Bianchini 2012

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Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 00 (2012) 1–12

Fuzzy Representation of Pavement Condition

for Efficient Pavement Management

Alessandra Bianchini
Airfields and Pavements Branch, Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180, USA

Abstract: Many government agencies and private con- by the use of a pavement management system (PMS).
sulting companies manage large pavement networks in A PMS is established on the complete inventory and
terms of infrastructure condition assessment and main- characteristics of the pavement network and includes
tenance planning. Efficient pavement management is basic network information such as, among other items,
supported by pavement management systems (PMSs), type of sections, location, size, construction materials,
which includes models for pavement condition assess- and section conditions (i.e., type of distresses, rough-
ments considered “valuable” by agency’s engineers. The ness, and deflections). In addition, a fully developed
objective of this article is to define a pavement condition system incorporates tools and methods to facilitate the
model able to overcome surveyors’ subjectivity in rating agency’s decision-making process when defining strate-
distresses and thus provide meaningful pavement condi- gies aimed at maintaining pavements in a serviceable
tions for the agencies to employ in project planning. The and functional condition.
article proposes a fuzzy inference model for calculating One of the key elements in a PMS is the calculation of
pavement condition ratio (PCR) specifically tailored on a pavement condition index (PCI) (or number) that al-
the Alabama Department of Transportation Pavement lows ranking of pavement sections, on the basis of struc-
(ALDOT) guidelines and policies. Applied to several tural condition and functional capabilities. Such ranking
surveyors’ ratings, the proposed model has the ability to indexes permit prioritized scheduling to support an effi-
smooth distress extent differences among surveyors pro- cient maintenance strategy. The PCI is calculated from
ducing PCR values within acceptable range of variability. condition indicators such as surface roughness and dif-
The proposed approach has the intention of not only en- ferent types of distresses, characterized by severity and
hancing pavement condition characterization but also to extent. The pavement condition indicators, and there-
exploit the opportunity made available by automation in fore condition assessment, need to be effectively and ef-
the collection and interpretation of pavement data which ficiently incorporated into the agency’s decision making
are anyway characterized by an inherent subjectivity. and activity scheduling framework.
Pavement evaluation is directly connected to distress
rating and the processing of such information. Although
1 INTRODUCTION manual and semiautomated distress evaluations are
done according to well-defined guidelines or criteria,
Many government agencies and private consulting com- a certain amount of subjectivity and the experience
panies must deal with the issue of planning and schedul- of the raters do have an influence on the ratings. The
ing pavement maintenance. The ability to maintain an subjectivity of the distress ratings may affect the final
in-service pavement structure in acceptable condition, assessment of the pavement condition adding variabil-
from the structural and functional points of view, is re- ity to pavement performance models. This variability
lated to many factors that are often not explicit and caused by subjective application of the descriptive
change with time. Although the maintenance strategy distress guidelines may be interpreted as uncertainty
may also depend on human experience, data interpreta- within the information definition: such information
tion, and agency’s policies, it can be significantly aided does not have a deterministic nature.
∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: alessandra. The uncertainty and “imprecise” data cannot be han- dled by classic mathematical techniques and reasoning

C 2012 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2012.00758.x
2 Bianchini

