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Part 1: (3 phut)
Mẹo: Từ để hoi wh-questions => bỏ, You=> I=>đọc phần còn lại + cung cấp thông tin thêm
 I DO THE EXERCISE + TO cụm từ chỉ mục đích cho phù hợp
 I do the exercise because I want to + cụm từ chỉ mục đích cho phù hợp
Từ cung cấp thông tin thêm:
Broaden my knowlegde: nâng cao kiến thức
Refresh my mind: thư giãn đầu óc
Get better job in the future: tìm được công việc tốt trong tương lai
Reduce stress after work/ after a hard – working day: giảm căng thẳng sau giờ làm việc/ sau 1 ngày làm việc vất vả
Meet up new friends: gặp gỡ nhiều bạn mới
Open/build up social relationship: mở rộng/ củng cố mối quan hệ xã hội
Understand cultures, traditons and customs: hiểu về văn hóa, truyền thống và phong tục
Learn new language: học một ngôn ngữ mới
Open the outlook/ the world: mở ra tầm nhìn
Develop the creative thinking: phát triển tư duy sáng tạo
Improve my English: nâng cao tiếng anh
Improve communication skills: nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp
Get together with friends and family: tụ tập/ sum họp với bạn bè và gd
Share our daily life/our work: chia sẻ về cuộc sống/ công việc hằng ngày
Get/stay/keep in touch with my friend and family: Giữ liên lạc với bạn bè
Keep fit and reshape my body: giữ dáng và lấy lại vóc dáng
Improve my experience: nâng cao kinh nghiệm
Enjoy the fun together: cùng nhau vui chơi

Đổi ngôi: You<=>I/ your <=> My

- doing exercise (tap the duc) Well I’m going to talk about the topic of doing exercise
1. How often do you do the exercise? ( bạn có thường xuyên tap the duc ko?) Why
=> The first thing I would like to say that + ( trả lời câu hỏi số 1)
=> I often do the exercise every morning to keep fit and to refresh my mind

2. Would you prefer to do the exercise alone OR with someone else? ( tap the duc mot minh hay voi ai?)
=> The second thing I would mention is that ( trả lời câu hỏi số 2) =>
I prefer (pờ-ri-phơ) to do the exercise with my friends because we can talk together (tu-ge-dờ) and build up social
3. How important is it to do the exercise? (viec tap the duc quan trong nhu the nao?)
=> Last but not least ( trả lời câu hỏi số 3)
Doing the exercise is very important because it makes me healthier (heo-gi-ờ) + make me more beautiful everyday

Cách trả lời Chủ đề 1: Well I’m going to talk about the topic of dong exercise. The first thing I would like to say
that I often do the exercise every morning to keep fit. The second thing I would mention is that I prefer (pờ-ri-phơ)
to do the exercise with my friends because we can talk together (tu-ge-dờ). Last but not least doing the exercise is
very important because it makes me healthier (heo-gi-ờ)

- The second topic is…. Favourite beach (bãi biển yêu thích)
1. What is your favourite beach in Vn?
=> Firstly, ( câu trả lời số 1) => I love Vung Tau beach because it is very beautiful
2. How often do you go there? ( b có thường xuyên đến đó không?)
=> Secondly, (câu trả lời số 2) => I go there every summer with my family and friends to relax
3. What do you often do when you are there?
=> Lastly ( câu trả lời số 3) => I often go swimming and enjoy (in-joi) seafood (si phút) when I am there
=> Cách trả lời chủ đề số 2: The second topic is Favourite beach. Firstly,I love Vung Tau beach because it is very
beautiful. l Secondly I go there every summer with my family and friends to relax. Lastly, I often go swimming and
enjoy (in-joi) seafood (si-phút) when I am there

Part 2: 3 (phut) -1’ chuẩn bị

MY Situation IS THAT: Your volunteer (vô-lăn-tia) group is organizing (ô-gần-nai-zing) a trip to help children in a
remote (ri-mốt) class. Three options (óp-sần) : books (A), clothes (B) and movies (C). What is your best choice?

Quy tắc đổi ngôi: You <=> I, You are <=> I am, your <=> my
Cách trình bày: MY SITUATION IS THAT (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options (óp-sần)
that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would (út) choose (tru-s) A because it is very
good and useful (iu-s-phun). In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t (út-đừn) choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not
necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up (săm -ắp), I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of its convenience (con-

 =>MY SITUATION IS THAT My volunteer (vô-lăn-tia) group is organizing (ô-gần-nai-zing) a trip to help
children in a remote class. There are three options (óp-sần) that I am considering (con-si-đở-ring) such as
books, clothes, and movies. I think, I would choose BOOK because it is very good and useful. In contrast
(con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) CLOTHES AND MOVIES because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-
ri). To sum up, I think BOOK is my best choice ( choi-s) because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s).

My Situation is that: You are going to buy a gift for a friend who is going to do a military (mi-lơ-the-ri) service
(sơ-vít). There are three gifts (gíp-s): a book (A), a CD (B), a diary ( đai-ơ-ri) (C). What is the best choice?
Quy tắc đổi ngôi: You <=> I, You are <=> I am, your <=> my

Cách trình bày: My Situation is that: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options (óp-sần) that I am
considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would (út) choose (tru-s) A because it is very good and
useful (iu-s-phun) ……. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t (út-đừn) choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not
necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri)….. To sum up (săm -ắp), I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of its convenience

My Situation ( SI-TIU-ÂY-SẦN) is that: The manager (men-nít-giờ) of an English center wants to advertise (et-vơ
-thai) it. There are three suggested media: Internet (A), TV (B) and radio (C). What is your best choice?

Situation: You are going to buy a gift for a friend who is going to do a military (mi-lơ-the-ri) service (sơ-vít).
There are three gifts ( gíp-s): a book, a CD, a diary. What is the best choice?

Situation: The manager (men-nít giờ) of an English center wants to advertise (et-vơ -thai) it. There are three
suggested media: Internet (A), TV (B) and radio (C). What is your best choice?

=> The manager (men-nít giờ) of an English center wants to advertise (et-vơ -thai) it. There are three options that I
am considering such as INTERNET, TV and RADIO. I think, I would choose INTERNET because it is very good
and useful. In contrast, I wouldn’t choose TV & RADIO because they are not necessary. To sum up, INTERNET is
my best choice because of its convenience.

 My volunteer group is organizing ( ô-gần-nai-zing) a trip to help children in a remote (ri-môt) class. There
are three options that I am considering (con-si-đở-ring) such as books (A), clothes (B) and movies (C). I
think, I would choose ( tru-s) BOOK because it is very good and useful ( iu-s-phun). In contrast ( con-trát, I
wouldn’t choose CLOTHES & MOVIES because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think
BOOK is my best choice because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s).


