placement, this
extraoral 3-dimensional technology can be
It will especially emphasize how CBCT, for the first time, offers
used to perform more common diagnostic the growing number of general practitioners who place implants
tasks, such as panoramic x-rays and the ability to offer their patients restorative-based implant place-
bitewings. When used in place of intraoral ment. Finally, this article will put the radiation risks, which are
sensors, it spares patients the discomfort minimal—especially when compared to medical CT and even
of the rigid sensor. CBCT can also be used everyday environmental exposure—into perspective, and explain
to help clinicians create digital versions of
their conventional impressions and poured
strategies for reducing that dosage further still with collimators,
models for digital transmission to other low-dose settings, and confined exposure based on scout films.
dental team members. For practitioners
who place implants—as an ever-increasing USING CBCT DIAGNOSIS
number are—CBCT provides the ability General practitioners who associate CBCT with—and perhaps
to do “top-down treatment planning” to even use it for—root canal, tooth removal, temporomandibular
offer patients restorative-based implant
joint disorder (TMJ), implant placement, obstructive airway, and
orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning may not understand
LEARNING OBJECTIVES how this technology can serve their practice needs in other ways.
• Discuss the primary uses of CBCT Even practitioners who do not place many implants or see many
for diagnostic purposes in a general endodontic patients can use CBCT technology more readily in
dental practice. their offices to perform common diagnostic tasks in place of
• Explain how CBCT is used for traditional methods. This can be advantageous for many patients.
implant treatment planning. Because, like panoramic x-rays, CBCT data is captured extra-
• Understand the advantages of CBCT orally, patients may be either standing or seated while a scan is
as part of the digital workflow. being performed, depending on what is more comfortable. CBCT
• Address prospective concerns about
data capture is especially popular with patients who find intraoral
radiation exposure. sensor placement uncomfortable; this is particularly the case with
children and others who cannot tolerate having anything placed in


Fig 1. Traditional intraoral bitewing showing limited field of view (left) compared to the expanded view possible using the CBCT (right).

their mouth, whether because of anatomic limita- other anatomic structures, including the tooth
tions, a sensitive gag reflex, or other reasons. surface.2 While intraoral scanning is making
more and more inroads into general practices,
CBCT can also be used in this same way to there are many clinicians who are reluctant, for
perform an even more common task, bitewing many reasons, to convert their practices to a
images, which are clinically indicated as often as completely digital workflow. For this reason,
every 18 to 24 months. Hygiene patients whose general practitioners who are not currently using
films require updating clearly appreciate this more intraoral scanners or taking digital impressions
“patient-friendly” approach. Given that these films, can benefit from CBCT ownership by using the
which are usually performed intraorally, are often technology to create digital versions of tradi-
taken on an hourly basis in the typical general tional impressions or poured models.
practice, the technology can be well utilized while
also increasing comfort and satisfaction among Typically, a traditional impression is made and
patients. In addition, because of the expanded sent to a laboratory, where it is often scanned
field of view that is possible to achieve with these using 3-dimensional (3D) technology, then de-
extraoral CBCT images, they can often be more signed and milled. Clinicians who have CBCT
diagnostically valuable than images produced with technology in the office can generate digital ver-
an intraoral sensor (Figure 1). sions of traditional impressions or poured mod-
els, which then can be electronically sent to their
DIGITIZING TRADITIONAL laboratory or CAD/CAM system. Workflows for
IMPRESSIONS AND MODELS restorations, surgical templates, model fabrica-
CBCT is not for every situation. It is not intended tion, model storage, and other procedures can
to supplant intraoral radiography—which may be then be carried out. These now digital versions
either traditional or digital—and should only be can be sent to a multitude of partners for many
used in addition to those technologies when the different types of workflows without the need
2-dimensional data gathered using them dictates for intraoral scanning.
the need for 3D evaluation.1 Indeed, although
CBCT scans can provide invaluable images of With CBCT, clinicians can otherwise enjoy
the maxilla and mandible, the technology has all the benefits of digital radiography, including
some limitations when it comes to assessing the ability to enhance images and easily share


Fig 2. Example of using digital workflow to import restoration data and plan implant treatment.

