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Drilling Fluid Functions 04
Mud Properties and Tests 04
Density (Mud Weight) 04
Viscosity 05
Gel Strength 06
Yield Strength 06
Filtration 06
PH determination 07
Sand Content 08
Bad Effects of Solids on Mud System 08
Bottom Hole Problems due to improper Drilling Fluid 09
Slug Calculations 09


Hoisting System 12
Rotating System 13
Mud Circulating System 14


Mud Tanks 16
Mud Pumps 16
Solids Removing (Conditioning) Equipment 18
Mud Gas Separator 24
Degasser 25
Other Equipments 26
Other Instruments 28
Pressure Losses 28

How to tell if valves and seats need replacement 29
How to remove valves and seats 29
How to install valves and seats and re-operate 30
How to tell if pistons or liners need replacement 31
How to remove pistons and liners 32


How to install pistons and liners 32

Two types of rotating systems 33
Conventional rotating system components 34

Rotary Table Assembly 35

Function 35
How does the rotary table assembly work? 35
Size and capacity of rotary table 36
Care & maintenance of rotary table assembly 37
Master bushing 38
Types of master bushings 39
The Kelly bushing 40
Drill Stem Assembly 42
The Kelly 43
Functions of the Kelly 43
Types of Kelly 44
Kelly saver sub 44
Lower Kelly cock 45
The Swivel 45
Swivel Functions 45
Swivel Maintenance 45

Drill Pipe Functions 46
Drill Pipe Standard Ranges 46
Drill Pipe UPSET 46
API Classification for Drill Pipe 46
Drill Pipe Strengths (API specification) 46
Drill Pipe Failure 47
Drill Collars Types 47
Drill Collars Functions 48
Stabilizer functions 48
The Purpose of using Dope in D/Ps & D/Cs 48
Initial Make Up of New Drill Collars 48





Drilling Fluid Functions:
1- Remove cuttings from bottom to surface.
2- Cool and Lubricate Bit and Drill String.
3- Overcome gas, oil, and water flows (by exert sufficient hydrostatic
4- Prevent wall from caving (wall the hole with an impermeable filter
5- Transmit hydraulic horsepower to bit.
6- Support part of the weight of the drill string (Buoyancy).
7- Hold cuttings and weighing material in suspension when circulation is
interrupted (Gel-Strength, Yield Point).
8- Reveal information about the formation through cuttings.

Mud Properties and Tests:

1- Density (Mud Weight):

- Weight per unit volume (ppg or pcf), measured by Mud Balance
- Mud Balance has 4 scales:
1- ppg
2- pcf
3- Specific Gravity
4- psi/1000 ft
- Fresh Water Density:
= 8.34 ppg
= 62.4 pcf
= 1 SG
= 433.68 psi/1000 ft

Mud Balance

2- Viscosity:


- Measure of internal resistance of drilling fluid

- Measured by Marsh Funnel
- It reports viscosity in seconds/quart
- Quart Volume = 946 cc, while funnel volume = 1500 cc.
- Fresh Water viscosity = 26.8 sec/quart

Marsh Funnel
This viscosity is called Apparent Viscosity, composed of:

Plastic Viscosity
= shear stress reading @ 600 rpm - shear stress reading @ 300 rpm (c.poise)

Yield Point
= shear stress reading @ 300 rpm - plastic viscosity (lb/100ft3)

Apparent Viscosity
= (shear stress reading @ 600 rpm) / 2 (c.poise)


They are measured by Direct-Indication Viscometer

Direct-Indication Viscometer

3- Gel Strength:
- A measure of the attractive forces between suspended solid particles in
a liquid, when it is Static, reported in lb/100 sq. ft

4- Yield Strength:
- A measure of the attractive forces between suspended solid particles in
a liquid while circulation

5- Filtration:
- A relative measure of liquid filtered into a permeable formation and of
the cake left on the formation
- Thickness of Filter Cake is read to the nearest 1/32 in
- Water Loss Increase, Filter Cake Increase
- Should have Thin, Hard & Impermeable Filter Cake To:
- Minimize formation damage
- Improve Hole Stability to avoid Drag & Stuck
- Reduce fluid Loss


Low Pressure Filtration Tester

6- PH determination:
- Most drilling muds are Alkaline having PH range of
9 to 11

acid water alkaline

- Why use high PH mud:

1- To prevent Corrosion
2- To overcome H2S gas
3- To prevent High Temperature
4- To have stability in PH
7- Sand Content:
- Sand is abrasive, which may cause trouble to the equipment in contact
with mud
- It settles in hole causing hole problems


- It increases mud weight

- Mustn’t be higher than 0.5%
- Drilling mud is a three-phase mixture
1- Liquid phase:
- Fresh or Salt Water
- Oil
- Mixture of Fresh Water and Oil
2- Reactive phase:
- The main reactive solids in most drilling mud are Clay
(usually Bentonite)
- Water Base Mud
- Oil Base Mud
- Bentonite gives two important properties to Mud:
1- Increase Viscosity
2- Decrease Water Loss (by improving Filter Cake)
3- Non reactive phase:
- Drilled Solids (Sand & Silt)
- Weighing Material (usually Baraite)
- Loss Circulation Material (LCM)
- Low Solid Mud:
Mud has no or little Drilled Solids and contains 10-14 lb/bbl
- Sand Content:
Is the percentage % of Sand only in mud by volume.
- Solid Content:
Is the percentage % of all Solids in mud by volume.