Topic: Higher (hai-ờ)
education ( ê-điu-cây-sần)
create (cờ-ri-ết) equal (i-khùa) should be free for every
chance ( tren-s) for everyone one (5 phut- 1’ chuẩn bi)

open the Higher Your own

world edcucation ideas

find solutions (sơ-lu-sần) for

unemployment ( ăn-im-loi-mần)
 Cách trình bày: I agree (đọc lại câu topic). This is because of some following (pho-lâu-ing) reasons ( ri-
zần). The first thing I would like to say that, it helps to ( đọc ô số 1). The second thing I would like to
mention that, it helps to ( đọc ô số 2). Last but not least, it helps to (đọc ô số 3). To sum up (săm-ắp), in my
opinion ( óp-pi-niền) ( đọc lại câu topic)

Follow-up question
- Do you work or study? => Yes I work in HN University


Part 1: (3’ nói)

Topic: favourite place ( dia diem yeu thich) Iam going to talk about the topic Favourite place
1. When you are sad, where do you often go? ( khi ban buon, bạn thường di dau?)
 When I am sad, I often go shopping with my friends +
2. Do you prefer there alone or with someone else? ( ban thich di mot minh hay cung ai khac?
 I prefer (pờ-ri-phơ) there with my friends to buy (bai) food and drink
3. Which places do you recommend your friends to go? ( ban se gioi thieu ban di choi o noi nao?)
 I recommend (ri-com-men) my friends to go the café to relax, reduce stress, and refresh

 Cách trả lời Chủ đề 1: Well I’m going to talk about the topic of (tên chủ đề) The first thing I would like to
say that (trả lời câu số 1). The second thing I would mention is that (trả lời câu số 2). Last but not least (trả
lời câu số 3)

Topic: The second topic is time management (men-nít-zờ-mần) ( quan ly thoi gian)
1. Are you good at managing your time? ( Ban laf nguoi gioi quan ly thoi gian minh khong?)
 Yes, I am very good at managing ( men-nít-zing) my time
2. How do you manage (men-nít) your time?
=> I often set up a time-table everyday

3. How important is the time management? (quan ly thoi gian co quan trong khong?)
 Time management is very important because it helps me do many things

 Cách trả lời chủ đề số 2: The second topic is (tên chủ đề). Firstly,( câu trả lời số 1) . l Secondly, ( câu trả lời
số 2). Lastly, ( câu trả lời số 3)

Mẹo trả lời nhanh:

1. What, when, how, why, who, where, do, does, did, Are, have + YOU………..=> Bỏ hết các từ để hỏi đi,
sau đó thay YOU => I, your => My + đọc phần còn lại
I good at managing my time?

2. Would you prefer….=>I prefer with friends/ family

3. How important => yes it is very important

Part 2:
Situation: The manager (men-nít giờ) of an English center wants to advertise (et-vơ -thai) it. There are three
suggested media: Internet (A), TV (B) and radio (C). What is your best choice?

Khi đọc đổi ngôi, You<-> I, Your<=> my, You are <=> I am

Part 2:
Situation: Your younger sister has told (thâu) lies many times. She promised (pro-mít) not to do so, actually (ách-
sua-li) doesn’t stop. Three options: having a talk with her (A), informing ( in-phom-minh) her parents (B), letting
her continue (con-ti-niu) (C). What is your best choice?

Cách trình bày: MY SITUATION IS THAT (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am
considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose ( tru-s) A because it is very good and
useful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum
up, I think A is my best choice ( choi-s) because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s).
Part 2:
Situation: Your English teacher is going to retire (ri-thai-ờ) next month, you and your friends are planning to hold a
farewell party. There are some places for your class to choose: your classroom, teacher’s house and a restaurant
(res-ron) near school. What is your best choice?

Cách trình bày ( lựa chọn về địa điểm –three places): (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options
that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose (tru-s) A because it is very good
and beautiful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are far. To sum up, I think A is
my best choice (choi-s) because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s).

Situation: Your nephew (ne-phiu) is turning 6 years old next week and you are going to buy him a gift. There are 3
options: English comic books, a robot, a school bag. What’s your best choice?

Part 3:
Topic: Everyone should learn at least one foreign language ( moi nguoi nen hoc it nhat mot ngon ngu nuoc ngoai.
+ create (cờ-ri-ết) job opportunities (có cơ hội xin việc làm)
+ understand (ăn-đơ-sten) cultures (khau-trờ) ( hiểu được nền văn hóa)
+ become global citizens (trở thành công dân toàn cầu)
+ your own ideas
 Cách trình bày: I agree (đọc lại câu topic). This is because of some following (pho-lâu-ing) reasons ( ri-
zần). The first thing I would like to say that, it helps to ( đọc ô số 1). The second thing I would like to
mention that, it helps to ( đọc ô số 2). Last but not least, it helps to (đọc ô số 3). To sum up (săm-ắp), in my
opinion ( óp-pi-niền) ( đọc lại câu topic)

 I agree (a-gờ-ri) everyone should (sút) learn at least (ất-lít) one foreign (pho-rên) language (len-wích). This
is because of some following reasons. The first thing I would like to say that, it helps to create (cờ-ri-ết) job
opportunities (óp-pơ-tiu-ni-ti-s). The second thing I would like to mention that, it helps to understand (ăn-
đơ-sten) culture (khau-trờ) . Last but not least, it helps to become global citizens (gờ-lâu-bờ si-ti zần). To
sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) everyone should learn at least one foreign language

Part 3: Topic: Family should spend more time cooking together ( tu-ge-dờ)
- Save (sê) money
- Strengthen (streng-thần) love for family
- Increase (in-cờ-ri-s) food safety (sếp-ti)
- Your own ideas

 Cách trình bày: I agree (đọc lại câu topic). This is because of some following (pho-lâu-ing) reasons ( ri-
zần). The first thing I would like to say that, it helps to ( đọc ô số 1). The second thing I would like to
mention that, it helps to ( đọc ô số 2). Last but not least, it helps to (đọc ô số 3). To sum up (săm-ắp), in my
opinion ( óp-pi-niền) ( đọc lại câu topic)

Part 3: Topic: Having a diet (đai-ớt) is good for our (ao-ơ) health (heo)
- Keep you fit: giữ dáng
- Prevent diseases (pri-vent đi-si-zi) ; ngăn ngừa bệnh tật
- Refresh ( ri-fres) your mind (mai); thư giãn đầu óc
- Your own ideas

- Foreign language (pho-rên len- wích) I’m going to talk about the topic Foreign language
1. What foreign language do you speak?
 I speak English because it is very important (im-pô-tần)
2. Do you enjoy learning a foreign language?
 Yes. I love learning English because it is very good
3. How important is it to learn a foreign language? ( hoc tieng ngoai ngu co quan trong)
=> It is very important to learn a foreign language because it helps me to talk with people around the world

 Cách trả lời Chủ đề 1: Well I’m going to talk about the topic of (tên chủ đề) The first thing I would like to
say that (trả lời câu số 1)…... The second thing I would mention is that (trả lời câu số 2). Last but not least
(trả lời câu số 3)

 Well I’m going to talk about the topic of Foreign language The first thing I would like to say that I speak
English because it is very important (im-pô-tần). The second thing I would mention is that Yes. I love
learning English because it is very good. Last but not least It is very important to learn a foreign language
because it helps me to talk with people around the world

The second topic is-Communication: ( giao tiep) (com-miu-ni-khây-sần).

Secondly, I
1. What is your favourite way to communicate (com-miu-ni-kết) with other people? ( cách giao tiếp với mọi người
là gì?)
 I like talking with my friends on the phone because it is very fast (phát)
2. Do you prefer sending text messages or on the phone?
 I prefer (pờ-ri-phơ) using the phone because it is very fast and easy (i-zi)
3. What are the benefits of face-to face communication with others ( giao tiep truc dien thi loi nhu the nao?)
 Face to face talk with others is very good because we can know (nâu) each other better (nói chuyện trực
tiếp sẽ giúp cho chúng tôi hiểu nhau hơn)

 Cách trả lời chủ đề số 2: The second topic is (tên chủ đề). Firstly,( câu trả lời số 1) . l Secondly, ( câu trả lời
số 2). Lastly, ( câu trả lời số 3)

 The second topic is Communication (com-miu-ni-khây-sần) . Firstly, I like talking with my friends on the
phone because it is very fast (phát). Secondly, I prefer (pờ-ri-phơ) using the phone because it is very fast
and easy (i-zi). Lastly, Face to face talk with others is very good because we can know (nâu) each other


Situation: You are going to buy a gift for a friend who is going to do a military ( mi-lơ-the-ri) service (sơ-vít).
There are three gifts (gíp-s): a book (A), a CD (B), a diary (C). What is the best choice?