systems such as classic propositional logic. The re- agency needs and the deterioration characteristics of
lationship between uncertainty and information is their pavement network. Among others, the New Mex-
fundamental in the selection of an appropriate method ico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) employs
to analyze or solve a problem. The concept of informa- severity and extent of eight types of distress (for ei-
tion is strictly connected to the concept of uncertainty; ther flexible or rigid pavements) and the Interna-
the latter is the result of some information deficiency. tional Roughness Index (IRI) to determine the PCI
Different types of uncertainty may be generated in (NMDOT, 2004). A similar approach, using distresses
relation to the various types of information deficiency. and IRI in determining pavement condition, has been
In this perspective, information is conceived in terms adopted by the Minnesota Department of Transporta-
of uncertainty reduction, thus characterized by the tion (MNDOT, 2006). The model proposed by Shahin
term “uncertainty-based information.” The nature of (1994), commonly used by Department of Defense
uncertainty-based information depends on the mathe- (DoD) and aviation agencies, calculates the PCI based
matical theory by which the uncertainty is described. exclusively on severity and extent of the distresses af-
The fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets well manage uncertainty- fecting pavement sections.
based information and the associated reasoning. Fuzzy The mentioned pavement condition models and, in
logic is a three-valued logic derived from the classical general, all models include instructions on how to rate
binary logic; the fuzzy set theory and the concept of distresses and specifically how to quantify pavement
membership function fully describe the information condition. Determining a meaningful value of the PCI
vagueness (or fuzziness) through the imprecise bound- is a complex task and is essentially affected by two
aries of fuzzy sets (Klir and Yuan, 1995; Ross, 2004). main issues. The first issue relates to the reliability of
The lack of coherent pavement rating schemes, since distress survey data, and the ratings and quality control
strongly influenced by the raters’ subjectivity, repre- of such data. The literature (e.g., Rada et al., 1999;
sents an obstacle to efficient pavement network man- Stoeffel et al., 2001; Selezneva et al., 2004; Bianchini
agement and limits the end-product quality in terms et al., 2010) provides an extensive series of case studies
of pavement serviceability. Without coherent pavement and analyses specifically addressing the topic. The other
rating, the maintenance planning activities, which must issue originates from the use of the condition indicators
still be conducted by the agency, are then based on (i.e., distresses, roughness) within the equation (or pro-
the engineers’ past experience, knowledge acquired cedure) to calculate the final PCI. The literature (e.g.,
in the field, habitual practice, or locally developed Tighe et al., 2008; Chamorro et al., 2009; Ong et al.,
policies. 2009) reported cases where pavement condition models
The objective of this article is to use alternative math- (or survey instructions) needed to be redefined to
ematical theories to define a pavement condition model provide a credible representation for the agency about
that combines distress rating with information from infrastructure conditions. In some cases, the pavement
the raters’ experience and subjective assessments about condition model did not provide a numerical figure con-
overall pavement condition. This article proposes to sidered “valuable” by agency’s engineers, and therefore
compute the pavement condition ratio (PCR) through the condition index was not used for maintenance
the application of fuzzy reasoning theories. The model planning.
was tailored for the Alabama Department of Trans- In recent years, the research has largely investigated
portation (ALDOT) using the agency’s guidelines for the application of new computational techniques and
pavement and distress rating and the experience of their mathematical theories to the engineering practice in de-
engineers. The ALDOT need of a new pavement con- signing structures (Adeli and Kumar, 1999; Saltan et al.,
dition model originated from the changes included in 2002; Provenzano, 2003; Lee et al., 2011); optimizing
the agency new pavement evaluation standards, which structure costs (Sarma and Adeli, 2000a, 2000b, 2002;
reduced the number of the surveyed distresses and Adeli and Sarma, 2006; Li et al., 2010); and building
changed distress measurements methods. Thus, the ex- structural stability (Marano et al., 2011), traffic inci-
isting equations developed by Glover et al. (1985) were dent detections (Adeli and Karim, 2000; Samant and
not applicable anymore to the data retrieved from pave- Adeli, 2001; Karim and Adeli, 2002), railroad track
ment evaluations. management (Peng et al., 2011), and pavement manage-
ment (e.g., Banan and Hjelmstad, 1996; Holquin-Veras,
1997; Roberts and Attoh-Okine, 1998; Yang et al., 2003;
2 PAVEMENT CONDITION MODELS Loizos and Karlaftis, 2006; Bianchini and Bandini, 2010;
Lajnef et al., 2011; Wang and Li, 2011). Specifically
Several models exist to evaluate PCI. These have for this study, the literature included many fuzzy logic
primarily been developed as a result of individual applications to pavement condition models. The main
Fuzzy representation of pavement condition 3