the digital files with other dental team members. be thoroughly evaluated. Ideal restorations can
Furthermore, the DICOM files generated by then be pre-visualized or treatment planned from
CBCT can be used with a multitude of different both an esthetic and functional standpoint. Once
software programs and merged with the com- this is done, the intraoral information is pinned
monly used STL files. In this way, digital images or overlaid onto the CBCT. The restoration
can be “pinned” with DICOM data. These can or restorations can then be imported into the
then be used for electronic transmission to their mix, toggled on or off—ie, shown or not—and
laboratory or CAD/CAM system, imported into the underlying bone evaluated.3 If the ideally
their implant planning software, or otherwise designed restorations cannot be supported by
placed into the digital workflow for purposes available bone, additional surgical procedures,
of diagnosis, treatment, electronic transmission, such as grafting, may be indicated. Implants
and communication. can be placed in 3D in the ideal location for
esthetics and function, allowing the practitio-
TREATMENT PLANNING ner to visualize where osseous grafting may be
From the author’s perspective, the real beauty of needed to achieve that positioning. Or implants
this technology is how it can completely transform can be virtually positioned based on the avail-
implant treatment planning from a “bottom up” able anatomy, respecting anatomical structures
undertaking, where the clinician must restrict the such as the inferior alveolar nerve, maxillary
plan to existing bone, to a “top down” approach sinus, and the buccal/lingual plates (Figure 4
that focuses first on ideal tooth placement—ie, and Figure 5). This restorative-driven implant
“restorative-based” implant placement. placement workflow allows general practitioners
to see what may be needed to augment bone to
Although workflows can differ, in many im- support ideal restorations. This may alert them
plant cases, typically a CBCT scan of the area of to the need for additional surgical procedures or
concern is made. Then, with an intraoral scan or to open a dialogue with surgical team members.
digital version of a model or impression, practi-
tioners begin working with the design software If the intraoral scan data is not available, once
of their particular intraoral scan or CBCT system the CBCT is acquired, some systems have soft-
(Figure 2 and Figure 3). The edentulous area or ware that uses the tooth library to place the teeth
area where teeth are to be extracted can then ideally in terms of function, form, and esthetics.


Much of the concern about radiation exposure
from dental imaging, including CBCT, stems from
the much higher dosage generated by medical
CT devices, which function differently. Medical
CT devices use a beam of radiation that rotates
around a patient multiple times, depending upon
the area being scanned, thus emitting a higher
dose of radiation; they also create slices, which
are then reformatted into images In contrast,
advanced dental CBCT can achieve a complete
scan of the desired part of an individual’s jaw
Fig 3. Example of using digital workflow to import restoration with a single quick beam that creates an image,
data and plan implant treatment.
which is then reformatted into slices.4 CBCT uses
a cone-shaped beam of radiation to acquire data in
In this way, the first priority is always determin- a single 360° rotation,3 thus revealing the internal
ing how best to place the implant according to architecture of an object.5
the restoration, not where the bone is; but it also
provides advanced notice when other procedures Compared to conventional medical CT scan-
are needed to achieve that ideal. ning, an advantage of CBCT relates to x-ray beam
limitation (collimation of the primary beam) and
Armed with this information, the clinician significant dose reduction. The dose for a con-
can inform the patient that the ideal restoration ventional CT, measured in microsieverts (1 μSv
may involve additional time or cost, and pos- = 0.000001 Sv) ranges from 100 μSv to 300 μSv
sibly arrive at a compromise solution—eg, in for the maxilla and 200 μSv to 500 μSv for the
tooth position or esthetics—because of patient mandible, whereas CBCT ranges from 34 μSv
considerations such as finances or other issues. to 102 μSv for both the maxilla and mandible
together.5 The use of a thyroid collar and patient
An additional advantage is that other mem- positioning modifications can reduce dosages by
bers of the dental team can quickly and easily up to 40%. (For comparison’s sake, one recent
evaluate the plan via “the cloud” or electronic study found that the dosing of digital panoramic
transmission of the DICOM file and, once it is units varied from 8.9 to 37.8 μSv depending on the
approved, the dental team may proceed using type of unit used and other factors.6) In addition,
this information to create precise surgical guides with CBCT, rapid scan times (10 to 70 seconds)5
that consider both hard tissue and optimal res- make this method of imaging comfortable for the
toration location. Using both CBCT data and patient; in contrast, medical CT scans can take 2
intraoral scan impression or model scans, the minutes or more to complete.
restorations can be pre-visualized and the im-
plants can be placed accordingly. PLACING RADIATION CONCERNS IN
Both dentists and their patients need to under-
stand that radiation exposure is part of daily life
apart from its medical and dental applications.