Khi đọc đổi ngôi, You<-> I, Your<=> my, You are <=> I am

=>Cách trình bày: MY SITUATION (SI-TIU-ÂY-SẦN) IS THAT (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are
three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is
very good and useful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-
sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s)

Situation: A group of students are raising (rây-zing) money for charity (tre-rơ-ti). There are 3 options: from
companies (A), from schools ( B) and from individuals ( in-đi-vi-đồ-s) (C). What is your best choice?

Part2: You are going to buy a pet. There are three animals: a cat, a dog and a bird. What is your best choice?

 Three animals: Because it is very cute (kiu) and pretty (prit-ti)……because I don’t like B &C/ they are not
friendly/ they are quite expenisve/ difficult to raise up….. because of its cuteness

Part 2:
My Situation is that : Your niece (ni-s) is 12 next week. You want to buy her a gift. There are three options: an
English book, a dress, a bouquet (bâu-quít) of flowers. What is your best choice?
Your=> my, You=> I

Part 2:
Situation: A group of friends from England are planning a-three-day trip to visit your country. There are three
places: Sapa, Hanoi and Da nang? What is the best choice?
 Three places: because it is very good and beautiful……they are very far….because of its beauty

=>Cách trình bày: MY SITUATION (SI-TIU-ÂY-SẦN) IS THAT (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are
three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is
very good and beautiful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are very far. To sum
up, I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of its beauty.

Part 2: 4’
Situation: Your younger sister has told (thâu) lies (lai-s) many times. She promised (pro-mít-st) not to do so,
actually ( ách-xua-li) doesn’t stop. Three options: having a talk with her, informing (in-phom-minh) her parents,
letting her continue (con-ti-niu). What is your best choice?

=>Cách trình bày: MY SITUATION (SI-TIU-ÂY-SẦN) IS THAT (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are
three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is
very good and useful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-
sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s)

Part 3. Topic: Nowadays internet has a lot of bad points

-create unreal life (cuoc song ảo)
-have less face-to-face talk ( it giao tiep truc dien)
-have less privacy (it tu do ca nhan)
-your own ideas

 It helps to….(nói về mặt tốt)

 It is to…(nói về mặt xấu)

 Cách trình bày: I agree (đọc lại câu topic).This is because of some following (pho-lâu-ing) reasons. Firstly,
it is to ( đọc ô số 1). Secondly, it is to ( đọc ô số 2). Thirdly, it is to ( đọc ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion
( đọc lại câu topic)

 I agree, nowadays internet has a lot of bad points. This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is
to create (cờ-ri-ết) unreal (ăn-ria) life (lai-f). Secondly, it is to have less face-to-face talk. Thirdly, it is to
have less privacy (prai-vơ-si). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền), nowadays internet has a lot of bad
points (poi-s)

Follow-up= round off

Part 3: 5 phút
Topic: Having a diet (đai-ớt) is good for our health.

Keep you fit

diseases Having Your own
( pri-vent đi-si- a diet ideas

Refresh your
 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic).
This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1) Secondly, it helps to (ô số 2) .
Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (đọc lại câu topic)

 I agree Having a diet (đai-ớt) is good for our health (heo) . This is because of some following reasons.
Firstly, it is to keep me fit. Secondly, it is to prevent (pờ-ri-ven) diseases (đi-si-zi). Thirdly, it is to refresh
my mind (mai). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) having a diet (đai-ớt) is good for our health (heo)

Part 3:
Topic: Family should spend more time cooking together ( tu-ge-dờ).
- save (sê-v) money: tiết kiệm tiền
- strengthen (streng-thần) love for family: tăng tình yêu trong gd
- increase ( in-cờ-ri-s) food safety ( sếp-ti): tăng độ an toàn thực phẩm
- your own ideas

I agree, (đọc lại câu topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1) Secondly, it
helps to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (đọc lại câu topic)

 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it is to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (đọc lại câu topic)

Part 1: 3’
- Fast food restaurant (do an nhanh o nha hang) (rés-ron)
+ Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant? (ban da bao gio den cua hang thuc awn nhanh chua?)
 I have been to KFC (khây-ép-si) fast food restaurant (rés ron)
+ What is your favourite fast food? ( b thich do an nhanh gi?)
 I like fried (phờ-rai) chicken and chips
+ Is it healthy to eat fast food? (an do an nhanh co loi cho suc khoe khong?
 It is not healthy to eat fast food because it is easy (i-zì) to get fat (phét)

 Cách trả lời Chủ đề 1: Well I’m going to talk about the topic of (tên chủ đề) The first thing I would like to
say that (trả lời câu số 1)… The second thing I would mention is that (trả lời câu số 2). Last but not least
(trả lời câu số 3)

The second topic is Sleeping habit (thói quen ngủ)

+ How many hours a day do you sleep?
 I often sleep 6 hours a day
+ How important is it to have a good sleep? (viec co mot giac ngu ngon thi co quan trong ko)
 Having a good sleep is very important because it makes me healthy (heo-gi)
+ What should we do to have a good sleep? (ban lam gi de co mot giac ngu ngon)
 To have a good sleep, we should (sút) drink a glass of water and go to bed early (ơ-li)

 Cách trả lời chủ đề số 2: The second topic is (tên chủ đề). Firstly,( câu trả lời số 1) . l Secondly, ( câu trả lời
số 2). Lastly, ( câu trả lời số 3)

Part 2: (3’ nói 1’ chuẩn bị)

MY Situation IS THAT: You are asked the best way to take notes in class. Three ways of taking notes: using pens
(A), using by phone/ ipad (B); recording (ri-cốt-đinh) the teacher’s lecture (lếch-trờ) (C). What is your best choice?

Quy tắc đổi ngôi: You are  I am, You  I, your  my

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and useful . In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t
choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best choice because
of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s) and usefulness (iu-s-phun-nét)

Part 3:
Topic: There are many causes ( kho-riz) of telling lies ( theo-ling-lais) ( nguyen nhan dan den noi doi)
+get out of troubles (gét-ao ợp tráp bồ-s); ( tranh rac roi)
+protect privacy ( pro tếch.. prai-vơ-si): (bao ve rieng tu )
+avoid embarrassment (ét-voi... im-be-rớt-mần): (tranh xau ho)
+ your own ideas
 I agree (ơ-gri), (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it helps (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (đọc lại câu topic)

 I agree there are many causes ( ko-si-s) of telling lies. This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it
helps to get out of troubles (tráp-bồ-s). Secondly, it helps to protect privacy ( pro-tếch.. prai vơ si). Thirdly,
it helps to avoid embarrassment (im-be-rớt-mần). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền), there are many
causes (kho-riz) of telling lies

Part 1
– mobile phone service ( dich vu dien thoai) I’m going to talk about the topic of…
+ How often do you use a mobile phone? Why? ( b có thường xuyên sử dụng đthoai ko?)
 I often use a mobile phone every day because it is very fast (phát)
+Are you satisfied with your mobile phone service? ( ban co hai long voi dich vu dienj thoai)
 Yes. I am satisfied (sét-tít-phai) with my mobile phone service (sơ-vít) because it helps me to talk with
friends around (ơ-rao) the world.
+ What makes a good mobile phone service? ( dieu gi khien cho dich vu dthoai tro nen tot hon)
=> A good coverage (kha-vơ- rết), the security (sơ-kiu-ri-ti) and customer service make a good mobile phone
service (sơ-vít) ( su phu song tot se lam dich vu dthoai tro nen tot hon)

- The second topic is renting a house/ a flat ( thue nha/ can ho)
+ Have you ever rented a house? ( ban da bao gio thue nha chua?
 Yes, I have rented (ren-tựt) a small house near my office ( toi da thue mot ngoi nha nho o gan noi toi la
+ Would you prefer to pay the rent monthly or yearly ( ban muon tra tien nha theo thang hay theo nam?)
 I would prefer (pờ-ri-phơ) to pay the rent (ren) monthly because it saves my money ( tra tien theo thang vi
tiet kiem tien hon)
+ What do you like in a rented house? ( ban thich nha di thue o diem nao)
 I like a rented house because it is near my office and very convenient (con-vi-niền)

Part 2:
My Situation IS THAT: Your friend wants to organize (ô-gần-naiz) a high school class reunion (ri-iu-niền). He’s
thinking 3 options:
- visiting (vi-zít-tinh) old school and teachers (A)
- organizing (ô-gần-nai-zing) a party and inviting (in-vai-ting) teachers and classmates (cờ-lát-mết-s) (B)
- holding (hâu-đinh) one day trip (C).
What is your best choice?