objective for each model was to overcome the subjec- knowledge-driven approach was the direct choice for
tivity of the distress interpretation and provide a tool this project. The knowledge-driven approach is typi-
for pavement condition assessment. Among others, the cal of cases in which a priori knowledge of the sys-
study of Elton and Juang (1989) proposed a fuzzy logic tem or of the environment is available. For this article,
approach to rate pavement condition based on pave- the knowledge-driven approach permitted handling the
ment expert knowledge. The numerical model was a pavement engineers’ subjective information and “per-
modification of the process risk analysis approach by ception” about pavement condition and provided an in-
Schmucker (1984) and applied operations from fuzzy frastructure condition assessment that was meaningful
arithmetic. The model by Shoukry et al. (1997) intro- to pavement engineers since inferred from their experi-
duced the concept of fuzzy distress index (FDI). The ence and assessment method.
authors’ objective was to provide an index that com- The FIS is usually composed of a fuzzifier (or en-
bined attributes depicting roadway structural and func- coder), set of inference rules, and a defuzzifier. The
tional capabilities, in contrast to the traditional present fuzzifier transforms numerical data (crisp numbers) into
serviceability index (PSI), which exclusively character- fuzzy numbers through the application of the respective
ized ride quality. Other studies by Zhang et al. (1997) membership functions to the input variables; the infer-
and Wee and Kim (2006) used fuzzy inference sys- ence rules (IF-THEN type of rules), based on a priori
tems (FISs) based on pavement engineers’ experience knowledge, represents the system main body. The de-
to overcome subjectivity on pavement rating and select fuzzifier decodes the output expressed as fuzzy numbers
appropriate maintenance plans. into crisp numbers.
The membership functions when applied to the input
(or crisp number) express the input degree of member-
3 FIS ship (fuzzy number) to a set. The membership function
quantifies how similar the characteristics of an element
The analysis of uncertainty, in its most general form, re- are to those represented by the set and the set-enclosed
quires modeling and measuring imprecise concepts ex- elements. The membership function is usually written in
pressed by natural language. The natural language is de- the form
noted by its basic definition: a tool through which all
μ A : X → [0, 1] (1)
the human ideas are formed, including those ideas that
have mathematical (scientific) fundaments. The analy- where X is the universal set under analysis; A is the
sis by Nguyen and Walker (2000) concluded that phe- label of the fuzzy set defined by the function μ. The
nomena are first described by the natural language and function range varies between 0 and 1. The function
that mathematical expressions may become meaning- assumes the value of 0 if an element does not belong
less if the concepts they represent cannot be expressed to the set and 1 when the element is fully contained
through the natural language. Goodman and Nguyen in the set (or alternatively, the element characteristics
(1985) concluded that vagueness and ambiguity in de- fully match to those of the representing set). Any func-
scriptions are not captured by mathematical expressions tion can be used as membership function with the re-
although clearly expressed and represented in natural quirement that its range varies between 0 and 1 (Ross,
language. 2004).
The uncertainty-based or subjective information, that The IF-THEN rules represent the model reasoning
characterizes the distress survey data analysis and pro- process and have the general format of
cessing, represents a field for the direct application of
fuzzy logic approximate reasoning. This uncertainty- IFμant THENμconcl (2)
based information has multiple sources: the raters’ ex- where μant is the fuzzy value of the rule antecedent (hy-
perience, language describing the distress severity and pothesis); μconcl is the fuzzy value representing the rule
extent levels, and survey execution feasibility. The latter conclusion (thesis). The antecedent part μant can be the
refers to execution costs to achieve high precision and result from the application of logical operators AND
accurate data. Inevitably, the optimal solution is often and OR on other fuzzy entities. Each operator acts on
an agreement between the level of precision, truly re- the entities through particular mathematical functions
quired in the problem under analysis, and the complex- producing a fuzzy value between 0 and 1. The AND op-
ity of the problem itself, as also Ross (2004) reported erator applies the “min” function to the two fuzzy enti-
when quantifying supercomputer performance. ties μA and μB as
The determination of a PCR from distress survey
by a fuzzy logic approximate reasoning through a μ AANDμ B = min (μ A, μ B) = μAND . (3)
4 Bianchini

The OR operator applies the “max” function as in ing method criterion. For this study, the adopted de-
Equation (4) fuzzification method consisted of determining the cen-
troid of the resulting geometrical shape. The centroid
μ A OR μ B = max (μ A, μ B) = μOR . (4)
x-coordinate represents the crisp number associated to
The implication THEN uses the membership value the fuzzy value on the y-axis.
μant to truncate the output membership function asso- Figure 1 visualizes the membership functions (light
ciated to the particular rule; the function graph is trun- gray charts) of two inputs and their combination in four
cated removing those values which are greater than μant IF-THEN rules. The dark gray-colored charts represent
and considering exclusively the lower remaining part. the output associated with each rule. Rules 1, 3, and 4
If the reasoning model includes multiple rules, the out- show how the output membership function is truncated
put graph from each rule is superimposed obtaining a when applying the implication THEN. In case the an-
geometrical shape, which represents the model fuzzy tecedent includes input multiple conditions, Rule 2 ap-
output. plies the operator AND (“min” function) to the inputs’
The operation to compute the output as a crisp num- membership functions. Each rule output derives from
ber takes place in the defuzzifier and follows the se- truncating the respective output membership function.
lected defuzzification method. Different methods can The dark gray chart at the right bottom of the figure
be used in the operation of defuzzification; the method is the model output resulting from superimposing each
selection depends on the context or problem to solve. rule’s single output. The PCR of 40 is the crisp number
Hellendoorn and Thomas (1993) recommended five resulting from defuzzifying the output through the cen-
criteria to apply when selecting the defuzzification troid method.
method. The criteria include continuity, for which small The cooperation with the ALDOT Pavement Man-
changes in the input should not produce large changes in agement Office personnel, the combined analysis on
the output; no ambiguity in the defuzzified value; plau- pavement needs, surveyors’ experience in distress rat-
sibility, for which the output should have a high de- ing, and management priorities permitted defining
gree of membership; computational simplicity in deter- membership functions and IF-THEN rules for the
mining the output crisp number; and weighting method model developed in this article. The analysis produced a
when comparing between different methods. The prob- numerical tool able to provide a true connotation about
lem solution and the computational simplicity criterion pavement condition and directly related to the ALDOT
may often influence the applicability of the weight- engineers’ practice. Because of the combined analysis