Bad Effects of Solids on Mud System:

1- Damage in pump parts.
2- Reduce Rate of Penetration (ROP).
3- Bit Nozzle Plugging.
4- Causes Rig Down Time.

Bottom Hole Problems due to improper Drilling Fluid:

1- Shale Sloughing
2- Lost Circulation
3- Well Kick and Blow Out
4- High Bottom Hole Temperature
5- Stuck


Slug Calculations:

Slug volume can be calculated using the U-TUBE pressure concept

and the hydrostatic pressure equation

0.052  M wt  H = 0.052  Slug wt  H Slug

Or by using the slug volume equation

M wt  Level Drop Below R.T  Pipe Capacity

Slug Volume =
Slug wt − Mud wt


Well Depth = 10,000 ft

Mud wt = 10 ppg
Calculate the length of dry pipe below rotary table after pumping 25 bbls
of slug having wt = 12 ppg.

Before pumping the slug calculate the hydrostatic pressure inside the
string and in the annular

PH Annular = 0.052 x Mwt x TVD = 0.052 x 10 x 10000 = 5200 psi

PH String = 0.052 x Mwt x TVD = 0.052 x 10 x 10000 = 5200 psi


 The hydrostatic pressure is equal inside the string and in the annular
because this is a U-TUBE balance case.

After pumping the 25 bbls of a slug having wt = 12 ppg

ID 2 4.276 2
Drill Pipe Capacity = = = 0.01776 bbl / ft
1029 .4 1029 .4

 Slug Length = = 1408 ft

PH String = 0.052 x Slug wt x LSlug + 0.052 x Mwt x LMud

= 0.052 x 12 x 1408 + 0.052 x 10 x (10,000 – 1408 – LAir)
= 878.592 + 0.52 x (8592 – LAir)

PH Annular = 0.052 x Mwt x TVD = 0.052 x 10 x 10,000 = 5200 psi

To balance the U-TUBE

5200 = 878.592 + 0.52 x (8592 – LAir)

Level Drop below R.T = 281.6 ft (A)

Or we can use the following equation

M wt  Level Drop Below R.T  Pipe Capacity

Slug Volume =
Slug wt − Mud wt
10  Level Drop Below R.T  0.01776
25 =
12 −10

Level Drop below R.T = 282 ft (B)

By comparing Answers (A) & (B), we can notice that there is a

small difference between them



Three systems work together to make a hole

1- Hoisting System:
- Raises and Lowers the Drill Stem

- Consists of:
- Mast
- Crown Block
- Traveling Block
- Hook
- Drilling Line
- Draw-Works

Main Components of The Hoisting System

2- Rotating System:


- Turns the bit

- Consists of :
- Swivel
- Kelly
- Kelly Spinner
- Kelly Drive Bushing
- Master Bushing
- Rotary Table
- Top Drive

Main Components of The Rotating System

3- Mud Circulating System:

- Moves a fluid down the drill stem out of bit and back up to surface.

- Consists of:

- Mud Tanks
- Mud Pumps
- Stand Pipe
- Rotary Hose
- Swivel
- Drill String with Bit
- Mud Return Line


Main Components of The Circulating SYSTEM

Consists of:
1- Mud tanks.
2- Mud pumps.
3- Solid removing equipment (Shale shaker, Desander, Desilter, Mud
cleaner, centrifuge).
4- Mud gas separator.

5- Degasser.
6- Other equipments (Mud mixer & agitator, Jet hopper).
7- Other instruments (Pit Level Indicator, Flow Rate Sensor, Differential
Flow Meter, Pump Strokes Indicator)

Main Components of The Circulating System

1- Mud Tanks:
The beginning and the end of the system
- Supply mud to pump.
- Receive mud circulated out of well.
- Store reserve mud.
- To mix additives into mud.
- To allow solids to settle down out of mud.

2- Mud Pumps:
- There are two types of mud pumps:


1- Triplex single acting mud pump.

2- Duplex double acting mud pump.

- Why Triplex single acting pumps are preferable than Duplex double
acting mud pumps?
1- Triplex single acting pump is lighter than Duplex double acting
pump, with the same horse power.
2- Triplex single acting pump is easier to maintain than Duplex
double acting pump.
3- Triplex single acting pump efficiency is (95%-98%), while
Duplex double acting pump efficiency is (85%).

