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NIM : 201424026

Writing Handbook Assignment

7.1 The Growth Of the World Wide Web

1. ‘… such as the invention of the wheel, money and the telephone…’

Are these really critical development?
➔ Yes, because wheels, money and telephone will affect the development of the world
wide web.
2. ‘… the development of the internet is perhaps the most crucial of all.’
Is this true?
➔ Yes is true
3. ‘… so that few people can imagine life without it.’
Is this claim credible?
➔ No, for living without internet access is possible because humans do not depend on
internet access to live on
4. ‘it is estimated that over 70 per cent of north americans, for instance, have internet
No source given. Does this figure seem likely?
➔ No, because it’a a tentative estimate like that
5. ‘physical shops are under threat, as growing number shop online.’
Is the first part true, and if so, is it caused by online shopping?
➔ Yes is true, because we can do online shopping easily
6. ‘…speeding up their work and allowing them to produce better quality research.’
If the first part is true, does the result logically follow?
➔ Yes is true, because we can search for any research data or anything we need can be
found on the internet
7. ‘we are reaching a situation in which all kinds of information are freely available to
everyone, which must lead to a happier, healthier and richer society.’
Does the first part need any qualification?Is the conclusion justified?
➔ No needed and conclusion is justified
8. Is the write objective or biased?
➔ The author is objective, be commonly talk about the growth of internet
9. Do I agree with this argument overall?
➔ Yes I agree with the argument overall

Chapter 1.3 Avoiding Plagiarism

1. Acceptable, because the text is re writed from the given paragraph and it included the source

2. Plagiarised because original wording with minor changes to word order.

3. Acceptable, because the text is re writed from the given paragraph and it included the source
4. Technically plagiarism because mistake in date means the citation is

5. Plagiarised because some original wording and no citation.

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