Fig. 1. Example of rules application and defuzzification operation.

Fuzzy representation of pavement condition 5

of pavement engineers’ needs and experience, the fuzzy Ong, 2009), and the analysis about the raters’ accu-
model allowed quantifying those subjective concepts racy and reliability (e.g., Selezneva et al., 2004; Bian-
about pavement conditions that were partly expressed chini et al. 2010) led to the decision to disregard distress
in natural language and partly in numerical form and severity levels. Therefore, the distress extents related to
computing a “meaningful” PCR. each severity level were added together and the total
extent was then considered when developing the pave-
ment condition model of this article.
3.1 Development of the FIS inputs and output
The FIS output is the PCR value, which is a nu-
The development of the FIS in terms of input selec- merical representation of the pavement condition rang-
tion and membership functions was possible by work- ing from 0 for a failed pavement to 100 for an excel-
ing closely with ALDOT Pavement Management Office lent pavement. The original PCR equation was devel-
personnel. The collaboration permitted identification of oped for ALDOT by Glover et al. (1985) through a
the importance assigned to each distress type and sever- Delphi study among ALDOT expert pavement engi-
ity within the agency project prioritization policy. neers and included a series of distresses, some of which
The FIS consisted of four inputs, represented by the ALDOT does not collect anymore during the periodic
pavement distresses of transverse cracking, nonwheel pavement evaluations. Therefore, the purpose in devel-
and wheel path cracking, and rutting, and one out- oping a pavement condition model based on fuzzy logic
put, the PCR. The model inputs are normally collected was twofold. The model intended to handle the changes
during pavement evaluation programs. The ALDOT in distress type and rating in the new ALDOT standards
Standard T-414–04 “Network Level Pavement Condi- and compute a PCR in consideration of engineers’ expe-
tion Data Collection Procedure” includes distress sur- rience, “perceived” pavement condition, and material
vey guidelines and also provides instructions about the performance.
pavement sample size to survey. The sample size is
0.01mile long and one lane wide, starting at every mile-
3.2 Membership functions
post (MP). The sample size width is divided into five
lanes: two wheel path and three nonwheel path lanes. The ALDOT Standard instructions for distress rating
About the severity rating, the ALDOT Standard de- and discussions with the agency Pavement Management
fines three severity levels for crack type distresses. Dis- Office personnel allowed defining the membership func-
tresses are rated as severity level 1, if crack width is tions to represent the concepts of low, medium, and high
between 1 and 3 mm; severity level 2 for crack widths distress extent, or rut depth. On the basis of past ex-
between 3 and 6 mm. Severity level 3 denotes cracks perience and surveyors’ standard practice, the ALDOT
having width greater than 6 mm. These criteria apply to personnel concluded that the trapezoidal or triangular
any type of crack distress either transverse, nonwheel membership functions for the distress extent were ade-
path, or wheel path. There is no severity definition for quate in representing the extent variability within each
rutting of which depth is directly reported without mea- extent level. For each function, the limit points repre-
suring the affected area. sented surveyors’ standard practice in extent rating for
The distress extent is evaluated differently for trans- which point values were intended as sharp boundary be-
verse cracking, and nonwheel and wheel path crack- tween variability regions. At the same time, the func-
ing. Transverse cracks are reported as feet of cracking tion limit points comprised agency implicit policy for
per 0.01-mile segment. The ALDOT Standard T-414– distress repair strategies based on the distress extent.
04 specifies that to define a crack as transverse, it must For the distresses of transverse cracking, nonwheel path
be longer than 6 feet (1.8 m) and projected within 30◦ cracking, and wheel path cracking, the function domains
of perpendicular to the pavement centerline. Nonload were the distress extent measured in linear feet, whereas
and load associated cracking (nonwheel and wheel path for the rutting distress, the function domain was the rut
cracking, respectively) are reported as the number of depth measured in inches.
linear feet of road segment containing such cracking. The PCR computation only considered the trans-
In each 0.01-mile segment, the maximum length of this verse and nonwheel path cracking only when at high
type of cracking is 52.8 feet (16.1 m). The ALDOT Stan- extent. Specifically, nonwheel path cracking is at high
dard also recommends reporting the higher severity in extent when affecting more than 37.5 lane-feet; trans-
case this cracking is present in both wheel paths or if verse cracking is at high extent when the crack is longer
cracking is present in the three nonwheel path zones for than 54 feet. At lower and medium extents, the same
the same length of road. distresses were disregarded from the pavement condi-
Discussions with the ALDOT personnel about their tion assessment. The high extents of nonwheel path
rating experience, a literature review on the topic (e.g., cracking and transverse cracking dictate the inference
6 Bianchini