- Pump Output Calculation for Triples Single Acting Mud Pump:

D2 L
Pump out put in BBL / STK =  3  eff
1029 .4 12

D = Liner diameter in inches
L = Stroke length in inches
eff = Pump efficiency

- Relation between Pump Pressure, Mud Weight, and Strokes

@ Const.(SPM )
P 2 = P1 
 SPM 2 
 @ Const.(MW )
P 2 = P1  2
= P1 
SPM 1  SPM 1 
MW2  SPM 2 
P 2 = P1   2
= P1    
MW1 SPM 1 MW1  SPM 1 
P = Pressure
MW = Mud Weight
SPM = # of Pump strokes per minute


Schematic view of valve cycle for triplex single acting mud pump

Schematic view of valve cycle for duplex double acting mud pump

3- Solids Removing (Conditioning) Equipment:

a- Shale Shaker:


Consists of one or more vibrating or rotating screens, the mud

passes over one or more shale shakers to separate cuttings

Shale Shaker
- Mesh number is number of openings in the longitudinal inch of the

b- Desander: Eight Mesh Screen

- Removes solids that are small enough to pass through shale shaker,
removes Sand ranges from less than 74 to 40 micron.
- The Optimum Working Pressure is 35-45 psi (2.6-3.2 kg/cm2).
- Desander capacity = 500 gpm/cone


Types of Desander

c- Desilter:
- Removes solids that are small enough to pass through Desander,
Removes Silt ranges from less than 40 to 20 micron
- Desander and Desilter use Cones to separate out Sand and Silt
- They extend the Pump Liners, pistons and rods life
- The Optimum Working Pressure is 35-45 psi (2.6-3.2 kg/cm2)
- Desilter capacity = 75 gpm/cone


Types of Desilter

d- Mud Cleaner:
- Removes Drilled Solids from mud without removing Baraite and too
much fluid
- Consists of desilting cones and a very fine mesh screen
- Mud additives and liquid return to the system
- Removes Solids from less than 20 to 7 micron


Types of Mud cleaner

Hydrocyclone capacities:

4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12"
50-75 70-80 100–150 150-250 400-500 400-500


e- Centrifuge:
Removes Solids from less than 7 to 4 micron



4- Mud Gas Separator:

- A relative small closed vessel or tank that removes large quantities of
gas from mud
- The Optimum Working Pressure the atmospheric pressure.


Mud Gas Separator

5- Degasser:
- A steel tank that removes entrained gas from mud
- Uses a Vacuum Pump to help drawing gas from mud
- The Optimum Working Pressure is 35-45 psi (2.6-3.2 kg/cm2)


6- Other Equipments:
a- Mud Mixer (Gun) and Agitator:
- Mix mud when adding materials
- keep solids dispersed in mixed mud
- Break mud with high gel strength

b- Jet Hopper:
- Funnel shaped device
- Connected to a Centrifugal pump
- Mix dry or liquid materials into mud



Mud Gun


7- Other Instruments:
a- Pit Level Indicator.
b- Flow Rate Sensor.
c- Differential Flow Meter (indicates Pit gain).


d- Pump Strokes Indicator.

- Pressure Losses:


How to tell if valves and seats need replacement:
a- Clean and inspect valve pot for cuts and cracks.
b- Inspect valve for wash cuts or excessive grooving.
c- Check the fit of valve stem in the seat guide.
d- Inspect seat for wash cuts inside and outside.
e- Must replace valves when replace seats.

Seat & Valve Schematic view of pump module

How to remove valves and seats:

a- Shut down the pump, and isolate it
b- Close off the discharge and suction valves, open the release (pop-off)
valve, and drain the pump
c- Remove the valve pot cover
d- Pull the valve
e- Pull the seat using seat puller


Wedge type seat puller Hydraulic seat puller

How to install valves and seats and re-operate:

a- Clean the place where the seat fits and set it on level.
b- Clean the valve and install new insert, simply set the valve on the
c- Generally install a new spring when install a new seat and valve.
d- Clean the thread and gasket surface of the valve pot and valve pot
e- Apply some anti-seize compound to the thread and install the valve
pot cover.
f- Tighten the valve cover with one thousand foot-pound torque, don’t
hummer on it.
g- Close the release and drain valves, open the suction and discharge
valves, de-isolate the pump.
h- Run the pump, get rid of air, monitor it and inspect for any problem.

How to tell if pistons or liners need replacement:

a- Replace liner after three pistons
b- Check liner for cuts, cracks, or grooves
c- Check piston rubber for absence of lip


d- Check piston for rounded shoulder

e- Chewed rubber indicates worn piston or liner

Schematic view of pump piston & liner

How to remove pistons and liners:

a- Shut down the pump and isolate it
b- Remove the clamp and the extension rod, have to turn the pump
c- Pull out the piston
d- Unscrew the liner retaining nut
e- Take out the retaining nut with liner


f- Inspect the wear plate and the module

How to install pistons and liners:

a- Clean wear plate
b- Remove the paint at liner ends, and grease it
c- Install the liner into the retainer nut and tighten it’s screws
d- Grease the thread of the retainer nut and install it into the pump
module and tighten it
e- Grease the piston rubber
f- Align the piston at liner and push it by turning the pump wheel
g- Install and tighten the extension rod
h- Clean the clamp internal surfaces and between the extension rod and
the pony rod
i- Install and tighten the clamp screws
k- De-isolate the pump and bring it up slowly to the desired pressure


Two types of rotating systems:

Top drive

Conventional Top Drive

Conventional rotating system components:

- Rotary table assembly.