-đổi ngôi và đọc tinh huống, trừ câu hỏi Your=> My; You are  I am ; You <=>I

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and useful (iu-s-phun). In contrast (con-trát),
I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best
choice (choi-s) because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s) and usefulness (iu-s-phun-nét)

Part 3: (5’)
Topic: University is a memorable (mem-mô-rơ-bồ) time of our life
+ have independence (in-đi-pen-đần)
+ have knowledge achievement (no-lít ơ- chi-vờ-mần)/ understand cultures. Traditions, customes, language..
+ open social network (sâu-sờ- nét-guốc) ( build up friendship..)
+ your own ideas
Cách trình bày:
 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it helps to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (đọc lại câu topic)

 I agree University is a memorable (mem-mô-rơ-bồ). time of our life. This is because of some following
( pho-lâu-inh) reasons (ri-zần). Firstly, it is to have independence (in-đi-pen-đừn). Secondly, it is to have
knowledge achievement (no-lít ơ-chi-vờ-mần). Thirdly, it is to open social network (sâu-sờ nét-guốc). To
sum up, in my opinion ( óp- pi- niền), university is a memorable (mem-mô-rơ-bồ) time of our life ( lai-f)
Part 1: I’m going to talk about the topic………..
Traditional music ( tre-đi-sần-nờ) ( am nha truyen thong) / tre-đi-sần-nờ/
+ Do you often listen to traditional music? ( b co thuong nghe nhac truyen thong)
 Yes. I like listening to traditional music because it helps me to relax (ri-lắc) ( giup toi thu gian)
+ What is your favourite song? (phây-vơ-rít)
 My favourite ( phây-vơ-rít) song is “Beo dat may troi” because it is very good
+ How important is traditional music in your country? ( am nhac truyen thong co quantrong nhu the nao o dat nuoc
cua ban)
 Yes, it is very important because it helps to remain (ri-mên) our traditions (tre đi sần) and raise up the
love of the country

My second topic is Cooking class

+ Have you ever been to a cooking class? ( b da bao gio tham gia lop hoc nau an chua?)
 Yes I have been to a cooking class because it helps me to relax and cook well
+Would you prefer to go there alone or with someone else?
 I prefer to go there with my friends because we want to cook together (tu-ge-dờ)
+ How important is cooking class?
 Cooking class is very important because it helps me to cook well for my family

Part 2:
MY Situation IS THAT: Your sister decides (di-sai-s) to loose ( lu-s) weight (wết). Three suggested options:
- going to the gym (A)
- taking (thếch-king) weigh (wết) loss ( lót) drugs ( đờ-rắc) (B) - (very dangerous and not good for health)
- going on a diet (đai-ớt) (C).
What is your best choice?

Your  my
Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and useful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t
choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best choice because
of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s) and usefulness (iu-s-phun-nét)

Part 3: Topic: Nowadays people have to live (li-v) more stressful (strét- phun) (con nguoi bi stress)
+ have heavy workloads (he-vi-guốc-lốtz): (làm việc quá sức)
+ have relationship conflicts (ri-lây-sần-shíp con-phờ- líchs): (mối quan hệ ko tốt)
+ have financial difficulties ( phai-nen-sồ đi-phi-cờ- ti-s): ( kho khan ve tai chinh)
+ your own ideas

 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it is to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (đọc lại câu

 I agree nowadays people (pi-pồ) have to live (liv) more stressful (strét-phun). This is because of some
following reasons. Firstly, it is to have heavy workloads (he vi guốc lốtz). Secondly, it is to have
relationship ( ri-lây-sần-síp) conflicts. Thirdly, it is to have financial (phai-nen-sồ) difficulties (đi-phi-cờ-
tis). To sum up, in my opinion , nowadays people have to live (li-v) more stressful

Part 1:
- Cinema (I’m going to talk about the topic Cinema)
1. How often do you go to the cinema? ( B có thường xuyên đi đến rạp chiếu phim ko?
 I often go to the cinema with my friends to relax.
2.Would you prefer to watch films at home or at the cinema? (b thích xem phim ở nhà hay ở rạp
 I would prefer to watch (wát-ch) films at home because I want to stay with my family
3.How important is it of going to the cinema? ( viec xem phim o rap co quan trong)
 Going to the cinema is very important because it helps me to relax after a stressful (Strét phun) day
- The second topic is…Live/ stay healthy (song khoe manh)
1. What do you do to live healthy?
 I do the (gi) exercise (ích-sơ-sai), eat fruit (frút) and vegetables (ve-gít-thây-ồ)
2. Do you think eating healthy or doing the exercise is important?
 Eating healthy or doing the exercise is important because it helps me to be healthy and keep fit
3. Can you suggest (sắt-gét) some ways to stay healthy?
 There are some ways to stay healthy such as (sắt-e) doing the exercise, eating fruit and drinking water.
Part 2
MYSituation IS THAT: A friend from Nha Trang city wants to visit HN this weekend (wích-ken). There are 3
places (plết-si): HCM mausoleum (mau-sơ-li-lầm); Hoan Kiem lake; Ha noi museum (miu-zi-ầm). Which is your
best choice?

3 lựa chọn nói về địa điểm, sẽ lấy lý do because it is good and beautiful…..because they are very far

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and beautiful . In contrast (con-trát), I
wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are very far (pha). To sum up, I think A is my best choice because of its
beauty (biu-ti)

Part 3:
Topic: Students are encouraged (in-kha-rết) to go to the (gi) art galleries (át-ge-lơ-ri-s). ( sv nen dc khuyen kich di
den cac buoi trienr lam nghe thuat)
+ Relax (Thu gian) ( ri-lắc-s)
+ Learn more knowledge ( lơn –mo- no-lít) ( hoc duoc nhieu kien thuc)
+ Talk ( thóoc) with other (a-dờ) people
+ Your own ideas

Cách trình bày

 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it helps to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (đọc lại
câu topic)

 I agree ( ơ-gờ-ri), students are encouraged (in-kha-rết) to go to the art galleries (át-ge lơ- ris). This is
because of some following reasons ( ri-zần). Firstly, it is to relax.
 Secondly, it is to learn (lơn) more knowledge (no-lít). Thirdly, it is to talk with other (a-dờ) people. To sum
up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền), students are encouraged (in-kha-rết) to go to the art galleries (át-ge-lơ-ri-s)

Part 1: 3’

- Seasons I’m going to talk about the topic of SEASONS

1. How many seasons are there in your country? (có bao nhiêu mùa)
 There are 4 seasons in my country such as Summer, Winter, Autumn (o- tầm) and Spring
2. What is your favourite season? Why?
 I love summer because I have a long summer holiday
3. What is the best season to visit your country?
 The best season to visit my country is Autumn because it is very cool (khun) and nice

- Music The second topic is MUSIC

1. Who is your favourite artist? ( Nghe sy yeu thich la ai?)
 I like My Tam because she sings very well
2. Can you name a song that describes yourself? ( b co the ke ten bai hat mieu ta ban than ban?)
 A song that describes ( đít-s crai) myself is “ Bien Nho” by Trinh Cong Son
3. What kinds of music do you like?
=> I like traditional (tr-đi-sần- nờ) music because it helps me to relax and love my country more
Part 2: Situation: You have two weeks before final (phai-nờ) exams. There are three options: staying home to
revise (ri-vai) for the test (A); going on holiday with family (B); joining friends for parties (C)? What is your best
Đổi ngôi You => I
Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and useful. In contrast (con-trát), I wouldn’t
choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best choice because
of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s).