Table 1 rules to apply only when there are no high extent (or
Wheel path cracking membership functions severity) structural distresses.
Length (feet) Low extent Medium extent High extent
Tables 1 and 2 include membership function domain
and turning points for wheel path cracking and rutting,
0 1 0 0 which are the distresses included in the rules. The func-
5 1 0 0 tion domain for wheel path cracking was set between
5 0 1 0 0 feet and 52.8 feet, since 52.8 feet corresponds to the
22.5 0 1 0
whole sample area. The function domain for rutting
≥37.5 0 0 1
ranged between 0 inch and 2 inches. The value of 2
inches was chosen as the domain arbitrary upper bound-
Table 2
ary for function representation and implementation.
Rutting membership functions
The FIS defuzzifier incorporates the output member-
Depth (inches) Low severity Medium severity High severity ship functions. The PCR ranges from 0, for a failed
pavement, to 100, for an excellent pavement. After an-
0 1 0 0
alyzing the PCR with ALDOT Pavement Management
0.15 1 0 0
0.15 1 1 0
Office personnel, the pavement condition indicator was
0.35 0 1 0 divided into five categories: very poor, poor, fair, good,
0.4 0 1 0 and excellent pavement. Trapezoidal membership func-
≥0.6 0 0 1 tions represented these five categories in relation to en-
gineers’ perception about pavement condition and PCR
Table 3 value. Table 3 summarizes PCR membership functions’
PCR membership functions domain and turning points.

PCR Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent

3.3 Definition of criteria and rules for pavement
0 1 0 0 0 0
condition assessment
10 1 0 0 0 0
20 1 0 0 0 0 The reasoning model developed to determine pavement
25 0 1 0 0 0 condition from distress data included a series of rules to
35 0 1 0 0 0 apply in relation to the existence of structural and non-
40 0 0 1 0 0
structural distresses. Specific distress extent or severity
60 0 0 1 0 0
levels activate different sets of rules. Cooperation with
65 0 0 0 1 0
75 0 0 0 1 0 the ALDOT Pavement Management Office personnel
≥80 0 0 0 0 1 allowed identifying the conditions to activate each set of
rules. Figure 2 illustrates the reasoning process for the

Fig. 2. Reasoning process.

Fuzzy representation of pavement condition 7

Table 4 Table 5
Rule groups Distress statistics of Surveyor A field rating

Group 1 Standard
Distress Average deviation Min Max
a IF (WPC is high extent) THEN (PCR is very
poor) Transverse 6.7 feet 10.5 feet 0.0 feet 42.2 feet
b IF (RUT is high severity) THEN (PCR is very cracking
poor) Nonwheel path 10.8 feet 14.5 feet 0.0 feet 52.8 feet
c IF (WPC is medium extent) AND (RUT is cracking
medium severity) THEN (PCR is poor) Wheel path 40.9 feet 16.3 feet 0.0 feet 52.8 feet
d IF (WPC is medium extent) THEN (PCR is fair) cracking
e IF (RUT is medium severity) THEN (PCR is fair) Rutting 0.5 inch 0.6 inch 0.1 inch 3.9 inch