- Master bushing.
- Kelly bushing.
- Lower Kelly cock (valve).
- Kelly.
- Kelly saver sub.
- Upper Kelly cock (valve).
- Rotary (Kelly).
- Hose.
- Swivel.

Conventional rotating system components

Rotary Table Assembly:

The rotary table assembly has
two main functions:


A- During drilling/ it rotates and transfers the turning motion to the

(Rotate string, and centralize the well)

b- When drilling is stopped/ it holds (suspends) the weight of the drill

string when slips are set in rotary table.
(Carry the string by slips)

How does the rotary table assembly work?

When the driller engages the rotary table assembly, power from
the draw works turns the draw works. sprocket. The draw works
sprocket sends power through the rotary chain to the drive-shaft
sprocket. This second sprocket transfers power to the drive-shaft
The other end of the drive shaft has a pinion, which is a gear with
beveled teeth. The pinion meshes with a circular gear, the ring gear, on
the rotary table itself, causing it to turn. Some rigs have separate rotary
drive system. The power source is an electric motor.


Size and capacity of rotary table:

The size of the rotary table assembly is determined by the
diameter of the opening in the middle where the drill stem is suspended.
The sizes range from 17.5 Inches to 49.5 inches.
We must also know the rotary table assembly's load capacity. The
load capacity indicates how much weight a rotary table assembly can
safely bear.
The load capacity range from 100 tons to 600 tons.
Generally, the larger the rig , the larger the rotary table assembly
and the greater its load capacity
Its very important to make the center of the rotary table in line
with the crown block & the center of well.

Care & maintenance of rotary table assembly:

- Using the dipstick check the oil level in the reservoir before operating.
- Check grease fittings and lubricate them before start-up.
- Center the rotary table under traveling block. Secure the rotary table
firmly in its position.

- Align the drive-shaft sprocket with the draw works sprocket.

- Check the tension on the drive chain.

Master bushing:
The master bushing is a steel cylinder. It sets inside the turntable,
which turns it. The master bushing then it turns the Kelly bushing during
normal drilling. The master bushing has a tapered surface for the slips.
This surface is either part of the bushing itself, or it’s a removable inner
The master bushing performs two jobs:-


- During drilling/ it connects the rotary table to the Kelly bushing and
transfers rotation from one to other.
- When drilling stops, the master bushing holds the slips.

Master bushing

Types of master bushings:

1- Split construction type:

This type has two halves, each of
which has a taper for the slips. It
has interchangeable bowls.


2- Solid construction type:

This type has two removable insert
bowls. Insert bowls provide the
taper for the slips.

3- Hinged construction type: This

type has two halves linked with
large pins in a hinge, hinged
bushings have interchangeable
bowls that fit into each half for

The Kelly bushing:

(Also called the drive bushing) turns the Kelly. It fits inside the
rotary table's master bushing. The Kelly bushing's dome-shaped metal
housing has an opening in the middle for the Kelly, four pins or a single
square drive on the bottom and several roller assemblies inside. Roller
assemblies are removable units that allow the Kelly to move up and
down inside the Kelly bushing, these assemblies contain bearings, seals,
roller pins and rollers.


Kelly bushing

Function of the Kelly bushing:

- Transfers turning motion from the rotary table's master bushing to the
- Allows the Kelly to move up and down freely. The Kelly moves down
with the drill stem as the hole deepens.

The master bushing has two ways to drive the Kelly bushing:

- Four pins on the Kelly

Bushing fit into Corresponding
holes in the master bushing.


- Square-drive Kelly bushing

fits into a corresponding
square shaped opening in the
master bushing.

Drill Stem Assembly:


Drill Stem Assembly


The Kelly:
The Kelly is a flat-sided,
heavy steel pipe that crew
members attach to the bottom of
the swivel. They attach the other
end of the Kelly to the drill stem.
The Kelly bushing and the master
bushing transfer the rotary table
assembly's rotation to the Kelly.
The Kelly, since crewmembers
make it up on the drill stem, turns
the drill stem and bit. The Kelly is
usually 40 feet (12 meters) long
and has either four or six flattened
(not round) sides. Crewmembers
make up several attachments to
the Kelly. These attachments
include the upper Kelly dock, the
lower Kelly clock (drill pipe safety
valve), and the Kelly saver sub.


Functions of the Kelly:

- Transmits the turning motion of the rotary table to the drill string
- Conducts drilling fluid From the swivel to the drill stem.

Types of Kelly:


Kellies are four or six sided, instead of round, because the flat
sides mate with Kelly bushing to drive (turn) the Kelly. A four sided Kelly
has a square cross section. A six sided Kelly has a hexagonal cross
section. In general, a hexagonal Kelly is stronger than a square Kelly,
but square Kelly is less expensive. As a result, large rigs drilling deep
wells often use hexagonal kellies because of their extra strength. On the
other hand, small rigs often use square kellies.