4 5

Fig 4. Implants and abutments placed, with the model turned off and the CBCT in view. Fig 5. Implants and abutments in place with pinned
model scan and CBCT off.

Humans are exposed to radiation from natural application of quality control procedures; and in-
materials in the earth, radon in the air, cosmic terpreting the images completely and accurately.”9
exposure from outer space, and as a result of the
food and water they consume. The average dose They can further minimize dose reduction
of radiation, measured in millisieverts (1 mSv = by adjusting the exposure factors and limiting
0.001 Sv), per person, per year from all sources is the field of view to the smallest dimensions
about 6.2 mSv, and international standards allow consistent with the clinical situation.1 This can
exposure to as much as 50 mSv a year for those be achieved using a scout film—ie, a prelimi-
who work with and around radioactive material.7 nary film, low-dose image, taken of a region to
serve as a baseline before a definitive imaging
The National Council on Radiation Pro­tection study—before using full-volume CBCT, which
and Measurements places the effective radiation emits a higher amount of radiation by volume
dose equivalent from all sources in the United during implant placement. Therefore, when the
States at 3.6 mSv per year, of which 3 mSv is area is, for example, restricted to the upper left
from natural sources. And of that remaining quadrant, the practitioner can use the collimator
0.6%—most of which is medically related—only or dial down the volume.
1% is dental.8
MINIMIZING EXPOSURE It is this author’s contention that, in terms of mak-
Nevertheless, dentists should use radiographic ing an investment in new technology, general
procedures that increase patients’ radiation dose practitioners who purchase a system designed
only when necessary for diagnosis and treatment to meet unique practice needs and maximize
and should apply the ALARA principle—as low its utilization can easily recoup the investment
as reasonably achievable—to reduce radiation through appropriate frequent use for panoramic
exposure to their patients by: “determining the and bitewing images while expanding their scope
need for and type of radiographs to take; using of practice and increasing patient satisfaction. They
‘best practices’ during imaging, including the may even become a resource for dental practices
in their area. In addition, practitioners who have


CBCT technology in their offices may not need In short, they should not deny their patients
to purchase intraoral scanners, as they can use the or their dental team the significant benefits pro-
CBCT to scan impressions or models and send vided by investing in CBCT without first fully
them to the laboratory for restoration fabrication. understanding what this technology has to offer
in terms of diagnosis, treatment, convenience,
As noted above, implant placement can be and patient satisfaction.
immeasurably improved using CBCT, enabling
the practitioner to produce overlays of the miss- REFERENCES
ing teeth where the bone is and then, using the 1. Bornstein MM, Scarfe WC, Vaughn VM, Jacobs R. Cone
captured information about the edentulous area, beam computed tomography in implant dentistry: a systematic
they can use the software that comes with the review focusing on guidelines, indications, and radiation dose
CBCT, the DICOM data, and imported STL risks. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014;29 Suppl:55-77.
files and use the tooth library to virtually place 2. Ganz SD. The next evolution in CBCT: combining digital
the implants and generate surgical guides. technologies. Inside Dentistry. 2013;9(2):116-118.
Practitioners considering purchasing the tech-
3. Zheng QH, Wang Y, Zhou XD, et al. A cone-beam com-
nology should keep their own needs in mind at
puted tomography study of maxillary first permanent molar
all times. CBCT is available in a wide variety
root and canal morphology in a Chinese population. J Endod.
of investment levels.
Finally, from a medical–legal standpoint, 4. Gutierrez N. Discovering a new dimension in dental care.
practitioners are responsible for evaluating the UT Health Sciences Center website.
entire scanned area, even though much of it may sion/article.asp?id=259. August 2004. Accessed June 24, 2014.
lie outside the area treated in the dental practice. 5. Shenoi RP, Ghule HM. CBVT analysis of canal con-
There are liability issues that have been raised figuration of the mesio-buccal root of maxillary first per-
in the courts holding dentists responsible for manent molar teeth: An in vitro study. Contemp Clin Dent.
tumors and other abnormal findings that were 2012;3(3):277-281.
not identified following a CBCT scan. With that
6. Lee G, Kim J, Seo Y, Kim J. Effective dose from direct
in mind, some of the companies offering CBCT
and indirect digital panoramic units. Imaging Sci Dent.
units have developed limited scan units that tar-
get the area typically treated in dentistry. These
may limit the potential liability of the practi- 7. Radiation dose chart. American Nuclear Society website.
tioner if something is present on a scan that is Accessed
not identified and reported to the patient. It is June 4, 2014.
advised that practitioners review entire scans; 8. Meyer E. Living in a radioactive world. Inside Dental
if something does appear that looks abnormal, Assisting. 2013;9(2).
the patient should be referred to the appropriate living-in-a-radioactive-world. Accessed June 24, 2014.
medical practitioner for further evaluation. 9. Dental x-ray talking points. American Dental Association
CONCLUSION Beam-Talking-Points.pdf. Nov. 23, 2010. Accessed June 24,
Given the theoretical risks of any technology that 2014.
could harm patients, dentists should be aware of
when CBCT is justified despite the radiation ex-
posure. They should also know about the many
ways CBCT aids diagnosis and treatment when
not used directly on patients, such as when used to
digitize traditional impressions or poured models.
CDE Quiz
2 CDE Credits