Group 2 Table 6
a IF (WPC is high extent) THEN (PCR is very Input variability and PCR range for Surveyor A field rating
poor) Very Poor Poor Fair Good
b IF (RUT is high severity) THEN (PCR is very (1–20) (21–39) (40–64) (65–79)
poor) WPC min 1 (Low) 0 (Low) 0 (Low) 0 (Low)
c IF (WPC is medium extent) AND (RUT is
max 52.8 (High) 33.2 (High) 25.9 (High) 13.7 (Medium)
medium severity) THEN (PCR is poor) Rut min 0.13 (Low) 0.17 (Medium) 0.2 (Medium) 0.19 (Medium)
Group 3 max 3.94 (High) 2.53 (High) 0.45 (High) 0.22 (Medium)
Note: WPC = wheel path cracking.
a IF (WPC is medium extent) AND (RUT is
medium severity) THEN (PCR is very poor) Table 7
b IF (WPC is medium extent)) THEN (PCR is poor) Wheel path cracking (WPC) extent differences
c IF (RUT is medium severity) THEN (PCR is Rating compared WPC WPC < –3 feet WPC > 3 feet
poor) to survey A(F) [–3 feet, 3 feet] (overestimated) (underestimated)
d IF (WPC is low extent) THEN (PCR is fair)
A(I) 50.8% 38.3% 10.8%
e IF (RUT is low severity) THEN (PCR is fair)
B(F) 31.7% 9.4% 58.9%
B(I) 51.7% 16.9% 31.4%
Group 4 C(I) 69.4% 23.1% 7.5%

a IF (WPC is low extent) THEN (PCR is good) Note: (I) = image rating; (F) = field rating.
b IF (WPC is medium extent) AND (RUT is
medium severity) THEN (PCR is poor) high extent (or severity) affecting the pavement at what-
c IF (RUT is medium severity) THEN (PCR is fair) ever level of membership. The rule group 1 will be then
d IF (RUT is low severity) THEN (PCR is
activated based on the existence of additional structural
distress at low or medium extent (or severity). Instead,
e IF (WPC is medium extent) THEN (PCR is fair)
if the other structural distress is at high severity (or ex-
Note: WPC = wheel path cracking; RUT = rutting. tent), rule group 2 is to activate. Rule group 3 is used if
there is at least one nonstructural distress at high sever-
ity but no high severity (or extent) structural distresses.
selection of the rule groups to activate. Table 4 summa- Finally, rule group 4 is to apply if there are structural
rizes the rule groups. and nonstructural distresses at high extent (or severity).
In developing the model, the ALDOT personnel In the model, the importance of structural distresses,
stressed the importance that structural, or load-related, the rule groups, and the conditions triggering the rules
distresses have in their pavement evaluation and main- represent the ALDOT policy in pavement condition
tenance strategies. In fact, none of the rule groups con- assessment. The reasoning when to apply each rule
tains nonstructural distresses, which are only used to avoids any contrasting results and discrepancies. For in-
select the rule group to trigger. The structural distresses stance, the rule “a” in group 3 and rule “b” in group 4
include wheel path cracking and rutting, whereas trans- are never activated together for condition assessments.
verse cracking and nonwheel path cracking are non- Even if these two rules have the same antecedent, the
structural distresses. output is different since rule “a” in group 3 is acti-
The pavement condition assessment process starts vated when there is also nonstructural distresses affect-
considering if there is at least one structural distress at ing the pavement section, whereas rule “b” in group 4 is
8 Bianchini

Table 8
PCR differences between surveys

A(F) – A(I) A(F) – B(F) A(F) – B(I) A(F) – C(I)

Difference Number of Number of Number of Number of

range sections Percentage sections Percentage sections Percentage sections Percentage
−42 1 0.3%
−39 1 0.3%
−30 2 0.6%
−27 1 0.3%
−24 5 1.4%
−21 2 0.6%
−18 8 2.2% 4 1.1%
−15 6 1.7% 1 0.3%
−12 9 2.5% 4 1.1% 1 0.3%
−9 10 2.8% 6 1.7% 1 0.3%
−6 2 0.6% 16 4.4% 10 2.8% 1 0.3%
−3 10 2.8% 17 4.7% 28 7.8% 14 3.9%
0 176 48.9% 38 10.6% 204 56.7% 253 70.3%
3 63 17.5% 24 6.7% 42 11.7% 55 15.3%
6 66 18.3% 31 8.6% 31 8.6% 21 5.8%
9 16 4.4% 20 5.6% 13 3.6% 10 2.8%
12 9 2.5% 12 3.3% 9 2.5%
15 3 0.8% 24 6.7% 4 1.1% 2 0.6%
18 9 2.5% 29 8.1% 1 0.3%
21 4 1.1% 30 8.3% 3 0.8% 2 0.6%
24 2 0.6% 41 11.4%
27 14 3.9%
30 7 1.9%
33 5 1.4%
36 1 0.3%
39 1 0.3%
42 1 0.3%
45 2 0.6%
48 1 0.3%
51 1 0.3%
CV 3.17 1.28 3.41 4.22
Note: CV = coefficient of variation.