Hexagonal Kelly Square Kelly

Kelly saver sub:

The Kelly sub, or Kelly saver sub, is a short threaded pipe that fits
below the Kelly. Rotary helpers normally connect the saver to the lower
Kelly cock. The saver sub minimizes wear on the Kelly's threads. Crew
members break out the Kelly from the drill stem frequently. What is
more, they eventually connect
the Kelly to every joint of drill
pipe as the hole gets deeper. A
rubber protector is installed on
the Kelly sub. This protector
keeps the Kelly from rubbing
against the inside of the blowout
preventers and the top of casing,
which could damage the Kelly,
the preventers and the casing.
Lower Kelly cock:
A lower Kelly cock (a drill Pipe safety valve) is like the upper Kelly
cock, a standby safety device for blowout preventation. Floor hands


routinely make one up below the Kelly. Using a special wrench, they can
close the lower Kelly cock to keep a kick from coming back up through
the drill string.

Lower Kelly Cock

The Swivel:

Swivel Functions:
1- Transfer mud from kelly hose to
2- Carry string in case of drilling.
3- Enable kelly to rotate free of kelly
Swivel Maintenance:
- Keep the Swivel clean.
- Coat the bail throat with grease.
- Lubricate the bail pins, oil seals,
upper bearing, and the packing.
- Check the oil level as recommended
by the manufacture.
- Remove rust and apply weather
protection as required.
- Check and secure all fasteners.
Drill Pipe Functions:
1- Transmit Rotational Power to the BHA
2- Transmit Drilling Fluid to the BHA


Drill Pipe Standard Ranges:

Range 1, from 18 to 22 feet (Obsolete)
Range 2, from 27 to 30 feet (EDC)
Range 3, from 38 to 45 feet

Note, this length doesn’t include Tool Joint length which is welded to the
ends of the pipe

Drill Pipe UPSET:

- Internal UPSET
- External UPSET
- Internal-External UPSET

API Classification for Drill Pipe :

- Class 1: New Drill Pipe.
- Premium Class: Remaining wall not less than 80 %, uniform Wear.
- Class 2: Remaining wall not less than 80%, non-uniform wear,
minimum wall not less than 65% nominal wall.
- Class 3: Remaining wall not less than 62.5%, non-uniform wear,
minimum wall not less than 55% nominal wall.

Drill Pipe Strengths (API specification):

1- Yield Strength:
Strength at which Drill Pipe starts to deform (Yield Point)
- E-75, minimum = 75,000 psi
maximum = 105,000 psi

- X-95, minimum = 95,000 psi

maximum = 125,000 psi

- G-105, minimum = 105,000 psi

maximum = 135,000 psi

- S-135, minimum = 135,000 psi

maximum = 165,000 psi

2- Tensile Strength:
Strength at which Drill Pipe broken (not reached).


3- Torsion Yield Strength:

The amount of twisting stress a pipe can withstand before

4- Burst Strength:
The internal pressure that can cause a new pipe to burst.

5- Collapse Strength:
The external pressure that can cause a new pipe to collapse.

Drill Pipe Failure:

1- Collapse: Due to external pressure around pipes.

2- Slip Cuts, Metal Tears: Due to pipe turning in slips.

3- Corrosion

4- Wash Out: Small opening caused by a fatigue crack penetrating the

pipe wall, then the drilling fluid has been forced through it, erodes the
metal, enlarges and rounds off the edges of the hole.

5- Twist Off: Caused by a fatigue crack extended around the pipe

causing the pipe to break.

Drill Collars Types:

1- Slick Drill Collars (such as Monel)
2- Spiral Drill Collars (reduce the chance of Differential Sticking)

Drill Collars Functions:

1- Provides Weight on Bit (WOB), 15% excess
2- Keep the Drill String under tension to prevent buckling

Stabilizer functions:
1- Reduce the buckling & bending of Drill Collars.
2- Allow applying of higher Weight on Bit (WOB).
3- Increase Bit Life.
4- Prevent Wall Sticking, could be placed at top of drill collars to deal
with a Key Seat.


5- Provide Angle Control in Directional Drilling.

The Purpose of using Dope in D/Ps & D/Cs:

1- Lubricate and Cool the thread and shoulder.
2- Make good seal to prevent Back Off.
3- Prevent Galling.

Initial Make Up of New Drill Collars:

1- Visual Inspection, Lubricate it very carefully, Make it Up using a chain
2- Make Up to proper Torque
3- Break Out connection and inspect for minor damage
4- Re-Lubricate and Make Up to proper Torque

1- Calculate the area of circle with diameter 18 5/8”?


2- Calculate the cross-sectional area of 5" drill pipe having an

ID of 4.276"?



3- Calculate the annular capacity between 12 ¼” hole and 6 ¼”

D/Cs at 420 ft. depth?


