MIL Week 9

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Instructions: Read and understand the questions carefully and select the best answer.

TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is incorrect in
the space provided before the number

1. Wearable technology could be clothing, Rings, shoes, socks, hats.

A. True B. False

2. Social media actually goes back to some of the earliest internet technologies and even predates.
A. True B. False

3. E-mail is still the most popular online communication technology.

A. True B. False

4. People can exchange ideas on MOOC.

A. True B. False

5. It is mandatory for student to have computer, smartphone or tablet with internet connection.
A. True B. False

6. A MOOC is a blackboard.
A. True B. False

7. A weak Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the view that computer models can be a useful way of studying
in the mind.
A. True B. False

8. Microphone calibration is automated and you just have to wait for it to run.
A. True B. False

9. Microphone calibration is a manual process that requires the user to read a block or text unit until
the microphone complete the calibration.
A. True B. False

10.One of the most important characteristics of MOOD is “learning at any time, at any place.”
A. True B. False


1. What are the features of the smartband that you like best?
2. Do you think smartband can make communication among
Filipinos easier or faster?
3. Which gadgets do you think would benefit?
4. Which

discussed trends in media and information do you think have

the most impact or influence to people and to the society as a
whole? Why?

Write your
answer in a
separate sheet of paper or in a presentation software.

Instructions: Read and understand the questions carefully and select the best answer.
Write the letter in the space provided before the number.

_________ 1. Student are not required to buy textbook because

a. It’s expensive. c. no need for textbooks
b. Study material is provided d. not allowed to buy
How important is MOOC in educational system?

Interact in real -time with real people. With the rise of free online courses, the
importance of providing a community for online learning has

across all
become importance
platforms. If MOOC students feel they’re learning alongside
more likely to return to complete the course.


1. Do you think the Philippines should have an MOOC in the future? Explain

your answer?

Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper and submit it in the MIL
Your task it to design a prototype of something that
will improve the lives of people in using the
mentioned technologies.
_________ 2. Type of questions which can be asked in MOOC is?
a. short answer c. multiple
b. matching d. all of the above
_________ 3. What is the meaning of MOOC??
a. Massive Oasis Of California c. Massive Online Open Course
b. Multi Open Online Course d. Massive On Online Course
_________ 4. One of the most important characteristics of a MOOC is
a. being Free
b. mandatory internet connection
c. you need to have a team/peer to accomplish it
d. not pedagogically efficient
_________ 5. The science of applying touch (tactile) sensation and control to interaction with
computer applications
a. Haptics Technology c. Aquatic Technology
b. Antiques Technology d. all of the above
_________ 6. Which of the following is an example of Haptics Technology?
a. Smartphones-correct answer. c. Instax mini 9
b. Standard Electric Fan d. all of the above
_________ 7. What is a context?
a. background c. situation
b. environment d. all of the above
_________ 8. Combining "hard sensor" information such as where you are and the conditions around
you, combined with "soft sensors" such as your calendar, social network and past preferences-future
devices will constantly learn who you are.
a. contextual awareness c. soft sensor
b. hard sensor d. hard and soft sensors
_________ 9. It can be used to detect a person's health or emotional state.
a. voice recognition c. radiation
b. tone Recognition d. a and b
__________ 10. Samsung A8, Sony Xperia Z, Oppo F9, what does the following smartphones have
in common?
a. intelligent routing system c. charging Port
b. keypad. d. printer

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