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Date: __________ 2021
(No electronic devices or reference materials are allowed.)

Duration: approx. 45 minutes

Student name: _______________________________________ Student ID: ___________________


Proctor 1: Score

− Students are given half a minute to read through the test questions before each part and another 3 minutes at
the end of the test to transfer the answers onto the answer sheet.
− Students are required to submit both the test paper and the answer sheet at the end of the test.
− Students are allowed to listen to each part TWICE.

Part 1: Questions 1-5

Listen to part of a talk on A TECHNOLOGY TREND FOR ENTERTAINMENT. All these sentences are false.
Correct the information in each sentence.

0. The professor starts with the discoveries in music technology.

1. The lecture is about portable music > portable music player(s).

2. Sony Walkman did not change much after 1995 > by, before 1994.

3. One advantage of CDs over cassette tapes is their moving parts. > is that they do
not have any moving parts.

4. The MP3 format was invented in Korea in 1999. > 1998.

5. Some disadvantages of chips are their large size and high price. > advantages / small
and cheap

Part 2: Questions 6-15
Listen to a talk on LANGUAGE and fill in the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for
each blank. (70 pts)

Topic: English slang in the USA

Main idea 1: (6) _n phrase_____purpose/ function_______________

Main idea 2: reasons why people use slang

Main idea 3: how slang is created

Main idea 1:

o used for (7) _v ing/adj/participle___new and formal_________________ words and phrases.

o express something new or something old in an unusual way
Example: ‘I’m pumped up’ or ‘I’m psyched’ means ‘I’m really excited’
o can be funny and playful
o can be (8)_ adj__impolite and offensive___________________.

Main idea 2:

o Make people feel connected with a peer group

🡪 use slang 🡪 show group identity
o Show that slang users are (9) _adj/v ing/ participle__friendly and casual__________________ with others.
🡪 common in the workplace
o Use lang to (10) __v/ v ing__make speech colorful_________________ or to impress other people .

Main idea 3:

Ways that slang is created

o Give new meaning to an old word

Example: the word ‘wire’
▪ Original meaning: related to electricity
▪ New meaning: feel too excited, a little crazy, full of energy
o Create a totally new word
Originate from (11) _n/adj____subcultures________________ or smaller groups
Example: the word ‘bling-bling’
▪ Meaning: shiny jewelry
▪ First appeared in a hip-hop song
▪ Now used in regular conversations
o (12) _v/n_ borrow a word___________________ from another language or culture.
USA slangs include words from languages like German, Italian, Chinese, etc.

Factors affecting slangs

o Region
Example: to mean ‘Hello everybody’ − southern states: ‘Hey y’all’
− California: ‘What’s up, guys?’

o Occupation
Some job slang relevant to many people 🡪 popular 🡪 become general slang

Negative aspects of slang

o (13) __adj/n___destroy English language________________

▪ A lot of slang has grammar errors 🡪 break the rules of language
▪ Young people: break rules = do differently; show new generation; not (14) _v/adj_follow
▪ Example: ‘my bad’ meaning ‘responsible for a mistake’
o Too informal for a speech
o More suitable for speaking, unacceptable in (15) __n___academic essays ________________


o Language = living things 🡪 changing all the time

o New slang helps language grow and change



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