4- Calculate the capacity of:

a- 5" DP, 4.276" I.D = …………………………………………………bbl/ft

b- 11" DC, 3" I.D = …….……………………………………………… bbl/ft

5- Metal displacement of drill collar weighting 299 lb/ft, 11"

O.D, 3" I.D is

a- 0.2 bbl/ft
b- 0.109 bbl/ft
c- 0.112 bbl/ft
d- 0.03 bbl/ft

6- A tank have 40 ft. long, 10 ft. wide, 8 ft high, calculate:

a- Capacity of tank in bbls


b- Capacity of tank in bbl/ft.


c- Capacity of tank in bbl/ inch



7- The volume of tank 40 ft long, 7 ft wide & 7 ft high is:

a- 280 cu.ft
b- 1960 bbl
c- 300 bbl
d- 1960 cu.ft

8- What is the relation between: pressure, force and area?

P = -------------- psi

Calculate the force if 6000 psi pressure is applied on blind flange 3 1/8”


9- What is the hook load of one hundred meters (100 m) of d/p

having 22.5 lb/ft running in hole with 12.4 ppg mud?

10- What are the two basic factors, that consider when
calculation hydrostatic pressure?

a) Mud weight.
b) Hole size.
b) Hole deviation.
d) Vertical depth.


11- Calculate the depth in feet if:

Mud weight = 11 ppg.
Hyd. Static press. = 3700 psi

12- Formation pressure at 7500 ft is 3488 psi, Calculate the

formation gradient.

Formation gradient = …………………………………………………….. psi/ft

13- Normal formation pressure gradient = ……………psi/ft.

14- Calculate the pressure gradient if mud weight = 14.3 ppg.

PG =--------------------------------------------------------------------------

15- Mud gradient of 10 ppg mud is:

a- 0.65 psi/ft
b- 0.052 psi/ft
c- 0.52 psi/ft
d- 1.0 psi/ft

16- If mud gradient is 0.72 psi/ft, what is the mud weight:

a- 13.8 ppg
b- 12.8 ppg
c- 14.8 ppg
d- 15.5 ppg

17- What is the specific gravity ?

Specific gravity mud = -------------------------------


If Sp.Gr is 1.68, what is mud weight?

Mud wt. = ---------------------------------------

18-Formation pressure is caused by the fluids in the formations.

a) True b) False

19- Calculate the slug volume to be pumped into 5" drill pipe
having capacity = 0.01776 bbl/ft, mud weight = 10.5 ppg, slug
weight = 12 ppg & fluid level drop = 202 ft.

Slug Volume =

20- How many feet of dry pipes if:

5” drill pipe capacity = 0.01776 bbl/ft
Slug volume = 25 bbl
Mud wt. = 10 ppg.
Slug wt. = 12 ppg.

Dry Length =

21- How many feet of dry pipe below rotary table after
pumping slug of weight = 13 ppg, current mud wt = 11 ppg,
Slug volume = 25 bbl, 5" drill pipe grade (G), having wt = 19.5
lb/ft, capacity = 0.0175 bbl/ft, displacement = 0.0075 bbl/ft.

Dry Length =

22- What is the parameter affected on pump o/p calculations:



23- Triplex single acting mud pump are lighter in weight than
duplex double acting pumps, both same horsepower

a)True. b) False

24- Calculate pump out put if you have 6.5” liner diameter, 12”
stroke Length, and pump efficiency is 95 %

Pump output = -------------------------------------

25- If you have a mud pump with 5.5” Liner, 10” stroke, 96 %
pump efficiency, and operating at 110 spm
Calculate the following:

a- Pump output in bbl/stk…….……………………………………………………


b- Pump output in bbl/min…………………………………………………………


c- Pump output in gpm……………………………………………………………..


26- What is the relation ship between the pump pressure and
pump strokes at constant mud wt.?


27- If drill pipe pressure at 60 spm is 2800 psi, calculate the

pressure at 30 spm at same mud weight?

P2 =

28- What is the relation ship between the pump pressure and
mud wt at constant pump strokes?

29- If circulating pressure is 1500 psi at 30 spm, using 11 ppg

mud wt. What is the pressure with 14 ppg, mud wt. at same 30

P2 =

30- When pumping at 120 spm with 10 ppg mud, the standpipe
pressure was 2600 psi, it has been decided to increase MWT to
11.5 ppg and reduce the pump rate to 90 spm
Calculate the new standpipe pressure?

P2 =

31- Choose the correct answer:

When handling caustic soda, crew members should -------------
a- Add it to the mud system through the chemical barrel.
b- Never add water to dry caustic soda.
c- Wear appropriate personal projective equipment.
d- All of the above.