Part 3: Strict (strích) disciplines ( dis-sip-lin-s) at schools bring about numerous (năm-mơ-ớt) benefits (ben-ne-
phít-s) for students
+ Improve academic (im-pru a-ka-đe-mic); nâng cao học thuật
+ teach teamwork /tít-ch -tim- guốc/: dạy làm việc theo nhóm
+ keep learning environment / kíp lơn-ninh in- vai-rơ-mần/: tạo môi trường học tập
+ your own ideas

 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it helps to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (đọc lại
câu topic)

 I agree Strict disciplines /đíts-sip-lin/ at schools bring about numerous (năm-mơ-rớt) benefits for students.
This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to Improve academic (im-pru a-ka-de-mic).
Secondly it is to teach teamwork /tim-guốc/. Thirdly it is to keep learning environment/ in-vai-rô- mần/. To
sum up, in my opinion, strict disciplines / dís sơ- lai/ at schools bring about numerous (năm-mơ rớt)
benefits for students

PART 1: Happiness I’m going to talk about the topic of HAPPINESS (3’)
1. Are you a happy person? Why
 Yes, I am a quite (khoai) happy person because I have a good life and a happy family
2. What usually makes you happy?
 There are many ways to make me happy such as having a good job, earning (ơn-ninh) much money and
having a good family
3. Does the weather affect the way you feel?
 Yes, the weather affects (ơ- phếch-s) the way I feel ( phil) for example in summer it is very hot, so I feel
tired (thai-ớt)
-Newspaper => The second topic is NEWSPAPER
1. How do you often get daily news?
 I often get daily news by watching TV and reading newspapers
2. How do people in your country get daily news
 People in my country get daily news by watching TV and listening to the radio
3. Do you think international news is important?
=> Yes it is very important because it helps me to know (nâu) what is going on in the world

Part 2: (3’-1’)
MY Situation IS THAT: A group of friends from England (Ing-lần) are planning a-three-day trip to visit your
country. Three places: Da nang (A) , Sapa (B) and Hanoi (C) ? What is the best choice?

3 lựa chọn mà về địa điểm: ..because it is very good and beautiful …….because they are very far
Đổi ngôi; your<=>my, You are <=> I am

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and beautiful. In contrast (con-trát), I
wouldn’t (út-đừn) choose (tru-s) B&C because they are very far. To sum up, I think A is my best choice because of
its beauty

Part 3: (5’-1’)
Topic: There are some benefits ( ben-ni-phít-s) of eco-tourism (ê-khâu tua-ri-zầm): loi ich cua du lich sinh thai

preserve our

conserve Eco- Your own - Preserve (pri-sơ) our (ao-ơ)

environment tourism ideas cultures ( khâu- trờ-s) ( duy
trì văn hóa)
- Conserve (con-sơ)
environment ( in-vai-rô-
reduce poverty mần) (bảo vệ môi trường)
- Reduce poverty (ri-điu-s po-
vơ-ti) (giảm nghèo đói)
- Your own ideas
Cách trình bày:
 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it helps to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (đọc lại
câu topic)

 I agree there are some benefits of eco-tourism (ê-khâu tua-ri zầm). This is because of some following
reasons. Firstly, it is to preserve (pri-sơ) our cultures (khâu-trờ-s). Secondly, it is to conserve (con-sơ)
environment (in-vai-rô-mần). Thirdly it is to reduce poverty (ri-đíu pro-vơ-ti). To sum up, in my opinion,
there are some benefits of eco-tourism (ê-khâu tua-ri-zầm)

Part 1:
1. How often do you have a holiday?
 I often have a holiday every summer
2. What do Vietnamese people do during summer holiday?
 Vietnamese people often go to the sea during summer holiday
3. What do you do during summer holiday?
 I often go to the beach and enjoy the seafood

Handicraft (hen-đi-cráp): đồ thủ công =>The second topic is Handicraft

1. Have you ever made any handicraft?
 Yes I have made some bamboo baskets (bát-kít-s) for my friends
2. What kind of handicraft do people in your country often make? (loại đồ thủ công mà ng dân hay làm)
 People in my country often make conical (con-ni-cờ) hats
3. Is making handicraft important to children? ( đồ thủ công có quan trọng với trẻ em ko?
 Yes making handicraft (hen-đi-cráp) is very important for children because it helps them to understand (ăn-
đơ-sten) our cultures ( khau-trờ).
Part 2:
Situation: Your English teacher is going to retire (re-thai-ờ) next month, you and your friends are planning to hold
(hâu) a farewell (pha-weo) party. There are some places for your class to choose (tru-s): a restaurant (res-ron) near
school (A), your classroom (B), teacher’s house (C). What is your best choice?

Đổi ngôi: Your => my, you => I

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and beautiful. In contrast (con-trát), I
wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are very far. To sum up, I think A is my best choice because of its
Part 3: Topic: Family should (sút) spend more time cooking together (tu-ge-dờ)

- Save (sê-v) money: tiết kiệm

- Strengthen (streng-thần) love for family: tăng cường tình yêu trong gd
- Increase (in-cờ-ri-s) food safety (sếp-ti): tăng độ an toàn thực phẩm
- Your own ideas
 I agree, (đọc lại câu topic) This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (đọc ô số 1)
Secondly, it helps to (ô số 2) . Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3) . To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (đọc lại
câu topic)
holiday destination ( điểm đến du lịch) => I’m going to talk about the topic of Holiday destination
1. What’s your favourite holiday destination?
=> My favourite holiday destination ( đét-ti-nây-sần) is Vung Tau beach because it is beautiful
2. Do you prefer to go on holiday overseas or in the country?
=> I prefer (pri-phơ) to go on holiday in the country because I want to know more about the beauty of my country
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of holiday overseas?
=> Going on holiday overseas is very good because we can broaden (brốt- đần) our knowledge ( no-lít), however
( hau-e-vờ) it also costs (kot-s) a lot of money
Internet for study => The second is Internet for study
1. How often do you use Internet?
=> I use the Internet every day to study, work and relax (ri-lắc)
2. What do you look for on the Internet?: tìm kiếm gì trên internet
=> I watch the latest ( lết-tít) news on the Internet and study English online.
3. What are benefits of using Internet
=> There are some benefits ( ben-ni-phít-s) of using internet such as providing (prô-vai-đinh) more information (in-
pho-mây-sần) and refreshing our mind
Situation: Reading is being encouraged (in-kha-rết) in your high school. Three options: textbooks (tếch-búc) (A),
picture (píc-trờ-búc) books (B), reference (re-phơ-rần) books (C). What is your best choice?
Đổi ngôi Your=> My
Three options/ gifts/ ways..Because it is good and useful……….they are not necessary

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and useful (iu-s-phun). In contrast (con-trát),
I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best
choice because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s)
 Reading is being encouraged (in-kha-rết) in my high (hai) school. Three options: textbooks, picture books,
reference (re-phơ-rần) books. I think I would choose textbook because it is useful. In contrast, I wouldn’t
choose picture books and reference books because they are not necessary. To sum up, textbook is my best