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Using CBCT Technology

Curtis E. Jansen, DDS

1.  Like panoramic x-rays, cone-beam computed tomography 6. CBCT radiation dose for the maxilla and mandible
(CBCT) data is captured: together ranges from:
A. in stereolithographic (STL) files. A. 34 μSv to 102 μSv.
B. intraorally. B. 54 μSv to 72 μSv.
C. extraorally. C. 102 μSv to 304 μSv.
D. while the patient is lying down. D. 204 μSv to 502 μSv.
2. According to this article, bitewing images are clinically 7. The use of a thyroid collar and patient positioning
indicated: modifications can reduce dosages by up to:
A. every 6 to 12 months. B. every 18 to 24 months. A. 20%. B. 40%.
C. every 24 to 36 months. D. very rarely. C. 60%. D. 80%.
3. Extraoral CBCT images can often be more diagnostically 8. Humans are exposed to radiation from:
valuable than images produced with an intraoral sensor A. natural materials in the earth.
because of the: B. radon in the air.
A. patient-friendly approach. C. food and water they consume.
B. expanded field of view. D. All of the above
C. ability to digitalize.
D. availability of a tooth library. 9. A preliminary film, low-dose image, taken of a region
to serve as a baseline before a definitive imaging
4. CBCT is: study is a:
A. ideal for every oral healthcare situation. A. vector film. B. STL film.
B. superior for assessing tooth surfaces. C. scout film. D. “pinned” film.
C. not appropriate for assessing temporomandibular disorder.
D. not intended to supplant intraoral radiography. 10. CBCT units with limited scan units that target the
area typically treated in dentistry may:
5. CBCT uses a cone-shaped beam of radiation to: A. be more comfortable for the patient.
A. acquire data in a single 360° rotation. B. facilitate electronic transmission.
B. reveal the external architecture of an object. C. limit the potential liability of the practitioner.
C. rotate around the patient multiple times. D. improve pre-visualization.
D. All of the above

This article provides 2 hours of CE credit from Dental Learning Systems, LLC. To participate in the CE lesson for
a fee of $0, please log on to Course is valid from 8/1/16 to 8/31/19. Participants must attain a
score of 70% on each quiz to receive credit. Participants will receive an annual report documenting their accumu-
lated credits, and are urged to contact their own state registry boards for special CE requirements.

Dental Learning Systems, LLC, is an ADA CERP Recognized

Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental
Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality
providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does
not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor
does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Approval does not imply acceptance by
Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed a state or provisional board of dentistry
or AGD endorsement. The current term
TO TAKE THE QUIZ, VISIT to the provider or to ADA CERP at
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CDEWORLD.COM/EBOOKS/CE/49 12/31/2016. Provider #: 209722.


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