32- Write the answers?

a- Device used to measure the mud weight
b- Device used to measure the apparent mud viscosity



33- Match the following?

a- Plastic Viscosity
b- Yield Point
….. – Shear stress reading @ 300 rpm–Plastic viscosity
….. – Shear stress reading @ 600 rpm–Shear stress reading @ 300 rpm

34- What are the main six functions of the Drilling Fluid?
a- Reduce the buckling & bending of Drill Collars
b- Remove cuttings from bottom to surface
c- Cool and Lubricate Bit and Drill String
d- Provide Angle Control in Directional Drilling
e- Allow applying of higher Weight on Bit (WOB)
f- Overcome gas, oil, and water flows (by exert sufficient
hydrostatic pressure)
g- Prevent wall from caving (wall the hole with an impermeable
filter cake)
h- Support part of the weight of the drill string (Buoyancy)
i- Reveal information about the formation through cuttings

35- What is the device used to measure the Plastic viscosity and
Yield Point?

36- If the mud checked with V–G meter and the following
numbers recorded:
At 600 RPM = 85
At 300 RPM = 50
a- Plastic Viscosity = -------------------------------------------------------
b- Yield Point = -------------------------------------------------------------
c- Apparent Viscosity = ----------------------------------------------------


37- Match the following?

a- Gel Strength
b- Yield Strength
….. - a measure of the attractive forces between suspended solid
particles in a liquid, when it is Static, reported in lb/100 sq. ft
….. - a measure of the attractive forces between suspended solid
particles in a liquid, while circulation, reported in lb/100 sq. ft

38- What is the relation between water loss and filter cake?


39- What are the good properties of Filter Cake? (Choose Five)
a- Should be Thick
b- Should be thin
c- Impermeable Filter Cake
d- Permeable Filter Cake
e- Minimize formation damage
f- Encourage Caving and Sloughing
g- Improve hole Stability to avoid Drag & Stuck
h- Increase fluid Loss
i- Reduce fluid Loss

40- Is it a good practice to use a high PH in mud?

a) Yes b) No

And why?



41- What is the Range of PH of drilling mud?

a- from 6 to 8
b- from 9 to 11


c- from 12 to 14
d- from 3 to 5

42- Why use high PH in mud? (Choose Six)

a- to prevent Corrosion
b- Cool and Lubricate Bit and Drill String
c- To overcome CO2 gas
d- Overcome gas, oil, and water flows
e- To overcome H2S gas
f- To prevent High Temperature
g- To increase the Salinity
h- To have stability in PH
i- Reduce the buckling & bending of Drill Collars

43- Match the following?

a- Liquid Phase
b- Reactive Phase
c- Non Reactive Phase
….. - Bentonite
….. - Baraite
….. - Mixture of Water and Oil

44- What are the functions of mud tanks? (Choose Four)

a- Separate entrained gas from mud
b- Supply mud to the pump
c- Keep solids dispersed in mixed pump
d- Store reserve mud
e- Allow solids to settle
f- To mix additives into mud
g- To separate solids without separating Baraite and too much

45- What are the 2 main bad effects of solids on mud system?


a- Lost Circulation
b- Well Kick
c- Damage in pump parts
d- Causes rig down time

46- Write the letter of the correct definition in front of each


( ) mud-gas separator
( ) mud cleaner
( ) pit- level indicator
( ) desilter
( ) shale shaker
( ) desander
( ) sand trap
( ) degasser
( ) jet hopper

a- A devise that has one or more vibrating or rotating screen.

b- The tank that receives the mud after it first leaves the Shale

c- Removes solids from mud that range in size from 40 to Less than
74 microns.

d- Removes solids from mud that range in size from about 20 to 40


e- Removes solids from mud down to about 7 microns in Size.

f- A relative small closed vessel or tank that removes large quantities

of gas from mud.

g- A steel tanks that removes entrained gas from mud.

h- A funnel-shaped device usually connected to a centrifugal pump

that crew members use to mix dry or liquid materials to the mud

i- Shows the level of mud in the mud tanks.


47- Most of circulating pressure lost when passing through the

bit nozzle.

a) True b) False

48- Match the following?

a- Pressure losses through nozzle
b- Surface line pressure losses
c- Annular pressure losses
d- Drill String internal losses
….. – equals from 5 to 10 % of the pump pressure
….. – equals from 25 to 35 % of the pump pressure
….. – equals from 1 to 3 % of the pump pressure
….. – equals from 50 to 65 % of the pump pressure

49- What are the two types of Rotating System?

a- ……………………………………………………………………………………
b- ……………………………………………………………………………………

50- What are the two main functions of the rotary table?
a- Reduce the buckling and bending of the drill string
b- Rotates the drill string while tripping
c- Allow applying higher weight on bit
d- Carry string by slips
e- Prevent galling
f- Rotates the drill stem while drilling

51- Match the following?

a- Rotary table size
b- Rotary table capacity
….. – is determined by the diameter of the opening
….. – is determined by the weight that can safely bear


52- What are the functions of the Kelly bushing?

a- ……………………………………………………………………………………

b- ……………………………………………………………………………………

53- What are the three main functions of the Swivel?

a- Transfer mud from Kelly hose to string.
b- Decrease hydrostatic pressure.
c- Carry string in case of drilling.
d- Permits the drill stem to rotate free of the rotary hose.
e- Transmits the turning motion of the rotary table to drill string.