Topic: Mobile phones are useful (iu-s-phun) in modern (mo-đần) society (sâu-sai-ti)
- Be mobile office tools (tun-s); công cụ soạn thảo trên đthoai
- Assess (ơ-sét-s) to Internet: truy cập internet
- Be Means of communication (com-miu-ni-khây-sần): là phương tiện gtiep
-your own ideas
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Part 1:
Community (com-miu-mi-ti) services (sơ-vít-si) ( dich vu cong dong) I’m going to talk about the topic of CS
1.What kinds of community service have you done? ( com-miu-ni- ti sơ-vis)
=> I often attend (ất-then) a volunteer (vô-lăn-tia) group to help poor people in a remote (ri-mốt) area (e-ri-ơ); tham
gia nhóm tình nguyện viên giúp đỡ ng nghèo ở vùng sâu
2. Who usually works for community activities?
=> Kind-hearted (hát-tựt) people always work for community (com-miu-ni-ti) activities ( ách-ti-vi-ti-s): ng có tấm
lòng nhân hậu luôn tham gia hoạt động cộng đồng
3. What are the benefits (ben ni phít) of participating in community activities? (pát ti si pết tinh)
=> I feel relief ( ri-líp-f) in my mind (mai) when attending the community ( com-miu-ni-ti) service ( sơ-vít-s) : tôi
cảm thấy thanh thản trong tâm hồn khi

- The second topic is..Exams at school

1. How do you usually feel (phin) before exams ( b cam thay nhu the nao truoc khi thi)
=> I feel confident (con-phi-đần) before exams because I study very hard (hát) tôi cảm thấy tự tin bởi vì tôi học
chăm chỉ
2.Which is your style of preparing for exams? Prepare long time before exams or prepare just before the exams
( ban chuan bi bai truoc khi thi nhu the nao? )
=> I prefer preparing (pri-pe) long time before exams because I want to get good marks
3. What do you think about doing homework/ home assignment?
=> Doing homework is very important because it helps me to understand ( ăn-đơ-sten) the lessons better

Part 2(4’)
Situation: A youth (iu-th) club is inviting (in-vai-tinh) a speaker to talk about life experience (ích-pia-ri-iền-s).
There are 3 persons suggested (sắt-gét-tựt): a company president ( pre-zi-đần) (A), a famous singer (B), an
excellent (ích-sơ-lần) student (C). What is the best choice?

3 lựa chọn về đồ vật gifts/options: because it is very good and useful…..because they are not necessary
3 lựa chọn về địa điểm three places: because it is very good and beautiful…..because they are very far
3 lựa chọn về người three people/ persons: because He has a lot of experience ….because they are still young

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because he has a lot of experiences (ích-pia-ri-iền-si). In contrast
(con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are still young (jăng) and not good at public speaking. To
sum up, I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of his experiences (ích-pia-ri-iền-si)

Lựa chọn về vật => it is useful và they are not necessary

Lựa chọn về places => it is nice and beautiful….và they are very far
Lựa chọn về người => he has a lot of experience và they are still young and have not enough experience
Part 3: (5’)
Topic: Learning (lơn-ning) a new skill is important ( im-pô-tần)
+ Be challenge (tre-lần) ourselves (ao-ơ-seo) (thu thach ban than)
+ Improve (im-pru) our (ao-ơ) brain functions (brên- phăng-sần): cai thien chuc nang nao
+ Have a more meaningful (min-ning-phu) life (lai-f): cs tro nen y nghia hon
+ your own ideas
Do you agree?
It helps to : dùng cho các ô chỉ mặt tốt
It is to : dùng cả mặt tốt lẫn xấu

 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (đọc lại topic)
 I agree learning a new skill is important. This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to be
challenge myself. Secondly it helps to improve our brain functions. Thirdly, it helps to have a more
meaningful life. To sum up, in my opinion ( óp-pi-niền) learning a new skill is important.

Follow-up questions
-Do like learning new skill? Why?

PART 1 (3’)
-body language (len-wích); ngôn ngữ cơ thể I’m going to talk about the topic of….
1.Do you often use body language?
=>I often use body language when other people don’t understand (ăn-đơ-sten) what I say ( sây)
2.What situation do you use body language? Tinh huống nào b sử dụng ngôn ngữ cơ thể?
=> When I don’t want to say (sây) something (săm-thing), I can use body language to give the message ( mét-sít-s)
3.What are benefits of body language?
=> we use body language (len-wích) to communicate (com-miu-ni-kết) with others

-Place where you live The second topic is….

1.Do you live in a big city or in the country? Can you describe it?
=> I live ( li-v) in a big city. It’s crowded ( crao-đựt), busy, but very exciting ( ích-sai-tinh)
2.What part of the city/ country is the best for visitors? Why?
=>There are some places that are good for visitors such as Bến Thành market, War museum because they are very
3. Will you live there for the whole life? why?
=>Yes I think I will live there for the whole (hâu) life ( lai-f) because I love this place (plết )

Part 1:
Talk about the neighbor: ( hàng xóm) I’m going to talk about the topic of….
1. Do you know the people who live next door to you?
=> Yes I know the people who live next door to me and I often talk with them
2. Do you get along with your neighbors? How? ( b có hòa hợp với hàng xóm ko?)
=> Yes,I get along with my neighbors (nây-bồ-s) because we (wi) often eat and talk together ( tu-ge-dờ)
3. Are your neighbors helpful? Hàng xóm có hay giúp đỡ ko?
=> Yes my neighbors are helpful because they always help me when I am in troubles (tráp-bố-s)

The second topic is… game show

1. What game show on TV do you watch?
=> I often watch sport game shows on TV every evening
2. Do you prefer to watch alone or with someone else?
=> I prefer to watch game shows with my family because I want to stay with them
3. What are the benefits of watching game show?
=> there are some benefits of watching game show such as bringing happiness for my family and broadening my

Talk about the favourite (phây-vơ-rít) pair of shoes =>I’m going to talk about the topic of favourite pair of shoes
1. How often do you wear your shoes?
=> I wear my shoes to go to work every day
2. Do you prefer shoes or sandals (san-đồ-s)? why?
=> I prefer wearing sandals (sen-đồ-s) because they are very comfortable (com-pho-thây-bồ)
3. What makes it your favorite pair of shoes?
=> Its colour (kha-lơ) and quality (qua-lơ-ti) make my favourite pair of shoes

Talk about traffic in town: => I’m going to talk about the topic of… Traffic in town
1. How much traffic is there in your town?
=> The traffic in my town is very crowded (crao-đựt) in the rush (rát-s) hour
2. What are common means of transport in your town?: phương tiên gt phổ biên
=>The common (com-mần) means of transports in my town are bus, taxi, car, bike and plane
3. What are solutions of traffic jams?; giải pháp cho tắc nghẽn gthong
=> The Government should widen (wai-đần) the road and the street in the city to reduce (ri-điu) traffic jams

Talk about the market (chợ) => The second topic is….Market
1. How often do you go to the market?
=> I go to the market to buy fresh food for my family every day
2. What sorts of things do you buy there?: bạn mua gì khi đi chợ
=> I often buy fruit, vegetables (ve-gits-thây-bồ) and meat when I go to the market
3. What are benefits of going to the market?
=> Going to the market everyday makes me relaxed, buy fresh food for my family

Talk about the friends => I’m going to talk about the topic of Friends
1. How often do you meet friends?
=> I meet my friends every week to share (se) our daily ( đây-li) life
2. What do you do together?
=> We often eat, laugh and talk about our work, our family together
3. Is it easy for you to make friends with others?
=> Yes it is very easy to make friends with other people because I am a friendly person

Talk about the lifestyle (lai-stai) : phong cách sống +. The second topic is…Lifestyle
1. Do you have 3 meals a day?
=> Yes I often have 3 (thri) meals ( mia-s): breakfast, lunch and dinner every day
2. What do you do to relax in the evening?
=> I often watch Tv with my family to relax (ri-lắc-s) in the evening
3. Are you happy with your lifestyle now?
=> Yes I am happy with my lifestyle now because I have a happy family and a good job

