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e-mail Subject: International Graduate Program Tokyo Institute of Technology

Dear sir,

This is introduce my self Aridinasty Maritasari . I am an academic staff at Dept of Electrical Engineering,
State University of Malang.

I would like to Pursue Master degree in Nano electronics at Tokyo Institute of Technology start from Oct
2008. Enclosed, please find draft of my research proposal as well as my curriculum vitae.

I am hopping that my research topic is relevant to the research area in your department and you are
willing to supervise my work. However, if the research is not related to your research interest, I do not
mind changing the research topic to your research interest.

FYI, the Indonesian government through Department of National Education will provide funding for
academic staff to study overseas. The conditions is by 30 March 2008, the academic staff need to have
valid offer letters from overseas university (Based on the letter of Mr. Fasli Jalal –General Director of
Higher Education, no 707/D/T/2007 dated 14/12/2007)

Soon after I receive your confirmation as my supervisor, I will lodge an official application. I am waiting
for your advice. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Mokh. Sholihul Hadi

Dept. of Electrical Engineering


ear Prof Woong Kim, Ph.D.

My name is Angga Hermawan. I’m currently majoring materials engineering at Institute

of Technology Bandung, Indonesia. I’m in 4th year student and I hope I could graduate
within this year on July. I got an information about Korean Government Scholarship
Program at Korea University I’m truly interested to join that Program because I need to
pursue my study to higher education level to achieve my future goal, to be materials
researcher in my country, especially nanotechnology on energy and electronics application.

One of application requirements states that i have to find a consent at least from one of
supervisor at Korea University. I’ve read some of your lab activities, journals and
specializations. I thought it’s related to what i’m concerned in. I’m currently working on
Lithium Titanate Nanostructure for my final year project. By joining this program, i wish i
could deepen and widen my knowledge in nanotechnology on energy and electronics
related application. By looking your information, I believe that you’re the right person to
share with about this topic and the right person to work with. And actually I’d really love
to. So, If you don’t mind, I want you to be my supervisor when the master program stars
later on.

I enclosed my resume.  I am hopping that my research concern is relevant to the research

area in your department and you are willing to supervise my work. However, if my
research concern is not related to your research interest, I do not mind changing the
research topic to your research interest.

If you need further information about me, please do not hesitate to contact me through this
email or to my mobile (+6289657394844).

I hope you to reply this email as soon as possible

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards,

Angga Hermawan

Materials Engineering Batch 2011

Institute of Technology Bandung

e-mail Subject:

Dear Prof. Toma YO ,

I hope you are always in good condition

My name is Aridinasty Maritasari, Student in Master Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas
Gadjah Mada who have been nominated as Scholarship recipient of Student Exchange SUIJI-Joint
Program Master in 2018, now I am in second semester.

I’ve read some of your lab activities, journals and specializations. I thought it’s related to
what i’m concerned in dynamic carbon and nitrogen By joining this program, i wish i
could deepen and widen my knowledge in nanotechnology on energy and electronics
related application. By looking your information, I believe that you’re the right person to
share with about this topic research and the right person to work with. And actually I’d
really love to. So, If you don’t mind, I .

I am hopping that my research topic is relevant to the research area in your department and you are
willing to supervise my work. However, if the research is not related to your research interest, I do not
mind changing the research topic to your research interest.

Soon after I receive your confirmation as my supervisor, I will lodge an official application. I am waiting
for your advice. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Aridinasty Maritasari


Institute of Technology Bandung


I will gratefull have a chance to Study in your guidence

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