applied in the absence of nonstructural distresses at high sample units during an ALDOT vendor evaluation. Sur-
extent. veyors A and B performed field (F) and image (I) rat-
ing (indicated as Survey A(F), A(I), B(F), and B(I),
4 MODEL APPLICATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF respectively); Surveyor C rated the sections based ex-
THE RESULTS clusively on the images (Survey C(I)). Field and image
surveys included the rating of transverse cracking, non-
The reasoning model developed with the ALDOT wheel and wheel path cracking. The rut depth of the sec-
Pavement Management Office personnel was centered tions was collected separately by laser technology and
on the structural distresses affecting pavement surface. did not require surveyor rating. In the analysis, the field
To test and validate the model, the ALDOT Pavement rating of Surveyor A and the associated PCR were taken
Management Office personnel selected and surveyed as reference.
360 samples over their entire state roadway network, Table 5 shows the distress statistics for the sections
which were representative of state and federal roads. field surveyed by the reference Surveyor A. For each
The survey of the sections included field evaluations distress, the affected area extent covered all variabil-
and analyses of computer images. A company offering ity range except for the rutting for which the min-
automated survey services provided the images of the imum value in this database was 0.1 in. Table 6
Fuzzy representation of pavement condition 9

Fig. 3. Histogram comparison of PCR differences for image rating.

summarizes the PCR model results in relation to the Survey B(F) had the least percentage of section within
variability of the distress extent (or severity). The rat- the ±3 feet range with 31.7%, and the highest percent-
ing “Very Poor” to “Good,” as in Table 6 headings, age of underestimated sections with 58.9%. The distress
represents the ALDOT pavement condition grouping extent overestimate or underestimate were most likely
done for maintenance and prioritization purposes. The because of the image quality or field survey approach.
agency’s pavement management office used the model- The model computed the PCR for each one of the
computed PCR numerical value for grouping and pri- ratings. Table 8 summarizes the PCR differences from
oritizing, within each category, the pavement sections. each surveyor field or image rating. The differences are
As shown in the table, the pavement condition improves ordered by multiples of 3 units, which is the ALDOT
as the structural distresses extent (or severity) numeri- accepted PCR variability range. The values in Table 8
cal value decreases, even if classified as high extent (or Difference range column are the range upper bound. A
severity). Good pavement condition is reached when coefficient of variation (CV) of 1.28 characterizes the
structural distresses are in the medium extent range. PCR differences of B(F) with the reference value from
With regards of the other field and image ratings of the A(F) rating. The CV values for the PCR differ-
wheel path cracking, Table 7 summarizes the percent- ences from the other surveyors indicated data distribu-
age of pavement samples with differences in the range tion characterized by similar variability. The histograms
of ±3 feet, and overestimated or underestimated of in Figure 3 visualize the variability of PCR between the
more than 3 feet. The image rating carried the lowest field and image rating with the exclusion of the field
variability, matching Survey A(F) rating up to 69.4%. rating B(F). The histogram further shows similarities in
10 Bianchini