Talk about bus => I’m going to talk about the topic of Bus
1. Have you ever gone by bus?
=> Yes I have ever gone by bus to work because it is very convenient ( con-vi-niền)
2. Is bus service good in your country?
=> Bus service ( sơ-vít) is very good and cheap in my country
3. What are benefits of travelling by bus?
=> Travelling by bus is very cheap and helps ro reduce (ri-điu) the traffic jams
DATING : Hẹn hò
Do you like dating?
 Yes, I like dating because I want to meet my friends
Have you ever dated someone? Can you describe your date?
 Yes I have ever dated with my friends. We often get together in the café to talk about work and family life
What kind of person would you like to date?
 I would like to date with my good friends
Do you often listen to the radio?
 Yes I listen to the radio every day to get the daily news
What radio channel do you like to listen to?
 I like listening to news on the radio
What are the benefits of listening to the radio?
 Listening to radio makes me feel relaxed

Are you a night person or a morning person? Why?
 I am a morning person because I go to work every morning
Would you prefer to work as a part of a team or in individual? Why?
 I prefer to work as a part of a team because I want to work with friends
What kind of people do you like to work with?
 I like to work with friendly people

What is your favorite website? Why?
 My favourite website is (lơn-ning- Ing-lít đót com) because it is very interesting
How often do you use it?
 I use it everyday to improve my English skills
What do you use it for?
 I use it for learning English

PART 2: (3’ -1’)

Lưu ý:
 Lựa chọn về vật: gifts, ways, options.. => ….it is very good and useful và ….they are not necessary
Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and useful (iu-s-phun). In contrast (con-trát),
I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are not necessary (ne-sét-sơ-ri). To sum up, I think A is my best
choice because of its convenience (con-vi-niền-s)

Situation: Your niece (ni-s) is 12 next week. You want to buy her a gift. There are three options: an English book, a
dress, a bouquet (bâu-quít) of flowers. What is your best choice?

Situation: A group of students are raising money for charity (che-ri-ti). There are 3 options: from companies, from
schools and from individuals ( in-đi-vi-đồ-s). What is your best choice?

Situation: Your younger sister has told lies many times. She promised (pro-mít) not to do so, actually (ác-sua-li)
doesn’t stop. Three options: having a talk with her, informing her parents, letting her continue (con-ti-niu). What is
your best choice?

Situation: Your niece (ni-s) is 12 next week. You want to buy her a gift. There are three options: an English book, a
dress, a bouquet ( bao-quít) of flowers. What is your best choice?

Situation: You are studying (sta-đi-ing) economics (i-co-no mic-s) and need daily update on economic (i-co-no
mic-s) news. There are three options: Internet, TV, radio. What is the best choice?

Situation: Your nephew (ne-phiu) is turning 6 years old next week and you are going to buy him a gift. There are 3
options: English comic books, a robot, a school bag. What’s your best choice?

Situation: You are thinking about the way to congratulate (con-gre-tiu-lết) on your close friend’s birthday. There
are three ways: posting on facebook, phone call (khôn), send (sen) a card ( kad). What is your best choice?
Situation: You are planning to have a Sunday evening out. There are 3 options to choose: seeing a movie (mu-viz),
going shopping, singing Karaoke (ka-ra-âu-ki). What is the best choice?

Situation: Your friend is going on holiday next week. There are three places to choose: HN, HCM and Nha Trang.
What is the best choice?
 Lựa chọn về places => it is very good and beautiful/ The food is good/ people are friendlly ….và they are
very far and expensive.
Three places: Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering
(con-si-đơ-ring) such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because it is very good and beautiful. In contrast
(con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they are very far. To sum up, I think A is my best choice (choi-
s) because of its beauty

 Lựa chọn về người ; 3 people/ persons => he has a lot of experience (ích- pia-ri-iền-s) và they are still
young and have not enough (in-náp) experience ( ích-pia-ri-ần)

Cách trình bày: (đổi ngôi và đọc lại câu đầu Topic). There are three options that I am considering (con-si-đơ-ring)
such as A, B, and C. I think, I would choose A because he has a lot of experience (ích-pia-ri-iền-s). In contrast
(con-trát), I wouldn’t choose (tru-s) B&C because they don’t like dog and don’t know how to feed the dog.
To sum up, I think A is my best choice (choi-s) because of his experiences (ích-pia-ri-iền-si)

Situation: Your sister has a dog and she is going on holiday. She wants to ask a person to take care of her dog.
There three persons: her parents, a neighbour and a pet shop assistant. What is the best choice?

Because he has a lot of experience……they don’t like dog and don’t know how to feed the dog
still young (jăng) and have not enough (in-náp) experience (ích-pia-ri-iền-s).

Situation: You are studying (sta-đi-ing) economics (i-co-no mic-s) and need daily update on economic (i-co-no
mic-s) news. There are three options: Internet, TV, radio. What is the best choice?

Situation: Your niece (ni-s) is 12 next week. You want to buy her a gift. There are three options: an English book, a
dress, a bouquet ( bao-quít) of flowers. What is your best choice?

Situation: Your younger sister has told lies many times. She promised (pro-mít) not to do so, actually (ác-sua-li)
doesn’t stop. Three options: having a talk with her, informing her parents, letting her continue (con-ti-niu). What is
your best choice?

Situation: A group of students are raising money for charity. There are 3 options: from companies, from schools
and from individuals ( in-đi-vi-đồ-s). What is your best choice?

Situation: Your English teacher is going to retire (ri-thai-ờ) next month, you and your friends are planning to hold
( hâu) a farewell (pha-wel) party. There are some places for your class to choose ( tru-s): your classroom, teacher’s
house and a restaurant ( ré-s ron) near school. What is your best choice?

Topic: Reading habit should be encouraged (in-kha-rết) among teenagers (tin-nây-giờ-s)
- Increase (in-cờ-ri) knowledge (no-lít): tăng kiến thức
- Reduce ( ri-điu) stress: giảm stress
- Improve (im-pru) memory ( me-mô-ri): tăng cường trí nhớ
- Your own ideas

It helps to: nói về mặt tốt

It is to: mặt không tốt
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) ( đọc lại topic)

Topic: Having a diet (-ớt) is good for our health ( heo)

- Keep you fit: giữ dáng
- Prevent (pri-ven) diseases ( đi-si-ri-s) : nghăn ngừa bệnh tật
- Refresh your mind
- Your own ideas

Topic: Family should spend more time cooking together.

- save money
- strengthen love for family (treng-thần)
- increase food safety
Topic: Facebook is a useful ( iu-s-phun) learning (lơn) tool (tun) for students
- Be means (min-s) of entertainment (en-tơ-tên-mần)
- Be a different (đi-phơ-rần) way to learn (lơn)
- Be a rich source (so-s) of information (in-pho-mây sần)
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: There are several (sơ-vơ-rờ) disadvantages (đis- ất-van-tít-gi-s) of keeping animals (en-ni-mờ) in zoos:
- Loose (lu-s) freedom (fri-đầm); mất quyền tự do
- Be lack (lắc) of space ( spết-s): mất ko gian
- Lack (lắc) survival (sơ-vai-vờ) skills (s-kin-s): thiếu kỹ năng sinh tồn
- Your own ideas

 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (ô số 1). Secondly, it is to (ô số
2). Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: Breakfast is the most important meal (mil) of a day.

- Weight (wết) control (con-trôn)
- Have energy (en-nơ-gi) to start (stát) a day
- Disease ( đi-si) prevention ( pri-ven-sần)
- Your own ideas
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: There are several (sơ-vơ-rờ) causes (kho-si-s) of youth (iu-th) violence ( vai-âu-lần):
- Get media influence ( in-fluôn-s)
- Be lack of parents’ supervision (siu-pơ-vi-zừn-s)
- Have peer pressure (pres-giờ-s)
- Your own idea
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (ô số 1). Secondly, it is to (ô số
2). Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: Museums and art galleries (át ge-lơ-ri-s) should be free in charge (tra) for students:
- Widen knowledge (wai đần no lít): mở rộng kiến thức
- Reduce stress ( ri-điu stress)
- Meet people in the same interests (in-trét)
- Your own ideas
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (ô số 1). Secondly, it is to (ô số
2). Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: Some several (sơ-vơ-rờ) qualities( khua-lơ-ti) to make a good teacher:

- Broad knowledge (brốt- đần no-lít)
- Love to teaching
- Good teaching methods (me- thớt-s)
- Your own idea
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (ô số 1). Secondly, it is to (ô số
2). Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: There are several ways to overcome sadness. Nhiều cách vượt qua nỗi buồn
- Share with someone else: chia sẻ với ai đó
- Listen to music
- Do exercise
- Your own ideas
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it is to (ô số 1). Secondly, it is to (ô số
2). Thirdly, it is to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)
Topic: Online learning is beneficial (ben-ne-fit- cờ) for many learners:
- Be Convenient ( con-vi-niền)
- Be Time saving
- Get Cost saving
- Your own ideas
 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Topic: Games are useful in the classroom.

