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1) th
Using Table J in your Reference Tables, list two metals that will react wi acids.

- - = ~ - ' - -_ _ and _______
Rb _
2 ) Using Table Jin your Reference Tables, list two metals that will NOT react with acids.

-4 - - and_~A=-u___
3) Name the type of reaction (of the four major types) when an acid reacts with a metal.

4) Write the equation for this type of reaction using ABCs. _J_&~i~_:t--~(.,~
__ -=--'A
~ L-=---+~~~-----
5) Predict the products of the following reaction:

6) Would copper react with an acid? A/o Explain your answer in terms of activity. l)lWv'::J:__

7) Predict the products of the following reaction:

RbOH + HBr +

8) Name the type of the reaction above: ---'--

N_ t_ l.J
t _f _\ l_, -=
2 --=-(J.,
--'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

9) Write the equation for a reaction between HN03 and LiOH.

10) Name the type of the reaction ab0ve:

11) Complete the following reaction. Make sure to balance the reaction.

L \~ L0 + l u. ~ o '-=I
Name the salt that was produced: _ la
_. _,_IO_'_v . .r-n
:. .:. . _ _~_v--\_
'. ,..q":. , - !. \-e=.=-------------
2) Accor~ ng to your Reference Tables, which metal would react spontaneously with hydrochloric


A) Gold B) Silver C) Copper

. . er the following questions.
Using Table J and your knowledge of chemistry answ
I. Wh Y does goldAu occur native (uncombined) in nature whereas zmc,.
· " d ~-e-s not 9 ,,6 ,.,,,_·
e.. .
v'::>e. z:, \~ ""o{e_ \~ \ 0-..<s tc.c,..c.;s v.1~-v,.,.o
Why was silver used to make coins in the past? ~S~,~\v1_gef_(_lJlJJ~US~~ U~0?&.~ -:=:::=:::~ - - -
°'-f' "'-o<' Clet\Vt,. ~W,~ "'>o ',.\- c\oe,sf-..t. h.$ ,
3. Why is copper used to make electrical cables and wires? ?:J,Lft,[)~e~~,½>:::: ·!.__~<W
~C ~~~i\~c-1-,-u.-_ __
:)~ u ~c~" , ~ + -<if::,\ ® Q\·
Why do we know so little about the lifestyles of the people of the Iron Age?
J½e_cwsc.. -\~ 1,0\ \oo~ \l~t 6 'cJoY..~)\ M\.)JI:\ .
Rank the following metals in order ofreactivity (most reactive= 1, least reactive= 4).
zinc -1.._ sodium _L magnesium copper
A) Which of the above metals would react with diluted hydrochloric acid? Describe the reaction.
~06.\v(Y'\ be ca-{:L \--\--::> :1 e- ~ os-\- retc.Jwe-- , et\~e> ~ Cl~~ tv M

B) Which of the above metals would be suitable for making saucepans? -=C=o
~\l~~µ..,_~- - - - - -
Explain why the others are not. DW),ll>l. -\'n(.S1L \ o o.c.\~\Je St, \W~
(-ate.+ ot~ 'Qr;~ dO\)J(\ \.,U~ ~ Nk~ ~\~. w\Y\--\ ac,,~ ~co~
C) Which of the above metals forms a protective coating when it oxidizes? _{Jj-=----~\~¥- - - - -
D) Describe what you would see, if you dropped a piece of magnesium ribbon into some copper
sulfate solution in a test tube.

Write a word equation for the reaction:

6. Here is a list of metals in order of decreasing reactivity. Q and Rare mystery metals.
Ca> Mg> Al> Zn>® > Fe>Cu
A) Would Q react with cold water? J/0._
B) Would R react with cold water? 1..Q__
C) Would R react with dilute hydrochloric acid? ~GS
D) Woul d R replace copper from copper sulfate solution? ~

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