54- Choose the correct answers: (Choose Four)

Swivel Maintenance:
a- Check the tension of the chain regularly
b- Check the oil level
c- Replace the wash pipe when have a free time
d- Grease it every one month
e- Remove Rust and apply weather protection
f- Check and secure all fasteners and pins
g- Keep the Swivel clean

55- Torsion in the box area of drill pipe tool joint is caused by
the greatest wear in outer diameter.

a) True. b) False.

56- Torsion in the pin area of drill pipe tool joint is caused by
the greatest wear in inner diameter.

a) True. b) False.

57- From causes of drill collar failures, is to use improper

amount of torque during trip connection.


a) True. b) False.

58- The main functions of the drill pipe, is to put WOB in order
to make hole

a) True. b) False.

59- Match the following?

a- Burst strength
b- Torsional strength
c- Yield strength
d- Collapse strength
e- Tensile strength
….. - Strength at which Drill Pipe starts to deform
….. - Strength at which Drill Pipe broken (not reached)
….. - The amount of twisting stress a pipe can withstand before
….. - The internal pressure that can damage the drill pipe
….. - The external pressure that can damage the drill pipe

60- Match the following?

a- Wash out
b- Slip cuts
c- Twist off
….. – Caused by a fatigue crack extended around the pipe
….. – Small opening caused by a fatigue crack penetrating the pipe
….. – Due to pipe turning in slips

61- What is the drill pipe class used in EDC?



62- What are the drill collars types?

a- ……………………………………………………………….……………….
b- ……………………………………………………………….……………….

63- What are the Stabilizer functions? (Choose Three)

a- Provide angle control in directional drilling
b- Increase the chance of wall sticking
c- Reduce weight on bit
d- Reduce the buckling of drill collar
e- Prevent galling
f- Increase the bit life

64- Mention three purposes of using dope when make up drill

pipes and collars?

a- ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b- ………………………………………………………………………………………….
c- ………………………………………………………………………………………….

65- Mention the steps for initial make up of new drill collars?

a- ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b- ………………………………………………………………………………………….
c- ………………………………………………………………………………………….
d- ………………………………………………………………………………………….



1- 272.45
2- 5.2746
3- 46.8 bbl
4- a- 0.01776 bbl/ft
b- 0.0087 bbl/ft
5- (b)
6- a- 570 bbl
b- 71.25 bbl/ft
c- 5.94 bbl/in
7- (d)
8- P = F psi
F= 46019.53 lb
9- Hook Load = 5983.41 lb
10- (a) , (d)
11- TVD = 6468.5 ft
12- Formation gradient = 0.465 psi/ft
13- 0.465 psi/ft
14- PG = 0.7436 psi/ft
15- (c)
16- (a)
17- Specific gravitymud = Mwt
Mudwt = 14 ppg
18- (a)
19- Slug Volume = 25.11 bbl
20- Dry Length = 281.5 ft
21- Dry Length = 259.7 ft
22- a- Liner diameter.
b- Stroke length.
c- Efficiency.
23- (a)
24- Pump output = 0.117 bbl/stk


25- a- 0.071 bbl/stk

b- 7.76 bbl/min
c- 325.83 gpm
26- 2
 SPM 2 

 @ Const.(MW )
P 2 = P1  2
= P1 
SPM 1  SPM 1 
27- P2 = 700 psi
28- P = P  MW2 @ Const.(SPM )
2 1
29- P2 = 1909 psi
30- P2 = 1680 psi
31- (d)
32- a- Mud balance.
b- Marsh funnel.
33- (b)
34- (b) , (c) , (f) , (g) , (h) , (i)
35- Direct indication viscometer.
36- a- 35 (c.poise)
b- 15 (lb/100ft3)
c- 42.5 (c.poise)
37- (a)
38- When water loss increases, filter cake increases.
39- (b) , (c) , (e) , (g) , (i)
40- (a)
1- To overcome H2S gas
2- To prevent corrosion
41- (b)
42- (a) , (c) , (e) , (f) , (g) , (h)
43- (b)
44- (b) , (d) , (e) , (f)
45- (c) , (d)
46- (f)


47- (a)
48- (c)
49- a- Conventional.
b- Top drive.
50- (d) , (f)
51- (a)
52- a- Transfers turning motion from the rotary table's master
bushing to the Kelly.
b- Allows the Kelly to move up and down freely. The Kelly moves
down with the drill stem as the hole deepens.
53- (a) , (c) , (d)
54- (b) , (e) , (f) , (g)
55- (a)
56- (a)
57- (a)
58- (b)
59- (c)
60- (c)
61- Premium class.
62- a- Slick Drill Collars.
b- Spiral Drill Collars.
63- (a) , (d) , (f)


64- a- Lubricate and Cool the thread and shoulder.

b- Make good seal to prevent Back Off.
c- Prevent Galling.
65- a- Visual Inspection, Lubricate it very carefully, Make it Up using a
chain tong.
b- Make Up to proper Torque.
c- Break Out connection and inspect for minor damage.
d- Re-Lubricate and Make Up to proper Torque.


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