- Be fun
- Be creativity ( cờ–ri- ây-ti-vi- ti)
- Have interaction (in-tơ-rách-sần)
- Your own ideas

 I agree (topic). This is because of some following reasons. Firstly, it helps to (ô số 1). Secondly, it helps to
(ô số 2). Thirdly, it helps to (ô số 3). To sum up, in my opinion (óp-pi-niền) (topic)

Speaking test 14
Part 1:
1.Do you drink milk every day? Why? / why not?
2. Do you like drinking juice?
3. What else do you like to drink?
1.Who is your favourite teacher?
2. Should teachers be strict on students?
3. If you were a teacher, which subject would you like to teach?
Part 2:
Situation: Your are searching to write your graduate thesis. There are three courses: free online books and
journals in your university: journal of your major with payment. What is your best choice?
Part 3:
Topic: There are ways to maintain good workplace relationship
- build effective communication skills
- Keep good co-operation
- Avoid criticism and gossips
Follow-up questions
Why do people sometimes find it hard to share personal issues at work?
Should people make friends with business partners at work?

Part 1
-Sport activities
1.What do you do to keep fit? =>
2.What do you prefer watching sports or playing sports?
3.Which sports are the most popular in your country?
-Areas where you live
1.Do you live in a big city or in the country? Can you describe it?
2.What part of the city/ country is the best for visitors? Why?
3. Will you live there for the whole life? why?

Part 2
Situation: Your family is discussing where your 7 th grade nephew will spend summer holiday. There are three
suggestions: joining a camp, doing military training, staying with his grandmother in the countryside. What is your
best choice?
Part 3:
Topic: After school activities are beneficial for students
-develop communication skills
-sense of commitment
- your own ideas

Follow –up questions

1. What are some comom extra curricular activites for students?
2.Do you think curricula extra activites should be made compulsory for students

Part 1
-Going sightseeing
1.Which places in your area are popular for visitors? =>
2.Can you describe one of those places?
3.What are the benefits of going sightseeing?
-Favourite flower
1.What is your favourite flower? My favourite flower is Rose because it is very beautiful
2.How often do you buy it? On what occasions?=> I otten buy it in the supermarket every day and on special
family gathering dáy
3. Is this flower popular in your country? Can we plant it?=> Rose is very popular in my country and easy to plant

Part 2:
Situation: Your best friend’s birthday is coming. You are going to buy her a gift. There are three options: a clothing
item, a book, a pair of movie tickets. What is your best choice?

Part 3:
Topic: Trees are essential for existence of human beings
-Trees are raw materials for different products such as paper, home appliances
-Trees help to produce the oxygen (ô-si-rần) and absorb carbon dioxide (đai-ô-sai)
-Trees make the surroundings clean and green,
-Your own ideas: It is suggested that the Government should have a plan to plant more green trees every year

Follow up questions
1.What types of trees should be planted in your country?
2.Do you think that forestry should become a subject in schools?
3.What are attitude towards tree planting among different generations in your country?

- Holiday
1. How often do you have a holiday?
2. What do Vietnamese people do during summer holiday?
3. What do you do during summer holiday?

- Handicraft = handmade thing

1. Have you ever made any handicraft?
2. What kind of handicraft do people in your country often make?
3. Is making handicraft important to children?

Part 2:
Situation: Your family has won the lottery a 10 million VND. There are three options to use that amount of money
are suggested: buying a new house , depositing in a bank and spending a holiday .What is the best choice?

Part 3
Topic: Printed book should be used in class instead of e-books
-improve attention
-increase love with reading
-enhance imagination
-Your own ideas:

follow up question
1.what are the benefits of e-books you think that ebooks will replace printed books at school one day
3.what should we do to encourage people to read books
Part 1
1.Are there many advertisements in your country?
2.If yes why do you think there are so many advertisements in your country?
3. what are various places when we see the advertisement
 in your country?

1.Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
2.How do celebrities influence their fame in your country?
3.Do you like any foreign celebrities?

Part 2
Situation: Your friend who is a musician is having his first published next month. You want to buy him a gift to
celebrate a special occasion. There are three options: a bouquet of the flowers, a hand-made card and a notebook.
What is your best choice?

Part 3
Topic: There are some drawbacks of online shopping
-delay in delivery
-quality of course is not as good as expected
-lack of shopping experience
-Your own ideas:
Part 1:
1.Who is your best friend?
2.What do you often do together?
3.What makes a good friendship?
-Your high school days
1.Did you enjoy your time at high school?
2. What subject did you like or dislike? Why?.
3.What would you like to change about your school days?

Part 2:
Situation: You are going on holiday. There are three options: going with your family, going with your friends and
going there alone. What is your best choice?

Part 3:
Topic: Technology supports students’ learning
-improve knowledge
-provide learning sources
-reduce the cost of study
-Your own ideas

Follow-up question
1.What technological invention do you think is the most important?
2.How can technology help you study English?
Part 1
1.Do you like wearing casual or formal clothes? Why?
2.How would you dress to work?
3.What is your favourite clothing items?

1.Are you a friendly person?
2.What do you think are the qualities of a good wife?
3.Do you think your personality will change in the future?

Part 2:
Situation: Your work is 10 km far away from home. You are considering the means of transportation to go to work
everyday. There are three options: taxi, motorbike and bus. What is your best choice?

Part 3
Topic: Working from home has many benefits
-save time
-increase productivity
-reduce work stress
-your own ideas

Follow-up questions
1.What do you think a drawback of working from home?
2.Has the number of people working from home increased in the last 10 years in Vn

Part 1:
1.What are your favourite types of birds?
=> My favourite types of birds are pigeons
2.How do people in your country treat birds?
=> people in my country treat birds very well
3.Do birds have any special meaning in your country?
=> Yes birds have special meaning in my country because they are symbol of freedom
1.Can you drive a car? => I drive a car
2.How is the traffic situation in your country? => the traffic situation in my country is very bad
3.Do you prefer to be a driver OR a passenger? => I prefer to be a driver

Part 2
Situation: Your friend is going to graduate next week. You want to buy her a present. There are three options: a
hand-made card, a bouquet of flowers and a photograph. What is the best choice?

Part 3: There are some disadvantages of cohabitation before marriage

-higher rate of separation; tỉ lệ chia tay cao
-more financial issues: gặp khó khăn tài chính
-more tension: không dự định
-Your own ideas
It helps to…: có lợi
It is to….bất lợi
Follow-up questions
1.Do you see any changes in the pattern of marriage in VN today?
2.Do you think Western values have nay influence on the VNese view of marriage?

Part 1:
1.Do live in a house or a flat?
2. Do you plan to live there in the future?
3.What would you like to change your house?
1.Do you usually celebrate your birthday?
2.What did you do on your latest birthday?
3.What do people often do on their birthday?

Part 2:
Situation: Your niece is 12 next week. You want to buy her a gift. There are three options: a dress, an English
book, a bouquet of flowers. What is your best choice?

Part 3
Topic: Family should spend more time cooking together.
- save money
- strengthen love for family
- increase food safety
Follow-up questions
1.Do you think cooking is pleasure or chore for people?
2.What are some disadvantages of cooking your meal at home?

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