Table 9 velop the reasoning model for computing pavement

PCR differences condition. The model primarily centered on the struc-
Rating PCR PCR < –3 units PCR > 3 units tural distresses affecting pavement surface, reflecting
compared to [–3 units, (condition better (condition worse the agency’s criteria in prioritizing projects for pave-
Survey A(F) 3 units] than reference) than reference) ment major maintenance and rehabilitation. On the ba-
A(I) 66.4% 2.8% 30.3% sis of the agency’s maintenance strategy, the nonstruc-
B(F) 17.3% 21.7% 61.1% tural distresses such as transverse cracking and non-
B(I) 68.4% 14.7% 16.9% wheel path cracking were not explicitly included in
C(I) 85.6% 4.7% 9.7%
the model inference rules. These distresses, when at
Note: (I) = image rating; (F) = field rating. high severity, were used in the decision process for
activating one of the rule groups. The ALDOT di-
the difference distribution with respect to the PCR ref- vision engineers usually monitor and manage for re-
erence values. pair transverse and nonwheel path cracking within
Table 9 includes the percentage of pavement samples small-scale budgets. The fuzzy model objective was to
with PCR differences in the range of ±3 units, overes- support the agency in prioritizing large-scale projects
timated or underestimated of more than 3 units. The for which significant funding needed to be adequately
comparison of Tables 8 and 9 showed that the model planned.
was able to smooth out some of the differences in dis- The fuzzy model was applied to 360 sections. Three
tress rating. For the A(I) rating, 38.3% of sections with surveyors rated the sections on the field and from com-
overestimated cracking determined 30.3% of pavement puter images. Surveyor A field rating was the reference
rated in worse than the reference value, the pavement value. The other two surveyors provided wheel path
rated better than the reference rating were only 2.8%. crack extent field and image rating within acceptable
The PCR was within acceptable limits for 66.4% of variability and distribution except for Surveyor B field
the sections. For the C(I) rating, which already started rating. The B field rating was characterized by a very
with higher agreement with A(F), the model computed low CV compared to the other surveyors, either field or
85.6% of the sections within the acceptable PCR rating; image rating. The model was able to smooth out the dif-
only 4.7% sections were assessed better than the refer- ference between surveyor ratings that had similar dis-
ence, and 9.7% were worse. The B(I) rating produced tribution. In fact, the Surveyor B field rating provided
PCR results in between those from the A(I) and C(I) PCR values also very different from those computed
ratings. The high variability along all the distress extent from either the reference values or the other ratings.
spectrum was also evident in the PCR difference spec- The PCR values computed from the different rat-
trum; in this case, the model was not able to smooth such ings, with the exception of the Surveyor B field rating,
extreme variability of Surveyor B field rating and pro- were within acceptable values. Therefore, any of the
duce acceptable PCR values when compared to A(F) three surveyors’ PCR would provide the agency with
reference values. valid and comparable maintenance strategies. Overall,
The model showed encouraging results; in fact, with the model showed the ability to minimize and, in some
respect to the ALDOT Pavement Management per- cases, remove surveyor subjectivity providing PCR re-
sonnel needs, the model was able to minimize the dif- sults within acceptable limits.
ferences among field and image ratings at the output In conclusion, this study showed the possibility of
level, the PCR. The amount of overestimated or un- defining a pavement condition model based on pave-
derestimated sample units was within acceptable val- ment engineers’ experience and agency policies. The
ues and minimally affecting the maintenance strategies model was able to reduce the influence of survey-
eventually deriving from such prioritization values. In ors’ subjectivity when computing the PCR based on
general, surveyor subjectivity cannot be completely re- variable input data. Fuzzy theories represent a pow-
moved from the distress rating but the model offered erful means for developing models that capture qual-
the possibility to minimize and, in some cases, remove itative information, experience-based knowledge, and
at the PCR computation level such distress rating dif- overall expert “perception” about pavement condition,
ference, and therefore surveyors’ subjectivity. which can be hardly synthesized through determinis-
tic type of models. This approach gave encouraging
results and suggested more intensive research toward
5 CONCLUSIONS alternative mathematical tools applied to pavement
condition assessment, pavement management, and in
The ALDOT Pavement Management Office person- particular for handling subjective-type of information as
nel had the need and provided the support to de- distress survey data.
Fuzzy representation of pavement condition 11

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Klir, G. J. & Yuan, B. (1995), Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic:
Theory and Applications. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
The author would like to thank ALDOT Pavement River, NJ.
Lajnef, N., Rhimi, M., Mhamdi, L., Chatti, K. & Faridazar,
Management Office personnel for the assistance in F. (2011), Toward a smart, long-term pavement monitoring
providing the data used in this study, especially Mr. system, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineer-
Scott George, Pavement Maintenance Engineer and ing, 26(7), 513–23.
Mr. Frank Bell, Assistant Pavement Management En- Lee, D. E., Lim, T. K. & Arditi, D. (2011), An expert sys-
gineer, for the enlightening discussions in developing tem for auditing quality management systems in construc-
tion, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,
the pavement condition model. Permission to publish 26(8), 612–31.
was granted by Director, Geotechnical and Structures Li, Z., Madanu, S., Wang,Y. Abbas, M. & Zhou, B. (2010), A
Laboratory. heuristic approach for selecting highway investment alter-
natives, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineer-
ing, 25(6), 427–39.
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