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o study GausS1an Minimum Shitkeying (GMSK) modulation technique

To study the BERusing Viterbi


CMSK modulation for GSM

GSM Receiver using v1er


respect to the 1data stream. MSK is derived from by replacing the rectangular pulses in
and limited to tn /2 over a bit interval of T. Because of this linear phase change, the pow

wnen the halr sinusodal pulse IS replaced by Gaussian Pulse shape then the modulation is

Why G M S K M o d u l a t i o n for CSAso

The phase of the transmitted signal in GMSK scheme is continuous and smoothed by a Gaussian

frequency spectrum. The side lobe energy for GMSK is less and hence channel spacing can
perators pay premium for bandwidth. Phase modulation, further, makes the transmitted signal
Cpoweramplifiers at the receiver end thereby reducing the overallcost.
GMSK Signal generation

fter ithTIme-andidhnoductn of 03Thiiter delieatelyintodaces

spreading the bits over a period of 3 bits. The impulse response of the Graussian low pass fiter is
given b

wher: Qfisetion s defaed by sin= COsp)+jsingin)

n e paase t une mocaiate d ignal can tnen be got r o m tne expression.

¬)= Zb,hr Js(« ¥u

where h s the modilasoaFnctor (e).5 t GISN) and 4 ste moduaing Z daa

The final GMSK sigual i sepresented as

The pbase respoase fnction, 4), is )sapleda , extendingfiom-1 5T to o

- hr s e )

GSM 1ransu

frame. Ten hyper frames repeated one after the other constitute the transmitted information.
structure of the GSM transmitter consists of first 2 frames for the identification. hey are ne
rames cay the actual data to be transmitted.

ime he e n d i e e e eS


channel is used for frame synchronization. (n our case we use the whole sCH frame for
he traffic channel contains the data to be decoded.
I n n i s experiment, tne parameters are esumated under no1se iree condnuOnS.

detected in many ways. Optimal GMSK detection ca

MLSE, Which 1s nonlinear and highly complex. Here for bit recovery Viterbi algorithm is used

Frequency nchronization

dominant frequency component of the transmitted and received nect ill

e received data
Frame Synchronization

Corelatethe received data with theactualtransmittedSCH channeland lookfor thepeaks. The

FCCH and the traffic channels are also identified.
Offset Phase Estimation

elp or t
channelnreviousiy identified through the frame synchronizat cnan actr of R
autocorrelation is performed over this set of data to estimate the carrier phase
demodulation of the traffic channels. ne recevd 44/9
Traffic Channel Demodulation

e e m o d a i o na g o r n n p r e v o u s y descrioed i5 applied inaividuaily to eacn Or tne trartnc

MATLAB Code implementation


Random datato be transmitean d h

. The added data is then sent through Gaussian filter

throuah the wicOMM-T sgveno ne wioMM-T Tx inerface block to send

through the WiCOMM-T,

Chesna Geus rin Padse

Generaion X laterce
tter block diagram in MAILAS

1. The samples are received from the WiCOMM-T Rx interface block

3. ldentification of the SCH, FCCH channels and the burst data are done in the frequency ofset

4. The phase offset is estimated and correctea.

the Matche
Burst data.



8. : Kecever Diock duagram in MAI LAB


Aanendiv A on how to setup WiCOMM-T and Appendix bo modem

odem samples, vary the parameters, transmit, receive and analyze the received modem samples

Connect WiCOMM-T in baseband loop back with the sampling rate set to 2MBps.

3 Transmit and receive the modem sample through WicOMM-T and analyse ine ecvc
4. Observe various plots generated by MATLAB.
6 Connect 2 WicOMM-Ts such that one as transmitter and other as receiver in baseband and

. .
WiCOMM-T h that o
enerated by transmitter Matlab file under C:\WicOMM-

rectory since receiver Matlab code refers "bits.bin' file

. pED aleaion
Thus the experiment was pertoru sue

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